over 7 years

The same times for me, instead the pm for am ... ;-)

over 7 years

But I don't want to abuse the All Whites. Myself hopes they play a successfull Confed Cup. 

over 7 years

Does anyone know a stream of the Ferns Game vs. Scotland?

Starting XI
about 16 years

CoderboyPB wrote:

Does anyone know a stream of the Ferns Game vs. Scotland?

There is never much TV coverage of the Cyprus Cup which is a second tier women's international tournament and not very prestigious.

The better women's teams (top ten) play in the Algarve Cup in Portugal which is usually held around the same time.

NZ are considered a hard-working side internationally but are not considered good enough to be invited to the Algarve Cup.

So we regularly compete in the Cyprus Cup.

NZ have only been invited to compete once in the Algarve Cup - last year when we finished fourth out of the eight teams competing.

However it was a weaker competition than normal wit only one country from the world's top ten.

NZ won only one game of the four they played but still finished fourth.

So, back to this year's Cyprus Cup where world number 19 NZ lost 2-3 to number 21 Scotland in the Fern's first game for six months.

This year's Cyprus Cup has 12 teams, five from world rankings 10 - 20, the rest from places 21 - 40.

NZ (ranked 19) plays Austria (ranked 24)  and South Korea (ranked 18) the next two group games.

Unless the Ferns get results in those games, their world ranking will continue to slide...

They're probably more likely to get a result vs. Austria than South Korea.

over 7 years

Fun Fact: 

Amber Hearn and austrian goalkeeper Manuela Zinsberger are meeting up a 2nd time again, in the last 5 days after their meeting with their club teams FC Bavaria Munich (Zinsberger) and USV Jena (Hearn) in german league. 

Zinsberger has won by 2-1, but scored Jena's lead by an own goal.

Hopefully this time Amber will win. 

about 15 years

we lost 3 nil.  What a way for abby to end her playing career.

over 7 years

Well the Ferns last time played with the A team in August in Rio, while Austria still have had qualification games during the autumn/fall (what do you say?) for the european championship this year and they also played a friendly in Germany (4:2 for Germany). 
And in addition to that most players are still in the season, while Riley and her NWSL fellows are still in offseason mode. 

So all in all Austria is much more in practise time at the moment ... 

But anyway: 0-3 is very hard ... 

Starting XI
almost 15 years

I can see why they lost funding after more poor performances.

over 14 years

Two worst losses for the Ferns in ages. (No shame in their Rio/Canada ones, for example, even if they could have been better)

over 9 years

readings sure makes a lot of excuses for them . don't wish to bag them as they are our national team but sometimes its best to stop talking and just perform . 

over 14 years

'just perform' rofl

about 8 years
Needs abit of a clean out with fresh players
over 14 years

Footy4 wrote:
Needs abit of a clean out with fresh players

What fresh players?

about 15 years

readings sure makes a lot of excuses for them . don't wish to bag them as they are our national team but sometimes its best to stop talking and just perform . 

I reckon it might be time for him to move on as well.  

over 10 years

Typical NZ Football cock up.  They renewed Readings contract prior to the Olympics rather than waiting until after when a full review could be carried out.

The " Old Boys Network"  is still alive and well.

over 17 years

Pretty poor showing in Cyprus.  Did Erceg's behaviour prior to the comp unsettle the whole team?

over 14 years

if you suggest someone should lose their job you should have to suggest a replacement.

think Cyrpus Cup results a combo of A, just being bad, B, new formation, C, off-field dramas, D, Ferns being relatively underdone vis a vis opponents

Starting XI
over 9 years

Marto wrote:

Pretty poor showing in Cyprus.  Did Erceg's behaviour prior to the comp unsettle the whole team?

doubt it, probably more the first time the Ferns have played since the olympics last year, while Scotland & Austria have been playing regularly in qualifying for the European championships. Playing South Korea tonight (don't expect much from that)

...or maybe the NZF centralised \ closed team format isn't really working....

over 16 years

It's a combination of things.

The squad is in transition, looking to implement / learn a new playing formation (3-4-3) and simultaneously blend new faces in with experienced ones, some of whom are injured or absent at present, which isn't helping the process, e.g. Ria can only play 45 minutes due to a quad injury; Abby picked up an injury in the Scotland game, and sat out the Austria clash; Hoyley is taking a football sabbatical at present, but will return.

In short, a case of 'short-term pain, long-term gain' now and moving forward. Need to blood the youngsters and give them experience now, because you're stuffed if you're looking to do that at crunch time, i.e. France 2019 and Tokyo 2020.

Playing-wise, it was a case of not taking our chances against Scotland - we should have won that one, from what I've seen and heard - while against Austria, a team which had only lost twice in two years (one of which was to Germany) going into that match, the goals conceded came from two set-pieces and an under-hit back-pass. This morning, the Koreans struck twice in as many minutes just after half-time.

All up, lots of work to do to get things functioning ideally again, the resolution of Abby's issue being just one of the pieces of the jigsaw - there are many more. But one of the pieces which is in place and working (at least from a coaching and player development perspective at present) is the centralised training programme.

For mine, that aspect is imperative. We are too small, as a footballing nation, to afford to have our playing resources scattered around and about. If our ambition is to be successful, as well as competitive, on the world stage, all aspiring to contribute to that objective should be prepared to commit themselves totally to the project - no half measures! If that means upping sticks to Auckland for the team's benefit, that's what needs to happen.

You wouldn't expect any of Wellington Phoenix's players to be living in Auckland, Christchurch or elsewhere and commuting to the capital for training and matchdays, would you? Of course not! The principle is exactly the same where the Football Ferns are concerned.

over 10 years

Do they all live in Auckland? When they selected the team there were  two representing Christchurch listed. Also when the top performing player ( Palmer) from the Womems' National League cannot make the  team,  there is a problem.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Time for Readings and his mob to step aside been there far to long he has presided over to funding cuts Martin has to grow some balls and sack him if he doesn't step down.

over 14 years

charger 1 can you please follow my rule and suggest a different path forward if you're just going to call for heads to roll, laughing my ass off at the idea that martin needs to 'grow some balls' to do this.

over 14 years

whatever wrote:

Do they all live in Auckland? When they selected the team there were  two representing Christchurch listed. Also when the top performing player ( Palmer) from the Womems' National League cannot make the  team,  there is a problem.

Longo moves between Christchurch and Auckland when needed, and Moore has lived in both at various stages in the past few years.

When you consider the players in the squad in Palmers position, none of whom played NWL - Longo an exception - it's hard to say 'there is a problem' with her not making the cut.

over 14 years

Marto wrote:

Pretty poor showing in Cyprus.  Did Erceg's behaviour prior to the comp unsettle the whole team?

doubt it, probably more the first time the Ferns have played since the olympics last year, while Scotland & Austria have been playing regularly in qualifying for the European championships. Playing South Korea tonight (don't expect much from that)

...or maybe the NZF centralised \ closed team format isn't really working....

what does "closed team" mean? I'm with ScouseKiwi - moving to New Zealand's only proper city to be in the mix for an international programme is a neccessary burden. it's like moving to Auckland to be at the top branch of any other company (something less true in the computer age, granted, but you can't play football on a computer)

over 16 years

You won't hear any arguments from me re BP's inclusion - one of my favourite players. She's got, in spades, that X factor every team needs.

Re the Christchurch duo, that's obviously an arrangement they have with NZF - "Flea" is employed by Mainland Football as their Women's Development Officer, for instance. But relocation is certainly desired for maximum benefits to be gained, both individually and across the group.

over 9 years

inafoxhole wrote:


Pretty poor showing in Cyprus.  Did Erceg's behaviour prior to the comp unsettle the whole team?

doubt it, probably more the first time the Ferns have played since the olympics last year, while Scotland & Austria have been playing regularly in qualifying for the European championships. Playing South Korea tonight (don't expect much from that)

...or maybe the NZF centralised \ closed team format isn't really working....

Starting XI
almost 15 years

Reading has to go despite what ever out come the Hungarian game has. Ferns have been a flop. 

over 10 years

inafoxhole wrote:

Marto wrote:

Pretty poor showing in Cyprus.  Did Erceg's behaviour prior to the comp unsettle the whole team?

doubt it, probably more the first time the Ferns have played since the olympics last year, while Scotland & Austria have been playing regularly in qualifying for the European championships. Playing South Korea tonight (don't expect much from that)

...or maybe the NZF centralised \ closed team format isn't really working....

what does "closed team" mean? I'm with ScouseKiwi - moving to New Zealand's only proper city to be in the mix for an international programme is a neccessary burden. it's like moving to Auckland to be at the top branch of any other company (something less true in the computer age, granted, but you can't play football on a computer)

Well if you are say a 16 year old girl from a provincial town who knows no one in Auckland and your parents are unable to provide financial support there is a problem. If you are employed by a company that transfers you to Auckland then you are on a salary so therefore a huge difference.

I would suggest that it is time for a review by NZ Football but given their poor record, they will do nothing. After all they renewed Readings' contract prior to the Olympics which was most strange

This girl Palmer is well ahead of many of the current selections. The tall girl that they play up front,Hannah  Wilkinson has a shocking  first touch and then she pushes the ball 10 metres in front of her and chases it hoping to beat players at international level! What has Readings done to improve her shocking skills?

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

The Ferns are the most over rated over funded !!! under performing team in NZ Football stable readings has to go and Andy Martin needs to give him the boot end of story.

over 17 years

inafoxhole wrote:

whatever wrote:

Do they all live in Auckland? When they selected the team there were  two representing Christchurch listed. Also when the top performing player ( Palmer) from the Womems' National League cannot make the  team,  there is a problem.

Longo moves between Christchurch and Auckland when needed, and Moore has lived in both at various stages in the past few years.

When you consider the players in the squad in Palmers position, none of whom played NWL - Longo an exception - it's hard to say 'there is a problem' with her not making the cut.

who do you consider to be in her position?

Starting XI
over 9 years

Scousekiwi wrote:

All up, lots of work to do to get things functioning ideally again, the resolution of Abby's issue being just one of the pieces of the jigsaw - there are many more. But one of the pieces which is in place and working (at least from a coaching and player development perspective at present) is the centralised training programme.

Is it working though? 

When you look at the stats it's not great. 

In the last 3 years the Football Ferns have played 45 games and won 11 (well 10, 1 win was the default when PNG didn't turn up), drawn 13 and lost 21.

They have only managed to beat 2 teams ranked higher than them (Brazil 8th & Denmark 15th) and their FIFA ranking has dropped from 16th to 19th

If you are using player development as a measure then it probably is working as several players have managed to land professional contracts which they probably wouldn't have without the program.

The problem with the current set up is that there is no real competition at a local level for the Ferns players, and that shows when they play internationals, of their 21 losses 11 have been by only 1 goal - if they had the regular competition they would more likely be getting results in these games.

I don't necessarily agree with your statement that we are too small of a footballing nation to have our resources scattered around and about (although where are all the female coaches?). Scotland is a similar side (pop only 1 million more than NZ) and they are a good example to look at as in 2013 NZ beat them 1-0 (although I believe it was quite easily and should have been more), now Scotland beat NZ and then beat Austria and they are a team on the up. The main differences here are that the Scottish Government help fund the team (before they play in major tournaments). And more importantly Scotland have a proper National League (with 2 rounds ie one more that FIFA funding pays for)

There is no real reason why NZF can't do the same, start small a 6 team National League with 3 clubs from the Northern League, 2 from Capital-Central and Canterbury United. Get the teams that miss out to play in a 2nd division with Southern United

Whatever the answer it needs something because I'm sick and tired of hearing excuses from Tony Readings about how we are almost there!

Starting XI
almost 15 years

Scousekiwi wrote:

All up, lots of work to do to get things functioning ideally again, the resolution of Abby's issue being just one of the pieces of the jigsaw - there are many more. But one of the pieces which is in place and working (at least from a coaching and player development perspective at present) is the centralised training programme.

Is it working though? 

When you look at the stats it's not great. 

In the last 3 years the Football Ferns have played 45 games and won 11 (well 10, 1 win was the default when PNG didn't turn up), drawn 13 and lost 21.

They have only managed to beat 2 teams ranked higher than them (Brazil 8th & Denmark 15th) and their FIFA ranking has dropped from 16th to 19th

If you are using player development as a measure then it probably is working as several players have managed to land professional contracts which they probably wouldn't have without the program.

The problem with the current set up is that there is no real competition at a local level for the Ferns players, and that shows when they play internationals, of their 21 losses 11 have been by only 1 goal - if they had the regular competition they would more likely be getting results in these games.

I don't necessarily agree with your statement that we are too small of a footballing nation to have our resources scattered around and about (although where are all the female coaches?). Scotland is a similar side (pop only 1 million more than NZ) and they are a good example to look at as in 2013 NZ beat them 1-0 (although I believe it was quite easily and should have been more), now Scotland beat NZ and then beat Austria and they are a team on the up. The main differences here are that the Scottish Government help fund the team (before they play in major tournaments). And more importantly Scotland have a proper National League (with 2 rounds ie one more that FIFA funding pays for)

There is no real reason why NZF can't do the same, start small a 6 team National League with 3 clubs from the Northern League, 2 from Capital-Central and Canterbury United. Get the teams that miss out to play in a 2nd division with Southern United

Whatever the answer it needs something because I'm sick and tired of hearing excuses from Tony Readings about how we are almost there!

Your national team is only as good as its domestic league, Major flop.

Starting XI
about 16 years

Scousekiwi wrote:

You won't hear any arguments from me re BP's inclusion - one of my favourite players. She's got, in spades, that X factor every team needs.

Re the Christchurch duo, that's obviously an arrangement they have with NZF - "Flea" is employed by Mainland Football as their Women's Development Officer, for instance. But relocation is certainly desired for maximum benefits to be gained, both individually and across the group.

Longo trained last year with the Cashmere Tech men's Mainland Premier League side and spent every second week in Auckland training with the other domestic-based Football Ferns.

That Cashmere Tech side included Ben Sigmund and two-thirds of the Canterbury United national league side.

I saw Annalie play for a male "All Star Team" vs. a Ben Sigmund eleven last year and she was great playing against several former All Whites like Clapham and national league players.

Ferns back-up goalie Victoria Esson has actually been playing in a men's team in Christchurch, in a men's league.

Victoria has been first choice goalie for Ferrymead Bays Premier reserves side and on the bench for the Mainland Premier League side the last couple of seasons.

Cantabrian striker Aimee Phillips moved to Auckland two years ago to further her Ferns career and initially continued working fulltime as a high school teacher and playing for Northern but this past summer has cut back to part-time teaching and commuting from Auckland to Christchurch to resume playing for Mainland Pride. She continues to win caps for the Ferns. Plays for Eastern Suburbs in the winter.

It's a good example of the kind of sacrifices players willingly make, how it can pay off I terms of gaining caps and how you can find a balance (in Aimee's case by commuting between Auckland and Christchurch so she can see her parents and still play for her beloved Mainland Pride).

"Between gym and speed sessions and evening training runs, her week can be hectic, but she's noticing the difference.

"I think my fitness and conditioning has improved more than it ever has been.

"It was a gamble [to move to Auckland], but it was definitely worth it."

about 15 years

Ferns currently leading Hungary 2 - 1 into the final 20 minutes in their 9th -10th play-off in Cyprus Cup.

about 15 years

Ferns add a third goal to lead Hungary 3 - 1 into added 9th -10th play-off in Cyprus Cup

about 15 years

FT Football Ferns 3 Hungary 1

over 7 years

Pareira with her 1st goal for the Ferns and Rosie White with tournament goals 2 and 3. 

over 13 years

So interesting decision for the girls to play in Auckland boys league as it doesn't even appear they will be playing against the best boys of that age group.

"The top 16 and 17-year old male players tend to be in first, reserve or youth teams at their winter clubs. Other players are focused on 1st XI football, in what is often their final year at school.

The next tier is the under-17 boys' Metropolitan league - with the top clubs in Auckland - so the Conference league is effectively the fourth tier of players at that level."

over 9 years

previous post deleted . thought better of it.

Phoenix Academy
almost 13 years

Yakcall wrote:

So interesting decision for the girls to play in Auckland boys league as it doesn't even appear they will be playing against the best boys of that age group.

"The top 16 and 17-year old male players tend to be in first, reserve or youth teams at their winter clubs. Other players are focused on 1st XI football, in what is often their final year at school.

The next tier is the under-17 boys' Metropolitan league - with the top clubs in Auckland - so the Conference league is effectively the fourth tier of players at that level."

I've done a post on this including a bit of extra background I've picked up.

The league was chosen because they want to improve their goal scoring and they have found against metro teams and above for whatever tactical reasons they were too easy to defend against.

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