Still Believin'
over 17 years
Smithy wrote:

Great summary Tx, and you're not wrong about the misleading nature of some of the annual report figures.

But, still two points remain: there is money in the bank - $2.5m of which $0.4m is earmarked specifically for international teams. And, the total of $0.05m that is going to brought in through this move is inconsequential in the overall scheme of it.

As I've said in previous posts, you've got to wonder whether this is a philosophical move - that more money should be sourced from youth international players - or a move made out of necessity - that more money must come from youth internationals.

I still don't see that the financial straits are so dire that must can be the answer. 

If it is, then NZF haven't made that point at all.

I think if your average operating loss over the past two years has been $0.6m and you have $2.5m total equity then it's not too soon to be talking about a financial crisis. The money is running out fast.

I agree that there simply hasn't been enough discussion about other options though. Not publicly anyway.
Still Believin'
over 17 years
Smithy wrote:

I think part of the problem lies with the fact that NZ Football seem to be crap at commmunicating effectively and equally crap at planning for the future (or perhaps they are just crap at communicating what their plans for the future are...)

If they were just to say, 'look guys we just can't continue to sustain this model in the future, so unless anyone has a better idea, here's what we are planning' in a reasonable timeframe - they would get a lot more sympathy from the rest of us.  The problem is that to many outside NZF it all seems like a bit of an 'Old Boys Club'.

I get the impression (and happy to be corrected if I'm wrong) that this change of tack to ask U17 payers to contribute funds was somewhat of a surprise to those players. Probably a little unfair to expect players to front up with that level of funding in a relatively short timeframe, whereas if NZF had thought this out at the start of the year and announced their intentions, then at least other options could have been explored - e.g. I'm certain that some of these players clubs would have helped with raising extra funds.

Between clubs, schools, federations and NZF we really are fairly average at getting our act together sometimes. Given that NZF levy a not inconsequential amount from players each year, they really don't much act like the governing body of the sport in New Zealand.

This is my favourite post ever. Agree totally.

Me too. Just tell us what's going on and trust us to take part in an informed discussion.
almost 15 years

I think part of the problem lies with the fact that NZ Football seem to be crap at commmunicating effectively and equally crap at planning for the future (or perhaps they are just crap at communicating what their plans for the future are...)

If they were just to say, 'look guys we just can't continue to sustain this model in the future, so unless anyone has a better idea, here's what we are planning' in a reasonable timeframe - they would get a lot more sympathy from the rest of us.  The problem is that to many outside NZF it all seems like a bit of an 'Old Boys Club'.

I get the impression (and happy to be corrected if I'm wrong) that this change of tack to ask U17 payers to contribute funds was somewhat of a surprise to those players. Probably a little unfair to expect players to front up with that level of funding in a relatively short timeframe, whereas if NZF had thought this out at the start of the year and announced their intentions, then at least other options could have been explored - e.g. I'm certain that some of these players clubs would have helped with raising extra funds.

Between clubs, schools, federations and NZF we really are fairly average at getting our act together sometimes. Given that NZF levy a not inconsequential amount from players each year, they really don't much act like the governing body of the sport in New Zealand.

I completely agree. This is one of the reasons I was not a fan of Glyn Taylor as he could not organise a dutch oven and even more so of Grant McKavanagh. There have been some good people that left the organisation purely cause they have said 'what the fuck is going on'. Its now starting to have far wider ramifications than just bumbling along. If this was big business (and I mean away from the sporting world) some of these people would have a hell of a lot to answer for and would have ben shot of long before now.
Head Sleuth
about 17 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
Tegal wrote:

Wouldn't it be more like $100k per year? 2 teams at $50k each. I suppose it all helps. That's $400k every World Cup cycle. 

It does, but when you are an organisation with annual monies each year around the $10m, we are only talking 1%. Its chicken feed in the scheme of things.
But in terms of their lack of surplus, its valuable. 
almost 15 years

terminator_x wrote:

The age-grade WC's are every two years though, for men and women, so that's $100k per year coming in (assuming this policy will be applied across the board). We also don't know if it will be applied to other teams/tournaments. Combined with the cost savings maybe they think that's enough to balance the books?

Tegal just made the same point. I look at it you have 10m to operate with, then $100k is only 1%. They can't find that elsewhere for the sake of taxing the kids (and lets be honest, the parents). Hence my call about the hangers on.

almost 15 years
Tegal wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:
Tegal wrote:

Wouldn't it be more like $100k per year? 2 teams at $50k each. I suppose it all helps. That's $400k every World Cup cycle. 

It does, but when you are an organisation with annual monies each year around the $10m, we are only talking 1%. Its chicken feed in the scheme of things.

But in terms of their lack of surplus, its valuable. 

True yes you are right. I think if they were smarter and looked within, they would find that $100k without too much trouble.
Starting XI
over 17 years

this thread is awesome

almost 15 years

Its a really good discussion and I am enjoying the points raised thoroughly (I haven't even called anyone an idiot!!!)

Stage Punch
almost 17 years

I called Fred today and asked if he'd come on ITZ for a chat. No call back so far.

Still Believin'
over 17 years
Smithy wrote:

I called Fred today and asked if he'd come on ITZ for a chat. No call back so far.

If he's cagey about it tell him to read this thread. It's relatively free of stoopid and for the most part people have genuine questions about this. Problem is, right now we are just filling an information vacuum with speculation. 
Stage Punch
almost 17 years
terminator_x wrote:
Smithy wrote:

I called Fred today and asked if he'd come on ITZ for a chat. No call back so far.

If he's cagey about it tell him to read this thread. It's relatively free of stoopid <snip>

Shh, don't jinx it. AJ13 and nightz will be in in a flash!
almost 15 years
over 17 years

This may be simplistic but why are the "Futsal Whites" getting NZF funding when we can't afford other international programmes.  Futsal players don't pay NZF affiliation fees do they?

I think there is also a further point.  Are we getting value for money focussing our international programmes on youth teams attending FIFA tournaments.  We've been doing it solidly for 6 or 7 years now - I can't comment on the women but I'm not convinced it's had an impact on the men, we're not seeing a load more players come through into pro football which to me is the only way we'll ever improve the All Whites.    

over 16 years

Valid question re the Futsal Whites.

All players pay fees to NZF for each season they play - so in some ways they get hit four times if they play just once a week year round.

National League players have largely had to pay their own way with only limited funding, but it varies from fed to fed. Many had to pay over $1000 for three weekends of competition last summer.

They are also well utilised as a promotional vehicle for grassroots festival - this year's Futsal Whites Road Show has meant thousands have participated and watched futsal, many for the first time. Two birds with one stone that one.


Head Sleuth
about 17 years

I think they're pushing Futsal so much so more will take it up in addition to football and improve their technical skills and touch. Don't mind it so much, but it is a good point to raise. 

over 17 years

I know it's administered by FIFA but it's always felt like a different sport to me.

almost 15 years

I think this is should be the focus of development pathways for kids (off topic sorry) Futsal requires a completely different skill sit in terms of touch and time on the ball. If they start their skill development there and progress into the field game, I think we may see better technical footballers. I don't like futsal but I have been involved in a couple of workshops whereby it's been shown the difference in skill development of kids overseas that start playing futsal then progress to football.

I respect his may well be laughed at but I do believe there is some merit in it.

over 15 years

no JV, futsal can help some players , particularly those who have limited experience "on the ball". 

certainy having futsal alongside whatever football program for ages 5-8 would be an interesting thing to do. 

about 17 years

This might just be the most sensible thread i've ever read here.


Life and death
about 17 years
Smithy wrote:
james dean wrote:
reg22 wrote:
if we are viewing our participation in these tournaments as 'experiences' for rich kids, we shouldn't be there

That's not what I'm saying at all.  And NZF aren't doing that either.  All I'm saying is that for some of the kids who go that's pretty much what it will end up being (an experience).

 Ultimately, based on our world ranking, there's absolutely no way we SHOULD be at these tournaments but we are and the reality is that for many of the attendees in 5 years they'll be playing Northern 1 and their participation at this tournament will have achieved nothing for NZF other than provide great memories for them of an awesome trip. 

I've been struggling to encapsulate the argument in favour of kids paying, and this is the best I've seen so far.

Reality check for a second, NZF don't need this $50k. If they do, and the coffers have been that badly mismanaged, then there are other much more serious problems we should be talking about.

This is, imho, a philosophical decision. A decision to reallocate resources away from youth international teams, but I'm not clear where the money now goes.

That is one reason I don't like it.

The other is that I think genuine international representation is, or should be, very different from the sort of tours I run. I run tours that kids and parents pay to go on for the experience, as JD says. But international representation is about NZF (as representative of all the players in NZ) saying to a player "you're one of the best, we'd like you to represent us". So it's the reverse of what I do. 

We're not some tin pot sport like wakeboarding or BMX. We have enough money flowing in the game that when NZF taps a kid on the shoulder and says "congratulations kid, you're one of the best in the land, please represent us at the World Cup" then that shouldn't be followed up with an invoice.

That's m2cw on it anyway.

Totally agree with this.
over 13 years
One word to describe this policy - disgusting. 
Two words on how to fix it - civil disobedience
almost 15 years
over 16 years

What effect could futsal have beyond the age of 8 years old?

almost 15 years

Good question. I don't know to be honest with you. The workshops I went to talked about using it up to the age of 10. I think it's more about developing a players time on the ball because you get less in futsal and also their technical skill i.e because you have less time, you have to have a better first touch.

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

I found it helped me a lot even as I was older. Confidence at holding the ball up, close touches etc. so can only imagine what it'd do to help skills in kids. 

I'm a believer. But obviously it should be a supplement to football training and games. 

Stage Punch
almost 17 years

Futsal is a great game. But is waaaay off topic here.

over 13 years

Futsal is a great game... there's a thread around somewhere.

However of relevance is the money being spent on NZ Futsal Whites roadshow if NZF has "budgeting issues". Interestingly Mainland Fed have recently cancelled Chch leg of the roadshow due to some sort of miscommunication around budget. Is it feds or NZF paying for the roadshow?

Until Fred provides more detail on the pay-to-represent decision than his "$2k isn't a big deal" sort of statement provided, every NZF decision is going to be subject to this sort of query.

about 11 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

Good question. I don't know to be honest with you. The workshops I went to talked about using it up to the age of 10. I think it's more about developing a players time on the ball because you get less in futsal and also their technical skill i.e because you have less time, you have to have a better first touch.

Isn't futsal all the kids play in Spain until they are about 10, don't think the even touch a football in an organised environment before then. 
almost 15 years

Futsal is a great game... there's a thread around somewhere.

However of relevance is the money being spent on NZ Futsal Whites roadshow if NZF has "budgeting issues". Interestingly Mainland Fed have recently cancelled Chch leg of the roadshow due to some sort of miscommunication around budget. Is it feds or NZF paying for the roadshow?

Until Fred provides more detail on the pay-to-represent decision than his "$2k isn't a big deal" sort of statement provided, every NZF decision is going to be subject to this sort of query.

I agree with your last line. I do wonder if we are more likely to scrutinise it here cause we are a football forum than joe public would.
over 13 years

"yeah definitely" ;)

That's a given, isn't it JV? If nothing more is forthcoming questions will be asked - here and then more widely until further info is provided.

almost 15 years

And so they should be. I'm waiting for the media furore if we miss WC 2014 asking about the financial plight of our game.... 

over 13 years
For those who feel passionately about this (and I suspect there are many on here), then the only way to fix this is through civil disobedience. That involves each player selected for their country in this tournament refusing to pay their fee, every hack here refusing to pay their sub. That is the only way that Fred will get the message and not implement this mercenary policy in the future.

almost 15 years

But what does it actually achieve? I get what you are saying but if there is no cash coming, competitions can't be run. Everyone misses out.

over 13 years

And NZF still to state if this is now policy and reasons behind it. Can't properly judge until then.

over 15 years

and why is the U-17 the demarcation line? 

or is all the user pays stuff being rejected

Still Believin'
over 17 years
For those who feel passionately about this (and I suspect there are many on here), then the only way to fix this is through civil disobedience. That involves each player selected for their country in this tournament refusing to pay their fee, every hack here refusing to pay their sub. That is the only way that Fred will get the message and not implement this mercenary policy in the future.

Umm, yeah, I suspect that isn't actually true.

Also, I think you are waaaay over-estimating the number of sub-paying players and parents who actually give a toss about this (if they are even aware of it) especially when one of the other options is for everyone's subs to go up. The only people who really care about this are the 50-odd people per season directly affected by it (assuming the policy is extended to all age-grade rep teams) and then football nerds like us.

None of which makes it's right, although I'd like some more info before deciding whether it's "right" or not anyway.

over 13 years

Agree TX, so the ball is at Fred's feet to play...

almost 15 years

Yeah. I suspect we are not going to hear squat from Fred on this. Its one of those pen stroke decisions and its done without discussion.

over 13 years

Could be right JV. I asked on the Womens thread if the same call had been made for 2104 Womens U17 World Cup in Costa Rica.

Stage Punch
almost 17 years

Fred's returned my call and said he's happy to talk. I'm hoping to speak to him this afternoon ahead of podcast tonight. If not, it'll be next week.

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