about 17 years
about 17 years
Last chance for the boys to gain some respectability.
It was always going to be the easist of our 3 games. After Nth Korea going down 6-1 to Brazil it means game on.
I would say Nth Korea are definetly favourites. But if our boys can lift their heads up and put a solid performance. Start by defending well, use a bit more muscle on defense.
What ever happens. Lets get a couple of goals!
I would rather lose 6-2 than 3-0 in this last game.
about 17 years
about 17 years
almost 17 years
about 17 years
5-0 Korea, I think they will have too much speed and technical ability.
almost 17 years
Stack wrote:
My money is on a win

glad it is your money, not mine or (worse) Terry Serepisos's
I'll be delighted if we could somehow get a draw -can't see it (the fact that they drew with England suggests that they are a decent side)
If  we can manage 30 mins without conceding, then maybe a miracle could happen.
Oh well, another 90 mins of hoping against all reason
almost 17 years
Woof Woof
almost 17 years
Let's just try not to concede in the first 3 minutes...or concede twice in the first 7...you know, baby steps, and all that
about 17 years

Really disappointing, we seem to have throw the baby out with the bathwater. NZ teams have traditionally competed on heart and committement.  Obviously we have to lift our skill levels but if that�s the only thing we are going to try to compete on then we aren�t going anywhere. I watched the U 20�s before they left and they impressed with their fitness and conditioning and I think that showed at the World Cup, sadly can�t say the same so far for U17�s. It�s not just the body though but the mind as well.


The worry is that we don�t sit just below these teams there are probably in the region of a 1000 kids in England for example between us and the top side, and its no doubt more in Brazil. In both games we have been 2 down within first 8 mins, game over. There is probably always going to be a gap in skill but we should at least be competitive by drawing on these other qualities. Anyway here�s hoping that at least we are competitive in last game if we lose we lose but let�s put up a fight.


Starting XI
over 17 years
spot on alexf
we've had very limited sides at all levels in the past and have managed to compete and scrape the odd result from time to time.
can you imagine a kevin fallon team playing like this?
Da Selekta2007-08-22 12:11:02
about 17 years
I wonder if the selection policy if different at the U-17 level compared to the U-20s, most of the guys in the U-20s would be playing NZFC or overseas, so we would pretty much have the best guys available playing for us, I wonder if this is the case at U-17 level when most of the guys are still at college, I heard which college you go to has a big part in selection for the NZ teams at U-15, U-16 level, and I have to question given the poor performances whether the guys playing for the U-17 are the best we have or are they there by virtue of going to the right school and knowing the right people.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
about 17 years
herman wrote:
I wonder if the selection policy if different at the U-17 level compared to the U-20s, most of the guys in the U-20s would be playing NZFC or overseas, so we would pretty much have the best guys available playing for us, I wonder if this is the case at U-17 level when most of the guys are still at college, I heard which college you go to has a big part in selection for the NZ teams at U-15, U-16 level, and I have to question given the poor performances whether the guys playing for the U-17 are the best we have or are they there by virtue of going to the right school and knowing the right people.

Unfortunately, that's how football works for U17's. It's about who you know. I have no doubt that better players missed out because of this.

about 17 years
Thats Nz football in total. Its all about who u knw. Just look at our secondary school side. Not one Coll player should have made it yet 2 did. Silverstream dudes should have. Costa and George babarouses never got picked from jaque vercauteran when they were at St Pats Town yet they were the best in Wellington but its because Jaque hated Olympic. So agian teams are not chosen on talent. Even still George should have made Nz under 20s...Hard News2007-08-22 21:42:01
about 17 years
Ye wel leave it at that i dnt want to start up sht but ye nz footballs a digrace selection whys big time which reflects out performance on the pitch. But hey where a rugby country and that will never change so we cant expect much from our players. They just arent good enough.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
2-1 loss for us.

in regards to the selections of the team, yes, there probably are others who should have been there, but arent...its always the case.

the secondary schools tournament week is coming up and i bet there will be some highly skilled kids there IN THAT SETTING. lets not forget countries like england have clubs signing and developing the best and brightest from a very young age.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Back to basics, marking the player you're supposed to and stick to the bugger like superglue!!!! Of course it helps if you have the right conditioning and fitness and determination and all that stuff. 
When I was playing I marked better players out of  the game based on my fitness and dogged determination! The coach just said mark that player and don't let them out of your sight.  I'm not saying that, that is the only answer.  I haven't seen a team determined to keep their opponents from scoring or getting past them. 
The Under 17's are at the last chance saloon as far as salvaging some pride and a shred of credibility.  Having said that it is a tough group and they'll benefit from the experience if they stay in the game.
I think North Korea will win 3-0, but I hope that I'm proved horribly wrong.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
How is selection for NZ age group teams made?
When I did my coaching badge they were going on about age group training programs that players had to pay to be a part of (someone told me that if you wern't part of that you couldn't play for NZ), if thats the case then our structure is completly wrong and unless it changes to a 'pick the best players' mode of operation we wont develop.

I stand to be corrected though.
Teza2007-08-23 10:58:57
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
I think the development should go back to playing for your province in a rep team format to begin with...Northland, Auckland, North Harbour, Waikato etc from their you get selected for your federation side and then after that its National honours. The NZFC teams having a youth tournament for a week or something at the end of the year might be an option...give the players a chance to play at a decent level and get in the eye of the coaches, to hopefully get signed in a year or 2. When it comes down to whoever has the deepest pockets gets to play situation like it is now thats when we start losing talented players. 
But I will get back on topic...Hopefully we put in a good performance and knick a goal or 2. The key to getting a result will be to concentrate early and not concede. From their the boys need to be switched on and keep battling...hopefully they can do it.  
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
It's not just about who you know, it's also about how much dough your parents have. It costs real money to have your kid do well at sport in this country. I know from experience, having had three kids compete at the elite level, although in a different sport. Trips around the country to tournaments, coaching fees, trips overseas when you make the top rep teams, are all paid for by the parents. There is NO money in lower level sport.
The same applies in football. My workmate's son was in this age group, under Fallon at MAGS. Was in the Soccer2 squad, and she was always forking out money for fees for this and tournament trips.
There are no big clubs with big academies who pay for everything, like all the top countries in the world. NZ is on a hiding to nothing.
The trouble is Charlie Dempsey's baby, Oceania. While it got him huge status and free air trips and perks for life from FIFA, the reality is that NZ football has gone backwards since they joined Oceania. New Zealand really doesn't deserve to be there, and getting spanked 7-0 and 4-0 (and 13-0 in the same tournament previously, is embarrassing and just gives more fuel to the football detractors.
about 17 years

Well said gings. The fact is 99.9999% of players here are amateur and will always be so.  Selection is a difficult process and as you said we will always have different opinions but I do agree picking players because they are my mate or from my club/ region isn't a good thing.

Alex Fergusson said "its impossible to say whether a player will make it before they reach the age of at least 17 because they just haven't matured both physically or mentally before that point" so we should be encouraging as wide a group of players for as long as we can in as appropriate a setting as possible.

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Good points Teza and chiefy,  I would like to see the old traditional provinces play each other in a tournament.  This would be a good way to get all the best young players together, so the coaches could get a look at them playing at a higher level.  I'm not in favour of "its who you know" as a criteria for choosing our best youth players, or which school you go to, for that matter.  Or how deep your parents pockets are!  Selection should be talent based only. 
almost 17 years
the program you are talking about was the IPDP. How it worked was that there were weekly coaching sessions. these cost money. That way NZ Soccer could pay the coaches. it was an attempt by the then director of football Paul Smalley to put in place a more structured system. The beauty of this system was that rep coaches could be involved with all those players who had rep aspirations on a weekly basis. This meant that instead of relying on a trial match to gauge a players ability, coaches could get a better idea over a 20 week period. This was better because a player might have an off day or be injured or sick at trial time and slip through the system. Also these weekly training IPDP sessions were skills based. The tactical and team work could be done once rep teams were selected.

The down side of this system was the fact people objected to having to pay for it. There was also a feeling in some quarters that NZ Soccer was using this as a revenue gathering tool to fund other projects such as internationals etc.

What it did do was giving upcoming coaches a chance to earn back some money from the outlay of attending the new coaching courses. I for example have probably spent the best part of $4000 on coaching courses over the last 8 years. The other thing was it gave coaches involved a sense of being part of a more structured and professional approach to coaching.

Personally i thought it was the best thing to hit NZ footy in decades but due to a variety of problems it got canned. Most of the issues were things which could have been worked through. Sadly we threw out a promising system with flaws rather than fix the flaws.

Some of the perceptions of how the IPDP worked were wrong and it could have been explained and marketed better. It might have had a chance.

Initially the idea was that you had to be part of it to play for NZ selections but that idea was quickly thrown out the door. Also there was funding available to those who's parents could not afford the coaching sessions but again this wasnt promoted enough.

It was open to any player who wanted to take part or felt they were good enough. Some parents thought that if their kids took part it meant they were in the reps. The approach that should have been taken by parents or explained to parents was that these sessions were skill based and would be of benefit to players whether or not they made rep sides.

I am a rep coach this season and we have rep trials coming up in a few weeks. From those trials we will select a training squad which will be big enough for three teams. After a number of weeks that squad will be broken up into the three teams with the top two teams being sent to the National Identification tournament in Napier. Age group NZ teams will be selected from a mixture of what the coaches see at the Napier tournaments and also from what they have seen during the season.
almost 17 years
the rep side I am coaching this season consists of players that i have never coached before. I dont know any of them. However I have little doubt at some point I will be accused of picking a player because they are a mates kid or their parents have deep pockets.
almost 17 years
i think this is the one were gunna win, nothing 2 lose and showing that brazil put 6 past them gives us hope considering we cud/shud have scored a few against them!
and the u17 team was trialled over 20 months with many players coming in and out, i dont feel that any players were just selected because of who they know, they would have shown some qualitys that the team needed and coaches liked!
Starting XI
over 17 years
that was a good read stack.  thanks for providing clarity on the IPDP courses.  i had only ever heard bad things re: user pays and the resultant expectations
about 17 years

I agree stack and utd07 often the gripes are because its their mate/ son who missed out. Sometimes (even in these forums) some go on about player who weren't even eligible/ available for the team in the first place.

about 17 years
i think some of it has to come down to the coach. having watched the u20s train @ ole, they worked on things like "hunting in packs" and the "where to be when the ball is here" kinda stuff....yet the u17s were just doing games games games, go out n' play kinda stuff. It starts at the top. Not saying Tuaa is a bad coach, not at all coz ive heard some wonderful things about the man - but maybe the approach has been wrong from the get go......who knows.

At the end of the day they are young lads and will learn from it.

Another point how many from the U17s in Egypt have gone onto "Big" things?

Mike Wilson played a bit in the league below the MLS, stellar career @ Stanford
Jamie Cross.....top referee (tui ad hahahaha love ya Jamie!)
Shaun Easthope.....did some playing in Aussie in a State League I believe
Rodney Mays.....resident Lower Hutt axeman, trialled at Boro evidently
Daniel Aliaga, now playing his trade at Island Bay so im told

Anyone else know where the rest ended up?

Early retirement
about 17 years
Early retirement
about 17 years
1CROSS Jamie03-11-1980Goalkeeper2HENDRIKS Peter11-17-1980Defender3STEMBRIDGE Todd03-25-1980Defender4SIGMUND Ben02-03-1981Defender5KRISHNA Mitesh09-16-1980Midfielder6WILSON Mike11-25-1980Midfielder7CLARK Robert11-12-1980Midfielder8MC CARRISON Kenton09-04-1980Forward9MAYS Rodney11-27-1980Forward10SCADDEN Blair08-26-1981Forward11STICK Joshua02-12-1980Midfielder12FOOTE Marc03-09-1980Forward13ALIAGA Daniel02-19-1980Midfielder14WILLIAMS Greg11-30-1980Midfielder15MEDHURST Jared01-28-1980Midfielder16ROOT Chris12-01-1980Midfielder17EASTHOPE Shaun05-23-1981Defender18OSBORN Michael12-10-1980Goalkeeper
First Team Squad
about 17 years

Stack, thanks for the rundown on the scheme.

about 17 years
My mate Greg Williams got a soccer scholarship in the US. Got his marketing degree paid for. Stuffed his knees up and stopped playing football.
I think his last football game was when he was working with me in London last year and i got him in our 5 aside work team playing against lads that drink to many pints of beer. lol
now he is back in NZ trying to get his knees operated on.
about 17 years
The trouble is Charlie Dempsey's baby, Oceania. While it got him huge status and free air trips and perks for life from FIFA, the reality is that NZ football has gone backwards since they joined Oceania. New Zealand really doesn't deserve to be there, and getting spanked 7-0 and 4-0 (and 13-0 in the same tournament previously, is embarrassing and just gives more fuel to the football detractors.
Come on Daikiwi, whatever Charlies faults were we, If it wasn't for him there would be no Spain. Give the man some credit.
about 17 years
Mitesh Krishna is overweight and playing social soccer in Auckland.  Chris Root was with Uni Mount last time they had a team.  Marc Foote playes part time for a social team in the Hawkes Bay and I think Peter Hendriks plays for Mt Albert Ponsonby. 
about 17 years

NZF/August 24, 2007

ULSAN - Captain Costa Barbarouses heads the casualty list in one of four changes coach Colin Tuaa has made to his starting XI for New Zealand�s final group phase match at the FIFA U-17 Men�s World Cup in South Korea.


First Team Squad
about 17 years

Not a silly idea having Costa on the bench.

about 17 years
yeah, hopefully some one else will take the chance to shine, and Costa will get some time on the pitch with a bit less pressure on him.
about 17 years

0-0 at half time.

great effort....fingers crossed
Costa on the bench. not in the starting 11.
Darkwa is playing well. Chettleburgh still looks pretty good to me.
MAthews is doing to me straight runs wth the ball at his feet. he needs to look up and make the pass before he loses it. great cross into woods' headed attempt though. more of that service please matthews.
Cohen is doing enough at the back. O'keefe in goal is doing well.
about 17 years
costa now on the pitch replacing Wood  - here's hoping he can strut his stuff

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