Starting XI
over 5 years
We have a good CB pairing atm in Stott and Bowen. Don't really need Erceg any more, better to give opportunities to the likes of Bunge and Taylor younger players that are our future.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
What the hell is going on? I don't support player power at all and they should be put in their place. Having said that,if they have a legitimate serious complaint, then the coach has to go.
What a farce having a stand in coach for the Olympics ,and no idea whether klimkova is gonna come back or not.
almost 17 years
What the hell is going on? I don't support player power at all and they should be put in their place. Having said that,if they have a legitimate serious complaint, then the coach has to go.
What a farce having a stand in coach for the Olympics ,and no idea whether klimkova is gonna come back or not.

Coach definately had to go, but the timing is problematic, players having too much power is the problem, too big for their boots, thinking they are bigger than the team and pushing their own agenda which is against the direction the coach/management wanted.
about 9 years
Could be an interesting Olympics squad. Will Mayne choose some youth over experience? Might be some big calls, against the backdrop of a somewhat splintered playing group??

Wilkinson, Hand, Jale & Clegg. 1 of them likely won't make the final 18. Only getting a travelling reserve spot. You would imagine it's between Jale and Wilkinson.

And keep an eye on who the assistants named are.
Starting XI
over 5 years
On the assistants.
Not sure why Natalie Laurence keeps getting a free ride by NZF. She's english and works in england. And not likely to keep contributing to NZ football.
Hope they actually pick a NZer that is working with local talent. Someone that is on the up and more likely to give to NZF for a while. Someone like Alana Gunn. She is already in the system being coach of the U17s. Gareth Turnbull would be another good option. 
Starting XI
about 17 years
Reading through all of this and watching behaviours of many female sports women, I think many of them let being pro go to their heads. 

The British tennis player Raducanu is a classic case in point. She's an ambassador for my company and I've met her a few times. She thinks her farts smell of roses and when pressed as to why she has been bang average since her win at Wimbeldon, gets very defensive and starts deflecting, blaming everybody under the sun but herself (I also think the UK media "bigged her up" pumping up her ego well beyond her ability).

I get the distinct impression that this attitude is rife in certain women's pro team sports, especially those that have only recently turned pro (ie football and rugby). I think a lot of these players have not had the grounding that the men have had (having to compete against thousands of others for an academy place, giving up their teenage lives to train etc) yet now that they are professional (due a serious lack of competition for places), think they are god's gift even when bang average. See NZ's rugby and football teams for evidence.

All too often you see the coaches blamed. I'm sure most of them, even Jitka, are more then good enough but the players are not.
about 9 years
Raducanu won the US Open. She was 18 yrs old. Then suddenly her every move is monitored, folks listen in intently to what she has to say, when in reality she's a young kid with a shark load to learn about life. And yeah Fleet St is terrible for jumping all over the next big sports star, blowing them up, or tearing them down. 

I remember the days of Tim Henman, and the annual British angst when yet again he failed to win Wimbledon. 

Naomi Osaka another young player who struggled with all the media attention, at a young age.

I've never coached a women's sports team, but from what I've heard and read - it's very very different to coaching males. Mars verus Venus. So any new coach to the female space, has got to be very mindful of that. For example it's clear old mate Heraf really had no idea how to adapt from coaching males. A common thread is that females often, more want the fun aspect in the environment. It doesn't mean they don't take their responsibilities seriously, just that to get the best out of themselves it can't be serious all the time. 

But maybe as the female pro scene develops and more money comes in, the stakes raise as standards get higher, and competition to 'make it' rises as increasingly more young talented girls wanting your spot come through. Maybe it's becoming less fun, and some players are taking a more serious male like approach. And maybe that's leading to some culture clashes.

But yeah with Klimkova, it's been reported that it's one specific incident, that's upset a number of the squad, creating this mess.  

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