about 15 years

FVH: On policy/strategy yes. On day to day.... probably not. With no CEO, again, it makes it a lot harder to implement because Aspden isn't going to want to piss anyone off so they leave. He will keep it ticking over on a day to day basis for the next guy to rock the boat.

Starting XI
over 12 years
Lonegunmen wrote:
chopah wrote:
Lonegunmen wrote:

I saw Fred de Wanker before yesterday's game. Even got the chance to call him that too. Must say though, the pressure must be telling as he's suddenly gone grey at the sides. Pretending he was talking on his cell phone. Tisk tisk.

he has always been a bit grey on the sides..

I'm sure your witty comment was the final straw though, he must lose sleep over the "constructive critisism" offered by such footballing brains as yours.

I think the title of this thread is effecting change at NZF?  how are you doing this exactly?

By discussing it? How are yiu affecting change yourself?

I  agree Jeff, he is,was not alone but I think any review by NZF will of course lay no blame at anyone because none have thus far held their hand up and said "I am sorry, I fucked up". I am disappointed Van Hattem hasn't held his hand up either. He has a very strong influence in how things go.

well for a start i'm not childishly calling people names.

Vader and I have had a pretty heated conversation about Fred either in this thread or another one and while there are some things we didn't agree on i think we both agreed that while he hasn't covered himself in glory he isn't the only head that could be on the chopping block - infact a fair bit of what is wrong in most peoples eyes happened before he was on board.

over 17 years

Does WaiBop hiring another foreign coach to run the show indicate that coaching pathways don't exist? Or am I taking shit?

On probation
over 13 years

1 World Cup simulator would've had us against England, France and Argentina. No thanks
about 17 years
chopah wrote:
Lonegunmen wrote:
chopah wrote:
Lonegunmen wrote:

I saw Fred de Wanker before yesterday's game. Even got the chance to call him that too. Must say though, the pressure must be telling as he's suddenly gone grey at the sides. Pretending he was talking on his cell phone. Tisk tisk.

he has always been a bit grey on the sides..

I'm sure your witty comment was the final straw though, he must lose sleep over the "constructive critisism" offered by such footballing brains as yours.

I think the title of this thread is effecting change at NZF?  how are you doing this exactly?

By discussing it? How are yiu affecting change yourself?

I  agree Jeff, he is,was not alone but I think any review by NZF will of course lay no blame at anyone because none have thus far held their hand up and said "I am sorry, I fucked up". I am disappointed Van Hattem hasn't held his hand up either. He has a very strong influence in how things go.

well for a start i'm not childishly calling people names.

Vader and I have had a pretty heated conversation about Fred either in this thread or another one and while there are some things we didn't agree on i think we both agreed that while he hasn't covered himself in glory he isn't the only head that could be on the chopping block - infact a fair bit of what is wrong in most peoples eyes happened before he was on board.

For sure, does anyone on here think the NZF and anyone whom works within the upper echelon of it and whom had anything to do with the planning of the last world cup campaign will stay for the next one ? Or will they take responsibility and show some form and resign.
over 17 years
TV wrote:

1 World Cup simulator would've had us against England, France and Argentina. No thanks

Yes please.  I would have enjoyed those games even if we lost them all 10-0.

Is it possible that Ryan saw the mess that was NZF (Ricki, Fred & Frank) and decided to end his career in his home town knowing that with them in charge we would never make 2014 so no point worrying about playing for the AWs in 2013.  The mess that was QPR and a job near the US border for his Missus would have been the perfect cover for him to not officially quit the AWs.
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
about 15 years

Has legs though...

over 17 years

I think that's pretty close to spot on.  The mess in Honiara resulting in no Confeds Cup I'm sure helped influence this decision.  Of course in saying that had he been in Honiara we would probably have been in the Confeds Cup.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

What a load of rubbish. There's no way on earth Ryan Nelsen retired because he thought we wouldn't qualify for the World Cup. That just doesn't sound like Ryan Nelsen at all.

And don't forget that if the USA hadn't scored two goals in extra time against Panama we would have had a two-legged play-off against the Panamanians, with a much improved chance of going through. Don't tell me Nelsen predicted everything that happened in CONCACAF months in advance.

He quit because his body's fucked. If his body wasn't truly fucked you definitely would have seen him turn out for Toronto at some point last season.

over 17 years
terminator_x wrote:

What a load of rubbish. There's no way on earth Ryan Nelsen retired because he thought we wouldn't qualify for the World Cup. That just doesn't sound like Ryan Nelsen at all.

And don't forget that if the USA hadn't scored two goals in extra time against Panama we would have had a two-legged play-off against the Panamanians, with a much improved chance of going through. Don't tell me Nelsen predicted everything that happened in CONCACAF months in advance.

He quit because his body's fucked. If his body wasn't truly fucked you definitely would have seen him turn out for Toronto at some point last season.

I don't disagree about his knees and Panama but if his glass knees were as bad as they were why did he not throw in his AW towel earlier to protect his Premiership wage?  I also do not belive for one second that we would have qualified playing Panama.  I think we were lucky to get Bahrain in '09.  Jordan and us would have both lost to Panama.
over 17 years
Marto wrote:
terminator_x wrote:

What a load of rubbish. There's no way on earth Ryan Nelsen retired because he thought we wouldn't qualify for the World Cup. That just doesn't sound like Ryan Nelsen at all.

And don't forget that if the USA hadn't scored two goals in extra time against Panama we would have had a two-legged play-off against the Panamanians, with a much improved chance of going through. Don't tell me Nelsen predicted everything that happened in CONCACAF months in advance.

He quit because his body's fucked. If his body wasn't truly fucked you definitely would have seen him turn out for Toronto at some point last season.

I don't disagree about his knees and Panama but if his glass knees were as bad as they were why did he not throw in his AW towel earlier to protect his Premiership wage?  .

Because despite the accusations on here, he always loved playing for his country (in competitive games)
about 17 years

He was a legend during his short spell at QPR. EVERYONE had nothing but praise for him. His attitude and professionalism as well as the go down fighting attitude we all know him for, really came to the fore/ Only there for six months and most of us wanted him to be player of the year.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

True story: Gareth Morgan boarded a flight to Auckland this week, and his seat was immediately next to Frank van Hattum.

Starting XI
about 16 years
Smithy wrote:

True story: Gareth Morgan boarded a flight to Auckland this week, and his seat was immediately next to Frank van Hattum.

Either: all problems of football in New Zealand now sorted OR two NZ football personalities exit plane not on speaking terms....maybe even escorted from plane after mid-air "incident"...
Must try harder
over 17 years

damn ...not...." thrown from plane in mid air incident ..."

about 15 years
Smithy wrote:

True story: Gareth Morgan boarded a flight to Auckland this week, and his seat was immediately next to Frank van Hattum.

"Hi. I'm Garth Morgan. I don't like cats, have a boat load of money, own a football club and think I can run the game better than you"
"Hi I'm Frank. Chairman and Spain '82. Your move"
about 17 years

Shame Gareth didn't dong him one. First class seats?

Still Believin'
over 17 years

So new Chair, new CEO, new All Whites coach. Is that enough change?

Thoughts on who the new Chair could/should be?

I'm interested to know whether any of those who were happy to put the boot in to van Hattum have any views on who should replace him. I'm betting most people don't actually have a clue who's on the Board let alone who should be the next Chair.

Just a reminder of who the current Board are:

Deputy Chairman – Bill Moran
Mark Aspden
Paul Cochrane
Martin Fenwick
Paula Kearns
Dougal McGowan
Shelley McMeeken
Mike Anderson

As far as I know McMeeken and Anderson are co-opted so it won't one of them. Bill Moran is deputy, is capable and has been on the Board a while so will definitely be in the running. However, he is Wellington based and is also a Deputy Secretary at Treasury, which is a top job, and he may run into the same problems with work commitments as van Hattum. Mark Apsden might be in the running too, he seemed to do a good job as interim CE and has also been on the Board a while. I think Moran and Apsden are both appointed members though, and it might be seen as more politic to appoint one of the elected members. Of the others, I don't know too much about them.

My guess would be Bill Moran, unless he knocks it back because of work commitments.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

My guess is Mark Aspden will stand in as Chair until the next Congress.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Yeah, it's not clear from the press release whether they are electing an interim Chair at the next Board meeting, or whether that person is intended to have the job permanently.

If it's an interim Chair it at least allows the newly elected member at the Congress to be considered for the role. It would have to someone pretty exceptional though, for the current Board to look past people they've already been working with for the past few years.

One thing that annoys me about NZF's website is that it doesn't tell you exactly who the appointed/elected members are and when their terms end. There may be other positions up for grabs at the Congress also.

I guess the other question then is whether there's any chatter from the Federations about who's getting nominated for, and who might actually get elected to, the role Frank is vacating.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

I lol'd at the press release saying that they've turned consecutive profits over the last few years. 

over 17 years
terminator_x wrote:

So new Chair, new CEO, new All Whites coach. Is that enough change?

Thoughts on who the new Chair could/should be?

I'm interested to know whether any of those who were happy to put the boot in to van Hattum have any views on who should replace him. I'm betting most people don't actually have a clue who's on the Board let alone who should be the next Chair.

Just a reminder of who the current Board are:

Deputy Chairman – Bill Moran
Mark Aspden
Paul Cochrane
Martin Fenwick
Paula Kearns
Dougal McGowan
Shelley McMeeken
Mike Anderson

As far as I know McMeeken and Anderson are co-opted so it won't one of them. Bill Moran is deputy, is capable and has been on the Board a while so will definitely be in the running. However, he is Wellington based and is also a Deputy Secretary at Treasury, which is a top job, and he may run into the same problems with work commitments as van Hattum. Mark Apsden might be in the running too, he seemed to do a good job as interim CE and has also been on the Board a while. I think Moran and Apsden are both appointed members though, and it might be seen as more politic to appoint one of the elected members. Of the others, I don't know too much about them.

My guess would be Bill Moran, unless he knocks it back because of work commitments.

To me, changes are board/chair level are largely symbolic but I also think that there has been very little progress on the most difficult issues.  The flagship mens team has had a disastrous 3 1/2 years and there needed to be accountability for that.  ASBP has been allowed to be run down to the stage where it's almost unsustainable.  Phoenix and NZF still at loggerheads.  Can't get a CEO to stay in the game.  No real clarity about where the future of the sport is within NZ at an elite level.  All difficult problems but I haven't seen a lot of leadership or direction TBH.  I think it's time for a change.  

The fact is that we qualified for 2010 can hardly be put down to the board and yet FVH took credit for the positive financial outcome that resulted from attending.  

I don't know any of those individuals so I can't comment on who I think should replace him but ultimately I'd be looking for further changes and I would be looking for (a) people with experience of elite level football to join and (b) people with links to the corporate world because personally I think as a sport we're grossly under-commercialised considering the level of participation that we have at junior level.
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Come on down Tim Brown.

over 17 years
2ndBest wrote:

Come on down Tim Brown.

He's an obvious candidate but TBH i think he's shooting higher than that - he's crushing it at business school.  I saw him a couple of months ago and I don't think he'll be back in NZ any time soon, he's living in LDN and has an American GF.  
over 17 years

did you ask him about how he is finding the cost of living in London compared to NZ?

almost 16 years

God London is shit? 

Starting XI
almost 15 years

Until NZF is free from and not governed by the federations with board member selection, it will continue to be the same. I like the way FFA went about it and followed other nations being a separate identity where the federations were governed to move forward and meet certian criteria.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
foal30 wrote:

God London is shit? 

London is where people go to earn enough money to get away from freakin' London.
over 17 years
Frankie Mac wrote:

did you ask him about how he is finding the cost of living in London compared to NZ?

and if he has ever been bitten by a fox
almost 14 years
Feverish wrote:
Frankie Mac wrote:

did you ask him about how he is finding the cost of living in London compared to NZ?

and if he has ever been bitten by a fox

..what did the fox say....
Stage Punch
about 17 years
Royz wrote:

Until NZF is free from and not governed by the federations with board member selection, it will continue to be the same. I like the way FFA went about it and followed other nations being a separate identity where the federations were governed to move forward and meet certian criteria.


Only a minority of Board positions are from the Federations iirc.
Starting XI
almost 15 years
Smithy wrote:
Royz wrote:

Until NZF is free from and not governed by the federations with board member selection, it will continue to be the same. I like the way FFA went about it and followed other nations being a separate identity where the federations were governed to move forward and meet certian criteria.


Only a minority of Board positions are from the Federations iirc.

Ok but Im sure i had read somewhere and correct me if i am wrong that the Federations hold more power of the voting on board members then NZF does itself. I dont mean to drag this out smithy and thanks for the reply.
Still Believin'
over 17 years

@Royz: the Federations elect 3 of the 7 Board members. The other 4 are appointed.

over 17 years

So Gareth decides to comment again.Not sure when he became the expert on all things football.He might be a successful business man but that dosnt mean FK all when it comes to football.You couldnt say by any stretch that some of the things Welnix have done since arriving have proven they have all the answers when running a club.

Frankly have gone off him in a big way  he comes off much of the time as bully with money.

about 15 years
ballane wrote:

So Gareth decides to comment again.Not sure when he became the expert on all things football.He might be a successful business man but that dosnt mean FK all when it comes to football.You couldnt say by any stretch that some of the things Welnix have done since arriving have proven they have all the answers when running a club.

Frankly have gone off him in a big way  he comes off much of the time as clueless dick with money.

over 13 years
You can guarantee when the new CEO arrives, that a lot of people will be in his ear on day one conveying the above. Regardless of how much of a dick/bully Gareth is, I really hope that one of the first items of the CEO's agenda is a meeting with Gareth to hear him out. 90 per cent of what he says is bullshit, but when you strip all that out, 10 per cent is worth listening to and possibly implementing. The relationship between the Phoenix and NZ football is also going to have to improve for the good of football.

First Team Squad
over 13 years
You can guarantee when the new CEO arrives, that a lot of people will be in his ear on day one conveying the above. Regardless of how much of a dick/bully Gareth is, I really hope that one of the first items of the CEO's agenda is a meeting with Gareth to hear him out. 90 per cent of what he says is bullshit, but when you strip all that out, 10 per cent is worth listening to and possibly implementing. The relationship between the Phoenix and NZ football is also going to have to improve for the good of football.

Its true, even if you just entertain Morgan he could dump his load (Financially) all over NZF
Phoenix Academy
almost 11 years

The other infuriating thing for me with Morgan is that he has turned into a classic opposition MP. He says a lot of words without saying anything other than "the guys in charge are crap and I can do it better." There is nothing in this latest article that we don't know, ie NZF needs change and is poorly run.

First Team Squad
about 15 years
ballane wrote:

So Gareth decides to comment again.Not sure when he became the expert on all things football.He might be a successful business man but that dosnt mean FK all when it comes to football.You couldnt say by any stretch that some of the things Welnix have done since arriving have proven they have all the answers when running a club.

Frankly have gone off him in a big way  he comes off much of the time as bully with money.

And on the other hand you have NZF administrators that know a lot about football and FK all about business. And of course some of the things Welnix have done since taking on the Phoenix haven't worked, who ever would suggest they should have *all* the answers? But from an outsiders perspective (without knowing and speculating about what goes on behind the scenes) it is obvious that some of the more fundamental aspects of Welnix management; e.g. building a core youth squad, stabilising the club financially and at least attempting closer engagement with NZF were being achieved with some success - these are all important for the future of the game in NZ.

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