Starting XI
almost 15 years
Yeah, all I care about is how many Kiwis go!
almost 15 years
Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years

does anyone know that if I can bring in video cameras into the ground?

Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
my friend from Melbourne has pulled out of going to the game, anyone wanna buy my ticket?
over 15 years
Fallon issuing the war cry. . . Excitement is building up!
Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
Just heard Ian Smith on Radiolive, commenting that he might tape the Australia v All
Whites game because Desperate Housewives and the Pacific are on on monday night. WTF,  This guy is a sports broadcaster ( well tries to be). Clearly this is a swipe at football by another rugby sycophant, and in the run up to the World Cup these are getting more frequent. And people wonder why football fans have a chip on their shoulders.
over 17 years
Radio Live? The radio broadcaster that employed Michael Laws? Yeah, it's a joke outfit mate, wouldn't bother with it if i were you.
Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
Buffon II wrote:
Radio Live? The radio broadcaster that employed Michael Laws? Yeah, it's a joke outfit mate, wouldn't bother with it if i were you.
Yep you are right. I don't mind Lushy though, he makes me feel more normal.
about 17 years
Just heard Ian Smith on Radiolive, commenting that he might tape the Australia v All
Whites game because Desperate Housewives and the Pacific are on on monday night. WTF,  This guy is a sports broadcaster ( well tries to be). Clearly this is a swipe at football by another rugby sycophant, and in the run up to the World Cup these are getting more frequent. And people wonder why football fans have a chip on their shoulders.

Would he do the same if his son was playing?
First Team Squad
about 15 years
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
almost 17 years
''When it comes to playing Australia, all bets are off,'' he said.

''I wouldn't be surprised if there are a few injuries. I don't think anyone is going to hold back against them. I'm certainly not going to hold back.''

You're a numpty Rory Fallon. Hope you don't make it onto the pitch.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Rory Fallon seems to have the same attitude as the Glaswegian who went to a bookie's in London to put a bet on a Celtic-Arsenal match. The bookie said they didn't take bets on friendlies, to which the Scot replied: "Celtic doesnae play friendlies."

Seriously: the two most prominent Christians in NZ football (Wynton Rufer and Rory Fallon) are also known as the two loudmouthed egomaniacs. I thought that Christ said "blessed are the meek", but he may have been misquoted. Doloras2010-05-20 11:30:26
Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
Doloras wrote:
Rory Fallon seems to have the same attitude as the Glaswegian who went to a bookie's in London to put a bet on a Celtic-Arsenal match. The bookie said they didn't take bets on friendlies, to which the Scot replied: "Celtic doesnae play friendlies."

Seriously: the two most prominent Christians in NZ football (Wynton Rufer and Rory Fallon) are also known as the two loudmouthed egomaniacs. I thought that Christ said "blessed are the meek", but he may have been misquoted.
Yep, Rory does get on my tits at times, but he has the right mental attitude. No point being humble and grateful for just going to the Wolrd Cup. He believes we can win games, and is merely stating in public whath really thinks. I happen to agree with him. Some of these teams will be sh*tting themselves if they aren't ahead by half time and that is when we can really apply some pressure.
BlattersBalls2010-05-20 14:32:11
Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
it was 'blessed are the cheesemakers"
Woof Woof
about 17 years
Yes, but that's not to be taken literally, it really refers to manufacturers of any dairy products.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Phoenix Academy
about 16 years
Ian smith is a muppet lets just say our cricket club could have put a dent in his broadcasting career after his antics a couple of years ago.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
Oh please do tell....
Maybe Smith is pissed his son didn't make it.
Starting XI
over 14 years
dam $13 for a nz win, that gota be worth a lazy 5 or 10$
especially as they probably wont be playing best team and our guys are treating the game more seriously
tradition and history
over 17 years
Doloras wrote:
Rory Fallon seems to have the same attitude as the Glaswegian who went to a bookie's in London to put a bet on a Celtic-Arsenal match. The bookie said they didn't take bets on friendlies, to which the Scot replied: "Celtic doesnae play friendlies."

Seriously: the two most prominent Christians in NZ football (Wynton Rufer and Rory Fallon) are also known as the two loudmouthed egomaniacs. I thought that Christ said "blessed are the meek", but he may have been misquoted.

Wonder how his father is taking all this. Cause they are poles apart, or Keven has changed.
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
el grapadura wrote:
Yes, but that's not to be taken literally, it really refers to manufacturers of any dairy products.

Better keep listening, there might be a bit about "blessed are the boxheads"
Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years
Doloras wrote:

Seriously: the two most prominent Christians in NZ football (Wynton Rufer and Rory Fallon) are also known as the two loudmouthed egomaniacs. I thought that Christ said "blessed are the meek", but he may have been misquoted.

& I'm pretty sure it's the GEEKS who'll inherit the Earth, not the GREEKS as was previously thought.

Easy mistake though.

over 16 years
Does anyone know what time the team will be arriving in Melbourne?
Starting XI
over 17 years
What is the TV coverage for this game? Do we have anything??
First Team Squad
over 17 years
What is the TV coverage for this game? Do we have anything??

8.30pm on Monday, Sky Sports 2.

siac2010-05-21 00:53:13
Starting XI
about 16 years
NOTE: Kick-off is actually 9.30 pm NZ time (we're two hours ahead of Australia where kick-off is 7.30 pm their time)
One hour from 8.30pm on Sky Sport 2 will be a build-up show (question to ponder- will it be a NZ or Aussie build-up show they'll broadcast?) Plenty of news, debate and interviews to air in the build-up show however...
Starting XI
about 16 years
Just heard Ian Smith on Radiolive, commenting that he might tape the Australia v All
Whites game because Desperate Housewives and the Pacific are on on monday night. WTF,  This guy is a sports broadcaster ( well tries to be). Clearly this is a swipe at football by another rugby sycophant, and in the run up to the World Cup these are getting more frequent. And people wonder why football fans have a chip on their shoulders.
Ian Smith is a former footballer. Heard an interview with him a few years ago where he remembered leaving school to play Central League Football- not cricket. The cricket came later.
In fact Ian was a Central Region & North Island age-group football rep. He went on to play Central League footbal for Kiwi United 1974 -77 & Manawatu United 1977-79
Most cricketers don't really push on and make national sides etc. till they're in their mid-twenties. Many of our best cricketers were also talented footballers e.g. Richard Hadlee first achieved success as a Southern League goalkeeper for Christchurch Rangers (played a few seasons before cricket commitments took over); Jacob Oram: NZ U-20 goalkeeper; Nathan MacCullam: NZ U-20 international striker, Otago football rep & played several seasons of Southern League & a bit of National League I think (more well-known down south for his football skill until  recently); MacMillan & Astle: talented Canterbury junior football reps who helped carry Canty football coaching legend Terry Conley's coffin at his funeral.
Smith genuinely likes football and may have to tape the AWs game next week because his wife wants to watch Desperate Housewives (Oh, us lucky bachelors!)
He maintains an involvement in the game through three sons who play football (Jarrod- former All White & two younger sons who also play)
And since 2008 he has been a trustee of "NZ Future Footballers Foundation" a charitable trust which sponsors young players. See about his involvement here:
So, criticism's a bit unfair in this case. Problem is one of lack of communication and awareness of peoples' football ties...
Big Pete 652010-05-21 05:08:37
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
nzhotspur wrote:
Does anyone know what time the team will be arriving in Melbourne?
They are flying over on the 22nd.  Not sure what time/flight.
over 17 years
el grapadura wrote:
I heard close to 50k at the end of last week.

If true, 70k seems achievable.

50k allocated, not 50k sold - they are giving them away on radio shows etc.
Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
//So, criticism's a bit unfair in this case. Problem is one of lack of communication and awareness of peoples' football ties...//
I think it's fair enough to criticise  a guy that gets paid to comment on radio and television sport (football included), but puts trash like Deperate Housewives in front of watching the national football team.
Also,  there was a wider context to the discussion in that both Smith and Rarere were suggesting that the public will not be interested in the All Whites campaign as they had already played their World Cup ( in November).  Essentially for somebody who is purportedly such a football aficianado,  he was doing he level best to pour cold water on Marcus Lush's enthusiasm for the Alll Whites.
Smith genuinely likes football and may have to tape the AWs game next week because his wife wants to watch Desperate Housewives (Oh, us lucky bachelors!)//
The inference was that he wasn't really fussed about the game, or the World Cup campaign. If he really liked football that much ( and took his career as a broadcaster seriously) he would tape the Pacific ( the other oh so important show he just has to watch) and watch the game live. The cynical side of me wonders if his 'love' of the game was conditional on his son being a national representative.
over 17 years
Just finished work for the week.f**king come on Monday!!!
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
Dear God some people on here are pedantic.
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
Buffon II wrote:
Just finished work for the week.f**king come on Monday!!!

Change your flights to tomo and we can go watch AFL!
over 17 years
Buffon II wrote:
Just finished work for the week.f**king come on Monday!!!

Change your flights to tomo and we can go watch AFL!
I have football tomorrow c**tface. Why would i go to GayFL anyway? Would be keen if it was some ethnic footie so i could instigate a few race riots.
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
Woof Woof
about 17 years
Unfortunately, Croats and Albanians get along well.

Don't think I'll be instigating any effnik violence. But would like to throw a couple of flares though...
First Team Squad
over 17 years
NZ TAB odds

Australia $1.28
New Zealand $11
Draw $4.75

Worth a fiver
linds2010-05-21 16:41:41
over 17 years
They are some reasonable odds.  Seriously considering that.
Starting XI
almost 15 years

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