over 11 years

footballnut wrote:

TV wrote:
De Vries trialling as SST guy is his agent

Browne also on his books now


Off to Arsenal on two month trial.

over 9 years

Just watched the game again, we chased and harried well and yes could of stolen a draw but its another loss. Both fullbacks are average defenders, alright going forward, the midfield is missing a playmaker the boy Lewis did ok and up front Wood showed some good touches the players that were unavailable will make a huge difference. He must bring Smith back in and have a look at Keat Hogg Henderson and Brockie again.

about 12 years

I went to the game at Seoul World Cup stadium,

I was impressed by the croud. Didn't see any other kiwi's there, but lots of koreans turned up to farewell Cha Du Ri.

This was the full Korean team, with the exception of Koo Ja Cheol on the bench. The pitch was pretty terrible.

We were very physical, lots of off the ball fouls, bodychecks, shoving and shirt pulling. Wood was always offside, Rojas couldn't pass or control the ball. De vries? #20 looked awful, like he'd won a competition to play with professionals.

I was impressed by Tuiloma, he played really well. Storm Roux and of course the keeper were very good too.

Korea were a bit troubled by Wood's size and the fouls. They were never going to win by 4 or 5, under Stielike they play a very passive patient passing game. Ki Seung Yong looked class all night but particularly at the end. 

Overall, an enjoyable game to watch. Some of the Korean croud booed us on set pieces but that might have been because of the amount of times Wood flattened their keeper.   

Also, Boxall running 30 meters to swear at the assistant wasn't needed in a friendly game. 

On probation
over 13 years
De Vries was just quiet - bit harsh. Dyer only one that looked out of place.
over 9 years

Sorry TV I have to agree General Dread De Vries was poor and Dyer wasn't far behind

over 9 years



Boxall      Reid    Smith   Hogg

              Keat    Tuiloma

                    Wee Mac

Thomas        Wood      Kosta

Tough as nuts at the back with pace to get forward workman like midfield and a half pie decent attack.

Subs Wynn, Lewis, Rojas, Smeltz, Gleeson and the Greek

On probation
over 13 years
Says the guy who picks ian hogg ?
over 13 years

I admit I haven't seen the game but will watch soon. Have just read the entire match thread however. Love the Stefan love. Looks like along with making a number of saves he can also kick a football over half way. Great stuff. 

over 9 years

Sorry TV didn't mean to upset you just my opinion you are allowed to have one .Off to work now but will check in later TV

On probation
over 13 years
Hopefully its a night shift and you have all night to think about what a terrible decision that would be - ian hogg
almost 12 years

I actually quite like the look of Wynn. Gets up and down well and doesn't look phased at all.

First Team Squad
about 13 years

Themi and Tuiloma will really solve our problem with defensive midfielders. So good to see them both play well.

almost 15 years

Wed, 01 Apr 2015 8:13a.m.

Former All White Harry Ngata is with us to help review this morning’s international friendly between the All Whites and Korea.

Wed, 01 Apr 2015 9:12a.m.

Former All White Sam Malcolmson offers his summation of a young All Whites’ outing against Korea earlier this morning.

over 13 years

I'm surprised that the Dutchman didn't get a proper run. I can only assume that Hudson saw enough of him in training to gauge his ability

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years

Former All White Sam Malcolmson offers his summation of a young All Whites’ outing against Korea earlier this morning.

Fudge me. Within the first minute he says he has only watched the highlights. 

Phoenix Academy
almost 10 years

both Tuiloma and Themi are ball winners but not the distributors we need (think Elliot of old or Riera). He has to give Keat a go as he actually tries to play through the thirds. Wee Mac again demonstrated that he is lost playing deep. Wood was class. Wynne was solid but unspectacular - compare him to Fenton or even Roux- he doesn't offer as much going forward and a bit panicky on the ball. Maybe that will come with time but he isn't really any better than Lockhead was in 2010.

Overall the young guys did well. Hudson is putting all his eggs in the Olympic team basket. He can't say I don't get enough contact time and then not pick guys who are going to be first eleven players anymore. He has hit the "competition" he needs.  Going forward he either wants Durante, Smeltz etc or he doesn't. Personally I think Durante is the type of DM we need as he is so composed on the ball even if he is slow. And someone make sure Rieras passport application is already completed for him to submit. 

Phoenix Academy
almost 10 years

I'm surprised that the Dutchman didn't get a proper run. I can only assume that Hudson saw enough of him in training to gauge his ability

Yeah I was surprised too. You have to read into it that Hudson wanted Wee Mac to play deep as a ball player rather than have two more traditional CMs. 

about 12 years

JasperNix wrote:

both Tuiloma and Themi are ball winners but not the distributors we need (think Elliot of old or Riera). He has to give Keat a go as he actually tries to play through the thirds. Wee Mac again demonstrated that he is lost playing deep. Wood was class. Wynne was solid but unspectacular - compare him to Fenton or even Roux- he doesn't offer as much going forward and a bit panicky on the ball. Maybe that will come with time but he isn't really any better than Lockhead was in 2010.

Overall the young guys did well. Hudson is putting all his eggs in the Olympic team basket. He can't say I don't get enough contact time and then not pick guys who are going to be first eleven players anymore. He has hit the "competition" he needs.  Going forward he either wants Durante, Smeltz etc or he doesn't. Personally I think Durante is the type of DM we need as he is so composed on the ball even if he is slow. And someone make sure Rieras passport application is already completed for him to submit. 

Wood was not class. Unless by class you mean offside, fouling or yelling at the ref

Phoenix Academy
over 9 years

heyref wrote:



Boxall      Reid    Smith   Hogg

              Keat    Tuiloma

                    Wee Mac

Thomas        Wood      Kosta

Tough as nuts at the back with pace to get forward workman like midfield and a half pie decent attack.

Subs Wynn, Lewis, Rojas, Smeltz, Gleeson and the Greek

This is all good, my FANTASY one would look more like this:


Fitzegerald      Reid    Themi    Smith

                    Tuiloma   Van Den Broek

Thomas         Rojas           Kosta


Alright here is my justification on everything. 

First thing I wanna say is, Yes I am aware Fitzgerald cannot play for NZ anymore. This is only a FANTASY one like a "What If" kinda thing, doing this for fun. Anyway, Moss carries the experience 100% over any other NZ keeper. Reid and Themi as two strong experienced centre backs. Here is what everyone is gonna be like "What the heck" about. The one news broadcast about Fitzy turning his back on the AW said he could play anywhere in the backline, I know hes primarily a Centre back, but yeah. Smith on the other hand played LB during world cup in 2010, but that was five years ago and he is a CB in a back 3....but I put him there anyway. Tuiloma I thought was a solid ball winner in that defensive mid, and I thought Van Den Broek was better than Weemac. Thomas and Kosta on the wing obviously, I picked Rojas behind wood, because, although he didn't have a very good game last night, against China a few months ago he was sick. Oh and Wood because there isn't really anyone else I can put there apart from Smeltz, but I reckon he is old. 

almost 10 years

Boxall should give up and try out for the Warriors.

over 12 years

JasperNix wrote:

both Tuiloma and Themi are ball winners but not the distributors we need (think Elliot of old or Riera). He has to give Keat a go as he actually tries to play through the thirds. Wee Mac again demonstrated that he is lost playing deep. Wood was class. Wynne was solid but unspectacular - compare him to Fenton or even Roux- he doesn't offer as much going forward and a bit panicky on the ball. Maybe that will come with time but he isn't really any better than Lockhead was in 2010.

Overall the young guys did well. Hudson is putting all his eggs in the Olympic team basket. He can't say I don't get enough contact time and then not pick guys who are going to be first eleven players anymore. He has hit the "competition" he needs.  Going forward he either wants Durante, Smeltz etc or he doesn't. Personally I think Durante is the type of DM we need as he is so composed on the ball even if he is slow. And someone make sure Rieras passport application is already completed for him to submit. 

Durante isn't a DM, he played there once for the AWs and looked awful
over 14 years

JasperNix wrote:

both Tuiloma and Themi are ball winners but not the distributors we need (think Elliot of old or Riera). He has to give Keat a go as he actually tries to play through the thirds. Wee Mac again demonstrated that he is lost playing deep. Wood was class. Wynne was solid but unspectacular - compare him to Fenton or even Roux- he doesn't offer as much going forward and a bit panicky on the ball. Maybe that will come with time but he isn't really any better than Lockhead was in 2010.

Overall the young guys did well. Hudson is putting all his eggs in the Olympic team basket. He can't say I don't get enough contact time and then not pick guys who are going to be first eleven players anymore. He has hit the "competition" he needs.  Going forward he either wants Durante, Smeltz etc or he doesn't. Personally I think Durante is the type of DM we need as he is so composed on the ball even if he is slow. And someone make sure Rieras passport application is already completed for him to submit. 

Durante isn't a DM, he played there once for the AWs and looked awful

Yeah but he is only 33, has looked out of place at international level as a Centre back, has played all his club football as a Centre Back. Of course he can be transformed into a quality international DM

almost 15 years

The call on Boxall is just stupid. I thought he did an ok job and felt there was less scrambling in this game than in the last 3 or so under Hudson. Considering over the last 2-3 years, Boxall has had spluttering game time and often out of his natural position, playing against quality opposition I think he did a job. Not going to say he was a star but not poor enough where he should go to the Warriors. He did a job. Get some perspective.

Why the fudge does anyone keep going to Sam Malcolmson. Its obvious that Telfar has no contacts and keeps going to the only one he has and most likely the one that is going to not disagree with his limited knowledge and make him look foolish on air. Wynton is a contact on that network and would make more sense. Jesus.... The fact that he said that.... ah fudge it, its pointless

I can't say that Tuiloma stood out for me like he did for others but then I was not watching him really. I think he did a better job than his last lot of appearances because the last couple of times he looked like he was just been cruising and out of his depth so I guess thats definitely a positive for him.

Its hard to really give McGlinchey stick because he has only ever played deep in the last year or so and only for NZ so about 5-6 times. The other times he has played high for CCM and the Phoenix. Like putting Killen in as a DM and expecting a miracle so not sure why he gets stick when he has been given an assignment that is not natural to him and a lot of it was route 1 anyway. Its like saying Ryan de Vries was sharkhouse when he go zero service to do anything with.

Like others, I am surprised the Dutch lad did not get more game time so he either stood out in training and was not needed to be seen more of or he wont be seen again. Hard for us to know and only Hudson will know. Considering the other young 'uns like Mitchell, Edge etc, I fear its possible we may not see him. I guess it also comes down to pecking order in his position too. Hard to make that call so its strange that he was hunted out then not used and this is the part I question the most from this game.

Phoenix Academy
about 12 years

The Durante All Whites boat pulled out of Uzbekistan on the 8/9/14

almost 15 years

Yeah I would be surprised to see Durante and Smeltz in white ever again. With the age of Boxall and performance of the Greek guy, throw in Smith (snigger) and Reid, and recently trialled was Mitchell and Edge, hard to see Durante getting a sniff again. Just the wrong age for 2018. Sigmund figured it out so kudos to him.

almost 10 years

Jeff Vader your obviously not a footballer and don't actually understand the game as a centre back we need players that don't just rely on there size and strength, They need to have the ability to read the game be able to make passes, not to dive in, and defend corners. in regards to your comment about his position i don't even think he knows what his best position is. In fact i think he would do a great job for the warriors (did you see him tackle two Koreans with his arms, or the other tackle he mad just outside the box which should of been a card for sure maybe even a red for the way he lunged in). i think if we were to have our full squad i personally dont see Boxall even making the 23 man squad or wateva it is. Other wise i agree with the other comments you have made.

Kind day to you Sir 

over 14 years

Someone pass the popcorn please.

about 17 years

So, Winston skips yet another friendly game for NZ and then he magically heals on time for his next club game...

over 12 years

This thread makes my head hurt. We lost an away game to South Korea by one goal, with a team full of kids. The amount of angst about it is way out of proportion to what I saw in that game. Yes, there are still a few issues - who are our best fullbacks? And who can play in the DM/deep-lying playmaker role? - and it's frustrating that we seem no closer to solving those conundrums. But ultimately I would say this was a positive experience for the team. They won't come away from that game feeling like they got smashed. We learnt that Tzimopolous (sp?) looks like a decent addition to the squad, and that Marinovic is a potential backup for Moss, and that we can field an inexperienced and effectively makeshift side away against one of the best teams in Asia and not fall to pieces.

Starting XI
over 14 years
I'm sorry but Fitzgerald isn't a fullback. He plays all his games at cb. But has played dm in the past. Also Is pretty injury prone
about 17 years

...also he is not eligible to represent New Zealand right now, sadly.

almost 15 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

Someone pass the popcorn please.

No need. I can see that troll for what it is and not biting.
almost 15 years

...also he is not eligible to represent New Zealand right now, sadly.

He is eligible. He chooses not to.
over 14 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

sthn.jeff wrote:

Someone pass the popcorn please.

No need. I can see that troll for what it is and not biting.

But you really want to don't ya!

Phoenix Academy
almost 11 years

detoxin wrote:
I'm sorry but Fitzgerald isn't a fullback. He plays all his games at cb. But has played dm in the past. Also Is pretty injury prone

Injury prone? I looked at his game stats and he has played 43 J-League games in just less than 18 months so I wouldn't have picked him to play that many in that time-frame if he was injury prone.

I did notice on the Niigata site that he got injured in the first league game of the season and is expected to take 3-4 weeks to recover but was named as a sub for the Nabisco Cup game last Saturday so must be almost ready to return.

(Just as an aside if he had chosen to make himself available for NZ he would've had to pull out due to injury so that would have been funny)

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

There's a (not very) surprising lack of humble pie in this thread.

Disappointing, though expected.

Phoenix Academy
almost 11 years

While I'm back in the forum - IMO I thought the AWs got a great result on Tuesday. They had the potential to be on the end of a massive thrashing but only lost towards the very end. So well done AWs and Hudson!

almost 17 years

This thread makes my head hurt. We lost an away game to South Korea by one goal, with a team full of kids. The amount of angst about it is way out of proportion to what I saw in that game. Yes, there are still a few issues - who are our best fullbacks? And who can play in the DM/deep-lying playmaker role? - and it's frustrating that we seem no closer to solving those conundrums. But ultimately I would say this was a positive experience for the team. They won't come away from that game feeling like they got smashed. We learnt that Tzimopolous (sp?) looks like a decent addition to the squad, and that Marinovic is a potential backup for Moss, and that we can field an inexperienced and effectively makeshift side away against one of the best teams in Asia and not fall to pieces.

this is positive angst. We expected to get smashed. We played quite well. We think we could play a whooooole lot better if only...(though the conservative Korean game plan probably helped).

Boxall didn't disgrace himself by any means. Yet to watch the second half.

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

positive angst. That's a new one. 

Phoenix Academy
almost 10 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

JasperNix wrote:

both Tuiloma and Themi are ball winners but not the distributors we need (think Elliot of old or Riera). He has to give Keat a go as he actually tries to play through the thirds. Wee Mac again demonstrated that he is lost playing deep. Wood was class. Wynne was solid but unspectacular - compare him to Fenton or even Roux- he doesn't offer as much going forward and a bit panicky on the ball. Maybe that will come with time but he isn't really any better than Lockhead was in 2010.

Overall the young guys did well. Hudson is putting all his eggs in the Olympic team basket. He can't say I don't get enough contact time and then not pick guys who are going to be first eleven players anymore. He has hit the "competition" he needs.  Going forward he either wants Durante, Smeltz etc or he doesn't. Personally I think Durante is the type of DM we need as he is so composed on the ball even if he is slow. And someone make sure Rieras passport application is already completed for him to submit. 

Durante isn't a DM, he played there once for the AWs and looked awful

Yeah but he is only 33, has looked out of place at international level as a Centre back, has played all his club football as a Centre Back. Of course he can be transformed into a quality international DM

Sorry that was a typo- meant CB. We need composure at the back. winston and Dura have it. The others not quite so. Issue is he, boxall and Themi don't have a left smith gets the spot by default almost as Hudson has said he wants natural left footers playing that role and left back 

Apologies for typo/ I would have responded the same!!! 

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