Team Wellington... no longer an association with Ole. Chur

over 17 years
terminator_x wrote:
reg22 wrote:

let's assume waita and auckland are run really really well.  therefore, they get better players and more money.  let's also assume that the other franchises are run ok, or just plain terribly.  why are deserving of equality?

This is at the very heart of the issue reg22. I think you've got the logic wrong there. Waitak and Auckland don't have better players and get more money from pokies because they are run really well, they get better players and are run really well because they have more money.

There's this assumption that ACFC (and Waitak) have somehow hit on this brilliant business model and therefore their dominance is simple market economics. They are just reaping the rewards for doing things really well. But that's bullshit. All ACFC and Waitak are doing is writing lots of applications for pokie grants (the same as every other franchise is doing) but getting a much higher proportion of them approved - in ACFC's case almost without fail from a single trust over a long period of time. That is not about having a better business model or being run really well, it is just... well, let's be polite and call it lucky. It's also the complete antithesis of the kind of "work hard and be rewarded" ethic that you seem to think is in evidence here, it's actually a model based on receiving nanny-state style handouts.  It certainly points to a major failing in the whole pokie grants system, one that the DIA seem to be aware of and are making moves to fix.

Now it wouldn't particularly matter how much money ACFC and Waitak have if it didn't then cause a major distortion in the competitiveness of the league, effectively making it a two-horse race that no-one south of the Bombay Hills is really interested in.

So the proposal to introduce an expenditure cap isn't about trying to punish ACFC and Waitak, or give other teams an unfair leg up, it's just a possible mechanism for creating a more competitive and interesting league.

If you, tomorrow, cut the amount that ACFC and Waitakere spent by 25% how would that improve the league?  

It's not going to make the players that Otago have any better.  It's not going to make the players that ACFC have any worse.  I don't see frankly how you close the gap unless you focus on improving from the bottom up.  

You say you're not trying to penalise the top 2 - but really you are.  Cutting their "expenditure" doesn't change anything unless you find a way to improve the teams in Otago etc.  Considering that in the majority of players throughout the ASBP are drawn from the local pool of talent (give or take a few top players who switch from time to time) - and there just happens to be a shit load more good football players in Auckland than in Otago, unless you want them to start buying in players from Auckland or overseas (which I'm guessing you don't considering that seems to be your problem with Auckland), this changes nothing.  

Personally I think adding 2 new teams in Auckland would do a lot more to spread the talent than cutting the amount the top 2 are allowed to spend.  

I do question how you can say that there is no difference in the way different franchises are run unless you've been involved.  I think it is fair to ask, have you?
over 13 years
james dean wrote:
terminator_x wrote:
reg22 wrote:

let's assume waita and auckland are run really really well.  therefore, they get better players and more money.  let's also assume that the other franchises are run ok, or just plain terribly.  why are deserving of equality?

This is at the very heart of the issue reg22. I think you've got the logic wrong there. Waitak and Auckland don't have better players and get more money from pokies because they are run really well, they get better players and are run really well because they have more money.

There's this assumption that ACFC (and Waitak) have somehow hit on this brilliant business model and therefore their dominance is simple market economics. They are just reaping the rewards for doing things really well. But that's bullshit. All ACFC and Waitak are doing is writing lots of applications for pokie grants (the same as every other franchise is doing) but getting a much higher proportion of them approved - in ACFC's case almost without fail from a single trust over a long period of time. That is not about having a better business model or being run really well, it is just... well, let's be polite and call it lucky. It's also the complete antithesis of the kind of "work hard and be rewarded" ethic that you seem to think is in evidence here, it's actually a model based on receiving nanny-state style handouts.  It certainly points to a major failing in the whole pokie grants system, one that the DIA seem to be aware of and are making moves to fix.

Now it wouldn't particularly matter how much money ACFC and Waitak have if it didn't then cause a major distortion in the competitiveness of the league, effectively making it a two-horse race that no-one south of the Bombay Hills is really interested in.

So the proposal to introduce an expenditure cap isn't about trying to punish ACFC and Waitak, or give other teams an unfair leg up, it's just a possible mechanism for creating a more competitive and interesting league.

If you, tomorrow, cut the amount that ACFC and Waitakere spent by 25% how would that improve the league?  

It's not going to make the players that Otago have any better.  It's not going to make the players that ACFC have any worse.  I don't see frankly how you close the gap unless you focus on improving from the bottom up.  

You say you're not trying to penalise the top 2 - but really you are.  Cutting their "expenditure" doesn't change anything unless you find a way to improve the teams in Otago etc.  Considering that in the majority of players throughout the ASBP are drawn from the local pool of talent (give or take a few top players who switch from time to time) - and there just happens to be a shit load more good football players in Auckland than in Otago, unless you want them to start buying in players from Auckland or overseas (which I'm guessing you don't considering that seems to be your problem with Auckland), this changes nothing.  

Personally I think adding 2 new teams in Auckland would do a lot more to spread the talent than cutting the amount the top 2 are allowed to spend.  

I do question how you can say that there is no difference in the way different franchises are run unless you've been involved.  I think it is fair to ask, have you?

Fantastic - some sense. Term seems hell bent on on destroying the two 'unfairly advantaged' Auckland teams. Funny too, that much of the focus is on the 'dominant' ACFC and less so on the westies despite the fact that the westies have won the last 4 titles and the fact that they, apparently, have no money. Tell me how that fits with your argument terminator-y?
about 15 years
james dean wrote:
terminator_x wrote:
reg22 wrote:

let's assume waita and auckland are run really really well.  therefore, they get better players and more money.  let's also assume that the other franchises are run ok, or just plain terribly.  why are deserving of equality?

This is at the very heart of the issue reg22. I think you've got the logic wrong there. Waitak and Auckland don't have better players and get more money from pokies because they are run really well, they get better players and are run really well because they have more money.

There's this assumption that ACFC (and Waitak) have somehow hit on this brilliant business model and therefore their dominance is simple market economics. They are just reaping the rewards for doing things really well. But that's bullshit. All ACFC and Waitak are doing is writing lots of applications for pokie grants (the same as every other franchise is doing) but getting a much higher proportion of them approved - in ACFC's case almost without fail from a single trust over a long period of time. That is not about having a better business model or being run really well, it is just... well, let's be polite and call it lucky. It's also the complete antithesis of the kind of "work hard and be rewarded" ethic that you seem to think is in evidence here, it's actually a model based on receiving nanny-state style handouts.  It certainly points to a major failing in the whole pokie grants system, one that the DIA seem to be aware of and are making moves to fix.

Now it wouldn't particularly matter how much money ACFC and Waitak have if it didn't then cause a major distortion in the competitiveness of the league, effectively making it a two-horse race that no-one south of the Bombay Hills is really interested in.

So the proposal to introduce an expenditure cap isn't about trying to punish ACFC and Waitak, or give other teams an unfair leg up, it's just a possible mechanism for creating a more competitive and interesting league.

If you, tomorrow, cut the amount that ACFC and Waitakere spent by 25% how would that improve the league?  

It's not going to make the players that Otago have any better.  It's not going to make the players that ACFC have any worse.  I don't see frankly how you close the gap unless you focus on improving from the bottom up.  

You say you're not trying to penalise the top 2 - but really you are.  Cutting their "expenditure" doesn't change anything unless you find a way to improve the teams in Otago etc.  Considering that in the majority of players throughout the ASBP are drawn from the local pool of talent (give or take a few top players who switch from time to time) - and there just happens to be a shit load more good football players in Auckland than in Otago, unless you want them to start buying in players from Auckland or overseas (which I'm guessing you don't considering that seems to be your problem with Auckland), this changes nothing.  

Personally I think adding 2 new teams in Auckland would do a lot more to spread the talent than cutting the amount the top 2 are allowed to spend.  

I do question how you can say that there is no difference in the way different franchises are run unless you've been involved.  I think it is fair to ask, have you?

Yeah but JD, are you aware that ACFC frequently start between 6-8 imports? Imports that have been bought with said money? It has nothing to do with drawing players from a local talent pool. The money they have means they stack their side with imports. If Otago had that same money, they would too. If you added 2 more teams in Auckland, the talent would not spread. It may take away a few bench players that ACFC have but it would not spread the talent.
Still Believin'
over 17 years
james dean wrote:

If you, tomorrow, cut the amount that ACFC and Waitakere spent by 25% how would that improve the league?  

But it would never be implemented in the simplistic way you’ve described. For starters, you would give every team the same expenditure budget, not arbitrarily cut a % from the top two. I also think it would work best married up with a mechanism to centralise the acquisition of grant funding for the entire league. And you’re dead right - another franchise or two in Auckland would do a lot to rebalance the talent in a way that doesn’t place unreasonable expectations on players to move. That’s a great example of where an expenditure cap would be valuable - by stopping an inflationary bidding war in Auckland using pokie money.

Sure, the implementation requires some thought but the principle remains very simple. Like every other salary-capped league in the world by giving everyone roughly the same amount to spend you level the playing field and create a more competitive, interesting and engaging competition. But yes, it would not work in isolation (although I don’t think I’ve ever argued for that).

If ACFC and Waitakere were actually generating any significant revenues of their own (gate receipts, commercial sponsorships etc) I might even have a different view. But the fact is they aren’t. Our national league is largely funded by pokie money, which creates all sorts of issues. One of the biggest ones is that it is grossly distorting the competitiveness of the league. The ability to attract pokie money simply should not be a factor in whether a team is successful or not in our national football league, and yet it is probably the single biggest factor. It’s ludicrous! If we have to have pokie money in the sport then we should at least make sure it is used equitably.

Still Believin'
over 17 years
james dean wrote:

I don't see frankly how you close the gap unless you focus on improving from the bottom up.  

But if you are advocating the ACFC/Waitak model that just means trying to bring more pokie money into the game in order to attract better players (many of them imports) to your franchise.

More proceeds from gambling to pay for more imports. Is that your recipe for success?

As mentioned above though you may be right that there simply isn't enough talent in somewhere like Dunedin to even consider having a franchise in the first place.

Still Believin'
over 17 years
james dean wrote:

I do question how you can say that there is no difference in the way different franchises are run unless you've been involved.  I think it is fair to ask, have you?

I didn't say that. I said it is not a major factor in the competitive differences between the franchises. Pokie money is. Which, in turn, may lead to some franchises being able to "run themselves better".

As stated above, do we think it is a good thing that in our national football league the single biggest variable in the competitiveness equation is the ability to attract pokie funding? That doesn't even sound like sport any more to me. And that's without even getting into the moral issues and the sustainability issues.

We seriously need to look at the role of pokie funding in all this.

over 13 years
terminator_x wrote:
james dean wrote:

If you, tomorrow, cut the amount that ACFC and Waitakere spent by 25% how would that improve the league?  

But it would never be implemented in the simplistic way you’ve described. For starters, you would give every team the same expenditure budget, not arbitrarily cut a % from the top two. I also think it would work best married up with a mechanism to centralise the acquisition of grant funding for the entire league. And you’re dead right - another franchise or two in Auckland would do a lot to rebalance the talent in a way that doesn’t place unreasonable expectations on players to move. That’s a great example of where an expenditure cap would be valuable - by stopping an inflationary bidding war in Auckland using pokie money.

Sure, the implementation requires some thought but the principle remains very simple. Like every other salary-capped league in the world by giving everyone roughly the same amount to spend you level the playing field and create a more competitive, interesting and engaging competition. But yes, it would not work in isolation (although I don’t think I’ve ever argued for that).

If ACFC and Waitakere were actually generating any significant revenues of their own (gate receipts, commercial sponsorships etc) I might even have a different view. But the fact is they aren’t. Our national league is largely funded by pokie money, which creates all sorts of issues. One of the biggest ones is that it is grossly distorting the competitiveness of the league. The ability to attract pokie money simply should not be a factor in whether a team is successful or not in our national football league, and yet it is probably the single biggest factor. It’s ludicrous! If we have to have pokie money in the sport then we should at least make sure it is used equitably.

Blah blah blah pokie money blah blah blah pokie money blah blah blah pokie money blah blah blah pokie money blah blah blah pokie money blah blah blah pokie money blah blah blah pokie money blah blah blah pokie money blah blah blah pokie money blah blah blah pokie money blah blah blah pokie money blah blah blah pokie money blah blah blah pokie money blah blah blah pokie money blah blah blah pokie money blah blah blah pokie moneyblah blah blah pokie money blah blah blah pokie money.
Starting XI
about 14 years

Strong retort, alireggae. I am 100% completely on your side of the ledger now, terminator should stop coming in here with his crude attempts at making common sense and logical arguments, he should just resort to sitting back and gazing at the majestic Auckland City and their trophy cabinet.

over 13 years
terminator_x wrote:
james dean wrote:

If you, tomorrow, cut the amount that ACFC and Waitakere spent by 25% how would that improve the league?  

But it would never be implemented in the simplistic way you’ve described. For starters, you would give every team the same expenditure budget, not arbitrarily cut a % from the top two. I also think it would work best married up with a mechanism to centralise the acquisition of grant funding for the entire league. And you’re dead right - another franchise or two in Auckland would do a lot to rebalance the talent in a way that doesn’t place unreasonable expectations on players to move. That’s a great example of where an expenditure cap would be valuable - by stopping an inflationary bidding war in Auckland using pokie money.

Sure, the implementation requires some thought but the principle remains very simple. Like every other salary-capped league in the world by giving everyone roughly the same amount to spend you level the playing field and create a more competitive, interesting and engaging competition. But yes, it would not work in isolation (although I don’t think I’ve ever argued for that).

If ACFC and Waitakere were actually generating any significant revenues of their own (gate receipts, commercial sponsorships etc) I might even have a different view. But the fact is they aren’t. Our national league is largely funded by pokie money, which creates all sorts of issues. One of the biggest ones is that it is grossly distorting the competitiveness of the league. The ability to attract pokie money simply should not be a factor in whether a team is successful or not in our national football league, and yet it is probably the single biggest factor. It’s ludicrous! If we have to have pokie money in the sport then we should at least make sure it is used equitably.

In this communist state league that you are proposing, how do you account for the expenses incurred by the teams that compete in the OFC Champions League such as flights, accommodation etc? And for that matter the winner of the OFC Champions League expenses incurred in the CWC?
over 13 years
N-Bomb wrote:

Strong retort, alireggae. I am 100% completely on your side of the ledger now, terminator should stop coming in here with his crude attempts at making common sense and logical arguments, he should just resort to sitting back and gazing at the majestic Auckland City and their trophy cabinet.

Why thank you. It took me ages to come up with a reasoned response and then put that down in writing.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
alireggae wrote:
terminator_x wrote:
james dean wrote:

If you, tomorrow, cut the amount that ACFC and Waitakere spent by 25% how would that improve the league?  

But it would never be implemented in the simplistic way you’ve described. For starters, you would give every team the same expenditure budget, not arbitrarily cut a % from the top two. I also think it would work best married up with a mechanism to centralise the acquisition of grant funding for the entire league. And you’re dead right - another franchise or two in Auckland would do a lot to rebalance the talent in a way that doesn’t place unreasonable expectations on players to move. That’s a great example of where an expenditure cap would be valuable - by stopping an inflationary bidding war in Auckland using pokie money.

Sure, the implementation requires some thought but the principle remains very simple. Like every other salary-capped league in the world by giving everyone roughly the same amount to spend you level the playing field and create a more competitive, interesting and engaging competition. But yes, it would not work in isolation (although I don’t think I’ve ever argued for that).

If ACFC and Waitakere were actually generating any significant revenues of their own (gate receipts, commercial sponsorships etc) I might even have a different view. But the fact is they aren’t. Our national league is largely funded by pokie money, which creates all sorts of issues. One of the biggest ones is that it is grossly distorting the competitiveness of the league. The ability to attract pokie money simply should not be a factor in whether a team is successful or not in our national football league, and yet it is probably the single biggest factor. It’s ludicrous! If we have to have pokie money in the sport then we should at least make sure it is used equitably.

In this communist state league that you are proposing, how do you account for the expenses incurred by the teams that compete in the OFC Champions League such as flights, accommodation etc? And for that matter the winner of the OFC Champions League expenses incurred in the CWC?

Many successful leagues around the world are run like this. 
In fact, it always amuses me how Americans hate anything that seems vaguely communist, without really seeing that basically all of their sport is run this way. 
I'm sure money could easily be set aside for expenses such as this. Through some sort of prize money for the winner of the ASBP and OCL perhaps?
Still Believin'
over 17 years

Ali - your last few responses have been brilliant. Well done.

As I've pointed out a couple of times already relying on annual handouts of $500k from a gaming trust is about as socialist as it gets my friend.

If ACFC work out a way to receive the Domestic Purposes Benefit am I meant to applaud that as a great piece of business too?

about 15 years
terminator_x wrote:

Ali - your last few responses have been brilliant. Well done.

As I've pointed out a couple of times already relying on annual handouts of $500k from a gaming trust is about as socialist as it gets my friend.

If ACFC work out a way to receive the Domestic Purposes Benefit am I meant to applaud that as a great piece of business too?

Term I have to ask why the hell you are not on the board of NZF.
I also have to ask if you actually expected something better from Ali. Its a typical 2 yo response of sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming loudly to not be able to hear what the other is saying. My grandson has this mastered.


Ali - don't come back with anything reasoned to back up your POV now. Just keep telling yourself that the DIA will see you right for eternity.

over 13 years

Did anyone here ever have a sense of humour or was it always deathly serious?

about 15 years

If you are too stupid to figure out that its a serious discussion that we are having and you have a chance to have your say (or in fact answer the question which you never do) then they have labels for people like you.



Starting XI
over 17 years

in other news, have TW signed Kade Schrijvers?

over 13 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

If you are too stupid to figure out that its a serious discussion that we are having and you have a chance to have your say (or in fact answer the question which you never do) then they have labels for people like you.



Remind me of the question - I'm pretty sure I answered it but I can't be bothered trolling back through to find it.
Starting XI
over 17 years

Team Wellington is pleased to announce the signing of New Caledonian International Roy Kayara for the 2013-2014 ASB Premiership.

Kayara who is 23 has represented New Caledonia at various age group levels and was a stand-out member of Les Cagous during both the 2012 OFC Nations Cup which included a 2-0 victory over the All Whites and the Stage 3 FIFA World Cup qualifiers which concluded for the New Caledonians in March 2013.

He is currently playing for Hienghène where he helped them to secure the Coupe de Calédonie for the first time by scoring in their 3-1 victory over Qanono. During the pre-season of the 2013/14 season Kayara was on trial with Sheffield United during their tour of Scotland.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Quite right too. Let's try and move the general discussion over there.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Actually this thread is probably the best place to carry on the general discussion...

Wishes for the new ASBP season

about 17 years

Would be great to increase the financial viability of teams to increase the number of rounds played, I would think that is a priority ahead of making the competition more competitive at this stage.

about 13 years

TW v SU (Otago) 2 pm 24 November  

David Farrington Park

BBQ will be back - Bring the sun block

about 13 years
Stage Punch
about 17 years

Is that a joke about being on side?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Quite gutted to be missing this. Great day for it. 

Stage Punch
about 17 years

3-1 win I'm told. Could have been 10.

almost 16 years

TW next two "home" games are at RoF as curtain raisers to the Nix games on Sat 14 Dec (2:45 pm, vs Wanderers) and Sun 22 Dec (4:15 pm, vs WaiBOP).

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Great, so I'll miss them too. 

(Unless they're on tv..?)

almost 16 years
Tegal wrote:

Great, so I'll miss them too. 

Poos and wees and jobbies.

Are you working or somefing?  Are you able to make the Nix games?

Would be hard for me to drag the whanau to both games in one day.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Yeah it's the both games in one day thing. Spending that long at the stadium isn't worth it. 

Don't really see the point in having them as curtain raisers, unless its so sky can show them. 

almost 16 years

Well then Tegal - you are just as much a bandwagon-ing, plastic Aussie supporting c*nt as I am.

Actually no. On second thoughts I am more of a c*nt than you.  I'm sure of it.

about 15 years
Junior82 wrote:

Well then Tegal - you are just as much a bandwagon-ing, plastic Aussie supporting c*nt as I am.

Actually no. On second thoughts I am more of a c*nt than you.  I'm sure of it.

I think you are both as useful as each other
Early retirement
over 17 years

TV @ Bencher?

TeeDubs good in parts today.  Kayara looks useful.  Positive signs.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

That's the plan HN. That's why I was asking if it was in fact on tv. 

about 13 years
Hard News wrote:

TV @ Bencher?

TeeDubs good in parts today.  Kayara looks useful.  Positive signs.

Most parts other than in front of goal you mean
First Team Squad
over 14 years
Smithy wrote:

3-1 win I'm told. Could have been 10.

Did Batty play in goal for SU?
Had a blinder of a game in Rnd one then SU coach decides to trial back up keeper for Rnd two, thought that was what pre season was for. What about Rnd three?
Must try harder
over 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

Well then Tegal - you are just as much a bandwagon-ing, plastic Aussie supporting c*nt as I am.

Actually no. On second thoughts I am more of a c*nt than you.  I'm sure of it.

Im happy to call it a draw ....
about 17 years

How's Lindsay going?

Interesting to see Gulley on the bench after being a possible Nix signing..

Team Wellington... no longer an association with Ole. Chur

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