Head Sleuth
over 17 years
I did mention the fact we could have to forfeit the match to a mate earlier today...scared the sh*t out of him!
I do think the fijian coach has a point about it though, im sure it is in the rules....though FIFA have already made their ruling, and arent exactly likely to change it to a forfeit match...so we're safe (i hope).
Woof Woof
about 17 years
Not sure about the rules for forfeiting, I'd imagine there's no genuine basis for such a move.
Starting XI
over 17 years

My 2 cents. 

Football and politics do mix.  It is unfair to everyone if they didn't.  We boycotted South Africa rightly back in the 80's in a stance against aparthied.  We are now taking a stance against anyone associated to the military who overthrew a government.  It is right and just.
So for all you people saying that we have done the wrong thing (and even that you will vote National, one of the most racist and corrupt parties around with their friends the religious right) then you have taken a selfish and simple view on the matter.  Let's not play with those who carry out illegal practices in the world.  So yes, goodbye Fiji, North Korea, and the US.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
Football is an international game with international rules set by an international body, FIFA. One fundamental rule is the you pick your own team. Your team and tge rules are not set by the opposing team and especially not your opponent's government.
Starting XI
over 17 years
I'd have no problem with NZ denying a visa if it goes against immigration rules...HOWEVER the case against their keeper did not comply with the rules. Winnie screwed up, and right now I'd love to see him buried up to the neck in Oriental Bay so our boys can use his head as kicking practice!
Still Believin'
over 17 years
Just consider for a minute what the reaction in NZ would have been if France had denied entry visas to Sitiveni Sivivatu and Joe Rokocoko.

There is so much hypocrisy and arbitrary line drawing around this debate it is almost pointless trying to rationalise it.

The only thing for certain is that this has done far more damage to NZ interests than it has to Fiji's and that can't possibly be the point of sanctions.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

The only thing for certain is that this has done far more damage to NZ interests than it has to Fiji's and that can't possibly be the point of sanctions.

That is very true, don't know why I didnt think of it like that]
Tegal2007-10-12 20:26:09
over 17 years

martinb wrote:
So it is political interference when NZ applies its immigration rules, but not when FIFA tells us to change them especially for a Fijian soccer player?


Fiji kicked out our high commissioner. They are run by a military dictator. Some people there live under a curfew, and now have to retire at 55 and take a mandatory salary cut.


FIFA Fairplay or blatter bs?


I'm sure Fijians have an opinion on this, if they were allowed to...


sorry to go all political, but thats my 2 cents

What Bainimarama is trying to do is good, we are only getting half of it from the media. I don't know why Winston Peters is so against him. As I said earlier, Bainimarama's rival is a racist, and I'm sure Peters wouldn't like that either.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

martinb wrote:
So it is political interference when NZ applies its immigration rules, but not when FIFA tells us to change them especially for a Fijian soccer player?


Fiji kicked out our high commissioner. They are run by a military dictator. Some people there live under a curfew, and now have to retire at 55 and take a mandatory salary cut.


FIFA Fairplay or blatter bs?


I'm sure Fijians have an opinion on this, if they were allowed to...


sorry to go all political, but thats my 2 cents

What Bainimarama is trying to do is good, we are only getting half of it from the media. I don't know why Winston Peters is so against him. As I said earlier, Bainimarama's rival is a racist, and I'm sure Peters wouldn't like that either.
Haha ACTUALLY...he would like it...Winston Peters is a racist himself...remember his stance on asians etc?
Starting XI
over 17 years

Politically, this is great for Bainimarama's domestic politics. He'll now stir up a whole lot of anti-NZ sentiment based on this - Fiji stands up against the bully NZers etc etc etc.

So, totally counter-productive in terms of our foreign relations strategy towards Fiji.
I'm now compiling a list of hypocrisies committed in this fiasco. List is vast. will be back after had dinner.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
FIFA makes warring nations play each other, so that for 90 minutes we set aside war & politics. That's why it is important that you chose your own team and the government of your rival is not allowed to determine the shape of your team or the outcome of the game.
Are you listening Aunty Helen, you don't set the rules of an international game. What you said tonight was pathetic. I don't want to win a game where there is a question about the Fijian team being nobbled.
over 17 years
Off topic, but Tegal, Peters is not racist against Asians, doesn't he just want the government to have greater control of the number of them coming into NZ? (open to be corrected, just what I heard).
Starting XI
over 17 years
VimFuego wrote:

My 2 cents. 

Football and politics do mix.  It is unfair to everyone if they didn't.  We boycotted South Africa rightly back in the 80's in a stance against aparthied.  We are now taking a stance against anyone associated to the military who overthrew a government.  It is right and just.
So for all you people saying that we have done the wrong thing (and even that you will vote National, one of the most racist and corrupt parties around with their friends the religious right) then you have taken a selfish and simple view on the matter.  Let's not play with those who carry out illegal practices in the world.  So yes, goodbye Fiji, North Korea, and the US.
It depends how you consistently you apply these wonderful principles.
What about the Chinese Army rugby team who we welcomed with such open arms?
What about tours to Pakistan, a country governed by a military regime?
Having a selectively "ethical" foreign policy, in which you only apply your ethical principles upon wee countries and the sports that dont lose you too many votes is a pretty flimsy moral platform.
Marius Lacatus2007-10-12 20:47:23
Starting XI
over 17 years
I agree.  If only did apply an ethical foreign policy to all visiting teams, it would be great.  But as you know rugby rules them all. However, if Banarama's son happened to be in the team, or Saddam's or someother dirty bastard, then I would hope our government would make a stand.  And in this case, even though it does seem a little distant (like inlaws) we have made a stand and good on them. 
Starting XI
over 17 years
Off topic, but Tegal, Peters is not racist against Asians, doesn't he just want the government to have greater control of the number of them coming into NZ? (open to be corrected, just what I heard).

"We do not need more kebab makers!"

The collective shame we felt in Tauranga at the time...
over 17 years
SiNZ wrote:
Baiter wrote:

FIFA play games with how many countries politics ? 
Examples please.
It is a condition of FIFA affiliation that a country's FA is free from political involvement. FIFA only step in when politics interfere with football. Poland have been in trouble because the Polish FA has been taken over by the Polish government after match-fixing scandals - why wouldn't FIFA step in? Poland should know better, as Greece came close to the same thing when their government decided to interfere with their FA in 2006.

How come Fifa didn't intervene when the Australian Govt stepped in 4 or 5 years ago? seems like double standards.
over 17 years

Everyone will have an opinion on the merits or otherwise. However what would (will?) be interesting is if the government applies the same yardstick for the world cup rugby. My understanding is a number of Fijian rugby players have at least as strong (?) a connection to the army so, if Bainimarama remains in power (not beyond the realms of possibilities) will the NZ government apply the same princiiples and exclude those from entering NZ and hence placing the Rugby World cup at risk?

Starting XI
over 17 years
NZ has every right to forbid who ever they so choose from entering the country. Fifa has every right to ensure teams can pick their best team without interfernce from governments and if this cant be done to change the games venue.
Ok, Here's a question for you.
Where on a Visa application does it ask "are you about to marry someone whos father is in the army".
It doesnt ask of that of course. That means that Fiji leaked that information. Why?
Fiji also stated they were happy for the game to proceed (not Fifa as winnie has said) and for the dispute to be sorted afterwards. The only way that would be sorted afterwards was for fifa to award the game to Fiji and punish NZ.
Cunning plan from Fiji but it now hasnt worked.
about 17 years
Just consider for a minute what the reaction in NZ would have been if France had denied entry visas to Sitiveni Sivivatu and Joe Rokocoko.

There is so much hypocrisy and arbitrary line drawing around this debate it is almost pointless trying to rationalise it.

The only thing for certain is that this has done far more damage to NZ interests than it has to Fiji's and that can't possibly be the point of sanctions.

Actually, I'd like to know Peter's & Mallard's opinions on Fijian born or 2nd generation players playing for the All Blacks? Consistency comes to my mind -- ie, where is it??
about 17 years
VimFuego wrote:

My 2 cents. 

Football and politics do mix.  It is unfair to everyone if they didn't.  We boycotted South Africa rightly back in the 80's in a stance against aparthied.  We are now taking a stance against anyone associated to the military who overthrew a government.  It is right and just.
So for all you people saying that we have done the wrong thing (and even that you will vote National, one of the most racist and corrupt parties around with their friends the religious right) then you have taken a selfish and simple view on the matter.  Let's not play with those who carry out illegal practices in the world.  So yes, goodbye Fiji, North Korea, and the US.
How refreshing to find the world is all black and white with no shades of grey.  National voter = religious right, racist and corrupt.  (Have voted for them so what does that make me, also voted for Labour, United, ACT - obviously confused.)
Agreeing with FIFA = selfish and simple.  Yeah, right
These are simplistic views.  Not to say you're not right in some ways, but it is far more complicated than you give the issue credit for.  These issues have nuances which cannot be answered by gross generalisations and stereotypes (what is this "religious right" you speak of).
The whole politics and sport issue is very complicated and not easily answered. It's been a tense topic here since 1981.   FIFA was absolutely on the ball against apartheid, South Africa was not allowed to compete internationally even though football was a mixed sport at the time (although largely a black sport). 
Starting XI
over 17 years
My main problem is this;
Will the likes of Killen, Vicelich, Boyens and others be able to make the trip back over for the re-sceduled fixture? Has the NZ govt gifted Fiji a game against a weaker NZ side in the future by doing this?
Starting XI
over 17 years
the fijian all blacks are a ridiculous comparison, simply they travel on a new zealand passport and are new zealand citizens. the point someone made before about us being able to influence fiji is absolutely correct, we have no influence over china but we can and should make a stand against fiji. bainimarama is a deadset desspot and we should do everything we can to get him out of power.
the government stuffed up here yes but as someone said previously the whole thing was done in an ad hoc manner and fifa arent completely blameless either. its unfortunate and im well f**ked off. does the fifa window extend till wednesday? ie will we hav our top team on the field in fiji which could turn into now quite a tricky little away trip
Starting XI
over 17 years
IS anyone ringing RadioSport about this?
Starting XI
over 17 years
How refreshing to find the world is all black and white with no shades of grey.  National voter = religious right, racist and corrupt.  (Have voted for them so what does that make me, also voted for Labour, United, ACT - obviously confused.)
Agreeing with FIFA = selfish and simple.  Yeah, right
These are simplistic views.  Not to say you're not right in some ways, but it is far more complicated than you give the issue credit for.  These issues have nuances which cannot be answered by gross generalisations and stereotypes (what is this "religious right" you speak of).
The whole politics and sport issue is very complicated and not easily answered. It's been a tense topic here since 1981.   FIFA was absolutely on the ball against apartheid, South Africa was not allowed to compete internationally even though football was a mixed sport at the time (although largely a black sport). 
Hey I'm not trying to say it is a simple matter, I realise there is plenty innit, just saying that people who like to think that we can just play on without rules and morals are simple.  Lets also be aware that FIFA ain't all it is cracked up to be in the fairness stakes.
Oh, and as for the religious right- you can't get more right and corrupt as the hollow men in the Nats and Brethren. 
over 17 years
phil_style wrote:
IS anyone ringing RadioSport about this?
Some dude rang up and had a massive rant about how the NZ Government are just afraid that Rugby will have to take a back seat to Football. Said that he felt the NZ Government thought they could do what they wanted and didn't care about NZ Football in the slightest or FIFA for that matter.
over 17 years
Half the blimmin Sevens team are in the military -so dont even start on double standards - Winnie is a ******
First Team Squad
over 17 years
The whole frickin problem is that sanctions don't affect the people in power. The only people being hurt here are the ordinary Fijian citizens (and NZ football supporters ). What the NZ government is doing is a toothless and spineless waste of time. Sporting sanctions were not responsible for the end of apartheid is South Africa and they will not end the situation in Fiji.
Especially as rugby seems to be exempt since old Bananarama is a rugby nut (he's probably laughing his head off about this whole football fiasco).
It seems like everyone but those in power in Fiji agree that the current military rulers are an illegal government so why not give him a taste of his own medicine. The NZ government should be lobbying the UN to pass a resolution so we can send in the SAS and yank him out.
Game over, end of story!
over 17 years

If FIFA hadn't brought the fiji game forward by one month only a few weeks out from the first game, then none of this would have happened. I am sure with the extra time this visa issue could have been sorted out. Especially if the NZ govt new that FIFA were going to not allow the game to go ahead.

How can they muck around with fixtures like that. We were supposed to play Vanuatu on the 13th of October.
This whole thing has been a joke and absolute chaos since the start. What gives us the right not to play in the Pacific games either. We are ranked 6th in the FIFA rankings of Oceana after all.
I think we are going to hear a lot more about this whole thing. I am really worried about how FIFA are going to handle this now.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Solution: Quit Oceania and join Asia. They're much more organised.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
Hey, I just want to see Killen and the lads kick a ball. Can't we see a training session or exhibition match? I am a typically starved footie follower, desparate to see some quality.
over 17 years
phil_style wrote:
My main problem is this;
Will the likes of Killen, Vicelich, Boyens and others be able to make the trip back over for the re-scheduled fixture? Has the NZ govt gifted Fiji a game against a weaker NZ side in the future by doing this?

Hopefully the game will be re-scheduled in a FIFA window next year. I don`t imagine FNZ would be happy to play the game at a neutral venue without their top players being available.FIFA have made a stand that the best players had to be available for Fiji. So this should also apply when the game is eventually played.
 A good time to play it would be in the european and a league off season.So may june, july, next year.That time would be a problem for the mls players.
The other question i have is does the neutral venue have to be in Oceania? Come on Seatts whats the answer?
over 17 years
Seatts said Australia would be the preferred location.
Surely there is no urgency forthis game - we dont play New Caledonia for another year!
Still Believin'
over 17 years
bopman wrote:
the fijian all blacks are a ridiculous comparison

It wasn't meant to be a comparison. It was illustrating the point that this whole issue revolves around drawing arbitrary lines in the sand to achieve vague, unmeasurable political outcomes such as "putting pressure on Fiji".

So the question was what if France had decided to "put pressure on Fiji" by denying entry to anyone born in Fiji regardless of their current citizenship? Why would that have made any more or less sense than our Government's current position? And do you think our government would have supported France's right to do that and applauded them for also trying to put "pressure on Fiji". Like f**k they would have.

The only people feeling any real pressure in this situation are the NZ and Fijian football communities. So unless we seriously believe that the general population of Fiji are so pissed off about this issue  that they are now going to rise up and overview their unelected government then the whole situation is a big f**king waste of time and an international embarassment to NZ.

Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
If we wait long enough w'll be able to play in NZ quite possibly....probly around 7s time..
Starting XI
over 17 years
Off topic, but Tegal, Peters is not racist against Asians, doesn't he just want the government to have greater control of the number of them coming into NZ? (open to be corrected, just what I heard).
Staying off topic with you to ask the question why Peters only wants these controls for Asians and not Europeans? It is this aspect that opens him up to accusations of racism.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Feverish wrote:
Seatts said Australia would be the preferred location.
Surely there is no urgency forthis game - we dont play New Caledonia for another year!
If they play in Australia, then this whole affair is a complete mockery - bc supposedly NZ and Australia have the same sanctions against Fiji (or if we dont, why not?)
Starting XI
over 17 years

If FIFA hadn't brought the fiji game forward by one month only a few weeks out from the first game, then none of this would have happened. I am sure with the extra time this visa issue could have been sorted out. Especially if the NZ govt new that FIFA were going to not allow the game to go ahead.

How can they muck around with fixtures like that. We were supposed to play Vanuatu on the 13th of October.
I suspect you're right that with the original scheduling the problems could have been resolved in time. However, the fixture change was made in consultation with all parties.
over 17 years
I actually feel sorry for the Netball World Championships starting in 28 days - obviously the entire Fiji team and squad won't be allowed in to the country, which will spoil the whole competition a little bit
Starting XI
over 17 years
We dont know yet who will be allowed visas to come here for the netball, certainly Bainamaramas wife wont be if she is in the squad. It will be up to Fiji Netball body to pick a squad that complies, they know the criteria. The rest of the comp will go ahead here, whether they come or not.

The govt has a policy, ok. So long as they are systematic in applying it, especially with the Sevens at Wellington,
about 17 years
if any fijians with military connections (whatever that actually means) get visas for the netball or sevens I think us YF will have to go apesh*t

we can't forget this!

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