almost 11 years

Didn't make it to the game myself but does seem like the same story every week, but as you say its good to be finally competing! Galera started for Higgins and Smith went with Mcnabb over big George up top which did surprised me, how did they play? TW next week will be interesting.

Starting XI
almost 14 years

McNab was busy, won quite a few headers and held the ball up well, but couldn't quite take his chances, one hit the post, one flashed across the face and he couldn't get to it, which surprisingly is kinda the opposite of what I thought would happen.

Not sure whether Higgins was out due to his concussion suffered the week before, but Corbera went alright, he's a threat going forward and defends reasonably well. He's one of the few who will probably be chucked on crossing duty at training this week.

Phoenix Academy
about 14 years

Higgins was ruled out by the doctor because of concussion.

Starting XI
almost 14 years

So Manko is gone, but there's a bigger name on the horizon, keep an eye out for it.

Starting XI
over 17 years
Starting XI
almost 14 years

Afraid not, as I'm wanting to try and get the scoop when everything is all confirmed. But I'm sure there'll be a big mouth on the forums somewhere who will give it all away haha.

Edit: Actually, tell you what, if it's not confirmed by tomorrow I'll throw the rumour out here. So far Peter Smith hasn't denied it to me, so I'm pretty sure it's legit.

almost 13 years

He played last night as a second half sub.  Did well! . Think it's more waitakere are desperate for forwards and he wants the chance with a team that has a chance of top 4.... Doubt money comes into it as waitakere ain't got any. 

over 11 years
N-Bomb wrote:

So Manko is gone, but there's a bigger name on the horizon, keep an eye out for it.


Starting XI
over 17 years

did he play up front or in midfield?

almost 13 years

Played up front...when he and Pearce came on they looked good up there

about 15 years
N-Bomb wrote:

So Manko is gone, but there's a bigger name on the horizon, keep an eye out for it.


Maybe Tony Lockhead

about 11 years

He's 'bigger' alright! Will be a decent acquisition, especially the way WaiBop like to play. That's all I'll say. Don't want to steal N-Bomb's thunder.

Starting XI
almost 14 years

Alright, here's what's going on so far:

1) Maksim Manko is gone, with Peter Smith being surprised to see him turning out for Waitakere last night, as he hadn't been fully notified and thought he'd be around for the Canterbury game.

2) Ethan Galbraith is in, with fellow striker Sam Messam to follow the week later.

3) Tony Lochhead hasn't been confirmed yet, but rumours are he is keen to sign, potentially as a pre-cursor to an overseas stint as he tries to get back to match fitness.

More to come...

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
N-Bomb wrote:

Alright, here's what's going on so far:

1) Maksim Manko is gone, with Peter Smith being surprised to see him turning out for Waitakere last night, as he hadn't been fully notified and thought he'd be around for the Canterbury game.

Bit of an asshole thing to do

Starting XI
almost 14 years
2ndBest wrote:
N-Bomb wrote:

Alright, here's what's going on so far:

1) Maksim Manko is gone, with Peter Smith being surprised to see him turning out for Waitakere last night, as he hadn't been fully notified and thought he'd be around for the Canterbury game.

Bit of an asshole thing to do

Yeah we had this debate in the Waitak thread last night. Personally, I can see why he would do it (Either money, ease of location, or O-League), but when you have a club who didn't want you at the start of the season, all of a sudden come crawling back after WaiBOP signed you, you would hope for a bit of loyalty to the club who rated you enough to chase you as one of their key players.
But alas.
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Was talking more about playing last night.

about 15 years

Its a big asshole thing to do. Either the club has not told the coach of this or the player has told no one.

WaiBOP should enforce the 28 day stand down.

Must try harder
over 17 years

Hmm.... is the stand down a mutual thing ?

Or do only the ex-host  team have to agree it ....Id be keen to throw a complaint into NZF...ala Pritchett a few years back ...

about 15 years

When Adam Thomas moved to TW last year and followed Declan, WaiBOP enforced a 4 week stand down. Whether that is in the rules or specific to WaiBOPs deals, I don't know.

Starting XI
almost 14 years

WaiBOP, while disappointed, have said that he'll go with their blessing, so they decided not to take the 28 day standout or transfer fee route as an option.

Seems like communication was severely lacking, most likely on Manko.

almost 17 years

Claude 9 of the NATIONAL LEAGUE AMATEUR PLAYER AGREEMENT - which is standardised across ASB premiership entities, says: 

9.  The Agreement may be terminated by either the NL Entity or the Player on five (5) weeks notice in writing to the other.

It proceeds to say: 

10.  In the event that a player signs for another club prior to the termination of this contract then a transfer fee as specified within the NZF regulation may be payable.

But Waibop are cool with one of their better performed players jumping mid-term, don't even want a transfer fee... So there you go.

However miffed fans can make their banners for the Waibop-Waitak match later in the summer. :-)

Blue Cod
over 14 years

I think Waitakere should have the decency to pay WaiBop a transfer fee if Manko isn't going to give the five weeks notice. Mind you I understand most of their funds go in McGowan's salary and the players are left with scraps so I wouldn't hold your breath WaiBop. I think your supporters should be quite rightly peeved about such a ship-jump without much warning. Not good form Waitakere, but not surprising.

Blue Cod
over 14 years
N-Bomb wrote:

WaiBOP, while disappointed, have said that he'll go with their blessing, so they decided not to take the 28 day standout or transfer fee route as an option.

Seems like communication was severely lacking, most likely on Manko.

I think WaiBop are being too decent here, because they've been shafted.

If I recall correctly, this same Waitakere United made a huge song and dance about a rule technicality a few years ago regarding James Pritchett not playing for the AWs and turning out for ACFC instead. To their glee they had points deducted from ACFC by NZF, costing City the minor Premiership. Now it seems this same WU simply ignores the rulebook over nicking another team's player. Of course, this time, NZF does, err, absolutely nothing. Double standards anyone?

Phoenix Academy
almost 13 years

For your amusement, Maxim Manko, Peter Smith and Paul Temple to star in the new Tarantino film:

Starting XI
almost 14 years

"Kick-off for Saturday's match against Auckland City will remain at 5pm. We investigated an earlier kick-off time due to a potential clash with the HRV Cup T20 final, due to be played at Hamilton's Seddon Park, but were unable to make the change."

First Team Squad
about 17 years
N-Bomb wrote:

"Kick-off for Saturday's match against Auckland City will remain at 5pm. We investigated an earlier kick-off time due to a potential clash with the HRV Cup T20 final, due to be played at Hamilton's Seddon Park, but were unable to make the change."

That's not ideal. I know this week's report from the FBS will be done in super quick time to get me home in front of the telly.
over 13 years

Hi Waibopamoolettes - see y'all tomorrow. Do you have a clubhouse selling beer at your Cambridge Stadium?

over 11 years
alireggae wrote:

Hi Waibopamoolettes - see y'all tomorrow. Do you have a clubhouse selling beer at your Cambridge Stadium?

Cream teas mate.

Starting XI
almost 14 years

They do, but it's pretty access-restricted until after the game, especially with Brian Turner having a function there pre-match. Pretty sure there is a beer tent or some sort outside however, so either way there should be something to suit.

over 13 years
N-Bomb wrote:

They do, but it's pretty access-restricted until after the game, especially with Brian Turner having a function there pre-match. Pretty sure there is a beer tent or some sort outside however, so either way there should be something to suit.

Sweet - are you going? - I'll try to say hello... If I can still talk/stand by then!
Starting XI
almost 14 years

I'll be there but I'll be working doing the live updates and interviews and all that, before shooting off to catch the cricket once the game is over. (Unfaithful to football, I know!).

So I'll be the one loitering on the ground at the end of the game for interviews, and then hastily leaving the clubrooms haha, I should be around for a bit though with the locals.

Starting XI
almost 14 years

WaiBOP have signed German midfielder Florian Matk. Formerly of an Australian State League side, apparently he was a German youth international as well. He has one of the strangest highlight videos I've seen:

Midfield is a position of need for WaiBOP and clearly Smith has liked what he's seen in training, I'm intriuged to see him play.

Starting XI
over 12 years

his football ability seems to be better than his video editing ability at the very least!

almost 14 years

Young Waibop talent Henry Crayton off to US college on soccer/academic scholarship - Hofstra, Long Island, NY

over 11 years
N-Bomb wrote:

WaiBOP have signed German midfielder Florian Matk. Formerly of an Australian State League side, apparently he was a German youth international as well. He has one of the strangest highlight videos I've seen:

Midfield is a position of need for WaiBOP and clearly Smith has liked what he's seen in training, I'm intriuged to see him play.

Lake Macquarie FC. Finished 8th of 10 teams in NSW Div 1, one tier below NSW Super League, two tiers below NSW Premier League. Wonder how that equates to the ASB?

Starting XI
almost 14 years

Yeah his track record of squads is very spotty - spent a lot of time in German Divisions Three or Four, bounced around a lot. It's always tough to say with these imports, maybe he played in a lower league for work and is top class, maybe he is utter pants, I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Starting XI
almost 14 years

So with Nikolic now gone, it's going to be tough for WaiBOP to score goals and create their usual chances, tough on the squad and Peter Smith who has done all he can with the talent he has, only for them to leave him as he was putting together a very competitive unit.

over 11 years
N-Bomb wrote:

So with Nikolic now gone, it's going to be tough for WaiBOP to score goals and create their usual chances, tough on the squad and Peter Smith who has done all he can with the talent he has, only for them to leave him as he was putting together a very competitive unit.

Him as well? Where's he off to this time?

Starting XI
almost 14 years

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