Starting XI
about 17 years
Starting XI
about 17 years,,2107902,00.html Meanwhile in another confederation far far away....
That Jack Warner is ....
Starting XI
about 17 years

Why are some FA's so tight when it comes to paying the players who earned that money for them. Togo has the same problem ATM.

Starting XI
about 17 years
Togo's long-running payment saga about to end<!-- end pagetitle -->
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BERLIN, June 20 (Reuters) - The long-running saga over the outstanding wages and bonuses owed to Togo's players will be resolved in the next few days with FIFA ensuring they are paid.

The money was not being provided by soccer's world governing body but FIFA would ensure it was paid out of Togo's World Cup payment account of seven million Swiss francs ($5.66 million), said FIFA's director of communications Markus Siegler.

'The money is being paid by the Togolese FA out of their account,' Siegler told reporters at FIFA's daily media briefing on Tuesday. 'It is not additional money, it is money that belongs to the Togo FA. It is being drawn from their account and paid to the players. And that is, finally, the end of the matter.'
Clearly there is an "element of doubt" that the Togo FA will hand over the cash even now...
dairyflat2007-06-22 15:57:52

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