Can I have some lungs please miss
over 16 years
I had a feeling after 40 minutes that Germany wouldn't score and Spain probably wouldn't score another. The Germans looked about as impotent as a 90-year old man and neither team was getting any luck. Looking at stats like the fact Spain haven't won since '64 and their coach would be oldest winner ever coupled with Germany's win-loss, win-loss record in Euro finals, it's just set up for a Spanish win.

If only you'd posted that about 50-odd minutes earlier... you'd have bin a legend Lemon!!!

(tho I don't wanna know why your an expert on the impotenceness (new word) of 90 year old men lol)

Starting XI
over 16 years
I thought about it but what if I'd been wrong?! I spent my time wondering why the commentator hadn't picked up on it and kept saying 'you can't count out Germany!' I figured he didn't want to make a fool of himself either, or he just couldn't figure out that nothing was going right for anyone.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Good game for a 1-0. Germany just didn't get going. Klose disappointed again, and finishing with Kuranyi (who I rate but he just didn't get the game time) and Gomez (who didn't even have time to look impotent) upfront really summed it up.
Otherwise Lahm showed the weaknesses that people have talked about all week, as did Mertersacker and Metzelder, who seems to run in slow motion. Lehmann was way too slow out of his goal and didn't take charge of the situation to stop Torres (brilliantly taken) goal and he seemed to be relying on Lahm to deal with the danger - bad move.
Spain were great and could have had more. Perhaps if Villa had been able to play they would have, they seemed to miss his off-the-ball running.
Great tournament, now the fun in the transfer market really begins.
about 17 years
Buffon II wrote:
Spain to win 1-0 in a tight match.

Pretty much spot on here i think.

Spain deserved the win they definately played the better football in the final. Midfield dominated and Torres played really well up front on his own and took the goal well. Lehmann was Germany's best player and did well to keep it to only 1 i think. Was evident that the Germans got more and more frustrated as the match went on.

Well done Spain, deserved after years and years of underachievement.
Starting XI
over 16 years
Spot on Buffon and The Jam, the Spanish defence and midfield pushed-up and kep their shape the whole game. The Germans tried to do the same but their defence got caught out constantly, they also couldn't string passes together. Also, every time a Spain player went into a tackle they won it, the Germans well...didn't.

Spain would have scored probably two more if they were having any luck, though at least we know they had to work for the win.
Critical_Lemon2008-06-30 09:44:11
Starting XI
almost 17 years
You knew it was a a lost cause when the commentator praised Kuranyi, who had come on to score the equaliser, for covering at left back- The Germans showed a lack of aggression or will going forward-still it was frustrating watching Spain have about 3 good counterattacks in the last few minutes and opt to hold the ball up rather than press.
Well done Spain-deserved winners and about time!
Starting XI
about 17 years
Great game. great football.
p.s. Spain are better than Stop Out.
dairyflat2008-06-30 09:58:16
Woof Woof
almost 17 years
I thought Germans looked good in the first 10-15 minutes, and from that point on the Spanish started getting a bit more aggressive in the midfield, and the Germans never got back into the game. The final scoreline flatters Germany, on a different day this could have been a comfortable 3-0 to Spain. The German backline lived up to my expectations, but I tought the Spanish had some awkward moments at the back but the Germans just didn't seem to have the quality to capitalise on them. There were a few times when good balls found German attackers in little gaps in Spanish defence, but the touch or the option taken was poor.
I thought the gulf in technical class, especially up front for both teams, was quite evident.
Woof Woof
almost 17 years
Just another thought - I know it's still two years away, but would anyone else agree with me that as of right now, Spain are top favourites for the 2010 World Cup?
about 17 years
Apart from the fact that a European side has never won the World Cup outside of Europe, yes probably.
Woof Woof
almost 17 years
I was just talking about this with a colleague of mine - I see Argentina as a side to beat in two years as well, Brazil will have to get their act together soon if they're to win another one, but can't be underestimated even at this stage.
There's also gonna be a wild-card in the first African WC - the African teams usually look good in World Cups without ever progressing as far as the semis, but this time around someone out of Ivory Coast, Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria could end up going very far.
All I know is that after these EURO championships, I can hardly wait for 2010...
almost 17 years
The only thing I'm worried about for Spain going into the world cup is whether a replacement coach can keep up the momentum of this Spanish side.  The way they played they could have got a bunch of goals and have played a number of teams people say are hard to break down but have done so (cept Italy) and made all oppositions play to their pacing.

If they can get a good replacement coach for Arigones they're definately a team to back at the World Cup.  They've broken their drought and look strong enough to beat any side right now.
Starting XI
about 17 years
dairyflat wrote:
Germany! I will explain WHY after the final has finished.

Starting XI
about 17 years
Every time in this tournament I have said I think X will WIN they have lost. So fancying Spain the only outward utteranceI have made is the one above. I didn't want to hex Spain. Job done!
dairyflat2008-06-30 14:36:21
about 17 years
Starting XI
almost 17 years
DKP22 wrote:
chocnut wrote:
Im going to the Basin Reserve Maccas so I can watch all of it before school .

Spain 2 Germany 1

Gone are the days where lads would rock up to school halfway through second period adorned in their team scarf and what not after staying home or being at the sports cafe to watch the football.

Get your f**king priorities straight son.

I never said I was going to get school on time
But because it finished in regular time I was....
about 17 years
el grapadura wrote:
Just another thought - I know it's still two years away, but would anyone else agree with me that as of right now, Spain are top favourites for the 2010 World Cup?

Absolutely not.  I know Germany just lost but I still think they are better, and then there are the South American teams.
about 17 years
And don't forget the All Whites. loyalgunner2008-06-30 17:01:45
Starting XI
about 17 years
I can't believe my alarm didn't go disappointed :( Only caught the last few minutes!

Congrats Spain, well deserved :)
Early retirement
about 17 years
loyalgunner wrote:
And don't forget the All Whites.

Hard News2008-06-30 17:04:10
about 17 years
loyalgunner wrote:
And don't forget the All Whites.

We'll leave the rest of the world to do that for us.
Woof Woof
almost 17 years
loyalgunner wrote:

el grapadura wrote:
Just another thought - I know it's still two years away, but would anyone else agree with me that as of right now, Spain are top favourites for the 2010 World Cup?
Absolutely not.� I know Germany just lost but I still think they are better, and then there are the South American teams.

Yes, Germany truly showed their class today.

As of right now, I reckon Spain is miles ahead of Brazil, and the Argies have had a few hiccups on their qualifying campaign, even though I think they'll be among the clear favourites in 2010. No-one else in South/Latin America is anywhere near the Spanish at the moment.
As for the All Whites, well...hope springs eternal I guess... el grapadura2008-06-30 17:27:10
about 17 years
Glad Spain won. yes they are good, but so were Portugal, Holland and at times Russia.

Runs of confidence, team spirit, luck etc make a lot of difference and so all we can read from this is what we knew already that there are five or six teams that could do well in the World Cup plus a couple that may come through later....

Also goals change games....Torres could have just missed, Lehman could have might have finished differently as a result. Spain pushing forward might have been caught on the break by Podolski....
about 17 years
Yea, it just goes to show how much better Football tournaments are from Rugby. In the RWC, it was pretty obvious that either Australia, New Zealand or South Africa would win. In the Football World Cup, there are at least 10 teams who all have a decent shot at winning. Rugby is beginning to get too predictable. Football on the other hand is miles ahead of Rugby.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
I'm glad Spain won - it's nice to see the most consistently impressive team go right through and win a tournament, instead of a mediocre one that rides its luck.
My only disappointment with the final was the referee who strangled the game a bit by blowing regularly for a lot of soft fouls. It was interesting that as soon as both teams cottoned on to the ref they started hamming it up and pulling Drogbas all over the park. This was weird because Euro 2008 has been amazingly free of these antics, actually a credit to the standard of refereeing overall, as well as the general sporting spirit of most teams.
almost 17 years
Orpewise wrote:
Glad Spain won. yes they are good, but so were Portugal, Holland and at times Russia. [/quote]

The difference with Spain is that apart from vs Italy where they were all nerves, Spain effectively shut down the gameplan of every team they played.  Russia tried to get their backs forward however Spain was faster and more adept at it so they rarely got the chance.  Germany tried to use the left channel they were so successful through however Spain shut them down to the extent they only had one shot on target.

Orpewise wrote:
Runs of confidence, team spirit, luck etc make a lot of difference and so all we can read from this is what we knew already that there are five or six teams that could do well in the World Cup plus a couple that may come through later....

Unless the replacement coach does something drastic, Spain are feeling good and have a tendency to win all their non-competitive games, so I would imagine they'll once again have a good run into the WC.

[quote]Also goals change games....Torres could have just missed, Lehman could have might have finished differently as a result. Spain pushing forward might have been caught on the break by Podolski....

I see your point but at the same time this doesn't change the fact that if Torres missed there's a good chance that one of the others wouldn't have.  Germany were shut down and with only one shot on goal deserved to lose against a dominant Spanish side.  Yes it could have gone the other way, but Spain had a lot more near misses than Germany so chances are they would still have won.

Still Casillas conceded only 3 goals in the entire tournament, and NONE in the knockout stages.  That kind of defense is what wins games, it just so happens Spain have a lot of attack as well.
Starting XI
about 17 years
dairyflat2008-07-01 12:13:29
about 17 years
Germany lost cos Sweinsteigers dead balls were ruibbish as opposed to v Portugal
Woof Woof
almost 17 years
Nickel wrote:

Orpewise wrote:
Glad Spain won. yes they are good, but so were Portugal, Holland and at times Russia.
[/quote]The difference with Spain is that apart from vs Italy where they were all nerves, Spain effectively shut down the gameplan of every team they played.� Russia tried to get their backs forward however Spain was faster and more adept at it so they rarely got the chance.� Germany tried to use the left channel they were so successful through however Spain shut them down to the extent they only had one shot on target.

Orpewise wrote:
Runs of confidence, team spirit, luck etc make a lot of difference and so all we can read from this is what we knew already that there are five or six teams that could do well in the World Cup plus a couple that may come through later....
Unless the replacement coach does something drastic, Spain are feeling good and have a tendency to win all their non-competitive games, so I would imagine they'll once again have a good run into the WC.
[quote]Also goals change games....Torres could have just missed, Lehman could have might have finished differently as a result. Spain pushing forward might have been caught on the break by Podolski....
I see your point but at the same time this doesn't change the fact that if Torres missed there's a good chance that one of the others wouldn't have.� Germany were shut down and with only one shot on goal deserved to lose against a dominant Spanish side.� Yes it could have gone the other way, but Spain had a lot more near misses than Germany so chances are they would still have won.Still Casillas conceded only 3 goals in the entire tournament, and NONE in the knockout stages.� That kind of defense is what wins games, it just so happens Spain have a lot of attack as well.

Well put.
Woof Woof
almost 17 years
Feverish wrote:
Germany lost cos Sweinsteigers dead balls were ruibbish as opposed to v Portugal

Yep, they all went miles over everyone's heads for a goal kick...he must have had an extra portion of bratwurst and saurkraut the morning of the game.
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years

Superb Spaniard masterclass all tournament.

Deserved to win the tournament and played it with attacking stylish football.
I know of alot of people in this part of the World who have been knocking the Spanish for their failures. They have always played with flair and wonderful technical skill and to those people knocking them repeatedly you can now take a back seat and admire the way football should be played.
Congratulations to Spain and its people

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