almost 13 years

Anyone know how aging works in the game. Is it 1 year=1 season?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Yeah every real life week is a game month,and a season lasts 12 (real life) weeks.

almost 13 years

Twice this season I have set up my tactics and then when my team have played the tactics they have used have not been what I set - players in the wrong position or the wrong players on the field. Anyone else ever had this happen, or know why it might have happened?

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Twice this season I have set up my tactics and then when my team have played the tactics they have used have not been what I set - players in the wrong position or the wrong players on the field. Anyone else ever had this happen, or know why it might have happened?

Only reason I can think of would be that you had players on the field who were ineligable to play, either for a suspension or an injury.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Twice this season I have set up my tactics and then when my team have played the tactics they have used have not been what I set - players in the wrong position or the wrong players on the field. Anyone else ever had this happen, or know why it might have happened?

Only reason I can think of would be that you had players on the field who were ineligable to play, either for a suspension or an injury.

almost 13 years

Yeah, but I didn't because I had checked when I set my team up - at least this most recent time when it happened. Of course there is a slight chance i just had a spaz moment and missed it but I don't think so.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Yeah I've never had that. Take screenshots and report it in bug forum? 

Can only think its what Patrick said. 

Also when you make a change,take a look at the 'last saved' on the bottom right to see if it's saving.

almost 14 years

I've had something similar happen, I was tinkering with random formations to see if I could make better use of the squad. Changed it back when I was done but the last couple of changes didn't save and screwed the tactics for the next match. Since then I usually navigate away from the tactics page and then go back to it to make sure my changes have stuck.

Not sure if thats the problem you had or not though.

over 12 years

Twice this season I have set up my tactics and then when my team have played the tactics they have used have not been what I set - players in the wrong position or the wrong players on the field. Anyone else ever had this happen, or know why it might have happened?

The only thing I can think of, besides the above, is that you have to change your tactics at least 1 hour before the game starts.  If the players have a little hourglass (that's what I think it is anyway) next to their name then you won't be able to change tactics for your upcoming game as they are already on their way to the match.

almost 13 years

At what point should I consider getting pitch draining? I have a level 2 medical centre, a level 5 physio, a pitch cover and sprinklers. I see pitch draining is 10m to buy but only 50k p/w to maintain. How much will it increase my pitch quality and how much will that help prevent injuries?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

If you have the cash spare (and some good players you want to protect,or a thin squad) you may as well. The only one to go easy on is the medical centre,as maintenance can be quite high. But a one of cost of 10m is worth it in the long run,if you have it spare to use. 

almost 13 years

Sweet, I'll do it then. I've got a thin squad AND a couple of good players to protect. And, yeah I've been tempted to upgrade the medical centre but that ongoing cost puts me off.

almost 13 years

What's the rule about how many foreigners I can have in my squad?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

No more than 5 in the match day squad (starting 11 and 4 subs). But you can sign as many as you want. 

almost 13 years
over 17 years

QUestion: what the hell is this thing all about?

almost 13 years

If a scout says that a player's development status is "done" but also says the player has a greater potential than he has so far reached, will the player still improve? 

I have a 21 yo defender who's currently 3star but my 2 best scouts both say he's got 4star potential, but they also say his development is done.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Hmm good question...Can't say I've ever noticed this. Maybe the development status refers to the bloom period, so they'll reach the potential, but it'll just take a while?

How good are your scouts? 

over 14 years

Players still can improve after they have finished blooming. Bloom is just when the MOST of their development happens. I have 27 - 29 yr olds who have still gained stars and stats

over 17 years

Thanks - this has had me very confused for a long time!

almost 13 years

Tegal wrote:

Hmm good question...Can't say I've ever noticed this. Maybe the development status refers to the bloom period, so they'll reach the potential, but it'll just take a while?

How good are your scouts? 

Name (Age) Sen Yth Phy tac tec Dev Psy   Chuck Galder (48) 9 17 16 15 16 13 Fire Bruce Bailey (45) 10 11 17 17 18 16 Fire Nick Askew (49) 13 12 15 10 14 12


I don't think its the same as the bloom because the scout reports have a "bloom" bit as well as a "development status" bit.

Judging from bwtcf's reply they can still improve a bit, which is good to know!

Starting XI
over 17 years

What did the prof do too get Island bay united banned on T.M ?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

He said in the national team thread that his kid was playing. Thy don't normally ban you for just that. But I did see a 60million bid on a 1.5 star potential 18 year old of his - I suspect that's what made them suspect something and ban him. Hopefully he can sort it out!!

almost 13 years

"actually it wasn't a dodgy transfer, just an ill informed one. My kid happened to join this before I did, saw that I'd set up a team a put all his money on one of my young up and commers, unfortunatey TM didn't agree with the rationale and banned us both - he's very dissappointed."

Thats the description given on his team page by what could be a new team created by theprof

Link for his possible new team:


Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Yeah figured it was something along those lines. That Sucks. It's like if you didn't save football manager for a year,then it crashed...

over 12 years

Tegal wrote:

Hmm good question...Can't say I've ever noticed this. Maybe the development status refers to the bloom period, so they'll reach the potential, but it'll just take a while?

How good are your scouts? 

Name (Age) Sen Yth Phy tac tec Dev Psy   Chuck Galder (48) 9 17 16 15 16 13 Fire Bruce Bailey (45) 10 11 17 17 18 16 Fire Nick Askew (49) 13 12 15 10 14 12


I don't think its the same as the bloom because the scout reports have a "bloom" bit as well as a "development status" bit.

Judging from bwtcf's reply they can still improve a bit, which is good to know!


My reading of it is that the Development status tells you where they are at within their bloom period.  i.e Development Status of say 'middle' with a bloom period of 'starting to bloom' probably means that they are in the middle of their 1st year of blooming.  Or a DS of 'mostly done' in a late bloom period means the player was towards the end of their 3rd year of bloom. 

Don't know if this is right, just the way I've read it.

Players definately keep on improving after their bloom period is done.  I think from memory the stars represent the maximum level the player will get to which they usually hit around the 28 years old mark.

almost 13 years
First Team Squad
over 13 years

How do you pick/chose sponsors for the season? 

almost 13 years

 Go to your Club page and it should give you the option to Pick your Sponsors.

almost 13 years

I randomly got about $40,000,000 added to my coffers but it doesn't show up as coming from anywhere on the finances page, it just popped up out of nowhere. Could it be my sponsor money for the cup? I thought that got paid out at the end of the season...

almost 13 years

 You have been paid out for your coaches...They have changed training to not require coaches.

Starting XI
about 14 years

General advice question: I have 50,000,000 in the coffers, what should be my plan? Upgrade facilities, pick up a player for about 30million to try and score all my goals, or try and pick up about 5 different players?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I generally upgrade what money making facilities that I can (sausage stand restaurant etc),upgrade my stadium by 500 at a time if its selling out,do the math on whether its worth upgrading parking/toilets. It's personal choice if you want to upgrade youth and training,I personally go slow on it to begin with. 

I then look for a scout (and formerly coach) to hire that is an improvement on a current one,or just a new one if I feel the need to add 1 to my staff. 

Then once facilities and scouts are done, I use what's left over to upgrade players in my team. Whether its a better player in a position,or a similarly skilled local player to replace a foreign one,or even a similarly skilled (or better) younger player to replace one that is over 33-34

Different people have different strategies though. That's just part of mine. 

almost 17 years

I'm not 100% sure i understand why they've removed coaches - it seems an odd change, I'm thanksful for the extra cash and have $20mill left to spend - might hold on to it for a few weeks for the dust to settle and then look at the transfer market. Or hold on to the end of the season and build my stadium up.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Yeah,I don't like it either. The old one wasn't complicated as they say. If anything,it's more complicated now. 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I have a question: what happened to Blair? Does anyone know? He is still active on TM,but just disappeared from the forum halfway through the second (I think?) fever league. Leaving me to pick up the tables etc and make a shambles of it! 

Not that I mind at all, it's just odd! 

over 14 years

 Ditto re why get rid of coaches. I thought it was simple and worked well... oh well.

Starting XI
about 14 years

I have a question about my low number of pro days remaining, I don't really use them so I guess they just go down 1 each day, but when they're gone, what features do I lose? Any at all?

over 14 years

Yes, one per day.

You lose your logo.

You can't have a reserves squad without pro.

Before the training overhaul you couldn't change between the complex and simple training overview views (which was shit, because I always had to change back and forth between them to see what I wanted to see).

There's some other stuff too, but I've just had pro for so long now I forget... I want a reserves squad, so that alone means I am committed.

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