Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

JD's hit it on the head, if someone came up to any of the people involved in running the Fever they would have been more than happy to give them the answers. 

over 17 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

JD do you ever laugh or are you always this serious.

Fair enough, I just don't like the implication by Burgess that there's something sinister going on.  Underneath all his rambling he seemed to be implying that someone somewhere is hiving money off which I don't particularly like when real names are still listed
about 15 years

No doubt Patrick. The funny thing is I actually don't think people need to go up to you guys and ask. I suspect they could ask most of the fans and they would get a similar story. "Oh the YF guys? Well they organise this and this and this gets covered......"

The sad part is (and like Smithy notes, its a pure spite article) the questions that Dave ask are very basic that if he is smart enough to operate a laptop to write an article, he would know the answers to them too without needing to ask. Even more sad is that he literally hangs with those guys at the pub, the ground, in the zone...... Its almost a knife in the back move.

over 17 years
Tegal wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

JD do you ever laugh or are you always this serious.

Send JD to clown college #YFSpendUp

I get my laughs elsewhere...

Seriously though, this thing about using forum names rather than real names was already a subject of a dompost article way back right at the start when we launched the site.  It was pointed out then that this is how forums operate all round the world and most foreign clubs run their own forums operating that way, and they did a follow up where they basically said, oh yeah good point, fair enough.  So maybe Burgess just need to get the old editions out
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
james dean wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

JD do you ever laugh or are you always this serious.

Fair enough, I just don't like the implication by Burgess that there's something sinister going on.  Underneath all his rambling he seemed to be implying that someone somewhere is hiving money off which I don't particularly like when real names are still listed

Yeah I agree, that's exactly what I thought he was getting at when I read it too. 
Although even on that front, whenever people give money to YF they get something in return. A shirt, an app, A MEMBERSHIP CARD. 
They also get a lot in return that they don't pay for. 
People are also free to contribute in any way they wish, in fact I remember at the start of the season smithy put the call out saying exactly that. 
Basically, he is wrong on all fronts, and it seemed like a bit of an attack (especially today) because of the complaint 2B made to the press council - the timing is too good for it to be anything else surely. Even if that is just a coincidence, it was completely ill informed and unnecessary, and even made personal today. 
You'd think he'd be embarrassed to have written such rubbish, but then he has begged on the street for a story so perhaps he isn't. 
about 15 years
james dean wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

JD do you ever laugh or are you always this serious.

Fair enough, I just don't like the implication by Burgess that there's something sinister going on.  Underneath all his rambling he seemed to be implying that someone somewhere is hiving money off which I don't particularly like when real names are still listed

I can respect the notion of not liking the implication. I think people that operate with noble cause will get put out by those that try to tar them with the shit stick, even more so with a loud megaphone (media) in doing so. I'm not involved but I'm offended for the people that run the site, hence why I have probably gone overboard with my thoughts.

When you ask the question of "Why him, why now, why in this manner" the answer is bloody obvious as to why he has written it and the truth is, he probably does not give too shits about the answers. Its just a distraction move because the Dom Post are fucked off with the complaint Dale wrote. I would hazard a guess they if they thought his claim had no merit, they would not care but to do this probably shows they are fucked off because they are probably going to be told they have to push the buzzer and look both ways before crossing the road rather than just running out off the footpath whenever they feel like it.
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

I'm not entirely convinced it is due to my complaint. It is our first home game in two months remember.

over 17 years
2ndBest wrote:

I'm not entirely convinced it is due to my complaint. It is our first home game in two months remember.

Yeah, it's a national newspaper and it won't be the first time they've gotten a complaint.

What I don't understand is where they get these idiots that write blogs from.  Is anyone actually reading the drivel he's producing?
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
2ndBest wrote:

I'm not entirely convinced it is due to my complaint. It is our first home game in two months remember.

This is true. And going into a run of home games. Still, it wouldn't surprise me either way. 
Early retirement
over 17 years
james dean wrote:

Fair enough, I just don't like the implication by Burgess that there's something sinister going on.  Underneath all his rambling he seemed to be implying that someone somewhere is hiving money off which I don't particularly like when real names are still listed

If he wants to believe that then he can interview my wife. 

She'll let him know exactly how popular the time I spend away from home doing Fever stuff for no recompense is in no uncertain terms.
Stage Punch
about 17 years
james dean wrote:

Isn't this a good opportunity to easily set the record straight and try and get more people involved. 

You would think so. And if he had asked us any of these questions we would have answered them in full.

But of course, that was never the point...
almost 16 years
james dean wrote:
2ndBest wrote:

I'm not entirely convinced it is due to my complaint. It is our first home game in two months remember.

Yeah, it's a national newspaper and it won't be the first time they've gotten a complaint.

What I don't understand is where they get these idiots that write blogs from.  Is anyone actually reading the drivel he's producing?

Perhaps the number of comments in his previous efforts helps answer your last question.

I didn't know anything about his blog until it was posted on this thread.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Surprise surprise, the Herald just rang and actually asked us the questions. We answered. See what comes of that.

almost 16 years

Was it the footpaul guy? I think he's a YF member...

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Junior82 wrote:

Was it the footpaul guy? I think he's a YF member...

Paul Harper? He's the Social Media Editor for them now, so I don't think it would be him.
almost 16 years

He's a good journo.




almost 16 years

The unofficial and unaffiliated to Yellow Fever list of Fourth* Estate Hacks covering matters relating to Football Association in Aoteoroa/New Zealand:

Stout Fellows:

  • Piney
  • Gourdie
  • Fred Woodcock
  • Footpaul (when he did stuff)
  • N-Bomb 
  • The good Burgess (Michael?)

Recently un-friended:
  • Tony Smith

  • Millmow
  • Worthington
  • The bad Burgess (Ravy Davey)
  • Danny
  • Billy and Thompson (when they did stuff)

*May also contain traces of fith syndrome

To plagiarise: "All opinions are my own and probably wrong"

Starting XI
about 14 years

I'd be willing to guess it was Steve Holloway jumping on the potential good press and view counts the Herald could receive from the YF (Because lets face it, nobody else cares).

Starting XI
about 14 years
Junior82 wrote:

The unofficial and unaffiliated to Yellow Fever list of Fourth* Estate Hacks covering matters relating to Football Association in Aoteoroa/New Zealand:

Stout Fellows:

  • Piney
  • Gourdie
  • Fred Woodcock
  • Footpaul (when he did stuff)
  • N-Bomb 
  • The good Burgess (Michael?)

Recently un-friended:

  • Tony Smith


  • Millmow
  • Worthington
  • The bad Burgess (Ravy Davey)
  • Danny
  • Billy and Thompson (when they did stuff)

*May also contain traces of fith syndrome

To plagiarise: "All opinions are my own and probably wrong"

I'm honoured to be in such a high-quality list despite doing very little journalism of substance. I'm glad you guys recognise Fred Woodcock, he is always well worth a read.
Am I allowed to say I like Sam Worthington too? By all accounts he's a top bloke, and from the articles we receive up here in the North, he's a good writer - but having never read the Dom Post it's safe to say I am not as clued up as most of you.
almost 16 years
N-Bomb the heretic wrote:
Junior82 wrote:

Recently un-friended:

  • Tony Smith
  • N-Bomb

Am I allowed to say I like Sam Worthington too? By all accounts he's a top bloke, and from the articles we receive up here in the North, he's a good writer - but having never read the Dom Post it's safe to say I am not as clued up as most of you.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Yeah J82.  You missed N-Bomb's dad and Steve Holloway from the goods.  Bruce Holloway not so much (in case he reads this).

almost 16 years
Hard News wrote:

Yeah J82.  You missed N-Bomb's dad and Steve Holloway from the goods.  Bruce Holloway not so much (in case he reads this).

Ian Anderson (formerly of Jethro Tull)?

almost 16 years

Version 1.1

The unofficial and unaffiliated to Yellow Fever list of Fourth* Estate Hacks covering matters relating to Football Association in Aoteoroa/New Zealand:

Stout Fellows:

  • Piney
  • Gourdie
  • Fred Woodcock
  • Footpaul (when he did stuff)
  • N-Bomb & his dad
  • The good Burgess (Michael?)
  • Steve Holloway (but not his dad)

Recently un-friended:

  • Tony Smith


  • Millmow
  • Worthington
  • The bad Burgess (Ravy Davey)
  • Danny
  • Billy and Thompson (when they did stuff)
  • Stanaway (I lurk in toilets)

*May also contain traces of fith syndrome

To plagiarise: "All opinions are my own and probably wrong"

about 17 years

Piney did call WSW 'minor' premiers on the radio before kick-off on Sunday. I know it is an easy mistake to make, but he sets such high standards.

almost 16 years

Anyone who steps up to pressure calls when his wingman has to have a lie down can do very little wrong in my book.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Bullion wrote:

Piney did call WSW 'minor' premiers on the radio before kick-off on Sunday. I know it is an easy mistake to make, but he sets such high standards.

It's just premiers isn't it? 
Minor premiers would be nrl?
almost 16 years

What do you call the team that is top of the table at the end of the round robin (before the play-offs)?

Should they get a toilet roll (in lieu of the actual toilet seat)?

Edit:  I've just googled A-League and now know that the Premiers are the round robin winners and the Champions are the winners of the final series.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Michael Brown at the Herald is generally OK.

Craig Stanaway was not the toilet lurker either, that was Jehan Casinader:

Personally I would leave Stanaway on the list of melters though. He threw his toys on here once after I called him a racist! (actually I said a piece he did in South Africa was racist, some of his fellow journos agreed with this, he still did his nut though).

And don't forget Matt Nippert. Those were the days! Although he's not really a sport journo I suppose.

Gordon Glen Watson? He seems to mostly do freelance work for the likes of ACFC and OFC, but would love for him to pick up the Sky commentary gig. Him and Piney = Dream Team.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Mark Reason also occasionally lobs a grenade at football and is the Mother of All Trolls.

almost 16 years
terminator_x wrote:

Craig Stanaway was not the toilet lurker either, that was Jehan Casinader:

Personally I would leave Stanaway on the list of melters though. He threw his toys on here once after I called him a racist! (actually I said a piece he did in South Africa was racist, some of his fellow journos agreed with this, he still did his nut though).


I knew it was TVNZ - a bit lazy of me not to check it wasn't Stanaway (ironic much?).

Yep - I remember the "I got scared cos they is black" item during the WC.

almost 16 years
terminator_x wrote:

Mark Reason also occasionally lobs a grenade at football and is the Mother of All Trolls.

Nippert and Reason I left off because they are opportunistic vultures, not regular football writers.
Likewise GGW is more of a commentator yes? Piney writes and commentates (just another multi-skilled ability that demonstrates his awesomeness).
Starting XI
about 15 years
terminator_x wrote:

Michael Brown at the Herald is generally OK.

Craig Stanaway was not the toilet lurker either, that was Jehan Casinader:

Personally I would leave Stanaway on the list of melters though. He threw his toys on here once after I called him a racist! (actually I said a piece he did in South Africa was racist, some of his fellow journos agreed with this, he still did his nut though).

He dissed me live on the radio.
almost 15 years
ahmad wrote:
terminator_x wrote:

Michael Brown at the Herald is generally OK.

Craig Stanaway was not the toilet lurker either, that was Jehan Casinader:

Personally I would leave Stanaway on the list of melters though. He threw his toys on here once after I called him a racist! (actually I said a piece he did in South Africa was racist, some of his fellow journos agreed with this, he still did his nut though).

He dissed me live on the radio.

 You and Patrick and I !

and PS Stanaway if your reading this 7 Sharp is still bollocks!
Starting XI
about 14 years
N-Bomb wrote:

I'd be willing to guess it was Steve Holloway jumping on the potential good press and view counts the Herald could receive from the YF (Because lets face it, nobody else cares).

almost 15 years

My journalism career is now summed up as "N-Bomb's Dad" .... (raises finger and attempts to speak but nothing comes out, slumps back down) 

almost 16 years

But we all live our lives through our offspring.  Don't we?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

My journalism career is now summed up as "N-Bomb's Dad" .... (raises finger and attempts to speak but nothing comes out, slumps back down) 

It could be a lot worse 

almost 16 years
N-Bomb wrote:
N-Bomb wrote:

I'd be willing to guess it was Steve Holloway jumping on the potential good press and view counts the Herald could receive from the YF (Because lets face it, nobody else cares).

Backhanded compliment to 2B's blog: "occasionally humourus".
about 15 years

I like Bruce's articles. I vote for him on version 3

Good article by Hooloway the younger

Do you widen to media and commentators? You could Dewhurst and de Jong on the shit list and GGW on the good list

You can bet Jeremy Ruane is as about as wet as a football ferns piss up in eagerness to get on that list.

almost 16 years

The list as it currently sits is for those that aspire to reporting on football as opposed to those commentating events.  

Unlike Termy, "my" list is fully public domain and has no IP ownership concerns (in other words feel free to add or change the list as anyone sees fit).

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