almost 15 years
Phoenix Academy
almost 10 years

yeah I agree. Sure he is ultimateky accountable like any CEO but this is an Ops issue. One of the fallouts of this won't just be the eligibility of the 23s and 17s and impact on the WC qualies preparation but Martin was also working on lifting the profile of the NZF brand and the local domestic league etc. His ability to attract and retain sponsors and get broadcasters on side will have been severely compromised by this. Don't underestimate how far reaching the effects of this are. The only way to get creeibikity back will be for someone to actually put their hand up- I guess the reason they haven't done this publically yet is because they are trying to argue to the OFC that they haven't done anything wrong. A lame excuse but probably something a rubbish PR advisor and/or lawyer would advise. 

almost 12 years

Feverish wrote:

Could there be a new "illegibility' problem in NZ football with the Phoenix Academy ?

Under FIFA Article 19 "Protection of Minors" which covers players moving Internationally to Clubs or Academies: 


International Transfers of players are only permitted if player is over 18 with 3 exceptions which are basically:

a) The players parents move to the country for reasons not linked to Football ie: family move to country before join club/academy

b) Within EU, provide education blah blah blah

c) Player lives within 50km of border of country transferring to.

So, the WPFA recruit International players who move to NZ who (likely?) do not meet the above eg:. 

The Vanuatu player Ronaldo Wilkins (b1999) joined the WPFA academy "... through the relationship APFA has with Oceania Football...".

Do they also have other foreign players (Thailand) , others ? whose family may not have moved here before joining, or if at all ? 

Can HIBS appeal the 3-3 draw with Scots First X1 yesterday which Ronaldo played in or will Wellington College wait to see who makes the Final before playing the "Vanuatu Card" ;-) (joking !)

Of course I may be wrong as this could be my initial fuzzy thinking.

Thoughts anyone ?

depends what rules College Sport follow

This is a bit moot as HIBS and Wellington College were always going to make the Premier Final as those two teams couldn't be overtaken on points. And in the final played this week HIBS outplayed Wellington College, winning 3 - 1.

over 14 years

Come on, we are not operating in a highly unionised workplace under Don Key

He's spent most of the last 9 years trying to fudge up employees rights in the work place with great success apart from the teachers (who have the intelligence and gumption to fight back) Nevertheless he and his "I closed my school minister" will probably win.

We get rid of people on a regular basis. It's bloody easy. Simple, Restructuring, reapply for the new position. Job done/gone.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is dillusional

Andy used to be a banker, I'm sure he is very well versed in such things.

He probably was in the midst of being fired which made him apply for his current job.

if you want to talk about Minister for Closing of schools I give you exhibit A. Trevor Mallard.
over 13 years
over 13 years
Sydney ABC radio talking this morning about #soccer shambles. Their nz correspondent Craig norenburg(?) mentioned he was a mate of Andy Martin (they and their wives meet for dinner). He mentioned the possibility of a FIFA ban for a full 4 year World Cup cycle.
over 11 years

U037 wrote:

OK, I see the problem here. Everyone is hoping for some accountability after NZF’s internal review. But the CEO is an ex-banker, so the more likely outcome will be a promotion for the person in charge of checking eligibility, and a round of bonuses for the management.

Phoenix Academy
almost 10 years

scorpio1 wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Could there be a new "illegibility' problem in NZ football with the Phoenix Academy ?

Under FIFA Article 19 "Protection of Minors" which covers players moving Internationally to Clubs or Academies: 


International Transfers of players are only permitted if player is over 18 with 3 exceptions which are basically:

a) The players parents move to the country for reasons not linked to Football ie: family move to country before join club/academy

b) Within EU, provide education blah blah blah

c) Player lives within 50km of border of country transferring to.

So, the WPFA recruit International players who move to NZ who (likely?) do not meet the above eg:. 

The Vanuatu player Ronaldo Wilkins (b1999) joined the WPFA academy "... through the relationship APFA has with Oceania Football...".

Do they also have other foreign players (Thailand) , others ? whose family may not have moved here before joining, or if at all ? 

Can HIBS appeal the 3-3 draw with Scots First X1 yesterday which Ronaldo played in or will Wellington College wait to see who makes the Final before playing the "Vanuatu Card" ;-) (joking !)

Of course I may be wrong as this could be my initial fuzzy thinking.

Thoughts anyone ?

depends what rules College Sport follow

This is a bit moot as HIBS and Wellington College were always going to make the Premier Final as those two teams couldn't be overtaken on points. And in the final played this week HIBS outplayed Wellington College, winning 3 - 1.

The College Football part was meant purely Tongue in Cheek.....

Any thoughts on the other part of the post  as to whether the Phoenix / Phoenix Academy is breaking FIFA rule 19 by recruiting minors who move here purely for football reasons...ie not moving here (with their family) first before joining an academy

Just to stress - this is nothing personal against the Phoenix / any player ..Just curious as to whether FIFA Rules are applicable in these instances , and/or being adhered to ?

over 11 years

Anyone else see this piece by Michael Burgess in Sunday's Herald?

Oz up with eligibility play

Fifa have granted 40 exemptions to their controversial Article 7 player eligibility clause - more than half the successful ones were from Australia ....

"Typically, member associations of countries with an immigration tradition are applying for such exemptions," a Fifa spokesman said.  "Australia has submitted by far the highest number of requests, with more than half...." Germany, Ireland, Denmark and the US are among other countries with multiple exemptions. Bernie Ibini is one Australian example ... (he) moved to Australia when he was a year old. The FFA had to provide several letters from the Nigerian FA and other documentation to satisfy the Fifa process.

Polish-born keeper Alex Cisak, Ghana native Kofi Danning and Scottish-born Cameron Burgess are others to have gained a clearance by Australia in recent years while Awer Mabil is an example of the patience that can be required.

The former Adelaide player, now playing in the Danish Superleague, was born in  Kenyan refugee camp before moving to Australia aged 11, after his family was granted asylum. Kenyan authorities had no record of his birth and it took more than a year for his dispensation to be processed.

"Each application can vary depending on specific elements," said the (Fifa) spokesperson. "Also the cooperation of the requesting association is an important aspect. The time needed for a proper assessment can vary considerably.

Fifa said there were no ongoing proceedings for potential breaches of player eligibility.

NB My bold

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years

Would be interested to know how many of these 40 were for age group level, or full international level?

about 12 years

Cameron Burgess isn't he the kid we are looking at? Australia getting in first?

almost 17 years
almost 15 years
over 17 years
almost 13 years

Are we sure our lawyer is eligible? Maybe he/she wasn't actually a member of the bar or something.

over 13 years

Maybe our lawyer is Napier Phoenix

about 12 years

Joke... how long have they known this date was coming up?

Someone deserves a kick up the arse again!!

Starting XI
about 17 years

Given this Lawyer has made us (NZF) look an even bigger tool, he/she had better fluke this case and get the team to Brazil.

Phoenix Academy
over 10 years
Clearly a delaying tactic so the appeal won't be heard before it's too late for the U17's to be banned from Chile. OFC has agreed not to rule on U17 decision until after the U23's appeal (at NZF's request) this delay will block decision until it's too late.
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years

The press release came via Oceania did it ? I would like to see a NZF statement that supports this release before jumping to conclusions

over 13 years

#MisAligned wrote:
Clearly a delaying tactic so the appeal won't be heard before it's too late for the U17's to be banned from Chile. OFC has agreed not to rule on U17 decision until after the U23's appeal (at NZF's request) this delay will block decision until it's too late.

Think this is bang on.

I also recall some release from NZ football recently where they said they really wanted this sorted asap so they know where they stand before our next friendly. 

That was probably just a ruse to make today's announcement more palatable to the footballing public.

If nothing else the thousands they are spending on this challenge may slow things down long enough for the under 17's to go.

Life and death
about 17 years

Maybe our lawyer is Napier Phoenix

Yes I was a bit busy today.
Starting XI
over 14 years

My running theory is that NZF just wanted some gossip to flow during the off-season, you know keep the media/ public eye on football

Starting XI
almost 16 years

I watched the film "Rush" last night about the rivalry of Formula One drivers Nikki Lauder and James Hunt in the 1976 F1 season.

After Hunt beats Lauder to win one race, Lauder lodges a protest about the height of Hunt's car which is upheld (on the grounds it was a fraction of an inch higher than allowed in the regulations).

This severely impacts Hunt's chances of winning the Championship.

However, later in the season, Hunt's appeal of the decision is successful and his win is re-instated.

This later proves crucial in Hunt narrowly winning the 1976 Championship ahead of Lauder.

I just hope that this is a good omen for NZF's appeal !

I thought it interesting that I saw that on the day that NZF's appeal was supposed to start.

(Fingers, legs and arms all crossed, rabbit's foot in pocket, checking clovers in the garden, turning Buddhist prayer wheel, fingering rosary beads, muttering mantras, avoiding walking on cracks......) 

Starting XI
almost 16 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Anyone else see this piece by Michael Burgess in Sunday's Herald?

Oz up with eligibility play

Fifa have granted 40 exemptions to their controversial Article 7 player eligibility clause - more than half the successful ones were from Australia ....

"Typically, member associations of countries with an immigration tradition are applying for such exemptions," a Fifa spokesman said.  "Australia has submitted by far the highest number of requests, with more than half...." Germany, Ireland, Denmark and the US are among other countries with multiple exemptions. Bernie Ibini is one Australian example ... (he) moved to Australia when he was a year old. The FFA had to provide several letters from the Nigerian FA and other documentation to satisfy the Fifa process.

Polish-born keeper Alex Cisak, Ghana native Kofi Danning and Scottish-born Cameron Burgess are others to have gained a clearance by Australia in recent years while Awer Mabil is an example of the patience that can be required.

The former Adelaide player, now playing in the Danish Superleague, was born in  Kenyan refugee camp before moving to Australia aged 11, after his family was granted asylum. Kenyan authorities had no record of his birth and it took more than a year for his dispensation to be processed.

"Each application can vary depending on specific elements," said the (Fifa) spokesperson. "Also the cooperation of the requesting association is an important aspect. The time needed for a proper assessment can vary considerably.

Fifa said there were no ongoing proceedings for potential breaches of player eligibility.

At least that's reassuring....

Starting XI
over 12 years

Big Pete 65 wrote:

I watched the film "Rush" last night about the rivalry of Formula One drivers Nikki Lauder and James Hunt in the 1976 F1 season.

After Hunt beats Lauder to win one race, Lauder lodges a protest about the height of Hunt's car which is upheld (on the grounds it was a fraction of an inch higher than allowed in the regulations).

This severely impacts Hunt's chances of winning the Championship.

However, later in the season, Hunt's appeal of the decision is successful and his win is re-instated.

This later proves crucial in Hunt narrowly winning the 1976 Championship ahead of Lauder.

I just hope that this is a good omen for NZF's appeal !

I thought it interesting that I saw that on the day that NZF's appeal was supposed to start.

(Fingers, legs and arms all crossed, rabbit's foot in pocket, checking clovers in the garden, turning Buddhist prayer wheel, fingering rosary beads, muttering mantras, avoiding walking on cracks......) 

good flick..

over 11 years

So who's appearing in 'No Rush' - the film about the rivalry between NZF and Oceania.

1. As bumbling Fred ?

2. As honorable but uptight Andy?

3. As spiky Hudson?

4. As Darth Tai?

5 As our plucky & innocent Deklan?

6. As Deklan's love interest?

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

So who's appearing in 'No Rush' - the film about the rivalry between NZF and Oceania.

1. As bumbling Fred ? Jim Carrey

2. As honorable but uptight Andy? Ricky Gervais

3. As spiky Hudson? Steve Coogan

4. As Darth Tai? Sam L Jackson

5 As our plucky & innocent Deklan? Orlando Bloom

and 1 other
over 13 years

6. Must be Fred de Jong as he was willing to sacrifice and harm many young players futures, future glory at the Olympic Games, hundreds  of thousands of dollars, our World Cup preparation all for the one he loved.

It would make Mills and Boon

over 13 years

From the TAB Trackside Radio thread: As PROAK says, Tuipoloa Evan Charlton reckons the OFC Disciplinary Committee was well pissed off by NZF blatant stalling tactic. They are currently investigating NZ womens teams and and if they find a breach they will complain to FIFA about NZF's systemic breaches.

PROAK wrote:

Evan Charlton from SBS Australia on the eligibility row and what's coming next - sounds like FIFA will get involved at OFC's request. u17's, u20's, u23's, All Whites and Football Ferns all being investigated - OFC feel it's deliberate flauting of the laws.


Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years

So I've just sobered up from drinking $2 mojitos in Cuba for 8 days... weren't we meant to have a decision this week?

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

Hearing was delayed after our lawyer couldn't attend the meeting. Some say delaying tactic so any potential ruling doesn't affect the U17s, others say shambles. 

Also fudge off you shark cod, hope the hangover is awful. 

over 13 years
Whether it was shambles or ham fisted attempt to try to protect U17 World Cup entry (bit short sighted IMO if that the case), OFC are going to rip us a new one.
over 15 years

any opinions on ramifications for next cycle of World Cup Qualification? Like U17 Girls born 99/00 , U17 Boys 00,01 etc.

I am thinking we are going to get kicked out seriously.

almost 15 years

I am still hearing that OFC are looking to throw the book and the bookcase at NZF as it appears that they want the big boy to kowtow to the little bully.

If we had a better relationship with OFC and took them serious (as hard as it is) we would not be in this situation of them looking to hammer us (as much as its self inflicted)

Woof Woof
almost 17 years

2ndBest wrote:

So I've just sobered up from drinking $2 mojitos in Cuba for 8 days... weren't we meant to have a decision this week?

Back to reality now - $15 for pina colada in Caye Caulker - outrageous.

over 13 years
OFC disciplinary meeting been rescheduled? Date?
Starting XI
almost 16 years

OFC actually may not mind the postponement because prominent lawyer Mai Chen who is representing them is tied up this week with the NZ College of Midwives legal action for pay parity with men.

Tegal Fan Club Member #1.5
almost 17 years

Global Game wrote:

From the TAB Trackside Radio thread: As PROAK says, Tuipoloa Evan Charlton reckons the OFC Disciplinary Committee was well pissed off by NZF blatant stalling tactic. They are currently investigating NZ womens teams and and if they find a breach they will complain to FIFA about NZF's systemic breaches.

PROAK wrote:

Evan Charlton from SBS Australia on the eligibility row and what's coming next - sounds like FIFA will get involved at OFC's request. u17's, u20's, u23's, All Whites and Football Ferns all being investigated - OFC feel it's deliberate flauting of the laws.


That radio interview if only half close to the truth has some significance consequences.  

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