Phoenix Academy
about 11 years
AlanFord wrote:
Backheel wrote:

Sean Lovemore, Tom Mosquera up front mostly from memory.

I agree with N Bomb. From a Waikato perspective it was reassuring to think that there is at least one team in the league you should have no probs with. Mulligan played a few nice balls, Biss is a work in progress. Gillespie made a couple of good saves though Waikato should have easily potted 3 goals in the first 20 minutes.

Robertson would have tidied the back up a bit if he was there, but HB were up against what looked like a relatively makeshift Waikato backline, and gave them few worries.

It was also extremely refreshing to turn up at a pre-season match and find Waikato weren't the team with the crap-looking kit.

Hb not play in black and white strips?

You can see a few photos here:
Would have to agree regarding the strip, although sadly that is our away kit I think. its an ugly looking strip
over 11 years
almost 11 years

Hard to argue with that!

Starting XI
almost 14 years
Starting XI
over 17 years

nice one n-bomb

how was mulligan today?

Starting XI
almost 14 years

He was fine without being a standout, WaiBOP do a good job defensively in the middle of the park so he ended up spraying a lot of speculative long balls around. 

over 16 years

Mulligan was entirely competent, but never really imposed himself on the game. I've often wondered if he should have had an All White recall, but there wasn't enough evidence here to deserve one. He was in cruise mode, but not a leading influence on his team the way Clapham can be for Canterbury.

HB'sUK import Morris was a lot better this time around than when the teams met in Taupo pre-season. 

Starting XI
almost 14 years

Agreed, Morris was very good, apparently he is from Seattle, not the UK:

Robertson and Gould were also very good, WaiBOP dominated the chances but HB were far more clinical and defended well.

about 11 years

I disagree N bomb that WaiBop dominated the chances. How many clear cut chances did they create. They had one cleared of the line but apart from that I can't recall too many chances. They style of play is one dimensional, route one football. Too many times they knocked the ball long and tried to feed of the scraps. No wonder the kid Up front from three kings was getting pissed off , you can see his reaction when we got subbed

They will struggle to beat the top sides playing that style. The best player on the pitch was Tyler Lissette

Starting XI
almost 14 years

I agree Lissette was immense, but did you watch them against Auckland or Canterbury? There was plenty of nice buildup play, and in this game while it still wasn't as good, there was plenty of interchanges, it was just mainly players being released down the wings, rather than through the middle, as that was where HB could be attacked. While it wasn't their flashest game, they have shown signs of some excellent football this year. And Bredeveldt is just a bit crazy, he always does that when he gets subbed.

It's pretty hard to say they didn't dominate the chances, the half-chances were in double-figures, they all count - WaiBOP had far more shots than Hawkes' Bay, but HB took theirs when they mattered.

over 11 years
Fan wrote:

I disagree N bomb that WaiBop dominated the chances. How many clear cut chances did they create. They had one cleared of the line but apart from that I can't recall too many chances. They style of play is one dimensional, route one football. Too many times they knocked the ball long and tried to feed of the scraps. No wonder the kid Up front from three kings was getting pissed off , you can see his reaction when we got subbed

They will struggle to beat the top sides playing that style. The best player on the pitch was Tyler Lissette

In my view WaiBop was the slightly better team. It was a game where whoever scores the first goal is the winner. WaiBop had several half chances in the first half (Japanese centre back had a couple from corner kicks but missed target completely, Manko had a shot from 18 yard box missed the goal completely etc.)

Ref was pretty average not giving fouls for obvious deliberate pushing, studs up, even failed to give the second yellow to Sean Lovemore for obvious kicking while on the ground. Aaron Scott was on the receiving end, he hardly ever complains about ref decisions but was pretty pissed off with this decision.

Tyler Lissette wasn't bad but made mistake when the first goal was conceded (Aaron Scot pushed forward), and dived in a couple of times with no one behind to back him up, so can't really see him as MoM.

The best players in WaiBoP for me were Japanese midfielder Masaki Namoto and Milos Nikolic.

Very average were both wide players Mark Jones and Shaydon Young.

Three Kings kid Mikhail Bredeveldt's frustration is understandable. Kicking long ball to him and expecting him to win in the air against tall defenders is too optimistic. This style of playing doesn't suit him nor few other WaiBoP players . In saying that, he could improve his movement of the ball and runs into space rather than waiting way too often for the ball to his feet.
I agree with you that 4:4:2 formation with knocking the long ball all the time is old fashion style of football. This team has the players who can play modern and attractive football, pass the ball around, create chances and score goals. It is up to  the coach  to recognise that WaiBop was outnumbered in the middle of the field by playing this formation as well as that this style of football won't get WaiBoP to the play-offs.
over 16 years

Alan, I agree Waikato need much improvement down both flanks, perhaps the weakest sphere of their game.

Lovemore gets a bit out of control, but generally I appreciate the manner in which Nick Waldron officiates. He allows more robustness in the challenge than other refs, but is consistent with it, for players clever enough to "play the ref". I think he's one of our very best refs.

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Some interesting reading in tonight's on line Hawkes Bay Today

Seems as though Chris Greatholder is having some time off - I have not heard anything on the grapevine

An interesting time to have an early holiday

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Big game this weekend vs waitak. Bout time the bay got a win up there

Life and death
about 17 years

Heard from a good source that Central Football have started 'interfering' with the franchise. Their word, not mine. See that Brent Angel is coaching while CG is away [Angel works for Central Football]. Heard nothing else as the person that told me the story didn't even know that CG had gone.

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Heard from a good source that Central Football have started 'interfering' with the franchise. Their word, not mine. See that Brent Angel is coaching while CG is away [Angel works for Central Football]. Heard nothing else as the person that told me the story didn't even know that CG had gone.

I don't know too much about how its run, but isnt the asb premiership and in this instance Hawkesbay utd, Run outside of the football federations as in central football? then how can central football,push their way in? i may have that wrong though, was just wondering after that info in your last post Napier  Phoenix
Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Interesting situation here in the Bay.   HBU has its' own Board, but all of the administration is done by Central Footy.   They (CF) have also employed a commercial manager who has obligations to CF during the "off" season.   Have not heard any stories of interference, but there will no doubt be some crossover somewhere which will cause problems.

Life and death
about 17 years

HBU is also owned by all of the clubs in the province - senior and any junior clubs not affiliated/part of a senior club. They all have a vote at the AGM.  I'm racking my brains here but I seem to remember that CF did have a representative on the board [may still have] but CF do work very closely with HBU.

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Well, the perceived problems off the field don't seen to have progressed to on the field - a good away draw against Waitakere last week has been eclipsed by a good home win against Canterbury today.   Wasn't a bad game to watch but a pretty poor crowd.   Mind you, a lot of things on today (and it was another great day in the Bay) - Christmas in the Park just down the road.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Heard from a good source that Central Football have started 'interfering' with the franchise. Their word, not mine. See that Brent Angel is coaching while CG is away [Angel works for Central Football]. Heard nothing else as the person that told me the story didn't even know that CG had gone.

Heard Brett Angel only lasted a week!
Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Big game today against auckland, would be a season defining result i feel if we got up and won.

over 13 years

Well played lads - you took your chances and got the draw. The game had everything!

Blue Cod
over 14 years

Yes congratulations HBU, thought you really took the game to ACFC. It was a real Christmas cracker! Play like that and you'll certainly make the playoffs. Looking forward to coming to Park Island in February. You're a credit to the ASBP.

Starting XI
over 17 years

how did mulligan play?  i thought he did well against waitak.  i also thought morris was quite good and bill robertson is always solid.  the rest of the team aren't much chop for me - more like a good central league side made good by some outstanding coaching

over 13 years
reg22 wrote:

how did mulligan play?  i thought he did well against waitak.  i also thought morris was quite good and bill robertson is always solid.  the rest of the team aren't much chop for me - more like a good central league side made good by some outstanding coaching

Kinda thought Mulligan was fairly invisible and Bill Robertson was sent off just before half time. The lad with the funny hair do wasn't bad.
Starting XI
almost 14 years

I didnt' rate Hawke's Bay very highly after watching them both in pre-season and the first few weeks of the regular season, but they've been proving me wrong so far - an excellent defensive unit (when they have their full complement), their midfield is pretty decent, Morris certainly wins a lot of tackles, and then while Lovemore and Mosquera have their flaws, both have significant skills at this level, which have been utilised rather well so far.

Have to agree that it has been an excellent coaching job

almost 15 years

Greatholder has done good things with that team considering other coaches. Playoffs last year and if they take their catchup game, they'll be second.

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Greatholders back in the coaches role this week, after his break.

Life and death
about 17 years

Was ana rticle in the local rag where he was interviewed. Looks like it was a stress induced break. While it is generally good for the soul to take a break and come back all rejuvenated my observations are that it is only a matter of time before people end up flagging it altogether. i think it would be a pity if this was the cas ehere CG has done a good job in his short time with the club.

On another note, the article also mentioned that Central Football now carry out the administration functions of the franchise. That will probably involve a cost saving, don't know if Barrie Hughes is till there or Ant Floyd, Ant would of been on a salary and maybe an honoraium for Barrie.

over 11 years

Barrie Hughes free ride has come to an end!

CG & Perry doing a good job hope it continues in this way.

Interesting to see that CG thought the job was a full time one? its a 14 game season, and that he was scouting all over the country during the winter. wasn't he playing for Havelock most weekends? can understand that pre and in season will take alot of time but the other 6 months of the year...   

almost 11 years

Read on here a few months back that there is a big lack of depth in Hawkes Bay and therefore they have had to go out of the area to recruit this year. Welly, Waitakere, ACFC and maybe even Canty and Waikato have decent player pools and local leagues to choose from. HB, Southern, YHM etc don't have the depth. 

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Has always been the case. Always a good group of locals bolstered by a handful of players from other areas

almost 11 years

Yeah, which might explain why CG may have a more difficult job than some of the other coaches. Very hard to magic up 10 new players from nowhere each year.

over 11 years

I agree that the players are not in the bay to make a national league side and he has to go "scouting" to get players, but i'm pretty sure he will know who is out there. Just don't agree with his full time comment. 

Life and death
about 17 years

Saw my first HBU game today, albeit against Nix A. There were a couple of players that didn't have their names/numbers in the programme so I don't know who they were. Numbers 20 and 21 and 22. Barrie Hughes was there in his official capacity [for whoever was interested before], Number 20 only played the 1st half but was exceptional I thought. Matt Hastings played the whole game and only got skinned badly once. He certainly didn't look out of place at this level and I think he might even be better than he was 2 years ago. Tom Biss had the 2nd half, very busy player, I've still got a lot of time for him. Apparently has scored a few goals so far in the ASB. Mosquera [sp] looks better than Hamish Watson was for HBU. First time I'd seen young Killkolly play as an adult and he scored a good goal. Mulligan shows class even though he sometimes makes a wee mistake, at least you can see he's trying something, he's not a lazy player. I tell you who I liked and that was the American midfielder. Only played the 1st half but he is quick, very busy - always getting into position to receive the ball and looks like he's their set move kicker. Nathaniel Hailemarian is Sudanese or something I think. There was an article on him in the local rag the other day. Plays for Lower Hutt perhaps? C-DIDDY said that he was quite impressed with him and he's not wrong. Runs some very good lines, good close ball control and looks very dangerous. HBU are spoiled having those 2 to choose from upfront [Mosquera]. So I liked what I saw and I'm going to make sure I get down to see some of their games. Just on tonight where they didn't even win - I'd rate this team close to the best HBU team I've seen.

Starting XI
over 17 years

that's good to hear NP. greatholder has obviously done a good recruitment job and he and cotton have also put them together well

i've always liked hastings, nice and direct a player who plays the channels well and hit's good crosses

number 21 may have been the american scott robson and 22 was declan's kid harry edge on sunday against wanderers

Life and death
about 17 years

You're right, I did hear Harry called. Was he number 20 because I thought 22 was a tallish player, 20 looked more Declan' height and build.

almost 15 years

Declan is a hobbit compared to Harry being a lanky bean pole

Life and death
about 17 years

So is that Harry 2nd from right in the wall?

over 11 years

thought Hastings might of retired again as he hadn't been involved in the last 4 games.

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