Southern Football (incl Southern United) (Part 1)

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almost 16 years
feedback wrote:
I think that an 8 team league would be what would make the league better.  The way that it is set up now means that there are too many games where it is a dawdle for some of the teams and there is no point in turning up.  Most of the time half the players on each team are hung over from the night before or still hammered!  

No matter if you are playing GB's,Caversham or Roslyn i dont think any of the team's in the league cant get a upset draw or even win on there day.If i remember right Northern beat Roslyn,Mosgeil beat Dunedin tech And Grant�s Braes only lost to Caversham 3-2 so I�d say the player�s turning up drunk just think they are a little to big for the league and should stick to there Big time summer league footy!

First Team Squad
over 15 years
northern beat us 3-2 in a disgrace of a game... cost us the league...horseshead212009-03-12 20:43:21
almost 16 years
I'm sure they feel the same about ginger goalkeepers eh Mercer
First Team Squad
over 15 years
almost 16 years
horseshead21 wrote:

northern beat us 3-2 in a disgrace of a game... cost us the league...

Im pritty sure getting killed 4-2 by Cavvy in the lst game cost you the league...
First Team Squad
over 15 years
almost 16 years
Perrygroves wrote:
8 team league would def be better. Aligning fletcher cup games as the 12:45 kick off prior to SPL games with the same clubs involved, would allow fringe players to play for the 2nds & then sub for 1st team. Also might find 2nd team players to stick around after the match & have a beer instead of taking off? 
Agree in principle. The challenge you would have would be around those clubs that fell outside the 8. They would essentially have to either amalgamate with other nearby clubs or play their 1st teams in what essentially would become a 3rd division. Can you imagine Braes joining with Tech or Univeristy with Northern?
You would probably run the risk of losing teams such as Qtown that don't have much depth and could struggle to fund two teams heading to Dunedin on a regular basis.
almost 16 years
So who are your 8 teams to make the cut ?  
almost 16 years
You could have teams like Mornington & Grants Braes substituting the out of town sides, it might not work out every week.
over 17 years
8 TEAM league has merits,
Queenstown and Southland to drop to the Southland Donald Grey Competition. (In the case of southland the players going back to there respective club).
Any other teams drop to the Fletcher Cup, Promotion with the top Fletcher Cup Team playing off against the top Donald Grey Team to find the promoted team. Should be automatic promotion rather than a further game.
Will this close the gap? probably not but it will mean less one sided games.
Dino102009-03-13 08:39:29
almost 16 years

Queenstown are one of the most competitive teams other than the top 3 in the league every time you go up there you can except a sh*t fight to get all 3 point�s if you look back to last year they Caused both Tech and Caversham troubles but seem to drop easier games that really they should win. Personally id keep both Queenstown and Southland and then�.








Green Island



And GB�s to amalgamate with a club above,Problem being there's not any strong enough players to join Tech and all other clubs are to far away??

thetruthnz2009-03-13 09:17:07
almost 16 years
I guess all will depend if theres a South Island league? Would have to say the quality of the SPL would be pretty poor without first teams of Cavy, Tech & Roslyn
almost 16 years
It's a pitty the quality players from the 3 teams arnt split up over the league but that would just never happen
almost 16 years
is Fleming off to coach Canterbury Utd?
almost 16 years
Otago have been idiots for not giving him a go so why not?
First Team Squad
over 15 years
fleimng best coach in dunedin ripped off by otago united
about 16 years
I agree with the 8 team comment, but maybe other possible options could be explored. Teams such as tech cavy and roslyn contsantly finshed high on the table because they have the best players in the league. There is no doubting this. more often than not these players are Dunedin locals or have lived in Dunedin or surrounding areas for a wile, Burgess, Coburn, Scholer, Little ect This allows coaches to build a squad around their top line players as they know in most cases these players will play every year. It is unusal for a player that has come to Dunedin for Uni to make the starting line up for any of these teams, and "reasonably good" players end up playing fletcher cup or for a lower ability team and loose interest in the game.
I supose what i am trying to get across is that if otago football had some sort of capping scheme in which only 3 or 4 top line players are able to play for one club then it would make the league more saying this i also realise that every team is trying to put out their strongest line up in an effort to win the league and the possibility of greater honors.
By dispersing these players around the clubs it would not only increse squad strengh,it could help to motivate reasonably good players who would otherwise loose interest. hopefullly the overall goal would be to increase the competativeness and strenght of Duniedin football and this would stretch to Otago United
My comments arise as i have been apart of the University squad for a wile and have seen players come through the ranks that have a tremendious amount of ability,possibly around or more than those names above ,only to see these players loose interest and eventually give up when they get slapped week in and week out buy these top line teams. Is this doing anything for the development on Otago football??? i think not.
i realsie something like this would be hard to implement but too my knowledge a scheme like this used to be around 5-10 years ageo. could anyone fill me in???
I feel for Otago Football to reach its potential we must develop those players that have the ability but seem to loose interest because of the gap between the top and bottom line teams
Phoenix Academy
almost 16 years
Hot off the press -
I had a chat to McGarry the other night and he commented that young Rhys Henderson (POTY runner-up 08) has tapped him up for a possible return to Mosgiel. Apparently he is a little discontent with how things are shaping up at Caversham, worried he will be squeezed back to the bench. With Horner back, Smith and the Wild duo he doesn't think he will get a game and for a guy of his calibre it would be a huge injustice.
...................he was a notable absentee from Tonga park last night.
Not sure Mosgiel is where he would want to be - any thoughts?
Kennedy2009-03-13 14:02:18
almost 16 years
Kennedy wrote:
Hot off the press -
I had a chat to McGarry the other night and he commented that young Rhys Henderson (POTY runner-up 08) has tapped him up for a possible return to Mosgiel. Apparently he is a little discontent with how things are shaping up at Caversham, worried he will be squeezed back to the bench. With Horner back, Smith and the Wild duo he doesn't think he will get a game and for a guy of his calibre it would be a huge injustice.
...................he was a notable absentee from Tonga park last night.
Not sure Mosgiel is where he would want to be - any thoughts?
Ive heard Fleming is looking to go with a 3-5-2 formation leaving only 3 places for Henderson,Horner,Smith and Wild with Henderson the likely one to be missing out at this stage unless of injury.Also henderson did play at mosgiel as a kid with the likes of cape,rickerby,Croyden wheeler but with all these players no longer at the club i doubt it.
thetruthnz2009-03-13 14:31:37
almost 16 years
footyfever wrote:
I agree with the 8 team comment, but maybe other possible options could be explored. Teams such as tech cavy and roslyn contsantly finshed high on the table because they have the best players in the league. There is no doubting this. more often than not these players are Dunedin locals or have lived in Dunedin or surrounding areas for a wile, Burgess, Coburn, Scholer, Little ect This allows coaches to build a squad around their top line players as they know in most cases these players will play every year. It is unusal for a player that has come to Dunedin for Uni to make the starting line up for any of these teams, and "reasonably good" players end up playing fletcher cup or for a lower ability team and loose interest in the game.
I supose what i am trying to get across is that if otago football had some sort of capping scheme in which only 3 or 4 top line players are able to play for one club then it would make the league more saying this i also realise that every team is trying to put out their strongest line up in an effort to win the league and the possibility of greater honors.
By dispersing these players around the clubs it would not only increse squad strengh,it could help to motivate reasonably good players who would otherwise loose interest. hopefullly the overall goal would be to increase the competativeness and strenght of Duniedin football and this would stretch to Otago United
My comments arise as i have been apart of the University squad for a wile and have seen players come through the ranks that have a tremendious amount of ability,possibly around or more than those names above ,only to see these players loose interest and eventually give up when they get slapped week in and week out buy these top line teams. Is this doing anything for the development on Otago football??? i think not.
i realsie something like this would be hard to implement but too my knowledge a scheme like this used to be around 5-10 years ageo. could anyone fill me in???
I feel for Otago Football to reach its potential we must develop those players that have the ability but seem to loose interest because of the gap between the top and bottom line teams
A player points system would be good similar to what is used in the Aussie NBL but every player needs to be graded and that not going to happening in a amature league such as this..Also it would not be fair say if most players had come up through the ages at one club
about 16 years
im not talking a points system, mayb no more than three NZFC plaers at one club, that would be easy to implement. Just thoughts, but if something is not done then Dunedin football will continue to struggle and Otago United will continue to be a joke
Phoenix Academy
almost 16 years
Uni players have always played in these teams if they're good enough - what league in this world doesn't consistently have a "big 3 or 4" - I think that yes the league needs to be shortened to 8 teams so that the players we have aren't filtered too much but saying that we need to dissect a club because they have done a good job recruiting and bringing up players is a bit harsh. Not to mention no team would then compete any higher then the SPL - we would get beat quickly in the Chatham cup and South Island Champs - Then Dunedin Football would truly be floundering.
almost 16 years
footyfever wrote:
im not talking a points system, mayb no more than three NZFC plaers at one club, that would be easy to implement. Just thoughts, but if something is not done then Dunedin football will continue to struggle and Otago United will continue to be a joke
WHat would happen at Caversham with 9 playes this year surely you couldnt make them leave if they have played there for years???
thetruthnz2009-03-13 15:37:54
about 16 years

im sure they wouldnt really mind, half the players in the SPL are club sluts anyway. Just go wherr they get more money or better facilities.

about 16 years
and sure tech made the chatham cup final, but that form isnt shown in the NZFC is it, Otago united are never going to be any good if your only picking players from 3 clubs in dunedin and combined with phelo as coach its a loose loose suituation
almost 16 years
footyfever wrote:

im sure they wouldnt really mind, half the players in the SPL are club sluts anyway. Just go wherr they get more money or better facilities.

Club sluts...?
almost 16 years
footyfever wrote:
and sure tech made the chatham cup final, but that form isnt shown in the NZFC is it, Otago united are never going to be any good if your only picking players from 3 clubs in dunedin and combined with phelo as coach its a loose loose suituation
Only 3 of there team played for Otago in NZFC and one was injured for most..Any way the Chathum Cup isnt the NZFC tho is it
Phoenix Academy
almost 16 years
So you think filtering all the clubs into mediocre teams who only get to play mediocre games against each other never progressing to a chatham cup quarter final is going to raise the bar down here making for a better NZFC team? That sounds ridiculous if you ask me......8 teams might work though.

Club sluts?? I have to agree with Truth on this one - just look at Caversham, I don't think you will find many who would leave for anything - bar 1 maybe.

I think with the players we currently have + 3 quality imports and you would have a good competitive team. 
almost 16 years

Ryder would leave for a new pair of Mecurial's other than that none

thetruthnz2009-03-13 16:15:55
almost 16 years
Kennedy wrote:
I think with the players we currently have + 3 quality imports and you would have a good competitive team. 
Agree totally. Think about the imports (American, Vanuatu) in recent years versus what has been in the south previously.
Even in recent history you've had numerous decent Scottish lads at Cavy plus Tech have had imports that are far superior to what has been on offer since the NZFC kicked off.
almost 16 years
Back in 2002, after the National league had finished most of the Tech squad split up & went & played for various clubs & the league was pretty competitive. But its really up to the clubs out of the top three to up their game, I'm not sure that any of those clubs have the ambition to win the league to be honest, apart from Mosgiel in 05.

With Otago Utd, theres heaps of problems but the one thing that does my head in is player recruitment. With Phelo's connections, Utd should have some of the best imports in the league. OK Utd don't have the budgets like Waitak & Auckland, but surely Phelo knows some old team mates that would be keen to come out to nz on a footballing holiday.

I think Rab Smith actually has a good point where SPL clubs should try & get at least one import each, there must be thousands of players of the quality of Frank Haggerty that would jump at the chance to come over here from the UK.

First Team Squad
over 17 years
horseshead21 wrote:
jaime taylor didnt get a single red card last year... so explain how that makes him a dirty player?you muppet. dirtiest players in the league; schollour, deely, abbot (and most brazillians from qtown) in no particular order [/QUOTE]
He did get a red card i was there when he got sent for calling the AR a 'f**king c**t'
horseshead21 wrote:
Roslyn just get a bad wrap... the officails in dunedin are f**king useless and  deserve most of the abuse they are dealt. In general its a dirty league, so its tactical to kick lumps  [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=horseshead21]yeah but its a bit of a hack fest....I think the refereeing standard is atrocious which leads to the ill discipline
As a fellow ref, i can assure you the referees are of the highest quaility and horsie if you think you know better with the numbers crisis the new RDO Chris Boyd would love to see you.
[QUOTE=Barry White]Long time reader, first time writer.

what do experts think on the makeup of the comp? i think and 11 team is rubbish. the otago kids and braes should go and then either qtown or southland. i think it should be an 8 team leauge...the standard should get better as less muppets will be playing it
Barry i couldn't agree  more.
I think the league should have
First Team Squad
over 17 years
league predictions
1. cavey
2. tech
3. roslyn
4. mosgiel
5. queenstown
6. northern
7. green island
8. southland
9. university
10. otago youth
11. grants braes
over 17 years
Ever the optimist,
Take Northern from 6 to 9 and the order will be complete.
Southland have another Scottish import... even looks like Barry Gardner. Probably has a right foot and no left... apart from that I don't think there will be much improvement under Kenny "Mr Personality" Cresswell...
Queenstown are a surprise package, there are a huge number of Brazillians training, maybe a couple are good? 
almost 16 years
Not sure Dino, John Wilkinson is involved with Northern this year, he's always done pretty well with his teams so they could surprise.

Agree re Southland, Cresswell is useless

about 17 years
otagofan wrote:
As a fellow ref, i can assure you the referees are of the highest quaility and horsie if you think you know better with the numbers crisis the new RDO Chris Boyd would love to see you.
They might be the highest quality in Dunedin but that's not really saying a lot is it.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
little is a club slut... he ditched roslyn for a few k. Rhys henderson is welcome at roslyn im sure they could find him a spot... to say he will not start for cavy is shocking... he should start ahead of mike smith anyday
First Team Squad
over 15 years
1. roslyn
2. cavy
3. mosgiel
4. tech
5. queenstown
6. northern
7. green island
8. southland
9. university
10. otago youth
11. grants braes
First Team Squad
over 15 years
First Team Squad
over 15 years
shemus ryder is a club slut...  he wouldnt make the roslyn squad
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