The gaming thread - Comps, Consoles, Apps and Board Games.

about 17 years
Tegal wrote:

Cheers FT. 

I'm pretty average at it, but have only been playing for under 2 hours so to be expected. 

Still tended to just wander round, not finding much. Did get a backpack and a baseball bat. But eventually I died of starvation - woops. Couldn't really find food anywhere, am sure I'll find spots eventually, just a matter of getting used to the game and map. 

I'm finding it really addictive, but ultimately pointless so I wonder how long my interest in it will last. I'm not usually one to try to get achievements very much, but it seems like this game is tailor made for it, so its unusual (especially for a game on steam) that it doesn't have any. You basically just go round looting items, but for what purpose? Of course more and better items = more fun. 

People play it for two reasons to see how long they can survive and the pvp action.

 Once you start moving in land and getting geared up then you have a chance against zombies and other players. If you find a little  unlooted town like Nysta or Msta inland but near the coast you will usually find everything you need to survive. I usually start out low pop servers, (towns unlikely to be looted),and then move to high pop when geared up.

For some it's about teaming up with friends and heading to Cherno or Elektro to have fire fights with other bandits.

Others just hang out in small towns observing other players moving through. Remember it's still an alpha so no base building, limited crafting,no transport yet and the zombies are pretty weak compared to the mod.

Many players create an imaginary back story for their character, this helps to immerse yourself in the game

I'm playing a loner who is prone to bouts of rage, (pretty true to life), and at the moment I've got a great gun set up, (courtesy of the arse-hat I blew away yesterday). So I'm playing on high population servers and sniping on my usual stomping ground the NE airfield. I'm actually not fussed about killing people it's just fun to see their reaction when I fire a few rounds their way. Also I have VOIP/direct com on and warn people to run, I also play weird sound effects, heartbeats and cat purrs to freak people out.
about 17 years

Finally got a Pristine scope for my Mosin sniper rifle. It's not got the rate of fire of the M4 but it's range is amazing. Taken me about 4 toons to get this scope - please no wipes.

about 17 years

At the moment they seem to be testing out lots of Nightservers that is causing some weird sh*t to go down...

about 17 years

Woohoo I now have a pair of Red bovver boots and a New Zealand Military Beret!!!!!!!!!!!

Mosin got rolled back but I'm looking super sexy so I don't care

about 17 years

Chrsisisidsidtgfdreotioyirtfyjuhortftttttssssss sake@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After a week of about 20 of use trying to work out the creepy transmissions being picked up around Elektro, and The Green Mountain facility we finally get a good recording from one of our guys, north of Elektro in Morse Code. 

But he has to screw it up.

The friggin idiot keeps on running and the sound he makes ruins any chance of the super sensitive Morse code translator picking up the Morse code clearly.

The translator is an app on Android - stupidly senisitve though but works.

about 17 years

Just wondering what video capture software do you guys use? I'm using Frapps but I can only get 30 seconds. Will have to think about buying something at some point.

The artist formerly known as dbart
almost 17 years

I use Camtasia -bought for work. If you still have your Nvidia card, it might support the Shadowplay capture tool included in the Nvidia Experience suite .

about 17 years
Munk wrote:

I use Camtasia -bought for work. If you still have your Nvidia card, it might support the Shadowplay capture tool included in the Nvidia Experience suite .

Yeah saw that but my card, (oh how I love it), is the 500 series so not supported yet, I'll have a look around.
almost 16 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

Hey Munk hope you are well.

Just had a sh*tty wipe in DayZ that left me in my underpants with just my axe. It is an Alpha It is an Alpha...

If I'd seen this post earlier I would have had a look at Day Z.
Is it freeware? Where would I go to have a look at it (serious post)

I quite like the idea of wandering around in undies with an axe...
(not so serious post)

about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
ForteanTimes wrote:

Hey Munk hope you are well.

Just had a sh*tty wipe in DayZ that left me in my underpants with just my axe. It is an Alpha It is an Alpha...

If I'd seen this post earlier I would have had a look at Day Z.

Is it freeware? Where would I go to have a look at it (serious post)

I quite like the idea of wandering around in undies with an axe...

(not so serious post)

Its available via steam but it's $29 and it's at the Alpha stage of development.

Saying that for an Alpha game I've put in around 210 hours of play and I love it. As aside the odd bug or two it's brilliant.

Hopefully Tegal can chip in here as he's tried it but seems a little less impressed so it would be good to get his views.

I suggest taking a look on youtube where there are numerous vids. Look for DayZ Standalone.
almost 16 years

Cheers FT

My broadband (telecom) sucks badly at the moment.  Constantly cutting out.  Might leave it for the meantime until our connection is more reliable.


about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

Cheers FT

My broadband (telecom) sucks badly at the moment.  Constantly cutting out.  Might leave it for the meantime until our connection is more reliable.


If you do get around to buying it make sure your comp can handle it. DayZ is a huge game.

The CCSD, (Chernarian Creepy Stuff Department), is currently investigating Survivor reports that the Infected , (zombies), are starting to group together and possibly although the thought blasts my mind to atoms to work together.

Initially I investigated and found no substance to these outlandish claims. However as more information poured in I had no choice but to investigate further...

Here is my report:

"CCSD Agent Fortean_Times reporting in

Due to an increase in eye witness accounts of this phenomenon,(Infected Hordes). I restocked, checked my map and proceeded south to (091 075).

At approx (092 074) I made first contact with 2 Infected near the fork at the path. As I continued towards (091 075) I encountered a further 2 Infected and shortly afterwards another for a total of 5.

Once I had established that there were no further Infected in the immediate area I then involved myself in a short and quite stressful engagement with my pursuers.

Thankfully I managed to dispatch them all and presently the Infected pose no danger to travelers in the Black Forest on this server.

This encounter poses a worrying issue.

Are the Infected now establishing themselves into groups?

This concept leaves me aghast.

Fellow agents of CCSD, as CrazyKage suggests we must investigate further afield. Although I dare not think it, I believe this is not an isolated incident."

almost 16 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
Junior82 wrote:

Cheers FT

My broadband (telecom) sucks badly at the moment.  Constantly cutting out.  Might leave it for the meantime until our connection is more reliable.


If you do get around to buying it make sure your comp can handle it. DayZ is a huge game.

Ahh. OK, thanks. 
May be a slight problem here.

Early retirement
over 17 years

A bit of a throwback to Tanks here but (I should have screened it) I aced the AMX 12 t last night.  8.5k spotting.

The artist formerly known as dbart
almost 17 years

Why not have both?

Early retirement
over 17 years

Looks like half the teams we had last night.

about 17 years
about 17 years
almost 16 years

I am thinking about getting Rome: Total War for PC.  I've run a check on this site: and it has the following message:

I'm pretty sure that the later edition runs on Windows 7, but why would it say that the video card "fails" when the attributes all exceed the minimum requirements?

about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

I am thinking about getting Rome: Total War for PC.  I've run a check on this site: and it has the following message:

I'm pretty sure that the later edition runs on Windows 7, but why would it say that the video card "fails" when the attributes all exceed the minimum requirements?


Hmm weird, yes it runs on windows 7. I'd post this on Total War forums or Steam forums.

almost 16 years

Decided to take a punt a get rome total war gold edition (has barbarian invasion).

Loaded and running very nicely, doing tutorial stuff at the moment. Enjoyable so far.

about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

Decided to take a punt a get rome total war gold edition (has barbarian invasion).

Loaded and running very nicely, doing tutorial stuff at the moment. Enjoyable so far.


Keep us up to date. You've played the others?

almost 16 years

No - this is my first hit out on Total War.

Have just started an Imperial Campaign on default settings and have occupied five regions, won four battles and lost three (all at sea).

Have made a stupid mistake of over extending my reach so early on and have pissed off the Carthaginians. Fortunately in my last scrap - where they had me under siege in their town that I took over (and in so doing made them "unfriend" me) - I pummeled them despite being outnumbered 2 to 1 ("You had enough matey, or do you want some more?"). 

Rather than sit back and wait for them to batter down the walls I waited until their battering rams were almost in place and then rushed one, isolated it and then moved over to the other one before the bulk of the Carthaginians arrived.

Still, got to lick my wounds and hold tight for a few moves (Pyrrhic victory is the term). Either sue for a ceasefire or get my chums to help duff them up (but my diplomat is a blimmin waste of taxpayers money - he just swans around and achieves f*ck all).

Might have to start a new campaign soon if this doesn't end well.

Actually I blame the Senate.  Those todgers "made" me blockade the Carthaginian port which led to them getting all stroppy which led to me ransacking their town which...

Bloody Romans.

The artist formerly known as dbart
almost 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

(but my diplomat is a blimmin waste of taxpayers money - he just swans around and achieves f*ck all).

send your diplomat all over the place -each new faction he encounters, try selling them a trade agreement and map information -nice little earner early on

almost 16 years

Thanks Munk.

Started anew and tried to be a bit more contained.  Has worked well for the most part and the diplomats (I have two now) are schmoozing and wheeling and dealing to get a few dinari.

However now the two-faced Gauls have decided to come on to my manor and are trying to take one of my towns (while we had a cease fire going as well).  Sneaky buggers - waited until my main force was out of the way and I had sent another force up north to push some rebels back - and then came in and mugged me off. Pwopa nawty.

Hopefully can hold out for a few turns and my "northern expeditionary force" can get back in time to give to them large.

These Gauls are crazy. 

Starting XI
almost 15 years

Not sure if anyone has seen this:

Coded emulation of Pokemon Red is being played by over 50,000 players (at my last glance), which takes inputs from the chat section of twitch tv.

Viewing here

after 4 days and 5 million views, the collective unit has collected 4 badges..

It makes for some great viewing and has really taken over the internet

almost 16 years
Junior82 wrote:

Thanks Munk.

Started anew and tried to be a bit more contained.  Has worked well for the most part and the diplomats (I have two now) are schmoozing and wheeling and dealing to get a few dinari.

However now the two-faced Gauls have decided to come on to my manor and are trying to take one of my towns (while we had a cease fire going as well).  Sneaky buggers - waited until my main force was out of the way and I had sent another force up north to push some rebels back - and then came in and mugged me off. Pwopa nawty.

Hopefully can hold out for a few turns and my "northern expeditionary force" can get back in time to give to them large.

These Gauls are crazy. 

Ceasefire with Asterix and co.
Alliances with the Bretons, Germans and Aucklanders.
I'll do you Asterix my son. No one mugs Junior82 Maximus off on my own manor..

almost 16 years

By Jupiter!

These Gauls will be the death of me. I've struck back and nabbed two of their towns, but then the blighters have laid siege to my most distant town in Gaul-land.  They outnumber me greatly and I only have some watch guard and light cavalry.

I would have got the next nearest town garrison to go to its aid but now the Britons are besieging it.  Curse you damn Celts - you all stick together.  So much for alliances.

So I've got a massive army marching from my homeland to relieve the town that the Britons are trying to raze, but I fear I will be too late for the other.

Meantime the Senate has got my navy on a futile journey to piss off the Spartans.  I figure it will be easy money and they are far away so can't do me any harm, but it means I can't reinforce the Gaulish town by sea.

I think those Gauls must be swigging on some kind of magic potion - so hard to get rid of them.

almost 16 years

That's it for the night.  Will see if I can escape the siege tomorrow (unlikely I think).  But I think I now have to focus on subduing this pesky group of Celts.

I'm going to do a bit of a Trajan and just march the f*ck through Gaul and kill everything.

Possibly not the best strategy... hope Rome has my back ("hey Brutus baby, you'll keep me safe?", "Of course Julio my main man, off you go and get yourself a nice wild boar and a few Gaulish lasses, don't worry about things here, I'll have your back").

almost 16 years

Yep. I got wasted.

But I beat off the Britons for the other town and then carried on and smashed 'em (the Gauls) and re-took the town. They wanted it back badly so offered a ceasefire and agreed to my insane request for loads-a-money (paying in installments as a tribute; the ancient precursor to WGA).

There is a silver mine nearby so could be a nice little earner.  I'll give them a few turns and then come back and introduce Pax Biggus Dickus to the town again.  

Just struggling with my home towns (the masses are revolting) so need to get some more spondoolex and build a few ampitheatres and the like (round not rectangular unfortunately).  Only people to beat up are the Gauls and the Britons as closest to me.  Not going to try it on with others in different directions. I think I'll have to go for the Britons but they seem to have massed up their numbers so it could be a bit tricky.

I think a bit of lure and kill is in order for Tommy Britoner.


The artist formerly known as dbart
almost 17 years

As I recall,the Gauls are easier to beat than the Britons, also, if you have a spy, leaving them in a town reduces unrest -and check if you have a general in town -sometimes sending him away on his own increases happiness. 

I think in Rome, when I captured a town, i think i pretty much massacred everyone, which did stop hem revolting - i then recruited peasants from more populous towns, marched them into the new town and disbanded the unit -increasing the population with the right folks -Romans

almost 16 years

Thanks Munk I have a couple of spies but they are out spying.  Might bring them back in to keep order at home!

It's my home towns that are getting uppity - my Johnny foreigners are mostly good sorts, although I have massacred one in order to get more coin. 

Quite addictive but takes a while to get through each turn.  I haven't played FIFA for a few nights so it is pretty good.

almost 16 years

It's a pretty grim campaign and war of attrition but I think I am grinding them down (the Brits and the Gauls).  Instead of me marching up through Gaul and giving them a bunch of fives, we have ended up pretty much in a stalemate with me holed up in my towns and they launching attacks which I can beat off relatively easily and chip away at their numbers.

But the tide is turning - I can now recruit principes (heavy infantry) as well as assassins which I have used to take out enemy leaders.

While I've been pinned down on one front (NW), I've managed to seize territory from the Gauls in the NE using my new principes and archers.

Asterix - soon it will be time to prepare yours...


Nortius Maximus 

about 17 years
Munk wrote:

As I recall,the Gauls are easier to beat than the Britons, also, if you have a spy, leaving them in a town reduces unrest -and check if you have a general in town -sometimes sending him away on his own increases happiness. 

I think in Rome, when I captured a town, i think i pretty much massacred everyone, which did stop hem revolting - i then recruited peasants from more populous towns, marched them into the new town and disbanded the unit -increasing the population with the right folks -Romans

What's it like compared to the other Total War games?
The artist formerly known as dbart
almost 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
Munk wrote:

As I recall,the Gauls are easier to beat than the Britons, also, if you have a spy, leaving them in a town reduces unrest -and check if you have a general in town -sometimes sending him away on his own increases happiness. 

I think in Rome, when I captured a town, i think i pretty much massacred everyone, which did stop hem revolting - i then recruited peasants from more populous towns, marched them into the new town and disbanded the unit -increasing the population with the right folks -Romans

What's it like compared to the other Total War games?
The original is pretty good still, obviously the graphics are basic ,but a lot of fun -you can get it very cheap these days also, which is nice
almost 16 years

$19.90 at Warehouse for Gold edition (rome and barbarian invasion). Can get 2 for $30, but couldn't see anything decent for my comp specs.

Not sure what the medieval, napoleonic and independance versions are like. This is pretty damn good but.

Would have been stoked if there was a Han Chinese version or Warring States would have been good too. Just have to make do with Dynasty Warriors 5 for now.

The artist formerly known as dbart
almost 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

It's a pretty grim campaign and war of attrition but I think I am grinding them down (the Brits and the Gauls).  Instead of me marching up through Gaul and giving them a bunch of fives, we have ended up pretty much in a stalemate with me holed up in my towns and they launching attacks which I can beat off relatively easily and chip away at their numbers.

A good siege defense -position your spear units near the likely breach points ,in a "V" either side of the breach -then slip a unit or 2 out the side door -Cav if you have it -while the enemy are pouring into the breach and getting held up on the spear units, hitting them from behind usually causes a rout -chase down as many as you can, as the more enemy you kill, the faster your units increase in Xp

almost 16 years

Aye! In my last epic the Britons had almost 800 woad clad nutters attacking my walled town (a few hundred to defend plus a relieving force of another 350).

Stationed my infantry around the nearest gate (weak point) and cavalry by the side gate. Slipped them out to harrass the battering rams on that flank - caused them enough delay to allow my infantry to contain the first breach and the releiving force to arrive to deal to the bulk  of them.  The far flank got breached and a unit got in but by that time my infantry had seen off the bulk and then hurried over to deal to that firm.

Best battle so far - so touch and go but a major victory and it now has a special pin on the map.

In other battles I've been so outnumbered and without cover I have had to turn and run.

Bloody big time sink tho.


The artist formerly known as dbart
almost 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

Bloody big time sink tho. 

more time in Rome , less time spreading sh it jokes in the forums

(i didnt want to click on save, higher powers made me)

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