over 13 years
That was nice and a cracker. I also liked the way he did not celebrate at all

about 17 years

watched the football show and he was at fault for the 3rd goal with a horror piece of maybe that was on his mind...he does have a great goal scoring record though!

about 17 years
Starting XI
over 12 years
martinb wrote:

watched the football show and he was at fault for the 3rd goal with a horror piece of maybe that was on his mind...he does have a great goal scoring record though!

Yeah he mentioned this following the game.


over 17 years

Has been getting tips off Rory?

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Not serious about a position change. Not many CB's score goals like that though

almost 13 years
TopLeft07 wrote:

Not serious about a position change. Not many CB's score goals like that though

The only other I can think of was Brazilian, so that doesn't really count:

about 17 years
TopLeft07 wrote:

Not serious about a position change. Not many CB's score goals like that though

The only other I can think of was Brazilian, so that doesn't really count:

Ah but he didn't use his shin like Tommy did! Straight off the boot doesn't count!
Starting XI
over 17 years

Scored a goal today, but team lost 3 - 1

over 13 years
Must be one if the highest scoring central defenders in the league

about 17 years

“International fixtures aren’t meant to conflict with your club games and it really annoyed and disappointed me that they wouldn’t allow me to play in that game (at Blackpool),” said Smith, when asked about reports that he had threatened to quit international football around the time of the Mexico games. 

they are world cup qualifiers you muppet! you could win and go to the world cup!!?!?

I'm normally in favour of staying and playing for your club, say if its a friendly and you have a clash, dont understand his thinking there

over 11 years

"It hasn't crossed my mind yet to fully knock it (international football) on the head."

Hopefully he's just saying this for local (Ipswich) consumption. But he still sounds a bit of a tosser.

Still Believin'
over 17 years
“International fixtures aren’t meant to conflict with your club games and it really annoyed and disappointed me that they wouldn’t allow me to play in that game (at Blackpool)"

Interesting point of view Tommy.

Actually, the reason for the FIFA windows is so that club games don't conflict with international football, not the other way round.

And NZF never said "you can't play the game against Blackpool", they said you must report for international duty at the start of the window, the same as everybody else. If you and your club could not find a way to get you from Blackpool to LA on time then that's on you not NZF.

However, I'll bet good money that when he is contacted by NZ journalists he claims to have been "mis-quoted".

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

All Whites media statement NZ Football CEO

Andy Martin has clarified the position of the national body on the status of player availability for the All Whites and the on-going process to appoint the next coaching team.

We expect all of our eligible players to make themselves available for selection as we seek to build our programme towards the FIFA World Cup in Russia in 2018,” Martin said on Wednesday.

We have an exciting young squad and we hope everyone selected will want to be involved.

“Clearly, there will be special circumstances that arise which will be considered on their own merits.”

Regarding the appointment of a coaching team, Martin said the review process from the previous campaign was still on-going. “Once the review process from the previous campaign is completed in April, the All Whites’ coaching job will be advertised globally and we expect a lot of interest.”

about 17 years
Jerzy Merino wrote:

"It hasn't crossed my mind yet to fully knock it (international football) on the head."

Hopefully he's just saying this for local (Ipswich) consumption. But he still sounds a bit of a tosser.

Agree. That quote is stupid and makes me wonder if he is really suitable to be an All Whites captain in the future. I really hope they look at someone else. Winston Reid perhaps.
Stage Punch
about 17 years
Luis Garcia wrote:
Jerzy Merino wrote:

"It hasn't crossed my mind yet to fully knock it (international football) on the head."

Hopefully he's just saying this for local (Ipswich) consumption. But he still sounds a bit of a tosser.

Agree. That quote is stupid and makes me wonder if he is really suitable to be an All Whites captain in the future. I really hope they look at someone else. Winston Reid perhaps.


Hahaha, you joke right?

Winston Reid is even less committed to the All Whites cause.

about 13 years
Smithy wrote:
Luis Garcia wrote:
Jerzy Merino wrote:

"It hasn't crossed my mind yet to fully knock it (international football) on the head."

Hopefully he's just saying this for local (Ipswich) consumption. But he still sounds a bit of a tosser.

Agree. That quote is stupid and makes me wonder if he is really suitable to be an All Whites captain in the future. I really hope they look at someone else. Winston Reid perhaps.


Hahaha, you joke right?

Winston Reid is even less committed to the All Whites cause.

Perhaps, nut he doesn't publicly state it which is a pretty poor look
over 13 years
Smith has definitely been more  outspoken then Reid. Whilst I could see his angle to begin with he is now starting to get on my tits. I think it's time to let him go. Imagine, Big Sam, "Winnie I see that this Collegaue of yours who plays in this small town in the championship has refused to play. What say you"

almost 13 years
Smith has definitely been more  outspoken the Reid. Whilst I could see his angle to begin with he is now starting to get on my tits. I think it's time to let him go. Imagine, Big Sam, "Winnie I see that this Collegaue of yours who plays in this small town in the championship has refused to play. What say you"

I agree, but I think this is symptomatic of a deeper issue with NZ Football. This type of attitude creates a vicious feedback loop in two ways. Firstly because of what you say: it sets a dangerous precedent for other players to start doing it. Secondly, because each key player who sits out or picks up a convenient "injury" just in time for AWs games weakens the team, which makes it more likely we'll lose, which makes it more likely we'll slip down the rankings, which means less incentive for players to make themselves available. Basically it makes a joke out of our national side and that damages the credibility of the game here all the way down.  Why would young kids playing football on a saturday morning dream of playing for the AWs if the country's best players are refusing to so they can play for their clubs?

I always felt conflicted about Ryan Nelsen doing this - on the one hand I understand why he did it, and when he did play for the AWs he always gave it everything, but on the other I remember commenting when he was missing from a squad or something that it sets a bad example for the youngsters in the squad. And lo and behold, look what we have now - Tommy Smith refusing to play for the national side.

Go back and look at who was missing from our squad for the Horror in Honiara. IIRC both Nelsen and Reid were "injured". Why was Ricki playing Killen in DM there? Because he wanted to play 3 at the back and 2 of his 3 starting CBs didn't show up - so Vicelich had to slot in there, which meant a gap at DM. Dumb tactics, but a non-issue if our players had actually turned up. 

And it doesn't just go for competitive matches either. Even friendlies are a chance to build credibility but more tangibly they are a chance for the team to gel, try tactics and combinations, and get used to playing with each other. If these players want to play at World Cups then the should put the effort in that requires. Which means flying around the globe to play against the island nations in 40 degree heat in the Solomon Islands, or flying to Japan to play a friendly, or whatever. It annoys me when players think the can just pick and choose when they play. And because we lack depth we can't really call their bluff. 

I know pro football in Europe is the pinnacle career wise for Kiwi footballers and I understand they want to maximise their chances at maintaining that career. Fair enough. But I just wish our best players really wanted to pull on the white shirt whenever they could, and that they wanted to do the country proud, regardless of how inconvenient that is for them. 

I know, it's not that simple. And Smith might be quoted out of context in that article or whatever. Just a pet peeve so I got on a bit of a rant.

tradition and history
over 17 years
Smith has definitely been more  outspoken the Reid. Whilst I could see his angle to begin with he is now starting to get on my tits. I think it's time to let him go. Imagine, Big Sam, "Winnie I see that this Collegaue of yours who plays in this small town in the championship has refused to play. What say you"

I agree, but I think this is symptomatic of a deeper issue with NZ Football. This type of attitude creates a vicious feedback loop in two ways. Firstly because of what you say: it sets a dangerous precedent for other players to start doing it. Secondly, because each key player who sits out or picks up a convenient "injury" just in time for AWs games weakens the team, which makes it more likely we'll lose, which makes it more likely we'll slip down the rankings, which means less incentive for players to make themselves available. Basically it makes a joke out of our national side and that damages the credibility of the game here all the way down.  Why would young kids playing football on a saturday morning dream of playing for the AWs if the country's best players are refusing to so they can play for their clubs?

I always felt conflicted about Ryan Nelsen doing this - on the one hand I understand why he did it, and when he did play for the AWs he always gave it everything, but on the other I remember commenting when he was missing from a squad or something that it sets a bad example for the youngsters in the squad. And lo and behold, look what we have now - Tommy Smith refusing to play for the national side.

Go back and look at who was missing from our squad for the Horror in Honiara. IIRC both Nelsen and Reid were "injured". Why was Ricki playing Killen in DM there? Because he wanted to play 3 at the back and 2 of his 3 starting CBs didn't show up - so Vicelich had to slot in there, which meant a gap at DM. Dumb tactics, but a non-issue if our players had actually turned up. 

And it doesn't just go for competitive matches either. Even friendlies are a chance to build credibility but more tangibly they are a chance for the team to gel, try tactics and combinations, and get used to playing with each other. If these players want to play at World Cups then the should put the effort in that requires. Which means flying around the globe to play against the island nations in 40 degree heat in the Solomon Islands, or flying to Japan to play a friendly, or whatever. It annoys me when players think the can just pick and choose when they play. And because we lack depth we can't really call their bluff. 

I know pro football in Europe is the pinnacle career wise for Kiwi footballers and I understand they want to maximise their chances at maintaining that career. Fair enough. But I just wish our best players really wanted to pull on the white shirt whenever they could, and that they wanted to do the country proud, regardless of how inconvenient that is for them. 

I know, it's not that simple. And Smith might be quoted out of context in that article or whatever. Just a pet peeve so I got on a bit of a rant.

It is called a professional footballer and being loyal to your employer.
over 13 years
Come on Leggy, you are just saying that so you don't lose Winnie when he signs for Man U in the off season. Playing in June, for your national team during your off season is that really that unprofessional?

over 17 years

The bit about having a nice long holiday reads like he's trolling NZ fans

Starting XI
over 12 years

The least committed the better I say, Nelly didn't give a rats ass for ages and look how that turned out.

tradition and history
over 17 years
Come on Leggy, you are just saying that so you don't lose Winnie when he signs for Man U in the off season. Playing in June, for your national team during your off season is that really that unprofessional?

I think you are being very naive, I could care  less who he plays for. The fact is the clubs pays their wages, and they should be loyal to them. Being born in a country is just a chance of birth.
over 17 years
Come on Leggy, you are just saying that so you don't lose Winnie when he signs for Man U in the off season. Playing in June, for your national team during your off season is that really that unprofessional?

Why would he drop down to play for Man U though?
Phoenix Academy
almost 11 years

I'm no Smith apologist but I think we're drawing long bows to say he doesn't want to play for NZ. After the shambles of the WC saga I don't blame him for having little confidence in NZ Football. And by choosing a few words in an interview with a local paper, he gains extra kudos with his club fans.

We certainly don't have the depth to be saying bugger off to the likes of Tommy because we think his attitude is wrong. Do you honestly think our next WC chances are harmed by Tommy not playing 2 weeks ago? In an ideal world players would be crawling across broken glass to wear the AWs shirt at any opportunity, but we all know for an established player that's not the case. Once we get a new coach then his job is to go and get the commitment he needs from his key players, and if that means a bit of a compromise where some of our top players miss the odd friendly then that is fine - so long as they are there and giving 100% when it matters.

And for those still ragging Nelsen for not playing in the mid 2000s when we were playing Dunfermline, have a look at him in the games that mattered in 2008-2010, and tell me he didn't care?

Starting XI
over 17 years
happydays wrote:

I'm no Smith apologist but I think we're drawing long bows to say he doesn't want to play for NZ. After the shambles of the WC saga I don't blame him for having little confidence in NZ Football. And by choosing a few words in an interview with a local paper, he gains extra kudos with his club fans.

We certainly don't have the depth to be saying bugger off to the likes of Tommy because we think his attitude is wrong. Do you honestly think our next WC chances are harmed by Tommy not playing 2 weeks ago? In an ideal world players would be crawling across broken glass to wear the AWs shirt at any opportunity, but we all know for an established player that's not the case. Once we get a new coach then his job is to go and get the commitment he needs from his key players, and if that means a bit of a compromise where some of our top players miss the odd friendly then that is fine - so long as they are there and giving 100% when it matters.

And for those still ragging Nelsen for not playing in the mid 2000s when we were playing Dunfermline, have a look at him in the games that mattered in 2008-2010, and tell me he didn't care?

Don't disagree with anything you've said but I think the Nelsen case is slightly different.

In the mid 00's we were a cluster fuck, we weren't going anywhere and we weren't going there very quickly. Perfect storm towards the end of the naughties and we qualify for a World Cup at which Nelsen is the key person. This period though, the next four/eight years are very different to that period of the mid 00's. This is a team that have some promise, if we can get the top group together as often as possible then this team could do good things. Having Smith (and Reid) available as often as possible is a key part of that.

I can understand his position, if the preparation was half as much as a balls up as it appeared from the outside then as a senior player and the guy asked to lead the group on a suicide dash then I feel for him and can understand why he wouldn't want much to do with NZF. But hopefully he can be convinced that it won't happen again, and he can see that this group has the potential to do something special. He can be the bigger person and come back into the fold and contribute as a senior player should.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

“There’s another friendly in June, but I don’t think I’ll attend that one either. I need a nice long summer break, hopefully with promotion under our belts if all goes well. It hasn’t crossed my mind yet to fully knock it on the head, no.”

If Tommy didn't realise the World Cup is over the summer break, then it might have be an awkward conversation with Ricki if the All Whites qualified for it.

I've got a real beef with this attitude. Sure they earn their living playing club level. But I think of national football as a second job. If you accept, you do so knowing the commitment required (travel, less holidays) and potential reward (World Cup appearance, prize money). If you prioritise having a break over the potential world cup appearance, then don't play international football. No one is forcing you. You know the commitment required. You know the job description. If you want to do it, commit to it properly. It's how the rest of us have to live.

I'm prepared to give Nelsen the benefit of the doubt because it appears he had legitimate injury concerns. But the CBF attitude from Smith and Reid is pathetic. And what kind of message does that send others who are playing regularly oversea. Say Ryan Thomas for example.

over 17 years
2ndBest wrote:

“There’s another friendly in June, but I don’t think I’ll attend that one either. I need a nice long summer break, hopefully with promotion under our belts if all goes well. It hasn’t crossed my mind yet to fully knock it on the head, no.”

If Tommy didn't realise the World Cup is over the summer break, then it might have be an awkward conversation with Ricki if the All Whites qualified for it.

I've got a real beef with this attitude. Sure they earn their living playing club level. But I think of national football as a second job. If you accept, you do so knowing the commitment required (travel, less holidays) and potential reward (World Cup appearance, prize money). If you prioritise having a break over the potential world cup appearance, then don't play international football. No one is forcing you. You know the commitment required. You know the job description. If you want to do it, commit to it properly. It's how the rest of us have to live.

I'm prepared to give Nelsen the benefit of the doubt because it appears he had legitimate injury concerns. But the CBF attitude from Smith and Reid is pathetic. And what kind of message does that send others who are playing regularly oversea. Say Ryan Thomas for example.

Agreed, and I don't think Smith is or has been good enough to pick and choose - Nelsen potentially was (although that will remain unspoken).

I'd just make one point.  I think NZF's hard line about players turning up in LA at a particular time was potentially a mistake because I do agree that as a general rule International football shouldn't conflict with club football (if you're playing at a high level).  I know they needed the preparation time but it wouldn't have been such an issue if they'd actually had games organised then they wouldn't have had to push the players to make that decision.  Unfortunate really
First Team Squad
almost 12 years

I,m 100% behind Tommy Smith on this one.

 IMO its up to NZF to get their shiite together. They have to prove that they can operate in an acceptable professional way. Because it appears to me that they have lost the faith of several leading players. And could you blame players for losing faith in their national body?. How often in the last few seasons have we seen monumental cockups form the national body regarding the international scene?. Disorganised, ill prepared, amateur, poor name it, we have all seen it. From Honiara to the Mexico playoffs its been a constant theme. Poorly organised , half arsed... its been a joke. So why should senior pro's like Smith not get a little upset. He lives and works in a hard nosed professional sports environment......why should'nt he expect to have something similar at international level?

A month before the Japan game the NZF office in Auckland was coach, no CEO, no chairman.....who would want to get themself s involved with that shambles!!!!!

about 17 years
Smithy wrote:
Luis Garcia wrote:
Jerzy Merino wrote:

"It hasn't crossed my mind yet to fully knock it (international football) on the head."

Hopefully he's just saying this for local (Ipswich) consumption. But he still sounds a bit of a tosser.

Agree. That quote is stupid and makes me wonder if he is really suitable to be an All Whites captain in the future. I really hope they look at someone else. Winston Reid perhaps.


Hahaha, you joke right?

Winston Reid is even less committed to the All Whites cause.

Yeah I did realize that after I had commented. Just don't see Glen Moss as the long term solution to captain. So who then? Chris Wood?
Starting XI
almost 17 years

Hmm... so we're looking for a regular starter in a league rated higher than the A-League.... who's demonstrated commitment to the AW's and played a few caps... Got to be Tony Lochhead!

over 11 years
Jerzy Merino wrote:

"It hasn't crossed my mind yet to fully knock it (international football) on the head."

Hopefully he's just saying this for local (Ipswich) consumption. But he still sounds a bit of a tosser.

Maybe he's waiting to see if we qualify for the next World Cup before he commits.

over 17 years
Luis Garcia wrote:
Smithy wrote:
Luis Garcia wrote:
Jerzy Merino wrote:

"It hasn't crossed my mind yet to fully knock it (international football) on the head."

Hopefully he's just saying this for local (Ipswich) consumption. But he still sounds a bit of a tosser.

Agree. That quote is stupid and makes me wonder if he is really suitable to be an All Whites captain in the future. I really hope they look at someone else. Winston Reid perhaps.


Hahaha, you joke right?

Winston Reid is even less committed to the All Whites cause.

Yeah I did realize that after I had commented. Just don't see Glen Moss as the long term solution to captain. So who then? Chris Wood?

Woodsie always turns up. Has played more games then those two, and like Sea monster and Nelsen wears his heart on his chest.
Must try harder
over 17 years

Only cos his sleeves are normally in some one else's face ....

Must try harder
over 17 years

" Heart on his chest "  .....?

Sounds uncomfortable ... and not very hygienic ....

over 11 years

Woodsie for capitain! Like!

over 13 years
2ndBest wrote:

“There’s another friendly in June, but I don’t think I’ll attend that one either. I need a nice long summer break, hopefully with promotion under our belts if all goes well. It hasn’t crossed my mind yet to fully knock it on the head, no.”

If Tommy didn't realise the World Cup is over the summer break, then it might have be an awkward conversation with Ricki if the All Whites qualified for it.

I've got a real beef with this attitude. Sure they earn their living playing club level. But I think of national football as a second job. If you accept, you do so knowing the commitment required (travel, less holidays) and potential reward (World Cup appearance, prize money). If you prioritise having a break over the potential world cup appearance, then don't play international football. No one is forcing you. You know the commitment required. You know the job description. If you want to do it, commit to it properly. It's how the rest of us have to live.

I'm prepared to give Nelsen the benefit of the doubt because it appears he had legitimate injury concerns. But the CBF attitude from Smith and Reid is pathetic. And what kind of message does that send others who are playing regularly oversea. Say Ryan Thomas for example.

Bang on there
over 13 years
Further to 2nd bests post, Nelson never came out like Smith and basically said stuff you NZ I want a holiday. From an all white captain that is disgusting and if was misquoted he should be going back on the record now.

about 15 years

Thats the problem with this really. This is the national (stand in) Captian waving two fingers in the air to the national team.

I think this boy needs to be very careful. Classic case of a young man not thinking before he speaks.

As AucklandPhoenix said, Nelsen was not that dumb.

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