about 15 years
Bluemagic wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

Oh they have answered that Tegal. They don't care about who is in the shirt at all. Loyalty is a thing of nothing at Kiwitea as long as you don't tell everyone where the brown envelope comes from.

Oddly enough, they don't care about who wears the shirt at Kiwitea but the instant an Aussie journeyman is signed for the Phoenix......

You can be relied on to be bitter and twisted about ACFC while hiding your identity JV but to dismiss the loyalty of the ACFC supporters is a new low in your anti-ACFC bile. I think your feverish 24/7 posting on every topic going is making you loopy. or is it loopier?

uh.... You have read that completely wrong (and after this you won't admit it either)

I was referring to the players, not the supporters. We have our differences but I certainly don't call into question your loyalty and support of your club.

about 15 years
Bluemagic wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

Oh they have answered that Tegal. They don't care about who is in the shirt at all. Loyalty is a thing of nothing at Kiwitea as long as you don't tell everyone where the brown envelope comes from.

Oddly enough, they don't care about who wears the shirt at Kiwitea but the instant an Aussie journeyman is signed for the Phoenix......

You can be relied on to be bitter and twisted about ACFC while hiding your identity JV but to dismiss the loyalty of the ACFC supporters is a new low in your anti-ACFC bile. I think your feverish 24/7 posting on every topic going is making you loopy. or is it loopier?

uh.... You have read that completely wrong (and after this you won't admit it either)

I was referring to the players, not the supporters. We have our differences but I certainly don't call into question your loyalty and support of your club.

Life and death
over 17 years
chopah wrote:
Bluemagic wrote:
james dean wrote:

I know this thread is a wishlist but what are the SERIOUS suggestions for getting this league back on track.  Forget pokies discussions because we've done that to death, but in the current environment what would improve the league?

Eight franchises of the standard and facilities of ACFC, Canterbury and Hawkes Bay would make a huge difference. So would NZF investment in its own national league. A serious sponsor with deep pockets would also help. It can be done but not by tearing down the most successful franchise ACFC, as some on this forum want. That's the negative view. The positive view is to build on the best of what we've got.

As an aside I wonder how secure the Welnix commitment is to losing a million or two dollars every year on the Phoenix, compared to the durability of the trust/sponsorship funding and O League winnings for the ASBP? Could the ASBP actually be more secure in the long term than the Phoenix? Just asking.

I don't think off the field ACFC is the blueprint we should be following - clearly on-field results are good but the reality is off-field there isn't the capacity to support 7 more business models like ACFC's  - sorry.

Sorry, not trying to be smart, but what is their business model?
over 11 years

Can't complain about media coverage of the ASB in today's StarTimes: TWO roundups of yesterday's action, on B4 and B10. Well, you can, actually. It's the same article repeated.

Starting XI
over 12 years
chopah wrote:
Bluemagic wrote:
james dean wrote:

I know this thread is a wishlist but what are the SERIOUS suggestions for getting this league back on track.  Forget pokies discussions because we've done that to death, but in the current environment what would improve the league?

Eight franchises of the standard and facilities of ACFC, Canterbury and Hawkes Bay would make a huge difference. So would NZF investment in its own national league. A serious sponsor with deep pockets would also help. It can be done but not by tearing down the most successful franchise ACFC, as some on this forum want. That's the negative view. The positive view is to build on the best of what we've got.

As an aside I wonder how secure the Welnix commitment is to losing a million or two dollars every year on the Phoenix, compared to the durability of the trust/sponsorship funding and O League winnings for the ASBP? Could the ASBP actually be more secure in the long term than the Phoenix? Just asking.

I don't think off the field ACFC is the blueprint we should be following - clearly on-field results are good but the reality is off-field there isn't the capacity to support 7 more business models like ACFC's  - sorry.

Sorry, not trying to be smart, but what is their business model?

Essentially out spend the competition rather than out develop - I'm sure that will be taken controversially by the ACFC fans but there are a few that think the same way as me.
over 11 years

See you at ACFC's nationwide Under-17 Easter tournament Chopah - a tournament for Kiwi youth, boys and girls, organised and paid for by ACFC.

over 17 years
Starting XI
over 12 years
Jerzy Merino wrote:

See you at ACFC's nationwide Under-17 Easter tournament Chopah - a tournament for Kiwi youth, boys and girls, organised and paid for by ACFC.

yeah fair enough that's a good tournament but do you think that in other area's of NZ other clubs/franchises are not doing something similar (albeit on a smaller scale)

and to be fair the easter tournament is not actually about developing kiwi's in the ASB Premiership is it - so kind of a moot point.
Starting XI
over 12 years
Buffon II wrote:


play chess much?  lol
over 11 years

Cheers Chopah. btw I thoroughly enjoyed watching the ASB Youth title-winning team last year. They play a similar style to the Premiership team. I'm sure Ramon looks at these kids v closely, hoping some can make the step up. And yes, he tries them out with the seniors from time to time.

over 17 years
chopah wrote:
Buffon II wrote:


play chess much?  lol

What has chess got to do with anything?
Starting XI
over 12 years

all animosity aside - I do hope that the young Central players at the tournament do get chances in the ASB in coming years as well as young players from other clubs within the catchment area.

you might think I am anti ACFC - i'm not, I just think there is some ways ACFC are run which I don't agree with but there is no arguing with their on-field results.

The issue of paying players isn't exclusively an ACFC problem - it's just your at the sharp end of the scale so more often than not ACFC is used as the example when in fact it's rife among ASBP sides and club teams.

Some of the fans on here do seem to try and take a few cheap shots at times and I don't think that helps with the overall image of ACFC on here but at the end of the day who cares it's just a forum and if the fans are still turning up to Kiwitea street then it dosn't matter if 5-10-15 people on here can't stand Bluemagic or FU BLU etc etc.

Starting XI
over 12 years
Buffon II wrote:
chopah wrote:
Buffon II wrote:


play chess much?  lol

What has chess got to do with anything?

seriously?  checkmate?  
Starting XI
over 12 years
Jerzy Merino wrote:

Cheers Chopah. btw I thoroughly enjoyed watching the ASB Youth title-winning team last year. They play a similar style to the Premiership team. I'm sure Ramon looks at these kids v closely, hoping some can make the step up. And yes, he tries them out with the seniors from time to time.

almost all the ASBP teams have youth teams - congrats on winning but your not doing anything development wise there that the other teams are not.
Must try harder
over 17 years

Only 15 ....!!!!   ,,,,,shit,  more would hate dwarves ....

Starting XI
over 12 years

by going personal your just reinforcing my point.

if you don't like be called a forum troll why do you keep doing it?  just curious?

about 15 years

Did you expect better of them? Track record speaks for itself.

Blue Cod
over 14 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

Did you expect better of them? Track record speaks for itself.

So does your stupid comment JV.

Central United and ACFC have done a lot for the development of football in this country. Do you honestly think without ACFC on the scene and the millions in O league winnings they've brought in there'd still be a national league? I love watching the ASBP and appreciate the efforts of the other teams. I also try to be encouraging to the Phoenix. Unfortunately there are too many who see life through a negative prism. I understand there's a tall poppy syndrome going on this forum and ACFC are the target but I truly believe the club and what it has achieved for the game in this country deserves more appreciation and less small minded bitching. The ASBP is not a perfect model but we've got to live with it.

The ACFC Youth team are a credit to the whole club's philosophy and effort. The ACFC-haters should watch them some time.

about 15 years
Bluemagic wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

Did you expect better of them? Track record speaks for itself.

So does your stupid comment JV.

Central United and ACFC have done a lot for the development of football in this country. Do you honestly think without ACFC on the scene and the millions in O league winnings they've brought in there'd still be a national league? I love watching the ASBP and appreciate the efforts of the other teams. I also try to be encouraging to the Phoenix. Unfortunately there are too many who see life through a negative prism. I understand there's a tall poppy syndrome going on this forum and ACFC are the target but I truly believe the club and what it has achieved for the game in this country deserves more appreciation and less small minded bitching. The ASBP is not a perfect model but we've got to live with it.

The ACFC Youth team are a credit to the whole club's philosophy and effort. The ACFC-haters should watch them some time.

So its a stupid comment because you guys don't get personal, you don't call Chopah a dwarf and don't accuse me of racist tendencies? The comment is well founded.

Lets break down your assessment of your club and dissect it.

"Central United and ACFC have done a lot for the development of football in this country." - I don't think anyone denies what they have done for football in this country at all. For what they have done for the development of it, is a different question you would need to substantiate that a bit more. They play good football, win the league and bring back CWC money. I would not classify that as developing football in NZ. The money keeps the league alive and essentially pays entry fees for clubs and goes into players pockets. For me, thats not developing football in NZ.

"Do you honestly think without ACFC on the scene and the millions in O league winnings they've brought in there'd still be a national league?"
- Subjective. Yes they do keep the national league alive and without that cash, there would not be one but by the same token, if ACFC were not there, Waitakere would have been there. Yeah you get a pat on the back but without your club, it would have been another NZ club most years.

"I love watching the ASBP and appreciate the efforts of the other teams. I also try to be encouraging to the Phoenix." - noted. I don't think anyone has criticised the passion you have for your club at all, just the manner in which you go about telling the rest of the world (and in the past have thrown massive stones in the Phoenix)

"I understand there's a tall poppy syndrome going on this forum and ACFC are the target but I truly believe the club and what it has achieved for the game in this country deserves more appreciation and less small minded bitching." - Its not tall poppy at all. How happy would you be for your club to surrender 5 imports and play more Kiwis and be on the same level as the other clubs in the league? Do you welcome it? All we want is a fair competition so that teams that have the talent shine through not biggest pay cheques and stacking sides in an amateur competition. Again, if Juventus played in the league and diddled everyone 10-0, how does that improve the league, the players and benefit it. Your club is that far ahead because you smite the competition rules and pay your players. Thats not tall poppy, thats calling you guys out for bending the rules to win. Play on the same level field as everyone else, and I'll come kiss your feet and tell you how wonderful your club and team are. Run with 4 imports and 7 locals and then come back to us.

"The ASBP is not a perfect model but we've got to live with it." - again 100% agreement with you and I doubt you would get many dissenters on your point. It'll be this way until NZF give a shit and they have not done so since about season 3.

The ACFC Youth team are a credit to the whole club's philosophy and effort. The ACFC-haters should watch them some time." - I can't speak for that as I have only seen them once. I did see some discontent about their youth team poaching players and keeping them so its
hard to quantify the club's philospohy and effort but like I said, I have only seen them once and only have 1 side of the story so I really have no opinion on it. If they develop good footballers, then great and good on them.
over 11 years

Come join the party. $15 entry, drinks $6. See you there.

Blue Cod
over 14 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
Bluemagic wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

Did you expect better of them? Track record speaks for itself.

So does your stupid comment JV.

Central United and ACFC have done a lot for the development of football in this country. Do you honestly think without ACFC on the scene and the millions in O league winnings they've brought in there'd still be a national league? I love watching the ASBP and appreciate the efforts of the other teams. I also try to be encouraging to the Phoenix. Unfortunately there are too many who see life through a negative prism. I understand there's a tall poppy syndrome going on this forum and ACFC are the target but I truly believe the club and what it has achieved for the game in this country deserves more appreciation and less small minded bitching. The ASBP is not a perfect model but we've got to live with it.

The ACFC Youth team are a credit to the whole club's philosophy and effort. The ACFC-haters should watch them some time.

So its a stupid comment because you guys don't get personal, you don't call Chopah a dwarf and don't accuse me of racist tendencies? The comment is well founded.

Lets break down your assessment of your club and dissect it.

"Central United and ACFC have done a lot for the development of football in this country." - I don't think anyone denies what they have done for football in this country at all. For what they have done for the development of it, is a different question you would need to substantiate that a bit more. They play good football, win the league and bring back CWC money. I would not classify that as developing football in NZ. The money keeps the league alive and essentially pays entry fees for clubs and goes into players pockets. For me, thats not developing football in NZ.

"Do you honestly think without ACFC on the scene and the millions in O league winnings they've brought in there'd still be a national league?"
- Subjective. Yes they do keep the national league alive and without that cash, there would not be one but by the same token, if ACFC were not there, Waitakere would have been there. Yeah you get a pat on the back but without your club, it would have been another NZ club most years.

"I love watching the ASBP and appreciate the efforts of the other teams. I also try to be encouraging to the Phoenix." - noted. I don't think anyone has criticised the passion you have for your club at all, just the manner in which you go about telling the rest of the world (and in the past have thrown massive stones in the Phoenix)

"I understand there's a tall poppy syndrome going on this forum and ACFC are the target but I truly believe the club and what it has achieved for the game in this country deserves more appreciation and less small minded bitching." - Its not tall poppy at all. How happy would you be for your club to surrender 5 imports and play more Kiwis and be on the same level as the other clubs in the league? Do you welcome it? All we want is a fair competition so that teams that have the talent shine through not biggest pay cheques and stacking sides in an amateur competition. Again, if Juventus played in the league and diddled everyone 10-0, how does that improve the league, the players and benefit it. Your club is that far ahead because you smite the competition rules and pay your players. Thats not tall poppy, thats calling you guys out for bending the rules to win. Play on the same level field as everyone else, and I'll come kiss your feet and tell you how wonderful your club and team are. Run with 4 imports and 7 locals and then come back to us.

"The ASBP is not a perfect model but we've got to live with it." - again 100% agreement with you and I doubt you would get many dissenters on your point. It'll be this way until NZF give a shit and they have not done so since about season 3.

The ACFC Youth team are a credit to the whole club's philosophy and effort. The ACFC-haters should watch them some time." - I can't speak for that as I have only seen them once. I did see some discontent about their youth team poaching players and keeping them so its
hard to quantify the club's philospohy and effort but like I said, I have only seen them once and only have 1 side of the story so I really have no opinion on it. If they develop good footballers, then great and good on them.

Sometimes your desire to dig at ACFC divorces itself from reality JV. If you don't think "playing good football, being a top club and bringing (substantial) CWC winnings (that is spread throughout the ASBP) is developing football in this country then we must be watching a different code. In case you forgot, the last time Waitakere represented NZ in the O League they lost to Hekari, which seriously hurt the ASBP. I personally think most ASBP sides nwould struggle to win the O League, let alone incur the extra costs of competing.

over 13 years

The ASB Premiership: Who on earth would watch this awful NZ based league when we could all be watching the mighty Phoenix in the glorious A-League?


almost 15 years
alireggae wrote:

The ASB Premiership: Who on earth would watch this awful NZ based league when we could all be watching the mighty Phoenix in the glorious A-League?


Why don't you fuck off and play in your own sandpit.
over 13 years
sthn.jeff wrote:
alireggae wrote:

The ASB Premiership: Who on earth would watch this awful NZ based league when we could all be watching the mighty Phoenix in the glorious A-League?


Why don't you fuck off and play in your own sandpit.

Because those 'in my own sandpit' already get the ASB Premiership, attend games etc. So in answer to your suggestion - no.
Must try harder
over 17 years
sthn.jeff wrote:
alireggae wrote:

The ASB Premiership: Who on earth would watch this awful NZ based league when we could all be watching the mighty Phoenix in the glorious A-League?


Why don't you fuck off and play in your own sandpit.

And your auntie/sister must be getting worried with the sun coming down and all ...why dont you hurry off to your flat rock you.... ( starts with Re ends with tard ....gets me banned )
about 15 years
sthn.jeff wrote:
alireggae wrote:

The ASB Premiership: Who on earth would watch this awful NZ based league when we could all be watching the mighty Phoenix in the glorious A-League?


Why don't you fuck off and play in your own sandpit.

Still Believin'
over 17 years
alireggae wrote:

The ASB Premiership: Who on earth would watch this awful NZ based league when we could all be watching the mighty Phoenix in the glorious A-League?


Good post.

So Ali, what kind of reggae do you like?

I presume you only listen to New Zealand reggae and none of that Jamaican shit.

about 15 years
terminator_x wrote:
alireggae wrote:

The ASB Premiership: Who on earth would watch this awful NZ based league when we could all be watching the mighty Phoenix in the glorious A-League?


Good post.

So Ali, what kind of reggae do you like?

I presume you only listen to New Zealand reggae and none of that Jamaican shit.

Brilliant. You won't get a reply though addressing this. It's how they work.
over 12 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
terminator_x wrote:
alireggae wrote:

The ASB Premiership: Who on earth would watch this awful NZ based league when we could all be watching the mighty Phoenix in the glorious A-League?


Good post.

So Ali, what kind of reggae do you like?

I presume you only listen to New Zealand reggae and none of that Jamaican shit.

Brilliant. You won't get a reply though addressing this. It's how they work.
For what it's worth I for one appreciate this forum as it really is the only way to find out what's going on in the ASB.
For all their football success Auckland City's website and especially their closely monitored 'fan' forum is sh*te, that's why their supporters post on here. So a bit of humility wouldn't go a miss Ali before you blow it for all of us.
almost 15 years

See here's the thing..... I have been to your club lovely club nestled away in Kiwitea street a number of times, the first time probably getting close to 30 years ago, playing one of my first Northern League matches. We always disliked going there for a number of reasons, namely we never had a huge amount of success there and if any crowd was going to give our team some ribbing, some of it good natured, some of it not so good natured and some of it down right disgusting it would be at kiwitea street But throughout the many visits and having listened to some pretty woeful after match speeches, never once, even at times when we managed success, did we choose to gloat or disrespect out hosts.

You see Ali & Flu Blu, for me, when you come in here and basically laugh at my team, in what is basically "our clubrooms" you are being disrespectful. By all means, put your point over but this is first and foremost a forum for Nix supporters . The running of the website is done through the hard work of the people involved with the Fever and through people buying T shirts, sponsorship and the like with the primary purpose as a vehicle for people to talk all things phoenix and football in general. Sure many take no interest in the ASBpremiership. So what, that's their choice.

If you want an Anti Nix thing, fair enough, just go and do it with your own website. The two of you can have a fantastic conversation all by yourself

Head Sleuth
over 17 years
sthn.jeff wrote:

See here's the thing..... I have been to your club lovely club nestled away in Kiwitea street a number of times, the first time probably getting close to 30 years ago, playing one of my first Northern League matches. We always disliked going there for a number of reasons, namely we never had a huge amount of success there and if any crowd was going to give our team some ribbing, some of it good natured, some of it not so good natured and some of it down right disgusting it would be at kiwitea street But throughout the many visits and having listened to some pretty woeful after match speeches, never once, even at times when we managed success, did we choose to gloat or disrespect out hosts.

You see Ali & Flu Blu, for me, when you come in here and basically laugh at my team, in what is basically "our clubrooms" you are being disrespectful. By all means, put your point over but this is first and foremost a forum for Nix supporters . The running of the website is done through the hard work of the people involved with the Fever and through people buying T shirts, sponsorship and the like with the primary purpose as a vehicle for people to talk all things phoenix and football in general. Sure many take no interest in the ASBpremiership. So what, that's their choice.

If you want an Anti Nix thing, fair enough, just go and do it with your own website. The two of you can have a fantastic conversation all by yourself

In summary: f*ck off
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

By the way, I support the ASBP and the Phoenix. While you support ACFC and constantly rubbish the Phoenix. 

So who supports more football in nz then? 

In my opinion if you're not a Phoenix or A league supporter then you have no place on this forum. Or at the very least you should be respectful, and just generally not be a c*nt

over 17 years
Tegal wrote:

By the way, I support the ASBP and the Phoenix. While you support ACFC and constantly rubbish the Phoenix. 

So who supports more football in nz then? 

In my opinion if you're not a Phoenix or A league supporter then you have no place on this forum. Or at the very least you should be respectful, and just generally not be a c*nt

Nah much better having all sorts.  Far too many one note opinions on here, better to have it warts and all, but boring gloating like the above is pretty uncouth and sometimes hearing the view without the rose tinted glasses isn't a bad thing either to snap back into reality.
over 13 years
james dean wrote:
Tegal wrote:

By the way, I support the ASBP and the Phoenix. While you support ACFC and constantly rubbish the Phoenix. 

So who supports more football in nz then? 

In my opinion if you're not a Phoenix or A league supporter then you have no place on this forum. Or at the very least you should be respectful, and just generally not be a c*nt

Nah much better having all sorts.  Far too many one note opinions on here, better to have it warts and all, but boring gloating like the above is pretty uncouth and sometimes hearing the view without the rose tinted glasses isn't a bad thing either to snap back into reality.

Agreed. This is a forum that has a whole section on NZ football and a sub section on the asbp. If you don't like my opinions on it the ban me. Perhaps part of the reason that the ACFC forum is so quiet these days is because 2nd best left and so there was no debate - everyone has roughly the same opinions. Perhaps if I and fu blu, blue magic and jerzy were to "fuck off and play in our own sandpit" then the asbp section of this forum would die. 

Sure, I don't support the Phoenix but I'm hardly rude... If I can't have a laugh about your lack of results at the moment then... Whatever! Come to kiwitea st on Sunday and I'll give you all a hug instead if it would make you feel better.

Written on an iPhone = pain in the arse and time consuming!
Still Believin'
over 17 years

Actually Ali, if you and FU BLU, in particular, were to "fuck off" the average IQ of contributors in this thread would rise about 50 pts and we'd get back to having a decent discussion. Just being honest.

And JD, there's a big difference between having a good "warts and all" discussion with a wide range of opinions from all sides and having to read the inarticulate ramblings of a couple of idiots who bring neither intelligence or wit to the conversation.

As you know I really enjoy a good debate but this thread has been rubbish for at least a couple of weeks now. When even those who claim to care about the ASB Prem can't be bothered, well, there you go.

Blue Cod
over 14 years

Come on guys keep it civil. And JV, watch out for the cheap gin at midnight, it creeps up on you.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
alireggae wrote:
james dean wrote:
Tegal wrote:

By the way, I support the ASBP and the Phoenix. While you support ACFC and constantly rubbish the Phoenix. 

So who supports more football in nz then? 

In my opinion if you're not a Phoenix or A league supporter then you have no place on this forum. Or at the very least you should be respectful, and just generally not be a c*nt

Nah much better having all sorts.  Far too many one note opinions on here, better to have it warts and all, but boring gloating like the above is pretty uncouth and sometimes hearing the view without the rose tinted glasses isn't a bad thing either to snap back into reality.

Agreed. This is a forum that has a whole section on NZ football and a sub section on the asbp. If you don't like my opinions on it the ban me. Perhaps part of the reason that the ACFC forum is so quiet these days is because 2nd best left and so there was no debate - everyone has roughly the same opinions. Perhaps if I and fu blu, blue magic and jerzy were to "fuck off and play in our own sandpit" then the asbp section of this forum would die. 

Actually you guys banned me. Not sure what for. Didn't abuse anyone.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

And just remember, by them coming on here they are creating more views and thus more advertising revenue for us. So they are indirectly supporting the Phoenix.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

And just remember, by them coming on here they are creating more views and thus more advertising revenue for us. So they are indirectly supporting the Phoenix.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

There's a difference between having an interesting opposing view and just being a prick though. 

To be fair, most of the time they are all good now, way better than it used to be. 

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