over 13 years
Smithy wrote:
james dean wrote:
Smithy wrote:
james dean wrote:

Assuming that Gareth's main beef is the lack of connection between the Phoenix and NZF, it's an interesting question to what extent football in NZ would be better served by closer alignment between the two organisations - I'm genuinely quite torn.


From my discussion with him, that's an incorrect assumption. He just thinks the whole place is f*cked at the minute and that it needs a tune up. It's that simple.

Ok but I'm not sure how he is placed better than anyone else involved in football to diagnose the problems then (of which there are many, and of which there are many people who also share that view).  I don't really see why he has become the mouthpiece for reforming NZF - other than if he's prepared to write a big cheque.  Just being able to call up a reporter and get himself in the paper what role does he really have in the game?

He probably does have some good ideas, but so do a lot of people - you and me included - but I don't just go out demanding a meeting with NZF and telling them how they should reform themselves.  Who does Gareth actually represent here?  Owners of professional clubs in NZ?  Phoenix fans?  Loudmouths everywhere?


Since when did having a mandate equate to the ability to be heard? Who does Kim Dotcom represent? Who does Lorde represent?

Gareth has an audience, and he's using it to call for reform of NZF. He's also using it to call for reform of cats. 

So that's one question.

As for what role he has in the game, he's probably one of the three biggest personal financial contributors to football in New Zealand. Sure that's his choice, but it certainly gives him skin in the game.

You and I might have some good ideas (not sure about me) but we don't have direct dealings with NZF on a day to day basis. The Phoenix do, so requiring a meeting with them isn't too outrageous either.

Overall what I'm driving at is this: if anyone is going to call for reform of the game's national governance, Gareth is probably one of the best placed to be the guy calling.

I actually respect him for not bandying about his vision or his solutions. I think he knows he doesn't know enough to give solutions. All he's saying is "let's do better." I agree with him.

I agree with all the above apart from the last paragraPh. I think Gareth  doesn't know what he doesn't know and will have all the solutions (the majority of which will be wrong)
almost 14 years

2 sources tell me more NZF staff are about to leaf.

about 15 years

I thought they don't really do that till spring.

Life and death
over 17 years

So who is driving all of this change? Remember we were all thinking it was an old boys club and so and so will get this job because they were so and so with so and so.... now its all upside down...

Must try harder
over 17 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

I thought they don't really do that till spring.

Autumn shurely ?
over 17 years
Global Game wrote:

2 sources tell me more NZF staff are about to leaf.


One is head of football development who has been there five minutes

about 15 years
FU BLU wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

I thought they don't really do that till spring.

Autumn shurely ?
Thats what I thought but they get their leaves in Spring and lose them in Autumn. I guess it depends on what point of view you sit with regards to 'about to leaf'. I can certainly see your point though.
almost 16 years

In spring, deciduous trees start to "leaf out".

about 15 years

So the key question is: Is NZF a deciduous organisation?

Dis-hideous? Yes

Decide-eous? No.

almost 16 years

Being deciduous is characterised by a prolonged dormant season...

almost 14 years
almost 14 years

CAN U C Kiwis in Toronto?

about 15 years
Junior82 wrote:

Being deciduous is characterised by a prolonged dormant season...

Well that's definitely our national body
Still Believin'
over 17 years
reg22 wrote:
terminator_x wrote:
james dean wrote:

The appointment process for NZF board members is a very boring topic for discussion

...says the man who starts a thread called Effecting Change at NZF

that is pure gold!

JD's first post in the thread: "Does anyone know the process for the appointment of board members and the Chairman?"

Nek minnit: "The appointment process for NZF board members is a very boring topic for discussion"

Schizo much?

almost 16 years

Deciduous trees 101:

  • Dense inner core, but centrally is biologically dead.
  • Has a prolonged and tightly controlled dormant period (often requires a certain amount of "chilling" to break it).
  • In spring the sap rises resulting in leaf out.
  • There is a short rapid phase of growth which then peaks and the leaves eventually senesce.
  • Generally requires cross fertilisation to produce viable seed (opposite is known as selfing - an extreme form of inbreeding).
  • As a structure it is capable of supporting a range of other entities and ecosystem services.
  • It can also carry a lot of deadwood.
  • Stability tends to depend on the underlying material - if it is shallow and rocky the tree can be top heavy and liable to breakage or toppling.
  • Deciduous trees also can not use a fax machine.

Must try harder
over 17 years

NZF are deciduous ?

Always thought more deadwood ..... or balsa ...

almost 16 years

Did you know that Balsa is in fact a hardwood?

Although it has one of the softest woods, it is not a softwood.

almost 14 years

Bit flighty though?

Must try harder
over 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

Did you know that Balsa is in fact a hardwood?

Although it has one of the softest woods, it is not a softwood.

Every day I learn something new { To Me anyhoo }
over 17 years

So does this mean the class of '82 is being leached out of the system?

Must try harder
over 17 years

Flushed is a better term , dont you think ....

almost 12 years
over 17 years
FU BLU wrote:

Flushed is a better term , dont you think ....

They aren't all coming out in one big go so I think leaching suits better then flushing.
Must try harder
over 17 years

The RotoRooter however sounds most effective ...

almost 14 years

So which leafs do we know for sure have dropped off NZF staff lately?

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Smithy wrote:

My guess is Mark Aspden will stand in as Chair until the next Congress.

Moran elected interim NZ Football ChairFriday 21 February, 2014

For immediate release

 Bill Moran was elected as interim chair of the New Zealand Football board on Thursday, holding the position until the national body’s 2014 Annual Congress in May.

Moran steps into the role after the decision by former chair, Frank van Hattum, to stand down in January. Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, Moran has served New Zealand Football as deputy chair of the organisation since May 2008.

A new chair will be elected after the 2014 Annual Congress as Moran also holds the position of chair of the Local Organising Committee for the FIFA U-20 World Cup to be held in New Zealand in 2015.


Still Believin'
over 17 years
terminator_x wrote:

My guess would be Bill Moran, unless he knocks it back because of work commitments.

Termy > Smithy
Stage Punch
about 17 years
terminator_x wrote:
terminator_x wrote:

My guess would be Bill Moran, unless he knocks it back because of work commitments.

Termy > Smithy

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Status and terms confirmed by Jamie Scott on Twitter.

The current board of New Zealand Football is:

Paula Kearns (Appointed to 2014)

Dougal McGowan (Elected to 2014)

Bill Moran (Appointed to 2015)

Frank van Hattum (Elected to 2015, resigned 2014)

Martin Fenwick (Appointed to 2016)

Mark Aspden (Appointed to 2017)

Paul Cochrane (Elected to 2017)

Shelley McMeeken (co-opted)

Mike Anderson (co-opted)

So McGowan and van Hattum's elected spots are up for grabs this time. Anyone can be nominated but nominations need to be ratified by a Federation and then the Federations will vote at Congress.

Paula Kearn's appointed position will also be advertised.

Plenty of scope for change there with potentially three new people getting on the Board. If you don't know who your federation might be nominating you should ask them. If you want to make a nomination you better get on to it.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

What the fuck is this all about?

NZF Annual Congress shifts to September

Deferring your Congress because your rules aren't up-to-date doesn't sound too organised. I guess it'll get put down to the transition between CEs.

Frank van Hattum just scored himself an extra six months on the Board unless he goes in May anyway and just leaves his spot vacant.

about 15 years

That could be a harsh assessment there Term.

Considering they have been rudderless for a CEO for about 3-4 months, we have no idea when FIFA put out these new mandates. They could have only been issued in January for all we know.

I get what you are saying but there is a lack of detail with which we can lob grenades.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years[tt_news]=2926&tx_ttnews[backPid]=10&cHash=8fb2a2fc49

World Cup campaign review completed

New Zealand Football CEO Andy Martin has now received the independent review of the All Whites 2014 World Cup campaign prepared by Stephen Cottrell of Cottsport.

New Zealand Football CEO Andy Martin has now received the independent review of the All Whites 2014 World Cup campaign prepared by Stephen Cottrell of Cottsport following extensive research and confidential contributions from many stakeholders including players, team management, members of the Professional Footballers Association, Sport NZ, NZ Football Management and Board Members.

As well as acknowledging the known challenges facing NZ Football in assembling its best players on a regular basis to play quality opposition, the report identifies a shared positive outlook and a clear way forward for the All Whites as they seek to qualify for the 2018 World Cup Finals in Russia. In particular, it highlights the need for clear planning, focus and communications across all key stakeholder groups.

Bill Moran, interim-Chairman of NZF said: “The board welcomes the independent report and has endorsed its key recommendations as a base for moving forward towards Russia 2018, and beyond. We agree that we need to give the All Whites and Football Ferns the best possible chance of success on the world stage. We have made considerable progress with the development and performance of the Football Ferns over the last four years, but the performance of the All Whites has been disappointing. As the governors of football in New Zealand, we are ultimately accountable for both the good and bad high performance outcomes over the last four years. In terms of the All Whites, we take full responsibility for those things that were in our control, that could have been done better – and will be done better over the next four years.”

Martin said: "this independent view on how we approach the next World Cup campaign will provide clear direction as we look to set our plans for the next four years commencing with the recruitment of a new Head Coach. I am pleased to confirm that many of the review's recommendations are already being implemented and those that are new will be considered and actioned as appropriate."

Stage Punch
about 17 years

So the endorsed finding is: "Hey, guys, we really need to get our shit together."

That was worth waiting for then.

Starting XI
over 12 years
Smithy wrote:

So the endorsed finding is: "Hey, guys, we really need to get our shit together."

That was worth waiting for then.

At least they agree with the finding.


Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

I can see why the report isn't release (so those being interviewed can speak frankly), but giving some outline of the recommendations that the being action would be pretty helpful.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

They should release an Executive Summary so that Executives like us can read it.

over 13 years
What an absolute joke not releasing this to the public.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

There are some good reasons for it not to be public. Given the report asked for views from relevant parties, if it was to be released public, people might not be free and frank than if it remained public. Anonymity can yield better feedback.

But again, a slimmed down summary of the recommendations would help with transperancy.

over 17 years

It's pretty crazy that there is this level of secrecy in a membership organisation - what about some accountability to the stakeholders who fund NZF (the players)?  You don't need to release the report but you really do need to release something saying what you will be doing differently in future as a result of the report

Edit: Gourdie going off on one on twitter about this describing it as a whitewash and let's be honest, it is.  Clearly some pretty serious mistakes were made and to a certain extent I feel sorry (slightly) for Ricki who is the fall guy while the board get off scot free and remain completely unaccountable

over 13 years
I don't expect any players to be named, but if for example the majority of the players agreed that Brian Turners media blackout after the Mexico game was a fantastic management decision, that should be repeated in the future then that and any other findings should be released. It is accountability

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