All Whites vs Russia, Confederations Cup | Sun 18 June | 3am | St Petersburg | SS3

almost 13 years

My prediction:

Vs Russia 0-2

Mexico 1-4

Portugal 0-3

One down, two to go
almost 11 years

Ramon can make Auckland City competitive at the club world cup against far superior teams. Why couldn't he do the same with the All Whites?

over 11 years

scc wrote:

Ramon can make Auckland City competitive at the club world cup against far superior teams. Why couldn't he do the same with the All Whites?

Because he wasn't given the chance.

almost 14 years

Would have been interesting to see what Emblem could have done if he'd kept the position (or even applied for it).

He seemed to be playing to the teams strengths in the two games that he had in charge.

almost 13 years

Ryan wrote:

Would have been interesting to see what Emblem could have done if he'd kept the position (or even applied for it).

He seemed to be playing to the teams strengths in the two games that he had in charge.

Definitely agree, although I think he didn't have the right coaching tickets to get it permanently. His Olympic side in 2012 also looked the business IIRC.
One in a million
over 17 years

Tuiloma might have passed the ball around ok, but he didn't track runners back, leading to their second goal and almost another. I can see why Hudson didn't start him.

about 17 years

I don't think I've ever seen a New Zealand team offer so little before. One of the worst performances I've ever witnessed from the National side. We offered nothing, so much so that I've seen more offers at a house auction in Gore.

There is all of this talk about this squad being the most technically gifted we've ever had. Yet we resorted to trying to kick 40/20s to an isolated Chris Wood. What do you expect him to do with 239400 long balls coming at his head?

Only when we went 2-0 down did we relax and start to play. Too little too late, you're 2-0 down mate.

Player review:
Marinovic: 7 - couple of classy saves, kept score line pretty respectable.

Boxall: 3 - own goal and gave them a Christmas present for the second.

Durante: 4 - solid, but way too much long ball. You lead the line and set the platform for our composure. Play like it.

Smith: 4 - always seems two steps behind. Unlucky with the header being cleared off the line

Covley: 2 - subbed off 83 minutes too late.

Wynne: 3 - should have played in a Russian shirt as he passed to them more than his teammates.

Mcglinchey: 4 - didn't feature until Tuiloma came on allowing him to play in his actual position.

Thomas: 8 - our best player. Fight, tried to play, unlucky with right foot screamer late in the game

Rojas: 5 - tried to play when he had the ball at his feet, impossible for him to be in a game with long balls coming in at head height

Babarouses: see Rojas.

Wood: 7 - what do you expect him to do with an unlimited amount of long ball coming into his face. No service whatsoever. He'd get better service at Valentines.

Reviews are based on a rating system of 0-100.

Can be summed up by Tuiloma's shot at the end, open at the edge of the box, shoots and goes out for a throw-in. To coin a phrase "anything can happen in 90 minutes" - you're damn right, that anything was nothing.

Even the commentator summed up our performance by saying "Hard-running". It's football, running is mandatory.

Please do better, don't make me move to Asia and support Australia.


I don't expect us to win. But when we lose we want to actually show signs of improvement, playing our style, and go down playing the way we want to play. That performance was worse than anything RH put together in his era managing the team. 

and 1 other
First Team Squad
about 17 years

Has there been an interview with Hudson yet?

over 16 years

I thought Russia were a little better than some have suggested ITT, they aren't a great side but they played ok I thought. We made them look very good of course.

The plan of long ball is pretty hard to implement with three short midfielders. Positioning of the defence was definitely worse than usual, though the speed of Russians compared to our defenders didn't help.

Thomas worked very hard and did a few nice things.

Definitely worried about the solomon island games after these last two efforts. Only going to take a couple of decent finishers for us to be in trouble.

tradition and history
about 17 years

After that performance Hudson should resign.

and 1 other
almost 14 years

NZFA wrote:

I don't think I've ever seen a New Zealand team offer so little before. One of the worst performances I've ever witnessed from the National side. We offered nothing, so much so that I've seen more offers at a house auction in Gore.

There is all of this talk about this squad being the most technically gifted we've ever had. Yet we resorted to trying to kick 40/20s to an isolated Chris Wood. What do you expect him to do with 239400 long balls coming at his head?

Only when we went 2-0 down did we relax and start to play. Too little too late, you're 2-0 down mate.

Player review:
Marinovic: 7 - couple of classy saves, kept score line pretty respectable.

Boxall: 3 - own goal and gave them a Christmas present for the second.

Durante: 4 - solid, but way too much long ball. You lead the line and set the platform for our composure. Play like it.

Smith: 4 - always seems two steps behind. Unlucky with the header being cleared off the line

Covley: 2 - subbed off 83 minutes too late.

Wynne: 3 - should have played in a Russian shirt as he passed to them more than his teammates.

Mcglinchey: 4 - didn't feature until Tuiloma came on allowing him to play in his actual position.

Thomas: 8 - our best player. Fight, tried to play, unlucky with right foot screamer late in the game

Rojas: 5 - tried to play when he had the ball at his feet, impossible for him to be in a game with long balls coming in at head height

Babarouses: see Rojas.

Wood: 7 - what do you expect him to do with an unlimited amount of long ball coming into his face. No service whatsoever. He'd get better service at Valentines.

Reviews are based on a rating system of 0-100.

Can be summed up by Tuiloma's shot at the end, open at the edge of the box, shoots and goes out for a throw-in. To coin a phrase "anything can happen in 90 minutes" - you're damn right, that anything was nothing.

Even the commentator summed up our performance by saying "Hard-running". It's football, running is mandatory.

Please do better, don't make me move to Asia and support Australia.


I don't expect us to win. But when we lose we want to actually show signs of improvement, playing our style, and go down playing the way we want to play. That performance was worse than anything RH put together in his era managing the team. 

They played badly but no one rating more than 8 out of 100 is a bit harsh.

Moar stars
about 12 years

Woke up again this morning and for a brief moment thought the game was a dream. Jesus, I think we will be ripped a new one from Mexico and Portugal.

almost 14 years

siac wrote:

Has there been an interview with Hudson yet?

Just the post match press conference.

Starting XI
over 16 years

Hudson at post-match press conference here, starts at about 9 minutes:

RUS vs. NZL - Post-Match Press Conference

A lot of commending the 'spirit' of the performance.

First Team Squad
about 17 years

Colvinator wrote:

Hudson at post-match press conference here, starts at about 9 minutes:

RUS vs. NZL - Post-Match Press Conference

A lot of commending the 'spirit' of the performance.

'we played with a lot of spirit'

'plenty of positives to take into the next game'

'definitely a lot of positives we will take from it'

'spirit and fight, blah blah blah, very very promising'

'second half, really pleased with the improvement...'

'there were parts of the game that were very promising and very pleasing for us'

Oh dare.

No mention of our shark team selections or tactics...

He might not get another coaching gig, but at least he is improving his CV for a future sales/marketing job.

almost 17 years

The man is full of cliches and talks the talk and doesn't even limp a walk.

Starting XI
about 12 years
That was one of the more depressing games of football I've ever seen. We just didn't look anywhere close to threatening a goal, normally I expect us to be on the back foot but to have a couple of chances on the counter and maybe get lucky. But I've never been so confident that we wouldn't score as I was last night. I was stoked when Russia scored a second goal because it meant I could go back to sleep. This was a depressing reminder of how much NZ football has regressed since 2010.
over 7 years

>> Please do better, don't make me move to Asia and support Australia. <<

You could move to Asia and support the Philippines. I think you would get far more enjoyment.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

To a man they were sharke know body can come out of this game with any credit whats so ever.What a load of dribble and it starts with that impostor of a coach.His selections over the last few years have been poor i don't no what he see's in a lot of these players he has discarded a lot of players at the start of his time here who would do a better job than this mob of over rated players.The defending from front to back is poor. God the back five are so slow.Things have to improve or we will get smashed in the next two games thats for sure .

over 16 years

Ryan wrote:

NZFA wrote:

I don't think I've ever seen a New Zealand team offer so little before. One of the worst performances I've ever witnessed from the National side. We offered nothing, so much so that I've seen more offers at a house auction in Gore.

There is all of this talk about this squad being the most technically gifted we've ever had. Yet we resorted to trying to kick 40/20s to an isolated Chris Wood. What do you expect him to do with 239400 long balls coming at his head?

Only when we went 2-0 down did we relax and start to play. Too little too late, you're 2-0 down mate.

Player review:
Marinovic: 7 - couple of classy saves, kept score line pretty respectable.

Boxall: 3 - own goal and gave them a Christmas present for the second.

Durante: 4 - solid, but way too much long ball. You lead the line and set the platform for our composure. Play like it.

Smith: 4 - always seems two steps behind. Unlucky with the header being cleared off the line

Covley: 2 - subbed off 83 minutes too late.

Wynne: 3 - should have played in a Russian shirt as he passed to them more than his teammates.

Mcglinchey: 4 - didn't feature until Tuiloma came on allowing him to play in his actual position.

Thomas: 8 - our best player. Fight, tried to play, unlucky with right foot screamer late in the game

Rojas: 5 - tried to play when he had the ball at his feet, impossible for him to be in a game with long balls coming in at head height

Babarouses: see Rojas.

Wood: 7 - what do you expect him to do with an unlimited amount of long ball coming into his face. No service whatsoever. He'd get better service at Valentines.

Reviews are based on a rating system of 0-100.

Can be summed up by Tuiloma's shot at the end, open at the edge of the box, shoots and goes out for a throw-in. To coin a phrase "anything can happen in 90 minutes" - you're damn right, that anything was nothing.

Even the commentator summed up our performance by saying "Hard-running". It's football, running is mandatory.

Please do better, don't make me move to Asia and support Australia.


I don't expect us to win. But when we lose we want to actually show signs of improvement, playing our style, and go down playing the way we want to play. That performance was worse than anything RH put together in his era managing the team. 

They played badly but no one rating more than 8 out of 100 is a bit harsh.

Hudson deserves about that rating for the last two matches probably. The way he talks about the All Whites sometimes it's like the entire side is amateur players.

almost 15 years

I'm afraid to say that nothing will improve.  I'd like to know what the players think of their performance.  I'm not feeling proud of my team yet.  

Hudson - GTFO

almost 17 years

The main endorsement for Hudson in his time with team has been that the players like working with him. I'm beginning to subscribe to the theory that if players are that content, there's a good chance they are not being pushed hard enough, or too much is being done to accommodate what they want. The best example I think would be all four of McGlinchey, Thomas, Rojas, and Barbarouses being played centrally. They are probably four of our best eleven players, and have all at some point expressed a preference to play through the middle, but it doesn't make the most of Wood, and prevents us from being able to exert any control over the midfield. 

about 9 years

Khalil Media wrote:

I've rarely missed an AWs match since watching my first one in 1985 - but this morning I wish I'd stayed in bed.

I can handle seeing All Whites teams losing, and being second best - seen plenty of that over the years, and on paper we are invariably not as good as the opponents.  But what I can't stand is when our performances are less than the sum of our parts - and today was a clear example of that.  

The systems and tactics that have made Wood, Thomas, even Rojas, effective at club level (to the point of winning individual awards and team trophies) are completely absent, meaning we are not making the best use of our available talent.  Instead, we have a "tactic" that is wholly ineffective, and the aesthetic equivalent of a steaming pile of dog mess.  We were promised something a lot better at the start of this manager's tenure - we didn't see it in Thailand, or Myanmar, or PNG, or New Calendonia, and we certainly haven't seen it in Belfast, Minsk, or today... Mexico and USA were clearly anomolies, rather than the dawn of a new era...

I would not be the least bit surprised or unsympathetic if our European pros began to suffer from convenient hamstring injuries around the time of FIFA windows - why would you sacrifice time and effort, and risk injury, to go through this?  guys from those top environments must wonder what they've ended up in when the entire tactical approach is "pump it long to the left flank".

Short of an outright mutiny amongst the players, there doesn't seem to be much chance of this changing... maybe I'm just knackered from the early start, but this is just so annoying and avoidable.

Based on what I've seen, I'd be contacting Ramon T. and asking him to step in ASAP - we might still lose, but I'd have far more confidence that he would better utilise the talent we have available.


I've been a bit of a supporter of Hudson, but yes he got it wrong for this game. AWs were poor, Tuiloma should have started.

Still can't blame coach for the defensive mistakes that lead to both goals. What a difference Reid would have made with his composure and skill at the back. Fear it is only going to get worse. Sigh

almost 17 years

You can blame him for providing slow centre backs and inexperienced wingbacks with no midfield protection.

over 10 years

Seems there is no balance for the style of play for the personnel we have. We play a very defensive oriented game where we have some prime attacking players. We are not playing to the best of our players abilities and there is a false impression that we play defensive because we are historically shark. I don't buy into that, we have quality players that are playing to a rubbish gameplan. Not even Lionel Messi can make this team look good with the style of play that this poor imitation of a coach wants them to play. If we went want to play defensive and give up possession cheaply then we better be the best in the world at playing defensively. Get a coach that knows how to mould a team around retaining possession we won't need to rely so heavily on defensive grit.

Life and death
about 17 years

Oska wrote:

You can blame him for providing slow centre backs and inexperienced wingbacks with no midfield protection.

What other realistic options does he have you think?
almost 13 years

Oska wrote:

You can blame him for providing slow centre backs and inexperienced wingbacks with no midfield protection.

And presumably the lack of positional awareness in defence might be related to tactical instructions or lack of the right training to implement it. You can't say our defenders have been poorly positioned because of coaching but you can't say they weren't either.

What is funny is that Hudson is constantly name checking Bielsa and talking about how much he admires how Bielsa's teams play, yet they're almost the polar opposite in style from how the AWs have been playing.

almost 13 years

Oska wrote:

You can blame him for providing slow centre backs and inexperienced wingbacks with no midfield protection.

What other realistic options does he have you think?

The key thing is the lack of midfield protection - he could have played a formation with a genuine DM or not selected wingers to play in central midfield
almost 15 years

Yeah I really do wonder what's going on there

almost 15 years

It's like he has this big "style of play" that he is coaching to but when he gets a look at the opposition up close, he sharks himself and freaks out and changes everything.

Who knows but fark it sucks

almost 17 years

Oska wrote:

You can blame him for providing slow centre backs and inexperienced wingbacks with no midfield protection.

What other realistic options does he have you think?

The key thing is the lack of midfield protection - he could have played a formation with a genuine DM or not selected wingers to play in central midfield

This. Also, I would much prefer Doyle, Roux and Themi to Wynne, Colvey and Durante.
almost 12 years

I was surprised to see Durante play ahead of Themi... hopefully this changes going forward.

We can play hoof ball and fight for scraps with the midfield we have - too small. Against Mexico it might be a little more effective as they won't be as physical, but its not a long term plan, nor one that will win you enough games.

almost 17 years

Ryan wrote:

NZFA wrote:

I don't think I've ever seen a New Zealand team offer so little before. One of the worst performances I've ever witnessed from the National side. We offered nothing, so much so that I've seen more offers at a house auction in Gore.

There is all of this talk about this squad being the most technically gifted we've ever had. Yet we resorted to trying to kick 40/20s to an isolated Chris Wood. What do you expect him to do with 239400 long balls coming at his head?

Only when we went 2-0 down did we relax and start to play. Too little too late, you're 2-0 down mate.

Player review:
Marinovic: 7 - couple of classy saves, kept score line pretty respectable.

Boxall: 3 - own goal and gave them a Christmas present for the second.

Durante: 4 - solid, but way too much long ball. You lead the line and set the platform for our composure. Play like it.

Smith: 4 - always seems two steps behind. Unlucky with the header being cleared off the line

Covley: 2 - subbed off 83 minutes too late.

Wynne: 3 - should have played in a Russian shirt as he passed to them more than his teammates.

Mcglinchey: 4 - didn't feature until Tuiloma came on allowing him to play in his actual position.

Thomas: 8 - our best player. Fight, tried to play, unlucky with right foot screamer late in the game

Rojas: 5 - tried to play when he had the ball at his feet, impossible for him to be in a game with long balls coming in at head height

Babarouses: see Rojas.

Wood: 7 - what do you expect him to do with an unlimited amount of long ball coming into his face. No service whatsoever. He'd get better service at Valentines.

Reviews are based on a rating system of 0-100.

Can be summed up by Tuiloma's shot at the end, open at the edge of the box, shoots and goes out for a throw-in. To coin a phrase "anything can happen in 90 minutes" - you're damn right, that anything was nothing.

Even the commentator summed up our performance by saying "Hard-running". It's football, running is mandatory.

Please do better, don't make me move to Asia and support Australia.


I don't expect us to win. But when we lose we want to actually show signs of improvement, playing our style, and go down playing the way we want to play. That performance was worse than anything RH put together in his era managing the team. 

They played badly but no one rating more than 8 out of 100 is a bit harsh.

but quite funny

about 17 years

I think we are going tremendously well. This was our first loss in 5 matches in major tournaments since June 2009. Nothing to worry about. 

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

cant lose in major tournaments if you don't qualify for them. Outstanding spin there.

about 17 years

Tegal wrote:

Ncant lose in major tournaments if you don't qualify for them. Outstanding spin there.

Hudsonesque? ?

over 16 years

Shauneboy wrote:

I think we are going tremendously well. This was our first loss in 5 matches in major tournaments since June 2009. Nothing to worry about. 

Have labour hired you for the election campaign as a spin doctor yet?

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years

Ryan wrote:

siac wrote:

Has there been an interview with Hudson yet?

Just the post match press conference.

is this where a young Jose says he doesn't liked to be compared to anyone.
Pretty average set of questions from the press. Most seemed to be about Russia (from Russia journos). Given Burgess is over there, there didn't seems to be much depth to any questions.
Life and death
about 17 years

Oska wrote:

You can blame him for providing slow centre backs and inexperienced wingbacks with no midfield protection.

What other realistic options does he have you think?

The key thing is the lack of midfield protection - he could have played a formation with a genuine DM or not selected wingers to play in central midfield

But who?
almost 17 years

Tuiloma, Tzimopolous, Keat, James, Ridenton, Lewis, van den Broek, Musa, Hudson-Wihongi.

All Whites vs Russia, Confederations Cup | Sun 18 June | 3am | St Petersburg | SS3

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