Film recommendation.

about 17 years
the aliens cowboy thing - I want it to work, but I hear bad reviews anyone seen it yet?
over 13 years
Saw 'The Rise of the Planet of the Apes' would recommend. Plot is a little too neat and tidy and a bit unsure with James Franco cast as lead actor. Frida Pinto isn't bad though. Great graphics and story is good.
over 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
the aliens cowboy thing - I want it to work, but I hear bad reviews anyone seen it yet?

Truly awful movie.
about 17 years
F*cking hell possibly the best film I've ever seen, watched it twice now:
Someone suggested that it was the greatest war film since Saving Private Ryan what a joke. It p*sses on that.
don't watch if you're in a black mood.
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
F*cking hell possibly the best film I've ever seen, watched it twice now:
Someone suggested that it was the greatest war film since Saving Private Ryan what a joke. It p*sses on that.
don't watch if you're in a black mood.

I've read John Rabe's diary, published as "A Good German In Nanking".  Truely harrowing account of Japanese atrocities against Chinese prisoners of war & civilians including children (Rape of Nanking) where, in 3 months at the end of 1937, an estimated up to 370,000 were raped, tortured & massacred by various, & often horrendous, methods.  Another book to read is "The Rape Of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust" by Iris Chang.  At one stage 2 Japanese officers had a competition to see who could behead the most persons in an 1 hour period.  I don't think anyone was brought to justice at the war crimes trials.  Certainly, this was never taught in schools in Japan.  The government still denies it happened.
almost 16 years
Quite a sore point between the two countries (and perhaps the most heinous of all of the atrocities committed by Japan over the whole of the Asian region during the war).

There has actually been reconciliation between old Jap veterans and their victims across many of the occupied countries but nothing* from the government.

Edit: Nothing meaningful.
Junior822011-09-17 23:32:45
over 17 years
linds2 wrote:
Saw 'The Rise of the Planet of the Apes' would recommend. Plot is a little too neat and tidy and a bit unsure with James Franco cast as lead actor. Frida Pinto isn't bad though. Great graphics and story is good.
I heard that Gareth Bale is very good in it, playing the main ape.
I saw Super a while ago - a lot darker and funnier than Kick Ass (which I was expecting it to be the same as) and nearly up on the level of Mystery Men, the greatest "normal person being a super hero" film.
The only other films I have watched recently is An affair to remember - wonderful, wonderful film that I have to watch with a box of tissues (easy....).
over 13 years
almost 16 years
Smurfs.  Surprisngly quite bearable.  Kids found it very amusing so that was the main objective.
Reviews generally pan it but of course those are done by adults - and rather grumpy ones too.
about 17 years
Looking forward to The Inbetweeners movie. Starts 27 October.
about 17 years
A little after the fact, but 'The Help' is brilliant. Emma Stone isn't the greatest actress but she doesn't take away from the story at all
over 13 years
Paranormal activity 3, was ok, more of the same, I really like the one camera shot they had though.
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
"Johnny English Reborn (2011)"  Quite funny.  My 12yr old son giggled his way through it.  Gillian Anderson & Rosamund Pike  mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
about 17 years
Went to The Inbetweeners Movie tonight with a whole lot of other briefcase w*nkers. Absolutely loved it. Theatre was pretty full as well so lots of fans of the show. I must have almost been the oldest one there as well. Very young crowd.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
I just came back from that too - brilliant. Also watched it last Thursday night!
over 17 years
Recently I have watched the following:
* Captain America - meh. Chris Evans is too odd looking to be a proper super hero.
* Green Lantern - OMG I want to do disgusting things to Ryan Reynolds.  Apparently there was a storyline, but I never saw it as I had to watch the film in 10 minute sections as I needed to rest and take on fluids.
* Crazy Stupid Love - pretty decent, but oh wow do I want to rub lotion on Ryan Gosling.  I want to do sex on him.
I cannot wait for 50/50 to start - looks like a quality film.  Also need to get round to watching Inbetweeners and the Smurfs at some stage.
Also, it appears I am very gay for people named Ryan.
over 13 years
Was gonna post earlier about Inbetweeners, was pretty good, was pretty much what I expected, lots of good honest(ish) awkward humour.
about 17 years
Thing 2 coming very soon/if not here already. Please don't destroy John Carpenter's masterpiece.
The Thing is possibly my Fav horror film. Tense, paranoid, superb all male cast. No love interest to get in the way, great script, the Antartic location used beautifully, Top monster. I can watch it again and again. Oh and Kurt Russell is just plain epic.
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
Like to see some reviews of "The Debt" if you've seen it please. It looks good from what I've seen on the trailers on TV.
about 15 years
Frankie Mac wrote:
Recently I have watched the following:
* Captain America - meh. Chris Evans is too odd looking to be a proper super hero.
* Green Lantern - OMG I want to do disgusting things to Ryan Reynolds.  Apparently there was a storyline, but I never saw it as I had to watch the film in 10 minute sections as I needed to rest and take on fluids.
* Crazy Stupid Love - pretty decent, but oh wow do I want to rub lotion on Ryan Gosling.  I want to do sex on him.
I cannot wait for 50/50 to start - looks like a quality film.  Also need to get round to watching Inbetweeners and the Smurfs at some stage.
Also, it appears I am very gay for people named Ryan.
Someone better warn Meg
over 16 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
Thing 2 coming very soon/if not here already. Please don't destroy John Carpenter's masterpiece.
The Thing is possibly my Fav horror film. Tense, paranoid, superb all male cast. No love interest to get in the way, great script, the Antartic location used beautifully, Top monster. I can watch it again and again. Oh and Kurt Russell is just plain epic.
Saw this last night.  not having seen the original I cannot compare, however not OVERLY impressed.  Maybe its the chick in me, but it kinda seems as if they try to introduce a flirtatious few moments.  Didn't understand exactly what was going on.  Few fright senes but very few and far between.
Be interested to see what you think.
about 17 years
I <3 Nix wrote:
ForteanTimes wrote:
Thing 2 coming very soon/if not here already. Please don't destroy John Carpenter's masterpiece.
The Thing is possibly my Fav horror film. Tense, paranoid, superb all male cast. No love interest to get in the way, great script, the Antartic location used beautifully, Top monster. I can watch it again and again. Oh and Kurt Russell is just plain epic.
Saw this last night.  not having seen the original I cannot compare, however not OVERLY impressed.  Maybe its the chick in me, but it kinda seems as if they try to introduce a flirtatious few moments.  Didn't understand exactly what was going on.  Few fright senes but very few and far between.
Be interested to see what you think.
Hey thanks for posting though, will have to go and see it even if it's just to wind myself up.
almost 16 years
I watched that film about 1937 China
it is an impressive piece of film making

this week I watched TV, Game of Thrones
parts of this were very good
about 15 years
over 17 years
seen some fantastic films recently:
* 50/50 - amazing film that I had been looking forward to for about 2 months, and it did not disappoint.  After 500 Days of Summer, Gordon Jospeh Love Hewitt (or whatever his name is) + films with 5 and 0 in the title = my favourite films.
* Warrior - pretty brutal fight scenes (although no blood, hmmmm) building to a very obvious showdown, but very enjoyable.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes - Gareth Bale was very good as Cesar, and James Franco went someway to apologising for f**king ruining the Oscars a couple of years ago.  Much to my wifes relief, it made me change my mind about getting a pet monkey.
almost 16 years
Holiday DVD & Movies on TV viewing:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 1 - Best quote:
Bellatrix: "You could have killed me!"
Dobby: "Dobby didn't mean to kill, dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure.�

Shaolin Soccer - lol-fest

Nim's Island on TV now - Can I just say that Jodie Foster is rather alluring?

First Team Squad
almost 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
.....Can I just say that Jodie Foster is rather alluring?

I agree.

The Adventures Of Tin Tin 3D.

Btw, can't stand Dobby.  Wongo can't stand people who speak in the 3rd person.
almost 16 years
Bad Taste (from Aro St video).

Forgotten how brilliant some of the script was. Great holiday viewing for the kids.

about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
Bad Taste (from Aro St video).

Forgotten how brilliant some of the script was. Great holiday viewing for the kids.

Is that the collectors edition? Some of the dvd extras are brilliant. Interviews with the cast and the making of it.
Brilliant film overall.
almost 16 years
Two disc set, including "Good Taste Made Bad Taste" about the making of the film.

Didn't realise it was his 12th film (first commercially released one). My rankings:

1. Bad Taste
2. Brain Dead

3. LOTR trilogy

4. Heavenly Creatures
5. King Kong

6. Meet the Feebles

nth. The Frigtheners

(haven't seen Lovely Bones )

over 17 years
saw Drive the other day - pretty good, although there are loads of long lingering shoots of attractive people staring at each other/into space.
Ryan Gosling remained in shirt the whole film, which was disappointing.
about 17 years
Christ I've not seen a decent film in ages. Whats good at the cinema at the mo?
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
First Team Squad
over 14 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
Christ I've not seen a decent film in ages. Whats good at the cinema at the mo?

Melancholia at The Embassy - tho wdn't go see it if you're a depressive or are anxious about life in general
over 13 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

Christ I've not seen a decent film in ages. Whats good at the cinema at the mo?
Tintin was probably the best I've seen recently, MI4 was worth the watch but not amazing, new years eve was pretty sh*te. To be honest I haven't really seen a good movie since inception.Mycatiscold2012-01-27 17:45:19
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
Watched Drive the other night. Top draw
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
TopLeft07 wrote:
Watched Drive the other night. Top draw
That movie was amazing.
over 17 years
Sherlock Holmes is ok - better than the first one, but very much a Guy Ritchie film (slo-mo shots with intermitent normal/fast speed shots through them).
MI4 was decent - some amazing stunts but also some holes in the storyline that were as big as my desire to fornicate with Ryan Gosling.
Soldier, Sailor, Tinker, Spy was brilliantly acted and (by all accounts) very respectful to the book, but I felt that you needed to know the book to really enjoy it.  Much like when faced with a washing machine, I spent large periods of time slightly confused.
The ides of March was excellent.  I'm not normally a Clooney fan, but it is well directed and a very good story.  I am not sure if I have mentioned it before, but I WANT TO f**k RYAN GOSLING so having him in it pushed the film from very good to excellent in the patented "Frankie Mac film rating system (based on erections)", although I was dispointed that he had a nookie scene and kept his chest under wraps.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
*slight MI4 spoiler alert*

What bugged me the most in MI4,was toward the end where the bad guy (I'm terrible with names) jumps with the suitcase (killing himself in the process) instead of simply throwing it down,then fighting mr Scientology off - which would have delayed him further.

So stupid. Tegal2012-01-27 02:56:11
over 17 years
I could believe that super agent Ethan Hawke (if that is actually is name) couldn't beat up, or even out-run, a 55 year man

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