Early retirement
over 17 years
It's Winston and immigration, not Mallard and sport isn't it ?
about 17 years
I would have thought so, can't blame Mallard for everything.  Winnie on the other hand....
over 17 years
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Winston is Foreign Affairs Minister - he's the one who is in charge of those sanctions.

David 'silent T' Cunliffe - is Minister of Immigration
over 17 years
santy wrote:
I just wana go to parliament and start sing who are ya!!!!!!
let's form a possie!
over 17 years
Blame Winston.  Apparently a prominent member of a AKL rugby club.  There we go.
over 17 years
Seatter on radio sport after 4pm and Winston on after 5pm. 
over 17 years
Bollocks. Utter bollocks. I have followed this all week that keeper has minimal contact whatsoever with the Fijian military it's an absolute disgrace.  
Darcy just said he feels sorry for the footballers. Seatter's on at 4.10 and Winston at 5.10. Interested in listening to those two.
FIFA could go further with this and that's what i'm more worried about than anything.
over 17 years
Buffon II wrote:
FIFA could go further with this and that's what i'm more worried about than anything.

FIFA play games with how many countries politics ? 

NZ stand up for  a nation that is democratically just wrong and they pull the plug ?

Maybe if we were controlled by an oppressive Junta but promised them 100's of millions in TV rights they would let us do whatever we wanted. 
over 17 years
lets start a chanting hikoi down LQuay, and then chain ourselved to the Backbencher bar until Winnie changes his mind. Feverish2007-10-12 15:03:47
Early retirement
over 17 years
I'll be there about 21:40, mine is a Speights.
over 17 years
I'm so f**king ropable that I almost hope we get kicked out of qualification.  That'll teach Winston trying to f**k with FIFA.  Let's go down in a sea of flames together. Stevo2007-10-12 15:06:57
over 17 years
santy wrote:
I just wana go to parliament and start sing who are ya!!!!!!
Brilliant idea - I'm keen
Frankie Mac2007-10-12 15:06:53
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Here is the detail of the sanctions that were imposed against Fiji in December of last year:

Note my highlighted bits - nothing about a partner whose dad is in the military and also the bit about working with sporting organisations

High level Contacts:
  • Ministerial contact with any purported new government in Fiji will not take place, unless it is for dialogue and mediation purposes.
  • Members of any purported new Fijian government will not be permitted to travel to New Zealand.

Immigration Matters:
  • The ban announced yesterday on senior RFMF officers and their families travelling to New Zealand will be extended to include all members of the RFMF and other individuals connected with the coup.
  • Fiji�s participation in the new Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme will be frozen with immediate effect. That means Fiji will be excluded from this scheme which is designed to help Pacific Island Forum members gain better access to seasonal work opportunities in New Zealand.
  • No applications from Fijians for entry to New Zealand for seasonal work will be accepted from today.
  • The eligibility of Fiji�s citizens to take part in future immigration ballots under the Pacific Access Quota has been suspended. In accordance with New Zealand law, this will not affect those who have been selected from previous ballots and have already been invited to apply for residence by 11 January 2007.

Defence Matters:
  • Today all RFMF personnel currently in New Zealand studying, training or exercising are being told that they and their accompanying family members must make arrangements to leave New Zealand forthwith.
  • Fijian military officers currently training with the New Zealand military will not be able to participate in any activities associated with that training, with immediate effect, pending their departure from New Zealand.

Sporting Matters:
  • Fijian sports teams and Fijian sportspeople at all levels will be banned from coming to New Zealand for the purposes of sport, unless international sporting and legal obligations require otherwise. As provided for in arrangements after the 2000 coup, where New Zealand is hosting an international sports tournament which requires acceptance of international participants, entry will not be banned, subject to those concerned meeting other immigration requirements.
  • Discussions will be held with New Zealand sporting organisations scheduled to attend international tournaments in Fiji. The organisers of such tournaments (such as the 2007 Netball World Cup) will be approached to assess the safety of participants and the scope for seeking alternative venues.

What a shambles.

HeySeus2007-10-12 15:08:41
over 17 years
Hard News wrote:
I'll be there about 21:40, mine is a Speights.
I'll be hammered by then, and prob will be brawling with Winnie
Still Believin'
over 17 years
This is horrible, truly f**king embarassing.
If this had been a truly principled decision by NZ not to issue a visa it should not have mattered what FIFA's position was or is. Winston Peter's bleating about a FIFA u-turn shows that it does matter, however, and the Ministry of Immigration and/or Foreign Affairs simply mis-calculated the risk of FIFA stepping in. They wanted to have their cake and eat it by making a political point while still having the game go ahead.
Why on earth didn't they think that Fiji would complain to FIFA and that there was at least a chance FIFA would do something about it? From FIFA's point of view it would have set a hell of a precedent to condone this sort of thing. Can you imagine the future chaos as countries go into important World Cup matches picking and choosing which opposition players they will let in to their country? FIFA was never ever gonna let that one lie.
So now we look like a bunch of muppets and our World Cup chances get dealt a hefty blow. First match away from home and f**k knows where our "home" game will end up (unless the NZ Government decide to further embarass themselves by now backing down. That would show a complete lack of principles but at least we'd get a home game!).
terminator_x2007-10-12 15:17:51
First Team Squad
over 17 years
Does anyone know a good anger management therapist?
about 17 years
Baiter wrote:
Buffon II wrote:
FIFA could go further with this and that's what i'm more worried about than anything.

FIFA play games with how many countries politics ? 

NZ stand up for  a nation that is democratically just wrong and they pull the plug ?

Maybe if we were controlled by an oppressive Junta but promised them 100's of millions in TV rights they would let us do whatever we wanted. 
FIFA are probably right though.  Otherwise countries could try and manipulate results by applying dodgy immigration policies.  Now we might say that could old Kiwiland wouldn't do that, by what if the game was Lebanon v Syria, or North Korea v Japan, or India v Pakistan, or any other match between unfriendly neighbours playing political games.  FIFA doesn't judge politics and we have to abide by those rules.  If we think that is unacceptable and want to take a stand we need to face the consequences.
over 17 years
First Team Squad
over 17 years
over 17 years
edward l wrote:
FIFA apparently asked the Government again but were denied.
I want to cry.
over 17 years
NZ Govt thought they were bigger than FIFA, but they are not..
Starting XI
about 17 years
Kiwi Jambo wrote:
How bizzare we have a two mile long chinese warship parked in the harbour today but a goalie is banned from coming  because his country is non democratic and run by a dictator ,double standards me thinks!!

The Chinese Naval Band was playing in Civic Square at lunchtime  - very good - bit disconcerting wer e the casually dressed people of 'asian' appearance taking pictures of the crowd (all 20 of us - 60% asian)

Thats cause your the only Falun Gong Hibby on the planet!they are out to get you!!

It is crazy  though! how can they be serious about supporting democracy by picking on a goalie from a tiny sth pacific island and not letting him in cause his fiances  father  is in Bannana Dramas army and then allowing a ship into Wellington harbour that could fit the whole off the NZ armed forces into its on deck berly bin and that comes from a place that is less than well known for its free speech is ridiculous ,what hypocrites !!

Kiwi Jambo2007-10-12 15:37:00
over 17 years
Haha, Winston thinks he can just give FIFA a call and have a chat with Sepp Blatter.
Tegal Fan Club Member #3
over 17 years
sanday wrote:
Haha, Winston thinks he can just give FIFA a call and have a chat with Sepp Blatter.
unavailable.. No wonder, its bloody 4am in Europe
Tegal Fan Club Member #3
over 17 years
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
I know where my vote is going next year .....
First Team Squad
over 17 years
Seatter is right, what's gonna happen to the Women's U 17 World Cup in NZ next year, if the Government can pick and choose players. 
Apparently they've already spent $200k on the match and there will be no revenue.

Seatter expressed concern about the consequences of the decision, which was "potentially dire" for the sport in New Zealand.

He said NZF had costs of more than $200,000 associated with the fixture, most of which had been incurred, and there would no revenue from it.

A bigger worry was the precedent relating to New Zealand's ability to host international matches.

"It is a scary prospect that may play out in the future," he said.

"Of most concern is our hosting position for next year's under-17 women's World Cup."

over 17 years
Feverish wrote:
NZ Govt thought they were bigger than FIFA, but they are not..
They should give up before they totally lose credibility. Such a trivial issue is going to do more harm then good.
Starting XI
over 17 years
FIFA are probably right though.  Otherwise countries could try and manipulate results by applying dodgy immigration policies.  Now we might say that could old Kiwiland wouldn't do that, by what if the game was Lebanon v Syria, or North Korea v Japan, or India v Pakistan, or any other match between unfriendly neighbours playing political games. 
Of course, you are correct.
Don't forget that Libya were one of the bidders of the 2010 World Cup finals. They were disqualifed by FIFA because a condition of Libya hosting the World Cup was that Israel would not be allowed to participate! Not a single player - a whole country!
over 17 years
santy wrote:
I just wana go to parliament and start sing who are ya!!!!!!
Brilliant idea - I'm keen
lets do it, would be a starter
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Sepp blatter bloody goes on all the time about how football and politics should not be mixed. Look what he's just done... If it were more than just a goalkeeper being refused a visa then it'd be understandable. I dont blame the NZ govt-they set the restrictions and therefore have to stick to them otherwise they are pretty much worthless (and it would set a bad precedent). The blame lies with the Fijian football association-it is childish and disgusting that they would do this after players like Killen have risked their places in their respective club teams to make this fixture and NZF have spent 200G on the match.
I'd like to see some repercussions for Fiji. And NZ govt to continue to force the matter with fifa-they must learn to respect countries international policies.
over 17 years
sport and politics don't mix i can't stress that enough
Still Believin'
over 17 years
"Future father-in-law"
Regardless of your feelings about Fiji's political situation that has to be the most spurious application of the sanctions possible.
Winston and his minions need to swallow their pride quickly and admit that their inept handling of this issue has done far more serious damage to NZ than it has to Fiji. There is simply no point in continuing with their current stance.
over 17 years
I can't belive this.  Not only do we lose $200K but what about the impact it will have on Fiji.  I must be correct in guessing they are not the worlds richest team as it is. The decision makes no sence.   Its also embarrising that Winstone Peters thinks he can just pick up the phone and talk to Sepp Batter. I'm not sure if he realises he is arguabbly the worlds most influential man.  It just show the lack of Knowledge and arigince of  Winstone.  So so embarrising.  I also feel for Mr Seater now as he has a hell of a job on his hands cleaning this up.  Again I'm so sad. 
over 17 years
Don't blame Fiji.  They shouldn't have to bend over for these hypocrites. 
over 17 years
Hopefully NZ Soccer get some good financial compensation from the loser patrol (NZgovt)
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Gumboot wrote:
I can't belive this.  Not only do we lose $200K but what about the impact it will have on Fiji. 
Um they are the ones that appealed to fifa and caused this..
over 17 years
Dave57 wrote:
Sepp blatter bloody goes on all the time about how football and politics should not be mixed. Look what he's just done... If it were more than just a goalkeeper being refused a visa then it'd be understandable. I dont blame the NZ govt-they set the restrictions and therefore have to stick to them otherwise they are pretty much worthless (and it would set a bad precedent). The blame lies with the Fijian football association-it is childish and disgusting that they would do this after players like Killen have risked their places in their respective club teams to make this fixture and NZF have spent 200G on the match.
I'd like to see some repercussions for Fiji. And NZ govt to continue to force the matter with fifa-they must learn to respect countries international policies.
It is FIFA who have the hard and fast rule - which gives them credibility.
 NZ Govt on the other hand...is this interpretation of the sanctions consistent with application in relation to other visiting Fijian sports teams recently????? I DONT THINK SO
he wasnt even married - something Winnie fails to mention!!!
over 17 years
Stevo wrote:
Don't blame Fiji.  They shouldn't have to bend over for these hypocrites. 
NO doubt Bananarama is behind this... (not the band , the PM)

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