almost 8 years

See you later Martin. His parting comment as well.

"try and do a better job yourselves".

over 8 years

With how incredibly salty that last quote was I'm shocked that it got through. 

Starting XI
about 16 years

See you later Martin. His parting comment as well.

"try and do a better job yourselves".


Clever how someone has managed to create a fake story which seems to be on the NZ Football website.

When you search the actual NZ Football website the story isn't there.

almost 14 years

Whoever thought that was a good press release needs to go with him.

Good riddance.

almost 14 years

Big Pete 65 wrote:

See you later Martin. His parting comment as well.

"try and do a better job yourselves".


Clever how someone has manged to create a fake story which seems to be on the NZ Football website.

When you search the actual NZ Football website the story isn't there.

That is the actually NZ Football website, it might be some wayward staff member or outsider but it's still a news article on their official website.

almost 14 years
Starting XI
about 16 years

Ryan wrote:

Big Pete 65 wrote:

See you later Martin. His parting comment as well.

"try and do a better job yourselves".


Clever how someone has manged to create a fake story which seems to be on the NZ Football website.

When you search the actual NZ Football website the story isn't there.

That is the actually NZ Football website, it might be some wayward staff member or outsider but it's still a news article on their official website.

If you follow that link there is a story there - if you go to the NZ Football website independently, the story isn't there.

almost 14 years

Big Pete 65 wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Big Pete 65 wrote:

See you later Martin. His parting comment as well.

"try and do a better job yourselves".


Clever how someone has manged to create a fake story which seems to be on the NZ Football website.

When you search the actual NZ Football website the story isn't there.

That is the actually NZ Football website, it might be some wayward staff member or outsider but it's still a news article on their official website.

If you follow that link there is a story there - if you go to the NZ Football website independently, the story isn't there.

Sure, but if you go to the NZF website and enter that story id directly it is. It's still in their website, there could be any number of reasons why it's not listed. There could be a flag within their CMS which has a file as public but not listed and indexed for instance, or there could be a relationship missing in the underlying database.

Either way it seems fake so someones in trouble.

Starting XI
about 16 years
Big Pete 65 wrote:
Ryan wrote:
Big Pete 65 wrote:

See you later Martin. His parting comment as well.

"try and do a better job yourselves".


Clever how someone has manged to create a fake story which seems to be on the NZ Football website.

When you search the actual NZ Football website the story isn't there.

That is the actually NZ Football website, it might be some wayward staff member or outsider but it's still a news article on their official website.

If you follow that link there is a story there - if you go to the NZ Football website independently, the story isn't there.

I see.

NZ football have just redesigned their website.

Seems somebody has taken advantage to use their old web format to post fake articles.

Genuine NZ football news stories now have this domain:  is no longer in use.

This was used for the fake Martin resigning story above.

Here is an example of a genuine story on the new NZ Football website:

I'm glad that NZ Football have redesigned their website.

The previous one was shark and hard to navigate.

almost 14 years

If you go to the homepage it links to the newsarticle portion of their page. That sporty site appears to be the CMS that NZF uses, that article is now gone but I don't doubt it would have appeared in if you put that number in the URL.

The Special One
over 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years

Frikkin hilarious!

over 13 years

Hudson has new staff and is no doubt busy using the off season to get his wiki page up to date and sorting out old foes 

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years


New Zealand Football is proud to announce they are the first National Sports Organisation (NSO) to receive the Governance Mark for Sport and Recreation in New Zealand from Sport New Zealand.

The award was presented to the President of New Zealand Football, Deryck Shaw, by the Right Honourable Grant Robertson MP earlier today at a ceremony held at New Zealand Football’s headquarters in Auckland.

The Governance Mark for Sport and Recreation in New Zealand, which was launched in 2017, represents an organisation that is clear about its strategy and how it intends to fulfil the plan.

Starting XI
almost 9 years

Doloras wrote:


New Zealand Football is proud to announce they are the first National Sports Organisation (NSO) to receive the Governance Mark for Sport and Recreation in New Zealand from Sport New Zealand.

The award was presented to the President of New Zealand Football, Deryck Shaw, by the Right Honourable Grant Robertson MP earlier today at a ceremony held at New Zealand Football’s headquarters in Auckland.

The Governance Mark for Sport and Recreation in New Zealand, which was launched in 2017, represents an organisation that is clear about its strategy and how it intends to fulfil the plan.

Sport governance in NZ must be in a shocking state

Early retirement
over 17 years

"We are thrilled to receive this Governance Mark from @SportNZ and we believe it is just reward for all of the great work our team at New Zealand Football put into the sport."


The Special One
over 17 years

2ndBest wrote:

Here's another story.

A while ago NZF was required by FIFA/OFC to amend their statues around governance. Part of that was calling for expressions of interest from bodies who thought they should have a vote at congress. NZF reached out to YF to see if we were interested from a fans perspective. Sound good, doesn’t it?

We put some time into developing a website and thought about how we could engage fans from around the country.

A meeting happened between YF and Andy Martin in Wellington. Martin’s main line of questioning was around how we would deal with people who say things negative about NZF. YF’s response was to point out that the whole reason is to give fans, as a stakeholder in the game, a voice. But Martin continued down the line of how to silence those people.

Fair to say, we left.

Looks like he got his wish in part in the new CBA if what I've heard about gag clauses is true

Life and death
over 17 years

That sort of tactic is just a fear of criticism. In simple terms, if you are confident in what you are doing and are doing it for the right reasons, you have nothing to fear from people criticising what you do. In most cases, common sense will win and you will get support for what you are doing and trying to achieve. They are living in cloud cuckoo land if they think there is ever going to be no criticism, that just comes with the territory. I strongly suspect we have the wrong type of people at the top running our game.  

Woof Woof
about 17 years

That sort of tactic is just a fear of criticism. In simple terms, if you are confident in what you are doing and are doing it for the right reasons, you have nothing to fear from people criticising what you do. In most cases, common sense will win and you will get support for what you are doing and trying to achieve. They are living in cloud cuckoo land if they think there is ever going to be no criticism, that just comes with the territory. I strongly suspect we have the wrong type of people at the top Chief Executive running our game.  

Fixed that a little bit :-)

Life and death
over 17 years

I was also referring to Heraf, but get your point.

over 10 years

NZ Football sorted out Riccardo Ball who they used as  MC for big matches. 

He  was asked to go for a coffee with some puppet of NZ Football who advised Riccardo that if he did not stop what was seen as adverse comments about NZ Football on his radio show then he would not be offered any further work from NZ Football.

Needless to say Riccardo ignored this advice and no longer receives any work from NZ Football.

Woof Woof
about 17 years

whatever wrote:

NZ Football sorted out Riccardo Ball who they used as  MC for big matches. 

He  was asked to go for a coffee with some puppet of NZ Football who advised Riccardo that if he did not stop what was seen as adverse comments about NZ Football on his radio show then he would not be offered any further work from NZ Football.

Needless to say Riccardo ignored this advice and no longer receives any work from NZ Football.

I'm entirely unsurprised by that.

Starting XI
over 17 years

"NZF bosses were unavailable for comment as they are in Russia attending a Fifa congress."

Russia doesn't have phones or email.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

reg22 wrote:

"NZF bosses were unavailable for comment as they are in Russia attending a Fifa congress."

Russia doesn't have phones or email.

No, they just hack America's

almost 14 years

Today’s NZH article by Burgess absolutely nails it. The Ferns’ performance showcased the football development philosophy of the technical  director. The implementation of his philosophy is damaging our best young players right now. It is also completely out of step with the WOF plan. As his approach was known by Martin who hired him, Martin must take full responsibility. 

over 11 years

AM has stated that he apparently can not believe that this style of play is being put in at age group level. This is about to get interesting. 

about 15 years

shushy6 wrote:

AM has stated that he apparently can not believe that this style of play is being put in at age group level. This is about to get interesting. 

Do you have a source for that? I read one of the stuff or herald articles (can't remember which publication) and the only thing he really said was it was a poor press conference, he'll learn from it and move on.
about 15 years

el grapadura wrote:

whatever wrote:

NZ Football sorted out Riccardo Ball who they used as  MC for big matches. 

He  was asked to go for a coffee with some puppet of NZ Football who advised Riccardo that if he did not stop what was seen as adverse comments about NZ Football on his radio show then he would not be offered any further work from NZ Football.

Needless to say Riccardo ignored this advice and no longer receives any work from NZ Football.

I'm entirely unsurprised by that.

Unsurprising but this seems to be the M.O. of Andy Martin. Squeeze out those that talk badly about his reign.
almost 14 years

Voerman has written on Stuff after speaking with Martin, whose response is pretty much a you would expect. One thing that caught my eye though was Voerman’s twitter comment: Martin claimed he can’t possibly believe the stories of CBs being told not to pass to CMs in the women’s national and age-group team setup are true.

Seems he’s going to be in for a rude awakening then.

In Edge’s radio interview with Ricardo Ball, Declan (paraphrasing) mentioned Heraf didn’t think too much of the work being done at Ole.

Plus the Ferns dramas, no one answering calls 

Plus national team staff leaving, eg Rob Pickstock

Plus rumours from young national age group squads that could well come out 

Plus Fallon, Edge et al, plus social media and news coverage on numerous fronts. 

Please tell me WHO, in the NZ federation coaching and national team set ups (all fearful of speaking out)  supports Heraf!??

#Herafout #Martinout

over 9 years

Global Game wrote:

Voerman has written on Stuff after speaking with Martin, whose response is pretty much a you would expect. One thing that caught my eye though was Voerman’s twitter comment: Martin claimed he can’t possibly believe the stories of CBs being told not to pass to CMs in the women’s national and age-group team setup are true.

Seems he’s going to be in for a rude awakening then.

In Edge’s radio interview with Ricardo Ball, Declan (paraphrasing) mentioned Heraf didn’t think too much of the work being done at Ole.

Plus the Ferns dramas, no one answering calls 

Plus national team staff leaving, eg Rob Pickstock

Plus rumours from young national age group squads that could well come out 

Plus Fallon, Edge et al, plus social media and news coverage on numerous fronts. 

Please tell me WHO, in the NZ federation coaching and national team set ups (all fearful of speaking out)  supports Heraf!??

#Herafout #Martinout

Rob Pickstock has left as AWs manager? 

That’s a real shame as a top bloke. Stinks if good people leaving NZF because of Heraf. 

Phoenix Academy
about 10 years

coochiee wrote:

Global Game wrote:

Voerman has written on Stuff after speaking with Martin, whose response is pretty much a you would expect. One thing that caught my eye though was Voerman’s twitter comment: Martin claimed he can’t possibly believe the stories of CBs being told not to pass to CMs in the women’s national and age-group team setup are true.

Seems he’s going to be in for a rude awakening then.

In Edge’s radio interview with Ricardo Ball, Declan (paraphrasing) mentioned Heraf didn’t think too much of the work being done at Ole.

Plus the Ferns dramas, no one answering calls 

Plus national team staff leaving, eg Rob Pickstock

Plus rumours from young national age group squads that could well come out 

Plus Fallon, Edge et al, plus social media and news coverage on numerous fronts. 

Please tell me WHO, in the NZ federation coaching and national team set ups (all fearful of speaking out)  supports Heraf!??

#Herafout #Martinout

Rob Pickstock has left as AWs manager? 

That’s a real shame as a top bloke. Stinks if good people leaving NZF because of Heraf. 

"....Long-serving All Whites manager Rob Pickstock has also recently left that role. Attempts to contact him this week have been unsuccessful. Martin said his departure was prompted by the same changes that prompted (Claire) Hamilton's - Fritz Schmid was appointed as the new All Whites coach in February....."

(He is still listed on the NZF contacts page)  

about 17 years

Appointed NZF technical director in August last year, Heraf then added Football Ferns coach to his list of responsibilities in December.

Martin maintained it was the players who asked for him to come on board fulltime after he was the interim coach on their successful tour of Thailand last November. 

"A senior delegation of players came to me personally and wanted Andreas to stay on until the World Cup. "I was the last to be convinced by this because of the conflict between [his] two roles. 

"But he had a good affect on the girls and they wanted him to stay with them." Martin also said Heraf had the full support of captain Ali Riley, the Swedish-based defender who had taken over as Football Ferns skipper. 

"It certainly was the new captain who led that delegation [of players] for me to appoint Andreas. "Right now Ali's been very supportive. She's been in camp [for the Japan fixture] and I'm sure she would let me know if there were any issues and to date she hasn't. If she does then of course we will respond to them. 

"We have a group of girls who want to perform at the World Cup."

over 9 years

coochiee wrote:

Global Game wrote:

Voerman has written on Stuff after speaking with Martin, whose response is pretty much a you would expect. One thing that caught my eye though was Voerman’s twitter comment: Martin claimed he can’t possibly believe the stories of CBs being told not to pass to CMs in the women’s national and age-group team setup are true.

Seems he’s going to be in for a rude awakening then.

In Edge’s radio interview with Ricardo Ball, Declan (paraphrasing) mentioned Heraf didn’t think too much of the work being done at Ole.

Plus the Ferns dramas, no one answering calls 

Plus national team staff leaving, eg Rob Pickstock

Plus rumours from young national age group squads that could well come out 

Plus Fallon, Edge et al, plus social media and news coverage on numerous fronts. 

Please tell me WHO, in the NZ federation coaching and national team set ups (all fearful of speaking out)  supports Heraf!??

#Herafout #Martinout

Rob Pickstock has left as AWs manager? 

That’s a real shame as a top bloke. Stinks if good people leaving NZF because of Heraf. 

"....Long-serving All Whites manager Rob Pickstock has also recently left that role. Attempts to contact him this week have been unsuccessful. Martin said his departure was prompted by the same changes that prompted (Claire) Hamilton's - Fritz Schmid was appointed as the new All Whites coach in February....."

(He is still listed on the NZF contacts page)  


See now he wasn't the manager in India.

Woof Woof
about 17 years

coochiee wrote:

coochiee wrote:

Global Game wrote:

Voerman has written on Stuff after speaking with Martin, whose response is pretty much a you would expect. One thing that caught my eye though was Voerman’s twitter comment: Martin claimed he can’t possibly believe the stories of CBs being told not to pass to CMs in the women’s national and age-group team setup are true.

Seems he’s going to be in for a rude awakening then.

In Edge’s radio interview with Ricardo Ball, Declan (paraphrasing) mentioned Heraf didn’t think too much of the work being done at Ole.

Plus the Ferns dramas, no one answering calls 

Plus national team staff leaving, eg Rob Pickstock

Plus rumours from young national age group squads that could well come out 

Plus Fallon, Edge et al, plus social media and news coverage on numerous fronts. 

Please tell me WHO, in the NZ federation coaching and national team set ups (all fearful of speaking out)  supports Heraf!??

#Herafout #Martinout

Rob Pickstock has left as AWs manager? 

That’s a real shame as a top bloke. Stinks if good people leaving NZF because of Heraf. 

"....Long-serving All Whites manager Rob Pickstock has also recently left that role. Attempts to contact him this week have been unsuccessful. Martin said his departure was prompted by the same changes that prompted (Claire) Hamilton's - Fritz Schmid was appointed as the new All Whites coach in February....."

(He is still listed on the NZF contacts page)  


See now he wasn't the manager in India.

Oh. My. Fudgeing. God.

I actually read this hearing Trump's voice.

about 15 years

New management? Thats not uncommon. Gothard left for the same reason but was clear there was nothing sinister in that.

Life and death
over 17 years

Bullion wrote:

Appointed NZF technical director in August last year, Heraf then added Football Ferns coach to his list of responsibilities in December.

Martin maintained it was the players who asked for him to come on board fulltime after he was the interim coach on their successful tour of Thailand last November. 

"A senior delegation of players came to me personally and wanted Andreas to stay on until the World Cup.

"I was the last to be convinced by this because of the conflict between [his] two roles. 

"But he had a good affect on the girls and they wanted him to stay with them."

Martin also said Heraf had the full support of captain Ali Riley, the Swedish-based defender who had taken over as Football Ferns skipper. 

"It certainly was the new captain who led that delegation [of players] for me to appoint Andreas.

"Right now Ali's been very supportive. She's been in camp [for the Japan fixture] and I'm sure she would let me know if there were any issues and to date she hasn't. If she does then of course we will respond to them. 

"We have a group of girls who want to perform at the World Cup."

How true is this likely to be? I would think unlikely to be an outright lie as everything said it checkable. If it is true, then hard to blame Martin except for maybe not going with his gut feeling and not appointing Heraf as Ferns coach. Over to the team then to voice their displeasure to Martin and see if he is true to his word - respond to their concerns.
over 9 years

I think this negative mindset of Heraf with FFs has only happened last few mths. Erceg praised him as recently as Feb, when he coaxed her out of retirement.

over 13 years

So taken from this weeks podcast (Go on give it a listen). Dave did a good and bad of Andy Martin time at NZF.


National League on TV

Getting rid of charging kids for u17/20s

Expanding National League

That leadership award they got recently

The CBA (Bad the gag clause though)

Two rounds for Women's league

Kate Sheppard Cup





Rivalism/Peru Supporters farce

TV rights for National League

Lack of home All White games

Peru away tickets

Figueira and Temple sacked for U17s

Alex Jones


Bad, tried to censor negative comments about NZF

over 9 years

I had a good chat to Rob Pitchstock once. He had a nice network of football contacts around the world.

Even then trying to find teams to come to NZ, was an extremely difficult task, unfortunately in today’s football world. The FFA generally have to pay big money for teams to visit Australia for friendlies.

He also thought Uncle Tony was doing a solid job as AWs coach.

So there is 2 items I’d argue should come off the Bad list. I’d add on the perceived lack of support, or bad relationship with Nix (though seems to be mending)

almost 14 years

Martin good:bad list


Continued implementation of WOF plan


commercial sponsorships  

Real bad 

Abandon WOF elite youth through Herafs football philosophy 

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