Southern Football (incl Southern United) (Part 2)

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almost 12 years

You are talking about the guys that play route 1 every week?  Me being reasonable and all would say so what?  If they win good on them.  It's about winning isn't it?  You don't have to be TECHNICAL to win.

over 11 years

Golden Boot heating up. McClennan with 8 and then 5 players on 7 (McCormick, Attwood, Bates, Brook and Coldicott). 

First Team Squad
over 14 years

Golden Boot heating up. McClennan with 8 and then 5 players on 7 (McCormick, Attwood, Bates, Brook and Coldicott). 

Time for Tech to get a CB [to play alongside you] that can score enough goals to keep up with these guys.

If they need, I know one that is on 8 and could be on 10 if he had taken a couple of penalties. 

over 11 years

Green Island 3 University 3

Caversham 7 Northern 0

Mosgiel 3 Roslyn 1

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Scottie Rd wrote:

Golden Boot heating up. McClennan with 8 and then 5 players on 7 (McCormick, Attwood, Bates, Brook and Coldicott). 

Time for Tech to get a CB [to play alongside you] that can score enough goals to keep up with these guys.

If they need, I know one that is on 8 and could be on 10 if he had taken a couple of penalties. 

I think youll find Tech has that centre back already. 

What Tech actually needs is fullbacks who can defend properly. Both have contributed to goals this season in key moments. 

From what I saw, I also think Caversham were tactically and mentally better at the weekend - some very strong leaders among that group

Phoenix Academy
over 9 years
Tekkers wrote:
Scottie Rd wrote:

Golden Boot heating up. McClennan with 8 and then 5 players on 7 (McCormick, Attwood, Bates, Brook and Coldicott). 

Time for Tech to get a CB [to play alongside you] that can score enough goals to keep up with these guys.

If they need, I know one that is on 8 and could be on 10 if he had taken a couple of penalties. 

I think youll find Tech has that centre back already. 

What Tech actually needs is fullbacks who can defend properly. Both have contributed to goals this season in key moments. 

From what I saw, I also think Caversham were tactically and mentally better at the weekend - some very strong leaders among that group

The golden boot award is just who can score the most goals against the weaker clubs. Id like to see how many goals the previous winners have scored against the top 2-3 clubs.

How has Caversham not came away with the points then?

about 10 years

Dunedin techincals midfield is the problem. they are so average cant win the league with that but fullbacks need to be better

almost 11 years
Uni vs GI- uni to win 3-2 Cavy vs Northern- Northern to draw 1-1 after Cavy have massive night in macs tonight Roslyn vs Mosgiel- Roslyn to win 2-1 with Mosgiel
over 9 years

I would just like to say that will all be wrong :)

over 9 years

So let me get this right because I care about the development and improvement of contemporary football - you're telling me that you are endorsing the notion of encouraging an outdated football style that works literally nowhere apart from Dunedin? A style of football that rely's on very few facets - the ability to win headers, speed, and manipulating poor to average Dunedin center backs? This is simply ridiculous. It denies many young players from developing individually, and forces them to regress their possible skill level and replicate how the "best" players here in order to be able to participate in games and gain recognition from managers, with no way to even attenuate this? Each to their own I guess. 

over 9 years
over 9 years
The same keeper played for both Northen1st and 2nds and conceded a record 28 goals in two matches
First Team Squad
about 17 years
M.U.F.C wrote:
The same keeper played for both Northen1st and 2nds and conceded a record 28 goals in two matches

He went off injured at 10-0 in the second game so only 23 conceded by him.

In fairness, he wasn't bad. Can't blame him for the results.

over 9 years

Yes, granted we may have lost 15-0, but at least we're not as arrogant as half of this football community is. It's pathetic to see how many of you think you're super-stars and yet you play in Dunedin. It's laughable really. Enjoy a lifetime spent in a league that kicks the ball long in its diminutive attempt to understand the dynamics of passing tactics and ideologies.  

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Yes, granted we may have lost 15-0, but at least we're not as arrogant as half of this football community is. It's pathetic to see how many of you think you're super-stars and yet you play in Dunedin. It's laughable really. Enjoy a lifetime spent in a league that kicks the ball long in its diminutive attempt to understand the dynamics of passing tactics and ideologies.  

I thought Tech were the only long ball merchants?

almost 12 years

So let me get this right because I care about the development and improvement of contemporary football - you're telling me that you are endorsing the notion of encouraging an outdated football style that works literally nowhere apart from Dunedin? A style of football that rely's on very few facets - the ability to win headers, speed, and manipulating poor to average Dunedin center backs? This is simply ridiculous. It denies many young players from developing individually, and forces them to regress their possible skill level and replicate how the "best" players here in order to be able to participate in games and gain recognition from managers, with no way to even attenuate this? Each to their own I guess. 

Ok nice rave.  But:

1. What's contemporary football about in a region's top tier?  Answer = winning. Read the FIFA code of conduct Point 1 and have a think and then read the FIFA code of conduct Point 7 and have a laugh.

2. And what's development and improvement of contemporary football about for a region's top tier teams about?  Er...that would be about youth football.  6-16 years olds mainly. 10,000 hours.  Lot's of touches on the ball.  All that sort of stuff.  Winning not the focus but neither would be getting the snot beaten out of you every week.  That puts most kids off playing.

3. There is a style of football in Dunedin that works nowhere else but Dunedin?  Really?  You need to travel more or watch the EPL on telly.  Direct football works all over the world, actually and any half decent coach will tell you the BEST passing option you can take is the most direct and penetrating.

4. Young players are being stopped from developing because of what happens in the FSPL on saturdays?  No they aren't that's just plain silly.  There will be very many local lads that are being hindered in their development - but that's because they don't have good coaches and they don't train anywhere near enough right from an early age.  And those training habits carry on to the FSPL level - you can't be any good if you only train twice a week. If anything getting belted around on a saturday in the FSPL is really good for a young player's development - no amount of technical wizardry is going to help you if you're a cry baby.

almost 12 years

Yes, granted we may have lost 15-0, but at least we're not as arrogant as half of this football community is. It's pathetic to see how many of you think you're super-stars and yet you play in Dunedin. It's laughable really. Enjoy a lifetime spent in a league that kicks the ball long in its diminutive attempt to understand the dynamics of passing tactics and ideologies.  

You are not as arrogant as half the football community is?  And how did you measure arrogance and how did you come up with 50%?  Scientifically and with logic I suppose, just like the rest of your argument.  Well if you are from Northern there's not much football-wise to be arrogant about is there?  Except in your case there is an mis-placed self belief that you know something about football.  What's really laughable here is that you appear to relate long-ball play to a lack of understanding about football.  Actually coaches Burgess and Horner and their players, for example, understand football dynamics full well.  And that's why you'll never see their teams trying to string passes around on the edge of their own box in Dunedin's winter mud and sleet, or get beaten 15-0.  That's just dumb football and the scoreline a disgrace.

over 9 years

@Voice of Reason, I have little interest to waste my time on people with a dangerously low intellect level like you, alas, I shall anyway. You are advocating a very dangerous idea through what you've written thus far. I quote: "that's why you'll never see their teams trying to string passes around on the edge of their own box" - do you watch football yourself? I'm guessing you don't because passing the ball from the back is exactly what all teams of a professional background do in this day and age. Anything else is considered an amateur style of football and is rightly not taken seriously. It would have done you many a favor to observe the recent Under 20 world cup and learn a thing or two about how possession football works.   

almost 12 years

@Voice of Reason, I have little interest to waste my time on people with a dangerously low intellect level like you, alas, I shall anyway. You are advocating a very dangerous idea through what you've written thus far. I quote: "that's why you'll never see their teams trying to string passes around on the edge of their own box" - do you watch football yourself? I'm guessing you don't because passing the ball from the back is exactly what all teams of a professional background do in this day and age. Anything else is considered an amateur style of football and is rightly not taken seriously. It would have done you many a favor to observe the recent Under 20 world cup and learn a thing or two about how possession football works.   

Ah dude you have managed to exceed even your own levels of ignorance.  If you are going to quote someone quote them correctly.  I said, "...that's why you'll never see their teams trying to string passes around on the edge of their own box IN DUNEDIN'S WINTER MUD AND SLEET".  So yeah either learn how to read or quote correctly.  And also there's this little point also that you seem to have missed.  Football in Dunedin is not professional.  And it's not at the level of the U-20 WC either.  So to advocate the local players try to emulate that level of football is just...well...I'll let the forum readers put their own words in there.  In fairness to your stupidty I've most likely coached at a higher level than you ever will and had the privilege to train players who were the best in the country in their age group.  And you, most likely, are just another retard.  Look, I'm an advocate of possession based football but I'm more an advocate of winning. There's just no balance in your argument at all.  There's no reason to press for Barcelona-esk football in the FSPL.  Most players can't do it and never will be able to do it. But they dig it out every week in horrible conditions at times and I like that.  I honour that.  But you don't give that any honour at all.  You just sound like a whinging scumbag.  Dunedin football is actually worth a lot.  And every now and then the region will produce a Joel Stevens.  And that's probably as good as it gets.

over 9 years

@Voice of Reason, If everything is so amazing in this league, as you claim, why do the Southern United teams (allegedly, the best selection of players) continue to fail and disappoint us as representatives for our league? Oh yes, that's right, because they too kick the ball long at every possible attempt whilst other successful teams of the national league simply pass it around them and laugh at their inability to comprehend their own demise. The problem is, all everyone does is applaud this league, and the few talents that occasionally emerge from it. No one stops to say, "hey, maybe there's a reason why no one takes this league seriously?". Maybe it's time to acknowledge that this league really is quite pathetic and address the underlying problems (playing strategies, philosophies, management, game analysis - a very serious problem evidently, etc). If all we do is say how great everyone here is, there will be no improvement. But if everyone is happy with that, then by all means, carry on as you were. It's all the same to me :) 

almost 12 years

Dude seriously grow a brain.  Who said it was amazing? Not me. Who said everyone was great here?  Not me. Who said everyone was happy with the standard? Not me.  You started this particular thread by complaining that teams win by playing long ball football after your team lost 15 nil. If you are happy losing 15-0 and get all high and mighty because the other team played long and your team were Northern-come-Barcelona then, yeah - well be all high and mighty.  The rest of us are just having a laugh at you. There's nothing to complain about if you can win the FSPL.  It is what it is.  This isn't Auckland with all it's Trust money.  It's the least populated and poorest football region in NZ.  And if you can win the FSPL then good job. And if Southern Utd can get the odd win against TW and give ACFC a good run from time to time (as they do) then what's your problem?  Show some respect for the local players dude and just STFU.

over 9 years

@Voice of Reason, let's leave it at that then. The discography of this league shall forever remain a lost cause. 

almost 12 years

@Voice of Reason, let's leave it at that then. The discography of this league shall forever remain a lost cause. 

No you leave it. You sound like a loser anyway. Me I will enjoy the beautiful game however it's played.

over 9 years

@Voice of reason, "You sound like a loser", gosh, I didn't know I had the pleasure of conversing with such a pervasive member of the Dunedin intelligentsia. It is an honor sir. Enjoy watching 30+ year old men continue to kick the ball as far as they can up the pitch and then label it beautiful. You have that right, and I'm certainly not trying to take it away from you. 

over 9 years

"Actually coaches Burgess and Horner and their players, for example, understand football dynamics full well." 

Is your name voice of reason? Can you teach me how to be autistic? Yeah that's why all his team does is kick it long. Beautiful qoute. Might just have a cheeky fap to those words of wisdom m8.

over 9 years

"Actually coaches Burgess and Horner and their players, for example, understand football dynamics full well." 

Is your name voice of reason? Can you teach me how to be autistic? Yeah that's why all his team does is kick it long. Beautiful qoute. Might just have a cheeky fap to those words of wisdom m8.

First Team Squad
over 14 years

I'm sure Steven Gerrard would just have been happy to kick the ball long to the corner flag.

Play to your strenghs but don't over play the game, passing it around near the back line cost him a trophy. Why, because he made a mistake in the wrong part of the pitch at the wrong time.

Right time and place for all sorts of football at any age, just not on Tonga Park etal.

almost 12 years

@Voice of reason, "You sound like a loser", gosh, I didn't know I had the pleasure of conversing with such a pervasive member of the Dunedin intelligentsia. It is an honor sir. Enjoy watching 30+ year old men continue to kick the ball as far as they can up the pitch and then label it beautiful. You have that right, and I'm certainly not trying to take it away from you. 

Dude it's a pleasure destroying you in an argument.  But it wasn't difficult since you were so hopeless.  What did I label beautiful? All football.  Not just long ball stuff and not just 30+ football.  Look, just go back home and learn to read and think. And then come back and say something sensible.

almost 12 years
Scottie Rd wrote:

I'm sure Steven Gerrard would just have been happy to kick the ball long to the corner flag.

Play to your strenghs but don't over play the game, passing it around near the back line cost him a trophy. Why, because he made a mistake in the wrong part of the pitch at the wrong time.

Right time and place for all sorts of football at any age, just not on Tonga Park etal.

This ^

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Obsessed with Tech, getting boring now

love a good long ball me 

almost 12 years
logic wrote:

"Actually coaches Burgess and Horner and their players, for example, understand football dynamics full well." 

Is your name voice of reason? Can you teach me how to be autistic? Yeah that's why all his team does is kick it long. Beautiful qoute. Might just have a cheeky fap to those words of wisdom m8.

This is just plain weird.

almost 12 years
wrongin wrote:

Obsessed with Tech, getting boring now

love a good long ball me 

Yeah and this.  Total football at it's best.

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years

The best football teams play to their strengths and that is why they win more often. Its a simple game.

In Dunedin, the top teams' strength of attacking pace and power almost always wins. Pretty possession football can only get you so far and if you are only going to be able to play at your best when the pitch is flat and smooth then you are not going to get very far at all.

For Southern, they are not going to match other teams in terms of skill and Technical ability. Their strength (in theory) is defensive solidity and utilising the hard work that is so prevalent in Dunedin football. Every player can compete in terms of hard work and determination. Southern are 2/3 quality players away from competing with most of the league and that is where the monetary differences play a part. 

over 12 years

Actually the problem isn't with defenders knocking it ong at all n my opinion. Only in New Zealand will strikers try and chase dow every goal kick or play out from the back in a hgh pressing - wins nothing mentality. The reason that football overseas is played out from the back so much is that strikers are their to score goals not make every tackle in the attacking 3rd - they couldn't give a shark about a team playing out from the back. Technically you should be playing around this attacker but you get what you get with players in NZ the technical coaching was never there. Hopefully with a fully functional FTC programme kids in the future with their learned 'playing out from the back' style will we see improvements- it'll just take time and good coaching. As for you talking about the league being crap - it is what it is, there's more teams competing for the title this year than previously so it is improving- but there's no money at all down here so again - you get the awesome people that make it what it is - which is brilliant. There's only a select few coaches who know how to take adult players and break down their game for them technically and tactically - Brett McMurdoch is one of the only ones I've met - UEFA A licensed coach. Your Northern tiki-taka-whatever posts are embarrassing. By the way I'm over 30 and can play out from the back and be comfortable with my feet to not have to kick it long... so your statements are really quite untrue.

over 9 years
over 9 years

One day all the untalented footballers met up and decided to make a scheme of playing that everyone could join in with. And the tragic route 1 was born. Perhaps the worst day in history. 

Let's see how far this league progresses by continually kicking it long. Have fun guys :) It takes the least amount of talent to kick it long. And you're actually trying to justify how route 1 football is amazing and that everyone here should be commended for their contributions (non existent ones). There's just no convincing deluded people and being talented isn't for everyone, I suppose. Your logic is this - "Hooray we kicked it long and scored, therefore we're amazing at football and let's not pass the ball because WHAT IF we lose it and concede because, that's right, there's a tiny bit of mud on the pitch so kicking it long is the only viable option. We won the Dunedin league, huzzah for route 1 football". 

almost 12 years

Let's spell it out one more time and see if it gets through your thick head.  No-one is saying Route 1 football is amazing.  What is amazing is your penchant for misquoting. Route 1 is just one (completely valid) strategy. It works in Dunedin and all over the world.  Barca play long balls and so do the Dutch.  And the teams at the top of the pile in Dunedin don't just play long all day in any case.  On this forum right now you are a minority of one. Ever think that you might be wrong, or is your head so far up your own anus that your brain is completely filled with sharke?

about 10 years

@NorthernFC Tiki-taka tippy-tappy your chat is disgraceful at best. You write like a 10 year old with a 8 year old brain. Can somebody do a psych report on this individual?

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

A wiseman once said "Its not about the long ball or the short ball, its about the right ball."

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