The gaming thread - Comps, Consoles, Apps and Board Games.

over 17 years

Sorry last 15 battles, the kills dried up (but the wins didn't!...13-2)...

Too much of this...

But still showed the noobs:

Also, this wasn't very smart...


Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Had someone circling me once. I followed him, then had an idea - went counterclockwise suddenly, lined him up and bang, troll blown to bits. 

Early retirement
over 17 years


Must try that.  Fucking vermin.

I have spent the weekend getting rid of some blots on my form book.  BT-2 from 25% to 50%.  Now the SU-76.  Even in tier V I've been getting a kill a game.

Early retirement
over 17 years

 Stupid Heavies.  All with a 57mm and a very, very large amount of shells.

over 17 years

Well done News.  Love the screen shots. 

Successful campaigning weekend.  Great run of wins today.  Something like 22-5!!!!  With 24 kills.  And only a short run of plats with the Munk a first class badge for my KV-1 today which was nice.  The Pz. III (I still love it)...but I've got a spare slot in the garage (sold the Chi-ha)...needs a tier IV friend...looked at the French models (looked horrible)...thinking of going for the British Matilda...her gun excites a long weekend coming up...the 'Matilda project'?

about 17 years

Morning Tank Commanders/fellow Survivors.

 I'm a bit fed up with getting into games where everyone takes off leaving huge gaps and then me and the other Arties get killed off by fast moving med tanks.

The alternative is to end up the baggage car on a lemming train.  9 times out of ten the game will be lost if the Arties get killed off quickly.

On a brighter, (if brighter means being eaten alive by Zeds), been playing DayZ.

Very hard but there is nothing quite like getting a Lee Enfield and picking off Zeds, (zombies), at a distance. 

I wouldn't get it just yet as the team who made it a working on a Stand Alone so you won't have to get Arma II and the Arma II extension to play DayZ.

Stand Alone should be available in a couple of months or so, will keep folk posted.

Early retirement
over 17 years

The 2nd KV was such an idiot.  He kept slowly meandering thorugh the village in Murovanka and I sat in the forest and kept tracking him when he got in a gap in the buildings and then aiming for weakspots.  I must have fired 25 shots at him before I killed him even with so many bounces.  As you can see we had no heavies and they really should have smashed us if they kept rolling.  Also, based on his turret behaviour he had no idea where any of those shots came from.

Had a good win on cliff in my VK20.01.  Again, Tier V,  thought I was stuffed (base engine, base chassis - slow) but I snuck around the west rock on the hilltop in cliff and popped out behind a Pz1c (vermin) who had no idea I was there and smashed him, then peaked over the ledge and in three shots took their KV-1 to 5% while he was firing at our heavies and ignored me, then took out their Churchill next to him leaving our heavies with an easy march to win.  I might make a tank commander yet.

Won 22 of 35 yesterday which considering there were no plats with Munk (missed him by seconds last night) and I was running around in Tier 2 with the BT and generally Tier 5 in the Su-76 (thanks Match maker) I'm pretty happy with that.

Junior News played a few of those as well in both BT's, my Wolverine and my VK.

Garage currently :

Goto guys:
T40 - Usually only comes out wirth Munk and Ed as I'm scared of damaging my 73% win rate in it.
BT-7 - Loads of fun - Crew up to 70% camo.  Once it has Sixth sense it will be a mental ninja scout.  Still need to be calmer in combat.
SU-85b - The T40 with a bigger bang.  Superb gun on a hatchback.

Tier V
STuG III - Should use this more but Tier VII scares me.  Generally use with Munk and sometimes Ed.
Wolverine - Good for getting used to a turret.  Gun will tap up most things it runs into.  A little slow and needs a sniper mindset even though it looks like a tank.
Churchill III - Rarely used.  Not sure I have the skillset for it, although last time I used it we won.  I just followed the other Churchill through South Coast.  He was a cock and got killed.  I capped. We won.

T18 - Running the good gun, but the Howitzer is quite Derpy.
M2 Light - Just bought it because some workmates were bouncing around in Tier II learning the ropes.  They are out of II now.
Renault UE.57 - I love the teeny TD.  If I had to choose between this and the SU-76 it would be tough.

Temporary assignments (Jury still out):
Somua SaU-40 (Grind over but tempted to keep Perry for Derpy comedy value)
SU-76 - Sneakily I may keep this having got an 'Ace tanker' in it and the win rate is improving.
Pz IIIa - Win rate not good.  Not sure why I can't love this.  It looks great and should endear itself to me but so far we haven't gelled, although we have come close.
VK20.01 - Only four battles but last night was fun.

Current stats (I should screen cap this):
Battles - 1838
Wins - 1088 - 59% (Wonder what my 1000th was?)
Losses - 721 - 39%
Survived - 718 - 39% (Needs improving)

Destroyed - 1607 - (On the improve)
Detected - 1444 - (On the improve)

Average experience - 241 (Poor - Needs improving)

Early retirement
over 17 years

 Oh Munk.  Look at the damage...

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Sig, Stevo -you are both getting to be very good tankers -Sig-saw your damage in the SU76 -nice one -send the replay if you havent already.

Stevo-you seem to make all the right moves in the KV1 -going to all the right places a heavy should go. Some good platting on Sunday, thanks for that-sorry, had to stop to watch QI with the wife and kids

Was quite funny platting with Sig on Saturday and seeing Jnr News on the red team 3 times in a row -"o7 Dad -" you dont see that in chat a lot..

Early retirement
over 17 years

 ...and we smashed him.

Early retirement
over 17 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

Morning Tank Commanders/fellow Survivors.

 I'm a bit fed up with getting into games where everyone takes off leaving huge gaps and then me and the other Arties get killed off by fast moving med tanks.

I try and work hard to run interference.  In the TDs we generally help out and in my lights I often spend the first couple of minutes set for scout interdiction.  Even been heading to the pool in TDs to try and save arty on El Halluf (normally while the rest of the team tell me they know scouts will come that way, and our arty will get smashed while ignoring a suggestion they help.  Had one close to getting hit with the ignore stick yesterday.

Patronising fuck.
The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

Morning Tank Commanders/fellow Survivors.

 I'm a bit fed up with getting into games where everyone takes off leaving huge gaps and then me and the other Arties get killed off by fast moving med tanks.

I think the further up the tiers you go, the more arty aware teams become, so it does get better. Hows the FCM working out for you? I look forward to doing a FCM plat with you -hopefully on Prok which is a TD friendly map

Early retirement
over 17 years

I'm due gold, probs next week and if I do will also FCM, and convert a pile of unused experience I have to free and consider a Hellcat or a Jackson (the opposite of the FCM).  Should check what weekend her indoors is going to Auckland and I might do a little Premium as well... oh, and some paint jobs.

So. Might need a bit of Gold there.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Hard News wrote:

I'm due gold, probs next week and if I do will also FCM, and convert a pile of unused experience I have to free and consider a Hellcat or a Jackson (the opposite of the FCM).  Should check what weekend her indoors is going to Auckland and I might do a little Premium as well... oh, and some paint jobs.

So. Might need a bit of Gold there.

Go for the Hellcat -Jackson too slow -Hellcat goes 60km + so you can get to a sniping spot, fire and move.
Early retirement
over 17 years

 Tier VI is scary.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Hard News wrote:

 Tier VI is scary.

We'll get you there-you've got a good grounding in where to go on maps, now we need to work on where to shoot the T6/7/8 tanks
The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Also upgrading to ADSL2 this week (Thought we already were were..) this might eliminate the lag spikes -if not, ill have to dick around with the QoS settings on the new Netgear Wireless/Modem I bought to eliminate the lag spikes...

over 17 years

"I'm a bit fed up with getting into games where everyone takes off leaving huge gaps and then me and the other Arties get killed off by fast moving med tanks."

Yes, it is frustrating.  Everyone went right at the Steppe yesterday.  Tried  to save the situation.  Hopeless.

"The 2nd KV was such an idiot."

Kept on getting hit by some British cruiser from behind yesterday.  He was doing no HP damage what-so-ever to my KV.  I was concentrating on killing stuff ahead...once I figured it out...nothing a turret traverse couldn't fix.  (will send screenshots later)...

"Tier VI is scary."

Tier IV seems the right fit.  Tier I and II - too many "let's shoot our guys for a laugh" noobs.  Tier VI+ - at best the "uber internet warrior", at worse, they live in some kind of "SS fantasy world"... 

about 17 years

Hilarious - In DayZ I've looted 2 cities and evaded lots of zombies. I have a rifle, pistol, canned food, soda drinks and bandages - pretty proud of myself.

In a barn when I fall off a ladder and break my leg, I have no morphine to fix it. Lying there this other player Hank runs all the way across the map to help me - 20 odd minutes of his time.

In the meantime I'm fending off zombies with my rifle, holed in in this barn like something out the Alamo.

I see these two zombies running towards me at speed and take them down, only to realize that one was the other player Hank in a ghillie suit. (you can't see well when you've hurt yourself because of the pain).

I've shot him and broken his leg. He only has one morphine. We decide to shoot me in the head as they only way I could survive was crawling to the nearest city which would have taken me two hours and most my stuff unlike his is starter gear.

It was all very Captain Oates of me but I fell off the ladder and shot the other guy by accident. Only one of us was making it out of that barn.

Cheers anyhow Hank for not being a bandit and trying to help me.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Ok -not Tank related at all, but a lot of fun -

You get 5 random images from Google street maps, you then have to guess the location -I followed a dusty desert rd for miles looking for clues -guessed WA, was at least in the right continent.

My Record  23681 , was out by 1km one one, 200metres in another.

Give it a go!

over 17 years

Munk, that ain't WoT mate.

I need a Matilda I think.  But need to think about it more...

over 17 years

That could have been epic. I was just about to finish you off and then you blew up!   Arrrrrgh!

over 17 years

And then I bumped into the KV-1 'super'...

almost 16 years

Munk wrote:

Ok -not Tank related at all, but a lot of fun -

You get 5 random images from Google street maps, you then have to guess the location -I followed a dusty desert rd for miles looking for clues -guessed WA, was at least in the right continent.

My Record  23681 , was out by 1km one one, 200metres in another.

Give it a go!

23529 - like you had to follow for miles to look for clues.  
Bonus was Diamond Harbour.  Crapped out with guessing a place was in BC Canada but in fact was North-f*cking-west Territories.

over 17 years

Got to learn how to shoot on the move!


The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

23529 - like you had to follow for miles to look for clues.  

Bonus was Diamond Harbour.  Crapped out with guessing a place was in BC Canada but in fact was North-f*cking-west Territories.

i got lucky -there was a building with a japanese sign on it-Ive got 4 Japanese people working in my team and one translated foe me-it was a tiny island about 300 miles off the coast
Early retirement
over 17 years

 We folded like a deck of cards there.  Awful.  That end on Fjords is a trainwreck.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I reckon you guys are getting to be a lot better than me

over 17 years

Tegal wrote:

I reckon you guys are getting to be a lot better than me

LOL.  I don't think so mate.  Myself...I still make a load of "criminal" errors.  Worse mistake...stopping to take pop shots when I should be moving.  Atrocious.  Number two: get fixated on the "kill" - and then get killed myself...Number 3: panic attacks under fire = making noob decisions.  Also, took me 29 shells to kill some French light thing before!  Noob!   Luckily his gun was complete crap too.  We were both noobs...

Though (imho) I did do a very good scout just before...followed this to a best scout ever...

Got at least several tanks killed.  Received a huge amount of damage.  Huge effort...for only 475 ex points!  Maybe not as good as I thought...

The rest of the evening, a bit meh so far - way too much noob dying, just 13 kills in 22 battles.  +1 in victories...


over 17 years

Tegal wrote:

I reckon you guys are getting to be a lot better than me

Most of your stats say otherwise...

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Those first 2 are what gets me killed the most lately. Have been getting better at not panicking under fire though. 

over 17 years

Congrats HN...


A TG on just her second outing!!!!!  Ok, she died both times...but my word...we might have unleashed a monster here...camo (Dieppe Raid scheme) and emblem added in celebration...


PS: much gold do you spend?  Every new tank - I can't help myself...always have to go 100% crew etc...



Early retirement
over 17 years

I love the paint scheme.. 

Junior News has stated he will team kill me if I get a Matilda.  He has a hatred of them since he got smashed by one.  For me, I think the speed would do my head in but they are a tank I have always loved.  For pace even my Wolverine frustrates me, and don't start me on the Churchill or Perry.  What are the gun options?

I have put 100% crews in three tanks (T40 - BT-7, StuG III - My SU is at 100% but they started at 75%), I bought a Churchill and paid for a paint scheme on the T40 (all seasons) and the Renault UE.57 (Summer only).  As I said yesterday I do want an FCM and a couple more paint schemes and when her indoors goes away for a weekend in a couple of weeks I'll probably premium.

On top of that I played a weekend at Premium. 

I think I have had three lots of 2500 gold so $30us plus one lot of gold for Junior News (WWEFan).

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Hard News wrote:

Junior News has stated he will team kill me if I get a Matilda.  He has a hatred of them since he got smashed by one.  For me, I think the speed would do my head in but they are a tank I have always loved.  For pace even my Wolverine frustrates me, and don't start me on the Churchill or Perry.  What are the gun options? 

go on, get a matilda -you know you want to..sell yr churchill

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

PS: much gold do you spend?  Every new tank - I can't help myself...always have to go 100% crew etc...


easily 3-400 over 2 years but since its a primary form of entertainment for me I dont mind 

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Tegal wrote:

I reckon you guys are getting to be a lot better than me

keep it up -once we get you to the T40 a whole world of fun will open up to you -you're doing good with the T82
Early retirement
over 17 years

Munk wrote:
go on, get a matilda -you know you want to..sell yr churchill

Can I sell it?  I didn't realise that.  Tempting.  Could use the cash on an FCM, 100% crew and to convert some of the spare experience I have sitting on some light tanks.

Isn't the grind to the Mailtda painful though?
over 17 years

Just two games, both at the top end of the tier...

First at Karelia map.  Got pinned downed at the eastern side, against superior numbers...oh well...

At Widepark, also went to the east.  Stuart tried to ram.  Bad idea.  Then got round their rear.  Had a field day.  Only died because I got "fixated" with killing a Pz.III.  Completely unnoticed a SPG who wiped me out from point-blank.

The gun is upgraded to the late-war 2 pounder.  At tier 4, pens everytime, with around 40-50 damage.  FAST RELOAD.  A machine gun.  Superb.

Speed could disturb some.  For me it doesn't.  I can see this as being a massive, elite, 2nd echelon weapon, and then claiming all the credit for the victories.  No more 90 second 30 ex disasters (as often happens in the lights and other "mediums" too)...Superb.

Have to wait and see how it goes against the dreaded KVs though.

Early retirement
over 17 years

We had a cracker on Karelia last night.

Enemy smashed our right (we started at the south spawn).  Munk and I raced across the plateau and met them as they came around the bend.  Knocked out 5 or 6 of them (Some Tier VI, but mainly Tier V) when we were down about 9-3. Got it down to one arty and a Chuchill (I had already smashed up) vs a timid KV and Munk and I. 

I got a five-for.  Should have had the Churchill as well but our KV woke up once we started charging for the cap. Unfortunately I think I deleted it. 

Also just missed a Pascucci when a platoon mate yoinked the last spg on me when I had him in my sights.

over 17 years

Funniest game last night...played with a 'I've made myself coach' guy...told us all what to do etc...went down to him (at 100%, in a higher tier TD) vs 3 enemies...they capped...he hid (to protect his stats)...we certainly let him know...

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