Southern Football (incl Southern United) (Part 1)

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almost 16 years
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Locked at 2-2 with Waitakere Utd,  Krishna and Pearce scored for Waitakere and Burgess has scored a double so far. Otago Utd is down to ten men thanks to the red card to Jackson in the 72 min. 14 mins plus injury time remaining.
almost 16 years
Last minute again! What is happening to OU,Although Waiatk are a class side
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
what was the crowd like? Is burgess still heading to grants braes?
almost 16 years
I heard the die hard fans were getting into the game and supporting there team,Wasn't at the game does anyone have a run down of the game?
Word is with Macreas going to Green Island so GB have a spare $200 a game and a private investor is willing to pay another $200 taking it upto $400 per game (worth every cent) but im not sure if that will be enough to make the gifted live wire striker move from his beloved Dunedin Tech where he has scored some of the finest goals witnessed on New Zealand soil.It would have been an houour to pair up front with this guy in my younger days how he wasn't OFA Player of the year in 2008 i will never know!
thetruthnz2009-02-23 12:23:12
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
how is the tech 3rd team gona go this year - i hear that they have a couple of new older coaches - one a clasy goalkeeper coach goin by the name of moose - any thoughts truth?
almost 16 years


Moose...? Tall, Big nose and glasses? I think i no the man you are speaking about Feedback. I�m hearing a rumor that Fridge is having a considerable amount of trouble finding a replacement for Tarrant and may look to the Veteran at least at the start of the season to fill in the gap between the sticks???Any truth in the Feedback? Of course that would be ok for the weaker teams but when it comes to crunch games he may cause you trouble but it would not be fair for me to make these statements never having seen him play. Was he a keeper obviously in his younger days?


Also i have heard Smtih,Chidley,Gun, have been training over the hill have they requested transfer's of just looking at options because of the large squad and tough competion for places?


You are the man for these question i look forward to your reply

thetruthnz2009-02-23 14:24:42
Phoenix Academy
almost 16 years
Christ it was good to see a bit of passion out there on Sunday - I have been waiting a long time to see a bit of fire from the yellow and blue. Very unlucky not to get something from the game. Not sure where they find these referees but surely they would be better off with a coach from each side taking a half - although I couldn't find Otago's coach on Sunday.

Even though the discussion about the Southern league is best saved for another forum - if any. I had a wee chat to Aaron 'another brace' Burgess Brother who suggested Aaron was keen on a switch to rivals Caversham as he believes this is where his best chance of adding to his Chatham cup winners medal.

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Grants Braes look odds on to pick up Burgess as he intends to be player coach there by next year.  Some have even stipulated that if he goes there then half of the otago team will follow - these names include Coburn, Horner, Schoular and even Mr. Soccer.  If this does happen Grants Braes will not only be better looking than last year but will also be a team to be reckoned with! 
almost 16 years

As much as i would love to see Aaron in a Caversham strip i think you might be pulling my leg here Kennedy..I don't no him well but i would imagine a guy that has played for his club from the age of 18 or 19 will no leave in the search of Chathum cup glory and leave his good friends Andy Coburn and Blair Scoullar to try and run the show.Also with Dave Dugdale,Tom Jackson and Patrick Fleming coming back Steve Fleming has eough slection headaches without adding this classy veteran to the ranks.Aaron would be a great asset on what looks like one of Caversham strongest sides since the days of Rupesh puna,Nathan Strom,Craig Thornton and Jason Tremberth and maybe if they can make it out of the Duendin rounds they might have a chance to go one better than previous years and make the final but who no's how this season will pan out.If Coburn,horner,scoullar an Mr Soccer didnt end up going over to where the hills have eye's it would b great for Duendin football and get the Braes of the foot on the table and a real chance for top 4 honours so im all for it and would use my local connections to try and get some real tallent out there the likes of Ex Timura boys Ant hancock and Simmon collins.

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Blair Schoullar played for otago in the weekend - howd he play truth?  Hills have eyes...golden - i think that ive heard someone call them that before though.  Do you thnk him and Mr. Soccer will be a good pairing at the back?
feedback2009-02-24 11:39:12
about 16 years
all this chat about transers for the upcoming season, but is anything set in stone?Feedback yours please? have herd through a friend of a friend that the in form ross mackenzie is has been in talks with who i belive to be his best mate terry boyland about a possible mose to rosland. it seems that all the tech big name players are having secret under the table talks about the possible switch. boyland one of Otagos great players seems to have embraced these players and is making progress.Is this the year rosland finally deliver??? big money is being offered. also saw mr soccer out runnning last nyte and he looks well fit, anouther possible signing for boyland??? footyfever2009-02-24 11:42:27
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Transfer Rumours:

Cavy:  Ben Eder the former Grants Braes man is looking for a move to one of the top three clubs with cavy looking the most likely so snap up the talented midfielders signature.  They have also made a surprising move for livewire midfielder Luke Macris.

Roslyn:  Have been in talks with a number of players including influential tech midfielder Ricky Chidley and Jimmy Vaughn from varsity is also on the move to Roslyn in a move to become player coach.

Tech:  Have secured Barry Gardiner from Southern Spirit, Liam McKinley from Varsity, Greg Draper from the Phoenix. They seem to be the club out of the top three who have secured the cream of the crop, while still retaining key players such as Mr. Soccer!

Green Island:  Have picked up the fiesty Hayden Gunn - Gunn will take the captains arm band as soon as he puts on the GI strip - ala Robbie Keane to Tottenham
feedback2009-02-24 11:51:08
about 16 years
Feedback, Where are you getting these transfers from???
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
about 16 years
Almost a fantastic result for Otago on the weekend, is the reason the boys played so well because NUTTER terry phelen was unable to be in the changing room shoutung and firing up???who actally likes the guy, personally i think he is a Twit and the reason Otago oceer isnt going so well at the moment can be placed squarely on him. we have the talent but Phelens horrible coaching job is ruining the boys confidence and they are unable to scratch together a result, surely its time he must go, thoughts???
almost 16 years


Blair Scoullar is just Blair Scoullar isn't he?He's just sweats a mixute of class and arrogant's with strong tackles,nifty ball work and an array of attacking and defensive skills. But sorry Feedback i am a big OU fan but i had a chill in the weekend and didnt think getting wet head to toe wouldn't help that.I heard he had a strong game at centre back along side Prattley Henderson and Horner and from what i read on the internet and heard he had one of his stronger games this year. About him and Mr Soccer at the back?Hmm....Well from what i say last year it work with him and Chisom but i would prefer a player similar to say Tim Horner playing along side him to clean up the scraps after some strong tackles that Blair would put in and then play Mr Soccer on the left giving the quick and nimble Prattley/Mckenzie to roam foward knowing that the have some of NZ's finest defenders looking after Moose in goals.. But from memory you dont really have a Horner type player in your team unless you could use the likes on Nick Dale or similar build?? At this early stage or the season do you have a favourite starting team for the maroon's? Here is mine....




Christie   Scoullar   Mr Soccer   Prattley


Rickerby   Coburn   Chidley/dale   Mckenzie


Lang   Burgess



As for the new Transfer gossip...Mckenzie to Rosyln would be a good signing but to say that this will be Roslyn's year with him and Vaughn i think that is looking a little far ahead dont you?Ben who is my next question enough said.Macraes has signed for GI this has been confirmed by me through my contacts a the GI club.Draper to come to Dunedin with Christie i just cant never see this happening so NO.  Although i did hear that Draper use to be best friends with Caversham youngster Darren (forget his last name) and also played with fellow Caversham players Wild,Duncan and Chang but even then i doubt this very much! Gardner had a contract with southland football stating that for his job as director of Football hat he must play for Southland Spirit so unless Fridge is going to splash out $50K+ again FALSE. Liam is he the light skinned/haired man from Varsity ?If so good signing he always stood out for me in a poor Uni side. I heard Gunn is looking very sharp at the mid stage of pre season at GI and is a strong contender with Atherton and Kyle to take the arm band also that Gunn is looking more to a conductors role in the Centre of midfield.


As always i would love your thoughts Feedback you are like a ball of Knowledge


thetruthnz2009-02-24 12:22:58
about 16 years
The Truth, your comments on Terry Phelen Please
almost 16 years
I have little to say don't no the man,I guess they will wait and see if the is an NZFC this year before they decide it could be an easy out for OU
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Bin him now i say - he has tried to make a fool of so many players in otago - now its his turn
over 17 years


The criticism of Terry may be warranted, his outbursts do not help the already brittle nature of the team. If he fires up the players fire up.
The football played by Otago is dominated by hoofs up the field.
What I see is that apart from Cantabury how many of the Otago team would find places in other teams. Not many if any.. maybe three at the most...
At least we get to watch good football... and Otago is competitve...
almost 16 years

Which 3 would you say Dino out of interest

Coburn,Horner,Little im guessing?
almost 16 years

Hot of the press.. I have just heard from a source that Terry Boylan has pulled out of the Roslyn 1st team coaching job due to the way way the committee is running the club and a falling out with Hugh Madden and could be making his way back to Mosgiel to fill in the gap of Colin Flavey (looking at Tech or heading home) . Roslyn have made an 11th hour bit to secure the signature of current Otago United President and Dunedin Tech great Marc �The real deal� Chidley hoping he will bring some players of a similar class of players that he was the likes of his son Ricki,Richard Smith and others. Watch this space!!

thetruthnz2009-02-25 11:44:03
over 17 years
I had Little Burgess and maybe Horner ?
The three that I thought about long and hard were Jackson, Coburn and Colin..
Jackson for the future, just not this season. Needs to get some goals at this level.
Coburn, I really enjoy his play, 2 things go against him, is not a box to box type midfielder and the other is that he doesn't impose himself into the distributor/defensive role for the whole game. He can do both really well at SPL but not quite there for NZFC.
Colin is a hard footballer but doesn't add anything further ie attacking corners, distribution from the back. Good to have on your team..
Little will go further, has height etc
Burgess in behind the striker/s rather than an out and out, maybe getting to the stage that age/career is catching up.
Would like to see Horner in a stronger team, more to see what he can do..
almost 16 years


Little,Horner,Burgess,Coburn,Scoullar when a peak fitness.I have no doubt Jackson in a few years could be a stand out player in the league perhaps


Horner is a quality defender not doubt about it and could slide into most NZFC sides at the back with a little more game time.

Burgess is class and if he was in a team like waitk would score loads of goals

Coburn-It may sound strange but would like to see him get given a game at left back for Otago Untied I think he would be a quality defender.

about 17 years
Hey, just come down from Wellington for Uni, tryna find a decent club to play for.
Could anyone tell me where each team trains?
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Best club in dunedin roslyn... best off the field team roslyn... and most hated by everyone else in dunedin, Caversham/Dunedin Tech
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Any further word on the terry boylan/hugh madden falling out truth?
almost 16 years
horseshead21 wrote:
Any further word on the terry boylan/hugh madden falling out truth?
The Marc Chidley to Roslyn thing sounds about as far fetched as some of feedbacks claims.
Phoenix Academy
almost 16 years
I will tell you what is far fetched - that Roslyn is the best club in any department - Horsehead, go figure.
Scoullar and the like going to GB's - you would have a better chance of Scoullar playing for the love of the game.
Keep up the chat - most of it has no foundation at all but it is a good laugh.
Big news is TM and AD are looking at coaching a team up at Mornington AFC with the view of breaking into the new SPL which starts in 2010. I say good on them - it would be great to see the Mighty Blue dominating from the hills above. They have the respect of a lot of local players so watch this space.
Best off the field - great laugh that, if Roslyn were (which they most certainly are not) at least that would give them something to promote.
over 17 years
Go to varsity and get on the hammer plus play at the calley, great times
almost 16 years
If you are any good go to Caversham or Dunedin Tech but you may struggle to get in depending on how good you are they both have strong squads with most of both teams having played National league.If you are a total idiot you would go to rosyln.If you dont mind traveling then i suggest Green Island not a bad team n bunch of guy iy not Try uni they have a chance of being mid table and are close to Uni area.
As for Boylan and Madden i heard he wanted a similar deal to what brought him to Roslyn 3 years ago ( A nice limestone fence ) and with the tough economical times hugie wasn't keen so Boylan is taking his buisness elsewhere
First Team Squad
over 15 years
go to tech??3rd in spl last year with a supposed national league squad-enough said. Caversham play the best and most consistent football in the league I would admit that much, but keep the sameish squad year to year so minimal chance there. As for previous comments about mornington.... they are the biggest joke in fletcher cup... good luck to them even having a first team int he fletcher cup by 2010 let alone the spl. Furthermore GI are a woeful team hack in run for 90mins on sunnyvale great football... and try uni (9th in spl last year). Not really the best infromation for someone heading down to uni looking to play football :S
almost 16 years
Well i was trying to be nice and say your not going to get in either Caversham or Tech unless you are pritty sharp sorry horsehead! Where would you surgest for this young champ then Mr Negitivity..?
flamingmongrel are you any good??????????
almost 16 years
As for TM coaching mornington there's as much chance of that happening as some of my claims!
First Team Squad
over 15 years
HAHA um well like you say depends on flamingmongrel's level of ability... I have a biased view personally and there are only 3 teams worth playing for in dunedin ros,cavy,tech. Maybe varsity might be alright this year...who knows...students are unreliable. One gripe I thought I might bring up is that only one team gets out of Dunedin into the chatham cup 1/4 finals... based on strength of last years top 3... i  think dunedin should get 2. Tech are a great case example.. 3rd in the SPL but did't have much trouble at all gettin past Miramar and glenfield to make the cup final. Thoughts??
Phoenix Academy
almost 16 years

Yes, the fabled Mornington AFC has spent some time floundering in the nether regions of Dunedin Footballs lower leagues; however the ably nicknamed Champagne and Flippa will bring a wealth of experience and respect to the club. Already there has been talk amongst some of a possible power shift to the hill and a sort of �revolution� towards a younger fresher hierarchy in Otago Football. Some players who have been swayed by the promise of a brighter future are:

1.       Richard Smith

2.       Aaron Burgess

3.       Blair Schollar

4.       Andy Coburn

5.       Ben Keat

6.       Euan Kyle

7.       Ryan Atherton

8.       Reece Henderson

9.       Tim Horner

10.   David Dougdale

11.   Ricky Chidley


This already looks like some team Horsehead so best you hit some of those lower gears on your bicycle and start pounding up the hill towards Mornington if you want any chance of getting those dusty, cement mix clad mitts around any silver wear this side of the decade.

about 17 years
Ive been playing Central League in Wellington for the past two years as a 15,16,17 year old..thats alright I guess. flamingmongrel2009-02-26 10:07:42
First Team Squad
over 15 years
First Team Squad
over 15 years
kennedy who is ur source of this bullsh*t i could garuntee not a sinlge one of those players would play for mornington anytime in the near future... where would morningtons home ground be????
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