The gaming thread - Comps, Consoles, Apps and Board Games.

over 17 years
Hard News wrote:

Stevo.  Did you buy the Val II or was it a Val I you were using?

Just that I like the idea of a single tier MM option.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Nice win rate.

over 17 years

2nd in all of Asia.

Early retirement
over 17 years
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I'm 'bad' or 'below average' in those ratings but the last 219 battles are quite a bit above those and the trends are going up. 

What is the WN6 and WN7 ratings anyway?

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

I like the top 200 in this:


arf -stats ftw -nj on yr 69.14% win rate in that!
over 17 years

My Churchill needs to man up tonight...

Early retirement
over 17 years
Munk wrote:

arf -stats ftw -nj on yr 69.14% win rate in that!

Pad pad pad.  Think your name change has thrown yours out.
about 17 years

God my early games...

Weird tonight, tired so playing low levels. Firstly Malinovka this guy just keeps knocking us out, we've not moved and they've not scouted, I'm tucked away but even random shooting of obvious spots couldn't account for that.

Then Prohorovka. Tucked away this time with my SU-5 no scouting no real movement, this enemy scout whips in straight at my like a missile. I'm hidden and it's the one with the neutral base cap and he just passes the 5 tanks in front of me and aims right at me. It's like I'm painted bright pink and out in the open. No "Just spotted an arty!!" react and go in for the kill, it's like he knew I was going to be exactly there. Never seen anything like that before.

If I didn't know better and  I can't see how it's done I would have said we had a traitor...

over 17 years

I think we need to start talking about my possible purchase of a Churchill VII.  What should I do?  Am I even capable of it?  I think so.  Crew transfers etc?  Will upgrade to its fullest...I'm a real heavy tank commander now...


While the wins are only marginally in my favour tonight - I've been hitting the enemy real hard in the Churchill I...1,000+ damage 70% of the time...been a real menace...

Early retirement
over 17 years

Poor night.  6 of 15.  Wow. 

One from two in Tier III clan wars using the Cruiser IV.

over 17 years

The Churchill I is finished...can't take these losing runs...another 8 in-a-row...the "laser-like" arty is just driving me up the wall...

over 17 years
over 17 years

In rage - what do you do?  Buy* a new tank of course!

The up-armoured tier VI Churchill.  But with essentially just the same gun (an 'upgrade' of FIVE more damage)!  This could end very badly (would throw another quit rage if that happens - could do with whoring off a platty to get this ambitious project off the ground if you don't mind).  Started well enough...2 wins out of 3.  Did little.  But in the context of the night - bloody amazing.  Though I did get one shot snotted by a KV-2, and have only faced one tier VII tank so far.  Tier VIII stuff lies ahead...oh dear, what am I thinking????

*This bloody game is costing me a fortune.  But have to go Premium this weekend.  Completely out of credits.  Indeed, needed to exchange gold to get this "complete" Churchill VII package.

about 17 years

The Churchill I is finished...can't take these losing runs...another 8 in-a-row...the "laser-like" arty is just driving me up the wall...

It doesn't even require much "laser-like" accuracy, the Churchll is the easiest tank to hit on the battlefield I've seen so far.
about 17 years

The Churchill I is finished...can't take these losing runs...another 8 in-a-row...the "laser-like" arty is just driving me up the wall...

It doesn't even require much "laser-like" accuracy, the Churchll is the easiest tank to hit on the battlefield that I've seen so far.
Early retirement
over 17 years

Tier VIII stuff lies ahead...oh dear, what am I thinking????

*This bloody game is costing me a fortune.  But have to go Premium this weekend.  Completely out of credits.  Indeed, needed to exchange gold to get this "complete" Churchill VII package.

Tier VIII isn't that scary.  I've run into it in the Hellcat (not lasted long) and the A20 (surprisingly much better)  You just accept you are low tier, try and do your job but no real pressure on you.  Being in a Tier VIII would be nastier.

Tell me about the cost.  The first 5 days of Clan Wars campaigns has cost me 500k credits and about 3000 Gold.  The latter mostly on crew shifts and former on premium ammo, much of which I haven't fired.  I now have a Cruiser 4 with a gold crew and lots of premium ammo that I really have no use for.  Might just use it with gold to try and get the win rate in it to 50% then sell it.  Also bought a T82 which I never used although I don't think I loaded that with anything.

Tier IV tonight and suspect I will need to rebuy my Hetzer as it seems to be all about the Derp..  Wonder if I kept my 90% crew.?  Shame really as in a normal battle in Tier IV Munk and I would absolutely dominate in the SU-85b or T40 but they don't really work in clan wars.  Suspect the battles will all be Hetzers, T-50 and arty that is more accurate than anything you normally run into (Based on the SU-26s last night).

Form in general awful last night though.  Didn't even get my double in the T-127 despite at least one 5-kill battle.  Plus my premium finished last night so the grind on the russian light crew just got much harder although first battle at the weekend is 3x so will run the crew in the A20, the T-127 and maybe even the BT to try and get that 6th sense.
The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Ive created a monster..last night my wife thought she might like to have a go at WoT -luckily for her, I had my old SEA account I created for testing, so shes got access to a lot of good tanks -T40, Hellcat, E2,E8, SU85 and Churchill III . I did a training room to get her used to the basics, then we platted with Siggy in our T40s - Sig and I had to jump into Clan Wars, she carried on testing out the various tanks on her own. 11.30 I push off to bed -shes "Just one more battle..." . 

She got to bed at 1.30 -I think shes having fun, if the amount of swearing is anything to go by. Also, daughter number 2 has downloaded and wants to play as well

over 11 years
Munk wrote:

Ive created a monster..last night my wife thought she might like to have a go at WoT -luckily for her, I had my old SEA account I created for testing, so shes got access to a lot of good tanks -T40, Hellcat, E2,E8, SU85 and Churchill III . I did a training room to get her used to the basics, then we platted with Siggy in our T40s - Sig and I had to jump into Clan Wars, she carried on testing out the various tanks on her own. 11.30 I push off to bed -shes "Just one more battle..." . 

She got to bed at 1.30 -I think shes having fun, if the amount of swearing is anything to go by. Also, daughter number 2 has downloaded and wants to play as well

I can understand what she's going through.  Have now started using SPGs and I'm hooked... :)

Early retirement
over 17 years

I'm going to try Mrs. News again. 

Last time I gave her more info than she needed so it needs the easy start.

over 17 years
Hard News wrote:

Tier VIII stuff lies ahead...oh dear, what am I thinking????

*This bloody game is costing me a fortune.  But have to go Premium this weekend.  Completely out of credits.  Indeed, needed to exchange gold to get this "complete" Churchill VII package.

Tier VIII isn't that scary.  I've run into it in the Hellcat (not lasted long) and the A20 (surprisingly much better)  You just accept you are low tier, try and do your job but no real pressure on you.  Being in a Tier VIII would be nastier.

Tell me about the cost.  The first 5 days of Clan Wars campaigns has cost me 500k credits and about 3000 Gold.  The latter mostly on crew shifts and former on premium ammo, much of which I haven't fired.  I now have a Cruiser 4 with a gold crew and lots of premium ammo that I really have no use for.  Might just use it with gold to try and get the win rate in it to 50% then sell it.  Also bought a T82 which I never used although I don't think I loaded that with anything.

Tier IV tonight and suspect I will need to rebuy my Hetzer as it seems to be all about the Derp..  Wonder if I kept my 90% crew.?  Shame really as in a normal battle in Tier IV Munk and I would absolutely dominate in the SU-85b or T40 but they don't really work in clan wars.  Suspect the battles will all be Hetzers, T-50 and arty that is more accurate than anything you normally run into (Based on the SU-26s last night).

Form in general awful last night though.  Didn't even get my double in the T-127 despite at least one 5-kill battle.  Plus my premium finished last night so the grind on the russian light crew just got much harder although first battle at the weekend is 3x so will run the crew in the A20, the T-127 and maybe even the BT to try and get that 6th sense.

Yeah, you are right.  When you are lower tier, the pressure is way off.  Just enjoy the moment.  

Can't play this game without a gold crew.  Premium ammo too. 

Need premium.

If a chick is guarding my flank - can I really trust her?  I'm not too sure about that one.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
[quote=Hard News][quote=Banzai!...AIEEE!!!]

If a chick is guarding my flank - can I really trust her?  I'm not too sure about that one.

I bet its already happened
over 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

The Churchill I is finished...can't take these losing runs...another 8 in-a-row...the "laser-like" arty is just driving me up the wall...

It doesn't even require much "laser-like" accuracy, the Churchll is the easiest tank to hit on the battlefield that I've seen so far.

I know it's just a game, but this "laser" artillery offends the WWII grognard that lies within me...
Early retirement
over 17 years

Tier III CW weapon:

Note the scummy (non-premium) garage.
Early retirement
over 17 years

You know what I've always wanted to do?

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
[quote=Hard News]

You know what I've always wanted to do?


Take that Vermin!!! good job

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

I know it's just a game, but this "laser" artillery offends the WWII grognard that lies within me...

Hold on till 8.6 -arty accuracy getting a well deserved nerf
about 17 years
Munk wrote:

I know it's just a game, but this "laser" artillery offends the WWII grognard that lies within me...

Hold on till 8.6 -arty accuracy getting a well deserved nerf

Please really???
So lets just hand over the game to heavies then?
As an average spg at tier 4 I get pitched into numerous games against tier 8. It can take me up to 6 shots to kill even one KV-1 sometimes and that's going for a weak spot. That can be a heavy standing still and stupid.

With the SU-5 you have 14 shells and that's it. Limit the other SPG's and their amount of ammo.. Not their accuracy or damage. If they nerf us no one will bother playing them.

Then you'll see a slow decline in others like TD's also and it will be a heavy wonderland and nothing else..
Early retirement
over 17 years

Have a play on the test Server fort and see what you think.  Most think it isn't bad.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Also just be aware that they are on the battlefield. There are plenty of spots to avoid them if you're lit up. Or just move around (not easy in a heavy, but as FT says, it still takes a fair few shots to get you, and there are other advantages to a heavy that more than make up for it). 

I like that if you get lazy or forgetful that you can get nailed by an arty. 

Disclaimer: I also enjoy dabbling in the odd arty battle. 

over 17 years

Ha!  Stats!  The first 35 battles...the mark I versing the mark VII....Thought I was surviving better in the mark VII.  But not really.  Whatever...


Have to play more conservatively in the VII...has little place on a tier 8 battlefield...her gun is too underpowered for this, thus not surprisingly the kills are down (conversely, the mark I was able to handle a tier 7 battlefield much better)...but playing conservatively is probably not a bad thing really...indeed, despite the better armour and hit points, even a KV-1S can kill her in only 3-4 hits...

about 17 years

finally just moved ahead in wins to defeats. It's been a slog, those early days playing, quitting games before they finished ruined my scores up to now.

over 17 years

Odd weekend of campaigning.  Bad news: Win % down...

But the highlights:

Killing Tiger IIs:

My first 2000+ damage battle:

Some right noob teamates:


Getting pinned like a rat:

But still didn't stop me getting the final kill in a close one:


Early retirement
over 17 years


I've had a stunning weekend - 66 wins, 11 losses. 108 kills.  Have my battles vs kills down to a 20 difference.  Now real 61% win rate.

A bit of clan wars as well - Tier IV weapon:

about 17 years

HN -That's impressive win rate and I particulalry liked the high dive onto that other tank.

Early retirement
over 17 years

The win rate is a bit of a cheat.  I'd say less than 16 of those are solo (one a loss in my T-34 where I got four kills inclduign sacrificing myself to get a T50 who was lighting us up).  The rest Clan wars or platting with Munk (and Mrs. Munk).  The difference two SU-85b or 3 T40s can make is huge, plus a three man has a much higher percentage of ending up in Tier IV than Tier VI - not that VI worries me these days - Tier VIII however - yikes!.

Project T62 still on hold.  I have an 80% win rate in the T34 but in only 10 battles.  I'm going okay in it but need to think of implications more.  I have been running Junior News T-34 from time to time to just get a feel for how best to use it.  Once I get my Russian light crew (and possibly my Russian TD crew) through the barrier to 100% on first skill it will become the focus.  I'll probably turn off crew advancement on the SU-85b, A20 and T-127 to start collecting some spare experience for the next tier jumps.

Clan Wars really doesn't help as it's a completely different set of tactics to pubbing.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Mrs Munk may be coming round to my way of thinking

"Today my thoughts have been

Work – tank tank tank tank – work work – tank – work work – tank tank TANK TANK TANK………"

over 17 years

In my last 60 odd games in the Churchill I, I must have lost 40 of smack on 50% victories, just +1 wins over loses (was +24 at one stage).  My last game at Redshire with her said it all...

I try and go on a heavy tank flank run to wreck havoc in the enemy's rear.  Get two kills.  But the everyone else (even the ATs) noob rush.  "Attack" they yell.  Get wasted.  I am forced to retrieve the situation.  Fail.

SOS to save this great tank from the scrap heap plz...

Early retirement
over 17 years

I'd offer plat with mine but I rage sold it...

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