Starting XI
about 17 years
Starting XI
about 17 years
about 17 years
I think he`s trying to be funny. Haha?
Starting XI
about 17 years
He may have been trying just that bit TOO hard...  don't you think? 
First Team Squad
about 17 years
If he's trying to be funny then I've had more laughs out of child cancer. If he's not then the point he is struggling to make is so full of holes that all it does is highlight his ignorance.
Yet again the NZ media manages to showcase another gonad.
Well done Capital Times. Journalism like this always has a place, it's just that we are waiting for someone to dig it.
about 17 years
I was being sarcastic. The lowest form of humour.
Early retirement
about 17 years
If he get's paid to write, whoever employed him should be shot.  That is one of the most woeful things I have ever seen passed off as journalism...
about 17 years
This is a Wellington based publication. Yellow Fever need to have a word with them. Maybe one of you could write a rebuttal? 
Starting XI
about 17 years
Anyone able to find out this guy's name (the columnist), I've just read the article and am about to write a rather terse reply.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Here's my letter, feel free to commnet before I send it,

Your Sports Talk Columnist, on May 30, cannot fathom why NZ Football would spend money on a friendly match against Wales. I�d like to take up his bet and detail one or two of the many reasons why:


  1. Wales play football, so do New Zealand
  2. During the club off season, footballing nations often play friendly matches when they�re not playing in a competitive competition
  3. Wales are quite good at football, New Zealand are quite average at football, playing better teams is seen as a way to improve the quality of New Zealand football
  4. It is unlikely that Wales will travel to New Zealand for a friendly, and therefore playing opposition of this reputation/ quality requires that New Zealand travel instead


With respect to the financial management of New Zealand Football; the idea that sports should be run as money making ventures is a philosophy that has been imposed on sport by money hungry corporates. Some of us out there know that sports is primarily about sport, not making money. Therefore, when there is some money around, spend it on sport. There is such a thing as an acceptable level of loss. It must be noted also that friendly games are not always a loss making exercise, has your columnist spent any time researching whether or not any gate take sharing arrangements were made between the sides?


Your columnist also displays a typical lack of insight, that is common among half-pie small time journalists in this country, with respect to player transfer and contract negotiation. He seems to think that the Phoenix Management were unaware of Richard Johnson�s pending case regarding his drink driving prosecution. He obviously has made no effort to do any research, as the rest of us know, Phoenix Management has factored in a clause into the contract allowing it to be terminated, should Johnson be convicted and sentenced to jail. Johnson has since won his appeal, and has been handed a suspended sentence, and will play after all. In his feeble effort to write something original, your columnist has jumped the gun, and made a fool of himself.


Sports talk is quick to jump on New Zealand Football, when many of the football fans in New Zealand (like myself) would be quick to praise efforts in  securing the international fixture in the first place.

The future of Football in New Zealand is bright, whether Sports talk wants to admit it or not. Being cynical might be fun for a moment, and sure helps protect the self righteousness of the egotist, but the hypocrisy of this attitude soon becomes clear, and I quote from Sports talk (May 23, 2007) �Most of the bloody so-called reporting these days is a few quotes followed by editorialising.� . . .


Starting XI
about 17 years
about 17 years
First Team Squad
about 17 years
I wrote this letter to the editor:

Concerning the above article. It was one of the most poorly written and researched articles I have ever read. This opinion has little if any substance and can only do harm to the sport here in Wellington and around the country.

The game in Wrexham was more than a chance to buy some cheap JW Black Label it was a chance to show NZ belongs in international football, we proved that, and this amateur "journalist" chose to attack the failings of the management etc, while forgetting that the so called shopping trip was a significant victory for NZ football. A draw against a side ranked 70 places higher is nothing to sneeze at.

This guy needs to pull his head out of his rugby scrum and go back to university to learn how to form an intelligent opinion.
Black Plague2007-06-01 10:59:42
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Concerning the above article. It was one of the most poorly written and researched articles I have ever read. This opinion has little if any substance and can only do harm to the sport here in Wellington and around the country.

The game in Wrexham was more than a chance to buy some cheap JW Black Label it was a chance to show NZ belongs in international football, we proved that, and this amateur "journalist" chose to attack the failings of the management etc, while forgetting that the so called shopping trip was a significant victory for NZ football. A draw against a side ranked 70 places higher is nothing to sneeze at.

This guy needs to pull his head out of his rugby scrum and go back to university to learn how to form an intelligent opinion.
Black Plague2007-06-02 00:49:26
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Excellent responses gents. I'll send them something over the weekend too.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Superb work guys....the journo is Paddy (can't recall his surname) and he deserves everything you throw back at him.

Great letter and the less people like him that have an opportunity to voice their negative opinions the better.  Knock them down before they're even up and running, almost wanting the Nix to fail to write his "I told you so" article......all the more reason to inspire Ricki and the boys to "rise above" the typical knockers.

Starting XI
about 17 years

Well done lads. As well as being the Phoenix supporters club, Yellow Fever are also advocates for football in NZ. Our job to try rebalance the sporting media and stick it up any rugbyhead media who use football as a kicking bag.

And if anyone else is writing to him, please ask him if he respects the NZRFU and the IRB for tolerating a test series involving France C.
This French test series is a first class f up for rugby, but the sports journos in this country are so far up the NZRFU's bottom, they did not even dare question its merits until Graham Henry bagged it himself the other day.
about 17 years
That was one pathetic, non-researched, and just plain a waste of my time article.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Clearly Phil and Back Plaque would make better journos than the boofhead who wrote that priceless piece of sh!te.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Thanks Hammerhead, Although i havent been to the dentist for 18 months or so my name is Black Plague not Back Plaque haha, but thanks ill keep that for a back-up name when i write my famous article on how NZ rugby ate itself.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
yeah if everyone can send them at least a few lines of disgust then it will really change their opinion about publishing bollocks again.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Hmm, I haven't checked out the article yet but I will do. My response could go one of two ways: diplomatic, or I could be the biggest cnut that the writer will ever have heard of in his life.
My initial response would be to hire a small plane with one of those long banners stating:  WHATEVERHISNAME IS IS THE BIGGEST FCUKING CNUT IN WELLINGTON AND WRITES BOLLOCKS and have it fly over Wellington until it runs out of fuel and then have it kamakazi itself into this dudes house....but as funds are limited I can't see this happening.
Diplomatic it is...with maybe a few swear words thrown in at the right place to emhasise the point.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Maybe we can have a whip round and go with your first idea.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Thanks for the offer, but's far to radical:-p
Anyway I burst into life and knocked up this and sent it to the editor as well as cc'ing it to Kent Gray, the media officer at NZF and also to Glen Price @ Soccer Talk. If this geezer wants to debate the issue then let's involve the people that matter and discuss it with some clarity and balance. That article was extremely poor.

To The Editor, Capital Times

Cc: Kent Gray: New Zealand Football Media Cc: Glen Price: Soccer Talk Magazine


I have just had the displeasure of reading one of the most poorly-researched articles on New Zealand football that has ever been written. The complete article is so short on content that even I would be embarrassed to put my name to it. No wonder you haven�t attributed it to anyone on your website. Just a photo of Mr No-Name.

Had your journo done his research properly, rather than just sit in the office mulling over a latte, he would not have even opened with his first sentence � which by the way - is a complete crock of pony.

New Zealand Football IS the subject of a case study by Massey University, who are using women�s football to study recovery times and a number of other health issues that could benefit the game. This research is the first of its kind in the world�and funnily enough it was on the Close Up programme earlier this week. Football Fan 1 v Journo 0.

New Zealand Football has to work its way up the rankings. This entails generally playing sides more highly ranked, and yes, these countries are in Europe, South America, Africa and Asia � so that is where we have to head. We have to play games to improve, and it costs money for sure. If your reporter was up to it, he should have gone to FIFA and asked them about the ranking system they have in place. It was designed by some Zurich professors and whilst is a mathematical nightmare, has been designed to reward nations with points based on a multitude of issues, including scoring goals, scoring goals away from home, getting a draw away from home and the ranking of the opposition.

So just on that basis alone, New Zealand should find that they will either rise in the next FIFA ranking release, or the one after that, if they missed the cut-off date for the month. If they don�t rise, they will at least collect more ranking points bringing them closer to the next ranked team. Football Fan 2 v Journo 0.

Your journalist strikes me as been well out of his depth when it comes to understanding the machinations of New Zealand Football and what they are trying to achieve. Look, I�ve been critical of them in the past but to give them their dues they have made some good changes over the last few years and there has been hardly anything resembling the �shooting themselves in the foot� fiascos of the old days. Getting onto the Ukraine game, had New Zealand played that match against the 11th ranked team in the world and lost by a cricket score it would have given more ammunition to FIFA to close another door on the face of not just New Zealand, but the bigger picture � Oceania Football.

Another point I would like to bring up is that to make it easier for our better players to gain contracts with foreign clubs, especially in Europe, we need out national team to be ranked up in the top 70. So, part of the reason NZF spend money on these games is to also assist the players personally. There is a bigger picture to what you see superficially. A highly ranked New Zealand will benefit the best players, as they need to be seen to be world-class to gain working permits. Generally immigration officials will look at the players home nation ranking to use this as a guide.

I am sorry to have to write this, but I couldn�t let the article go unanswered. Perhaps you could let your man have another go at this article and put a more balanced perspective on it. It is very easy to write stuff from the outside looking in, but there was no substance to the original article and if you were looking for a space filler, perhaps I suggest a football photograph could have been the better move. I know of an award-winning football photographer that could do you justice on that count (tongue in cheekJ)

Yours in football,

Grant Stantiall

1 Moule Place



about 17 years
about 17 years
First Team Squad
about 17 years
about 17 years
about 17 years
be interesting to see if they put a response in the rag or an apology
Starting XI
about 17 years
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

The article was one of the most woeful pieces of so called journalism it has ever been my misfortune to read. Besides being total bollocks, the writer has shown himself to be not only ignorant on New Zealand Football but totally incompetent. In short a real pratt!  And thats being kind.  If he even dares to show his face at a Phoenix match I hope the lads can point out the error of his ways!!!!

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Good to see they printed the letter. Honestly, any one of us on this forum could have written a better piece on the state of the game than the crap that did get printed. If the guy who wrote the article is hoping to become a leading journo then he's got a hell of a lot to learn. That article was rubbish. A 5 year old could have come up with better stuff.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Good on to you KiwiCanary.
This is the sort of stuff we need to do to get the ball rolling and put those oval ball jocks in their place. It's about time they were stopped from trashing the beautiful game! You're a legend, keep up the good work. I have e-mailed both TVNZ & TV3 to have a crack at them regarding their poor coverage of the All Whites - Wales game.
almost 17 years
We have exactly the same problem in Wales,the media is totally obsessed with the Egg Game.We call our local paper the South Wales Eggo!
    Good luck
Starting XI
about 17 years
Surprised to hear that. Is rugby the main game there or just more supported by the media (is it an anti English thing)?
almost 17 years
Rugby is more supported by the media in Wales.While there is no doubt for International games Rugby is well supported crowd wise,the Club and Regional sides struggle to attract more than a couple of thousand patrons.
    The Welsh media steadfastly refuse to acknowledge this fact and avoid printing attendances in the newspapers and if they do they guesstimate!
       Football is played by more people in Wales than the egg and has by far the most teams in local leagues,but you will find little admittance of this fact by the media.
Starting XI
about 17 years
what a knob    does he realise sparc give's  more money to the nzru than they do to  football nz and they send their big wigs all over the world first class for stupid meetings at a horrendous cost to sparc steinlager adidas  and the paying rugby fan
 they went all the way from wgtn to london for a meeting which lasted two hours and we still missed out on the world cup 2003 hosting rights
and it took them a week  to get back to nz nice one jock
and  watching the phoenix closely  to do what ??  put the boot in if they lose a game or two

well done to the people  who  sent letters through  hopefully they won't  print drivel like that again

Starting XI
about 17 years
see what this guy replied with      how about we bring him in for the half time show ??

giddyup2007-06-21 16:15:20
about 17 years
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
What gets me is that this dude doesn't even have the balls to put his name to his articles. What kind of journo is he? You have to question his credibility and honestly I wouldn't give him the steam off my sh!t. That latest article was just total pants. You wouldn't wipe your ass with it.
He is kidding himself if he thinks he has a future as a journalist with these articles.

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