Things that piss you off...

Phoenix Academy
over 7 years
First Team Squad
about 17 years

getting a letter at work this morning about restructuring and redundancies also being invited to make any comments or input that will help the boss make the correct decisions.

Chant Savant
over 17 years

holeinone wrote:

getting a letter at work this morning about restructuring and redundancies also being invited to make any comments or input that will help the boss make the correct decisions.

If you told the Boss to fudge off would that help him/her?

about 17 years
holeinone wrote:

getting a letter at work this morning about restructuring and redundancies also being invited to make any comments or input that will help the boss make the correct decisions.

From experience, any "comments" are normally irrelevant. They've already made up their mind.

over 17 years

That sucks mate. Sorry to hear. In my experience sometimes comments can make a difference, especially when they are made by multiple people (eg a whole department thinks making X position redundant will contribute to Y going wrong) so that's the approach I would take.
Also, I would recommend reading the proposal document from cover to cover several times and understanding what they are saying 100%. Also take note of proposed deadlines, expected decision dates etc.

If things go south, lawyer up and use your notes if they have deviated at all from the original plan...

about 17 years
Woof Woof
about 17 years

That sucks mate. Sorry to hear. In my experience sometimes comments can make a difference, especially when they are made by multiple people (eg a whole department thinks making X position redundant will contribute to Y going wrong) so that's the approach I would take.
Also, I would recommend reading the proposal document from cover to cover several times and understanding what they are saying 100%. Also take note of proposed deadlines, expected decision dates etc.

If things go south, lawyer up and use your notes if they have deviated at all from the original plan...

This is very good advice. A surprising number of employers get things legally wrong when going through a restructure, so if things don't work out well for you it can definitely be helpful having a lawyer look over what happened.

I also strongly suggest that you provide feedback and comments on the proposal, often people overseeing change management don't have a full grasp of the inner workings of a business, so if in your feedback you can point out how it could affect the bottom line, or the business' ability to maintain standard operations, it can definitely lead to a re-think.

over 17 years

Agreed. As a (former-ish) HR professional I would say definitely give feedback. In my current place of work a significant decision was overturned thanks for staff feedback so that goes to show managers don't always make up their mind before hand.
Also, a couple of hundred $ spent seeing a lawyer could provide an awesome ROI down the line...

almost 14 years

Yeah, we went through a restructure recently and some people that were made redundant were retained during the consultation period.

First Team Squad
about 17 years

there are only 7 of us in the factory and business is very slow, and the review is being done by one person the owner, i feel he has already made up his mind who he wants to go and is giving those people a chance to put their case forward as to why they should stay. work will pick up again after the fieldays in hamilton but that is still a month or so away.

about 10 years

The Premier League season finishing in a tick under 6 hours.

Although as a United fan I should probably be happy about that...

about 13 years

I Understand

Inside Sport Forum:  "It appears what has happened is that the toilet they usually go to was roped off this week. The father wanted to take her there because he understands his child's needs. The pigs stopped him because they don't understand shark." 

" Why would they rope off normally open toilets? 

Unless there is a bloody good reason it is a disgrace. He probably sits where he does to be very close to those toilets.

And then to kick him out is even worse. I really hope the media picks this up and runs with it."

But what sport had the 2 "confrontations"  at the same game!

about 13 years

Blew.2 wrote:

I Understand

Inside Sport Forum:  "It appears what has happened is that the toilet they usually go to was roped off this week. The father wanted to take her there because he understands his child's needs. The pigs stopped him because they don't understand shark." 

" Why would they rope off normally open toilets? 

Unless there is a bloody good reason it is a disgrace. He probably sits where he does to be very close to those toilets.

And then to kick him out is even worse. I really hope the media picks this up and runs with it."

But what sport had the 2 "confrontations"  at the same game!

Fudge this really pisses me off - most likeley no sleep to night  this morning :-( 
about 9 years

Western United

over 17 years
about 17 years

Fire Sale at the Nix, come all, get your free players.

First Team Squad
about 17 years

holeinone wrote:

getting a letter at work this morning about restructuring and redundancies also being invited to make any comments or input that will help the boss make the correct decisions.

well i survived the cull and still have a job, the funny thing is now that they have got rid of 3 people there seems to be too much work for the 4 of us left and morale is a bit low as we are expected to do all the jobs that 7 of us used to do in the same amount of time.

almost 14 years

Morale is always low after a restructuring and the problem will be that now people will be looking to move on, usually the best people leave after a restructure.

Anyway, congrats on surviving.

about 10 years

Moronic HR pen-pushers who can't give you a straight answer and generally make you feel like shark.

about 10 years

holeinone wrote:

holeinone wrote:

getting a letter at work this morning about restructuring and redundancies also being invited to make any comments or input that will help the boss make the correct decisions.

well i survived the cull and still have a job, the funny thing is now that they have got rid of 3 people there seems to be too much work for the 4 of us left and morale is a bit low as we are expected to do all the jobs that 7 of us used to do in the same amount of time.

Good job on surviving, going through the same process at work too as company was taken over by a big multinational not too long ago. Went from a team of 24 down to 18. Absolute nightmare, the overtime is through the roof and we have to stop production for all smoko breaks because it's impossible to keep running with so few staff, don't even get me started on people being absent or on annual leave - it's all a bit of a joke to be fair.

over 17 years

YoungHeart wrote:

holeinone wrote:

holeinone wrote:

getting a letter at work this morning about restructuring and redundancies also being invited to make any comments or input that will help the boss make the correct decisions.

well i survived the cull and still have a job, the funny thing is now that they have got rid of 3 people there seems to be too much work for the 4 of us left and morale is a bit low as we are expected to do all the jobs that 7 of us used to do in the same amount of time.

Good job on surviving, going through the same process at work too as company was taken over by a big multinational not too long ago. Went from a team of 24 down to 18. Absolute nightmare, the overtime is through the roof and we have to stop production for all smoko breaks because it's impossible to keep running with so few staff, don't even get me started on people being absent or on annual leave - it's all a bit of a joke to be fair.

Extra money in the pocket is one positive at least.

about 10 years

Buffon II wrote:

YoungHeart wrote:

holeinone wrote:

holeinone wrote:

getting a letter at work this morning about restructuring and redundancies also being invited to make any comments or input that will help the boss make the correct decisions.

well i survived the cull and still have a job, the funny thing is now that they have got rid of 3 people there seems to be too much work for the 4 of us left and morale is a bit low as we are expected to do all the jobs that 7 of us used to do in the same amount of time.

Good job on surviving, going through the same process at work too as company was taken over by a big multinational not too long ago. Went from a team of 24 down to 18. Absolute nightmare, the overtime is through the roof and we have to stop production for all smoko breaks because it's impossible to keep running with so few staff, don't even get me started on people being absent or on annual leave - it's all a bit of a joke to be fair.

Extra money in the pocket is one positive at least.

That's one bonus when your O/T rate jumps to $35 an hour! Too bad I'm working too much to have a chance to spend it!

over 17 years

Looking for a recipe online and having to read through 19 pages of rubbish before you get the ingredients list and cooking instructions...

One in a million
over 17 years

Looking for a recipe online and having to read through 19 pages of rubbish before you get the ingredients list and cooking instructions...

Edmonds Cookbook alert
over 17 years

I have one but sometimes you just gotta get out of your comfort zone you know! ;)

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Looking for a recipe online and having to read through 19 pages of rubbish before you get the ingredients list and cooking instructions...

How fudgeing difficult is it to put slices of bread into a toaster and pushing the lever down?

over 17 years

Ahahaha you'd be surprise how many easy meals I can screw up... Then I can bang out some awesome lasagne.. No sweat!

over 13 years

Israel folou's gay bashing

And his give a little page - greedy Christian prick

And his wife the same, letting her name and photo be associated with it

Stay in Ausi  or another country in the South Pacific honey,  we don't want you back in our country again

about 17 years

I thought your middle 2 sentences were aimed at Brian Tamaki ;) 

over 17 years

Just saw on the news that Folau's GoFundMe page has been closed by the site and the $ will be refunded. In my opinion that was a great decision on their part!

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Just saw on the news that Folau's GoFundMe page has been closed by the site and the $ will be refunded. In my opinion that was a great decision on their part!

Should've done it straight away, not wait three days to do it. But guess it' a case of better late than never.

over 17 years

They were doing a 'review' apparently......
Basically when most people pointed out how hypocritical that rainbow flag looked on their front page as they allowed a bigot millionaire to ask for others to fund his personal crusade against human rights...

over 17 years

It was the Australian Go Fund me. They were probably finding ways to justify NOT taking it down. Look what passes as a government or a politician over there.

over 13 years

even better in my opinion it got taken down after he pulled 800k

NZ netball  should now be saying something about Mrs Folau 

One in a million
over 17 years

even better in my opinion it got taken down after he pulled 800k

NZ netball  should now be saying something about Mrs Folau 

Didn't she promise to love, honour and obey?

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Getting a phone call at 4:50pm on a Friday from a disgruntled "customer" because I didnt replace his "faulty" head torch as he had taken upon himself to attempt his own repair first. 

This person didnt quite grasp the concept that if you deliberately modify a product in any way your warranty is void as we can no longer determine to any degree of accuracy if there was any fault with the product. Going by his logic if my TV stops working and its within its warranty period,  it is therefore ok for me to take it apart to try fix it because my favourite show was about to start...


One in a million
over 17 years

C-Diddy wrote:

Getting a phone call at 4:50pm on a Friday from a disgruntled "customer" because I didnt replace his "faulty" head torch as he had taken upon himself to attempt his own repair first. 

This person didnt quite grasp the concept that if you deliberately modify a product in any way your warranty is void as we can no longer determine to any degree of accuracy if there was any fault with the product. Going by his logic if my TV stops working and its within its warranty period,  it is therefore ok for me to take it apart to try fix it because my favourite show was about to start...


The customer is always {insert correct adjective}.
Chant Savant
over 17 years

C-Diddy wrote:

Getting a phone call at 4:50pm on a Friday from a disgruntled "customer" because I didnt replace his "faulty" head torch as he had taken upon himself to attempt his own repair first. 

This person didnt quite grasp the concept that if you deliberately modify a product in any way your warranty is void as we can no longer determine to any degree of accuracy if there was any fault with the product. Going by his logic if my TV stops working and its within its warranty period,  it is therefore ok for me to take it apart to try fix it because my favourite show was about to start...


The customer is always in the way of my happiness?

almost 13 years

Every member of the family getting sick at once.

The baby waking every half an hour and screaming every night this week. 

The engine warning light coming on in the car.

about 17 years

Every member of the family getting sick at once.

The baby waking every half an hour and screaming every night this week. 

The engine warning light coming on in the car.

I wouldn't bother buying a lotto ticket this week if I was you :)

Things that piss you off...

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