almost 15 years

Go for rhe one with the cheapest refills.

Starting XI
over 17 years

Consumables are so expensive I know of someone (anecdotally) who would buy a new cheap printer when the starter inks ran out.

about 17 years

Ended up getting a Canon MG5560 Wireless printer. Is da bomb!!  Took 10 mins to set up and have my lappy, cell phone and Tablet all printing pics from it. Good quality too.

almost 16 years

UberGunner wrote:

Consumables are so expensive I know of someone (anecdotally) who would buy a new cheap printer when the starter inks ran out.

You can get very cheap ink refills online (not branded) - about $4-5 for a cartridge.

about 17 years

Link? I bought a full set of XL's for this new printer as a one off but after that would like to get something a lot cheaper. Although these cartridges are cheaper than a lot I checked out. Still ouch but hell, I can send pics from my phone, tablet and lappy from anywhere in the house and no friggen cables!!! Life is good at the moment.

about 17 years

You ripper. $26.00 per colour cartridge. XL size. That's cheaper than $39.00

over 17 years

Wonder if someone can help me.  Have a google nexus phone.  Have both chrome and fifrefox installed but I use chrome generally.  I had to uninstall and then reinstall chrome - now when I redirect to links from twitter or other places it opens firefox rather than chrome.  Does anyone know how to reverse this?  Because chrome was preinstalled I'm worried I've stuffed up some settings

Starting XI
over 10 years

Try this:

Go to settings >more >application manager >find chrome >select clear defaults. Then you also need to go to settings >more >application manager >find "Internet", which is the internet app that is default to the phone. Then select clear defaults on that app as well. Then next time you open a website from a txt, twitter, or email, etc. it will ask you which you want to be default.

over 17 years

blazer37 wrote:

Try this:

Go to settings >more >application manager >find chrome >select clear defaults. Then you also need to go to settings >more >application manager >find "Internet", which is the internet app that is default to the phone. Then select clear defaults on that app as well. Then next time you open a website from a txt, twitter, or email, etc. it will ask you which you want to be default.

Hey that worked!  Best helpdesk ever

Starting XI
over 10 years

Haha i usually lurk the forums but knew how to fix that one as I keep accidentally setting the wrong defaults on my phone.

almost 14 years

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Ryan wrote:

The thing is though, that in return for all of those things they do, they offer me awesome products that I use every day, at no cost to me at all. If it was say, Facebook taking over the internet in that way, I'd be more likely to do something about it, because Facebook gives me absolutely nothing. 

almost 14 years

patrick478 wrote:

Ryan wrote:

The thing is though, that in return for all of those things they do, they offer me awesome products that I use every day, at no cost to me at all. If it was say, Facebook taking over the internet in that way, I'd be more likely to do something about it, because Facebook gives me absolutely nothing. 

I use firefox as my main browser on all platforms (including my nexus phone and tablet) the only thing I use Chrome for are sites that only have flash and for its dev tools.

I can't see what I'm missing with chrome, except the handy zoom in when links are close together on Android, I actually find the tabbing on firefox for android superior.

Google Now still works because of double click and adwords on sites that I visit, so it can embarrass me with information about things that I've looked up. But your right, I used duck duck go for a few months but ended back with the goog, I don't know if its better or if its just trained me in how to use it. I have made a few abortive attempts to leave gMail - will do so one day now that MailPile is around.

about 15 years

I'd put money on the guy that wrote that post being a Mozilla developer and is a bit 'bitter against the machine' for stealing their spot.

The reality is, regardless of what browser you use, you are at the mercy of Google. Google Adsense, Google Analytics, Google Adwords... You can't escape them (unless you have clever host file manipulation)

I use Firefox and have for years. I personally do not like Chrome but I do use it as a back up on sites that Firefox and IE can't display correctly. We have guys at work that install Chrome (which is a bane because you don't need administration rights to install - very clever) and I have to actively uninstall because our global security team refuse to vet it for our network use.

almost 14 years

Yes, he is the boss of the Mozilla development office in Auckland (interesting fact: Auckland is one of only a handful of Mozilla development studios and the only one in the southern hemisphere).

about 17 years

I loved the original Netscape and then moved to Maxthon for ten years when Netscape basically folded.

Starting XI
almost 12 years

May be a simple thing but how do you get rid of the annoying "similar products" pop up in Chrome that suddenly appeared for me yesterday? Can't seem to get it to stop coming back.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

3D printers anyone? Getting one in the next couple of days

about 15 years

3D printers are a new fad thing. I guess it's kinda like these new smart watches. Yeah everyone likes them and wants them (I have a pebble) but you find you don't use them very quickly other than look at the time.

My question to you is what is your intended use and do you really need one or can someone do the job for you. I have a friend who has one, it's now white elephant material.

We looked at one for our engineering department for mock ups of valves but they decided that they probably would not use it. In my head, I thought if anyone would use it, those guys would do.

about 17 years

Architechs would have a feild day with one. And landscapers.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Kids are well into cosplay, so it will be primarily used to encourage their design and art skills, also Hardnews bobbleheads

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Munk wrote:
Hardnews bobbleheads

I never realised it until now, but I need one of these in my life.

about 17 years

paint his hair black, add a mo and it is you Patrick.

about 17 years

Ok, it's been a week and I still can't locate anyone at Faceless Book to help me with an issue.

Do any of you people have an e-mail address or even a phone number of someone whom works for Facebook or how to contact them?

Their stupid help section refers you to the FAQ's and then asks you if this helps you. When you say no it just throws you onto the next generalisation and asks you again if it helps.

It's like a dog chasing it's tail, round and round and round in circles without ever actually getting anywhere.

I want a human voice or a real email attached to someone whom can help with dealing with a hacker.

over 17 years

Free services provided to half a billion people aren't exactly known for their customer service, for obvious reasons :)

What does 'dealing with a hacker' mean?

about 17 years

It means I have found a hacker getting into my facebook account and have two of his alleged e-mail addresses.

about 17 years

On my laptop which i hardly use anymore, I use Filezilla to upload files for my website (Which needs some serious updating, I know!!), my questions are:

1] As I use my Samsung Tab3 almost all the time, what FTP software can I use on an android device? I mean will Filezilla work on it? If so, that would be great.

2] I deliberatley use Dreamweaver 6 as it is uncomplicated and not a resource hog for my HTML codings etc, What would you guys recommend for my Tab 3 android?

about 17 years

Google Chromecast - Opinions please. $60 sounds a bargain.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Google Chromecast - Opinions please. $60 sounds a bargain.

Do a little research (Google some reviews) so you know what you're getting... but if it meets your needs and you know how to use it, it's not perfect but given the price it's great value.
about 17 years

I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3. I ran the battery down to zero and now it wont charge.  I plugged it in to a laptop and it charged it to 6% and allowed me back into it. But I have used 3 different,  but the same type of plugs, and it won't charge any further.  Internal battery screwed? If so.  Can it be replaced?

over 13 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3. I ran the battery down to zero and now it wont charge.  I plugged it in to a laptop and it charged it to 6% and allowed me back into it. But I have used 3 different,  but the same type of plugs, and it won't charge any further.  Internal battery screwed? If so.  Can it be replaced?

May not help as don't have a Galaxy, but sometimes I find plugging things like that into a laptop it doesn't draw enough power to charge and if you can plug straight into mains it charges better? Could be worth a try if you can.

almost 14 years

Yeah plug it into the biggest usb plug you've got and leave it for a day or two. If the battery is dead it can take some time to get a charge.

Starting XI
over 10 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3. I ran the battery down to zero and now it wont charge.  I plugged it in to a laptop and it charged it to 6% and allowed me back into it. But I have used 3 different,  but the same type of plugs, and it won't charge any further.  Internal battery screwed? If so.  Can it be replaced?

here is a kicker I learned the other day, phone and tablet USB to AC plugs have slightly different amps.

So if you are actually using a phone one it may not charge properly.  If you know your charger is definitely a tablet one then you battery might be porked.  I'm pretty sure you can buy the replacement batteries but my first stop would be phone bits on Willis street.  If they say they cant do it I'd be hesitant, if they say they can and its reasonable that makes it their problem if they stuff it.  If they can and its an unreasonable price, it might be worth a crack with a replacement battery off amazon and a Youtube video.

about 17 years

I use a power plug but this am out of desperation I used the usb and it brought it back to life a bit. Now on power plug again and after 4 hours it is at 45% usually it only takes two hours to fully charge.

Starting XI
over 10 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I use a power plug but this am out of desperation I used the usb and it brought it back to life a bit. Now on power plug again and after 4 hours it is at 45% usually it only takes two hours to fully charge.

Might be the wrong charger, my partners did that and it was a phoen charger (discovered with experimentation).

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Google Chromecast - Opinions please. $60 sounds a bargain.


I bought one. Never use it. I also bought a Chromecast Audio for the purpose of streaming audio from my laptop to my stereo. It works a treat. However, Spotify's desktop app does not support it. So that's a bummer. I have to use my phone, which is a bit of a nonsense.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

It means I have found a hacker getting into my facebook account and have two of his alleged e-mail addresses.


What do you expect them to do exactly?

about 17 years

Well for starters, there is no way to get hold of anyone at Faceless book to pass the information on to. But the guy who hacked was going around to various contacts I had and posed as me to get details off them and then use their information. Why can't Faceless Book have a security department with a phone number or email address or contact are'sa so you can get their help? The self serving FAQ are a waste of time and you end up running around in a circle.

Buggered if I know what is up with my battery but after all this time, I am now up to 85% capacity. I am kinda hoping that i have accidently given my battery a right proper work out and that it is redoing itself in a good way rather than showing that it is on its last legs. I have heard new batteries are around $129. Almost cheaper to buy a new tablet with the latest quality software.

almost 15 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Well for starters, there is no way to get hold of anyone at Faceless book to pass the information on to. But the guy who hacked was going around to various contacts I had and posed as me to get details off them and then use their information. Why can't Faceless Book have a security department with a phone number or email address or contact are'sa so you can get their help? The self serving FAQ are a waste of time and you end up running around in a circle.

Buggered if I know what is up with my battery but after all this time, I am now up to 85% capacity. I am kinda hoping that i have accidently given my battery a right proper work out and that it is redoing itself in a good way rather than showing that it is on its last legs. I have heard new batteries are around $129. Almost cheaper to buy a new tablet with the latest quality software.

more chance of getting hot chips at Westpark Stadium !

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