ASBP 2015/16 TV games | Thurs 10th Mar | GF: Auckland City v TeeDubs | 7:30pm | SS4

almost 15 years

JV, I could have written that match precis myself.

Auckland's style of play doesn't seem to work without Tade and Lea'alafa on the pitch. When their build-up is so slow and deliberate, they seldom get behind other teams. Which is fine when you have someone to do the Messi stuff, but otherwise not.

I had expected Auckland to win, if for no other reason than Wellington's disciplinary shortcomings.

Well done to Tom Jackson - and the snarly, feisty, wound-up Harris

Not such a good game from referee Conger. I would rank him behind Nick Waldron, John Rowberry and Chris Kerr on summer form.

Congrats to Matt Calcott and his team - you have finally arrived. The win should be all the sweeter for having been live on TV.

Not sure if thats a complement or not

Agree that ACFC have gotten a lot slower this year. Jessie Edge labours on the ball a lot and I thought that Sam Burfoot was better at recycling the ball quickly. There were also 2 imports not playing last night in Marco and Tavano because they had the maximum 8 in the match day squad. Thats just crazy

I am interested in Ivan because it seems obvious he is being groomed to replace Ramon which seems logical. Will Ivan play the same way and rely on the same amount of imports?

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

As  a TW supporter resident in Auckland , a thoroughly enjoyable evening (if a little tense at times).

Thought TW showed awesome character to nullify Auckland Citys game plan - interested to see the possessions stats but it's what you do with the possession that is important .

Crowd surprised me although i know a lot of tickets given away.

Penalty to Auckland City looked dodgy at the ground and watching it this morning looked even worse .

Now Tw's have won one it's upwards from here.

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

JV, I could have written that match precis myself.

Auckland's style of play doesn't seem to work without Tade and Lea'alafa on the pitch. When their build-up is so slow and deliberate, they seldom get behind other teams. Which is fine when you have someone to do the Messi stuff, but otherwise not.

I had expected Auckland to win, if for no other reason than Wellington's disciplinary shortcomings.

Well done to Tom Jackson - and the snarly, feisty, wound-up Harris

Not such a good game from referee Conger. I would rank him behind Nick Waldron, John Rowberry and Chris Kerr on summer form.

Congrats to Matt Calcott and his team - you have finally arrived. The win should be all the sweeter for having been live on TV.

Not sure if thats a complement or not

Agree that ACFC have gotten a lot slower this year. Jessie Edge labours on the ball a lot and I thought that Sam Burfoot was better at recycling the ball quickly. There were also 2 imports not playing last night in Marco and Tavano because they had the maximum 8 in the match day squad. Thats just crazy

I am interested in Ivan because it seems obvious he is being groomed to replace Ramon which seems logical. Will Ivan play the same way and rely on the same amount of imports?

I don't know what anyone sees in Rivas. From the few games I've seen, he's looked dodgy as.

about 13 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

JV, I could have written that match precis myself.

Auckland's style of play doesn't seem to work without Tade and Lea'alafa on the pitch. When their build-up is so slow and deliberate, they seldom get behind other teams. Which is fine when you have someone to do the Messi stuff, but otherwise not.

I had expected Auckland to win, if for no other reason than Wellington's disciplinary shortcomings.

Well done to Tom Jackson - and the snarly, feisty, wound-up Harris

Not such a good game from referee Conger. I would rank him behind Nick Waldron, John Rowberry and Chris Kerr on summer form.

Congrats to Matt Calcott and his team - you have finally arrived. The win should be all the sweeter for having been live on TV.

Not sure if thats a complement or not

Agree that ACFC have gotten a lot slower this year. Jessie Edge labours on the ball a lot and I thought that Sam Burfoot was better at recycling the ball quickly. There were also 2 imports not playing last night in Marco and Tavano because they had the maximum 8 in the match day squad. Thats just crazy

I am interested in Ivan because it seems obvious he is being groomed to replace Ramon which seems logical. Will Ivan play the same way and rely on the same amount of imports?

Speaking of Sam Burfoot, that was the other highlight of the night. Him getting called out on twitter when his (guess soon to be ex) girlfriend started posting his cheating online during the game. Was funny to follow while watching Team Welly win.

Early retirement
over 17 years

2ndBest wrote:

I don't know what anyone sees in Rivas. From the few games I've seen, he's looked dodgy as.

Assume that SPoonley is broken or unavailable due to real life but is Rivas really better than Drake?  Poached a keeper from another ASB Prem team and leave him languishing on the bench for a pretty average import.


Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Did Clyaton Lewis go up and get his medal or did he sulk in the background (not sure) Edge was rubbish has been all season but i suppose they had to play him because of the import quota I thought the Portuguese lad up front was average last night spat the dummy a lot with opposition when challenged .The back four was sloppy for city last night

First Team Squad
over 9 years
First Team Squad
over 9 years

Outside of the blogpost - we just looked average and a bit listless. TeeDubs wanted the bloody ball and were prepared to harrass us into mistakes - I wonder if other ASB teams were watching, because if there's a way to beat ACFC it's by rattling them.

We missed Marko at the back and seemed to want to walk it in - sometimes you just need someone to have a dig.

Who was taking corners for TW? Bloody lovely flighted delivery.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Villa.  Think he's been one of TeeDubs best all season.  Surprised he hasn't played more.

over 11 years

Balbi wrote:

Outside of the blogpost - we just looked average and a bit listless. TeeDubs wanted the bloody ball and were prepared to harrass us into mistakes - I wonder if other ASB teams were watching, because if there's a way to beat ACFC it's by rattling them.

We missed Marko at the back and seemed to want to walk it in - sometimes you just need someone to have a dig.

Who was taking corners for TW? Bloody lovely flighted delivery.

Team needs a shake up imo. Edge is too unreliable in his distribution to have 1st team spot nailed, Moreira hits the deck soon as he's touched, Lealafa has gone right off the boil... Even Hudson Wihongi seems - as you say - listless. Taku too easily rattled ... And as for Rivas in goal.....!

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Good fun to watch and had it all the drama you want from final. Wellington better team at the day. Congrats!

Starting XI
about 17 years

I think credit has to be given to Wellingtons fullbacks in Hobbs and forgot the other guys name. They did a great job on De Vries and Lealafa.

Credit to the City supporters who never stopped chanting, But they really need some new chants or maybe have a break between their chants.

over 11 years

NHpeter wrote:

I think credit has to be given to Wellingtons fullbacks in Hobbs and forgot the other guys name. They did a great job on De Vries and Lealafa.

Credit to the City supporters who never stopped chanting, But they really need some new chants or maybe have a break between their chants.

Can't teach old dogs new tricks.

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

ALL A BOARD - OFC Champions league to finance for 2 more years

Might have to increase the BBQ prices to help fund it? 

Phoenix Academy
almost 10 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

JV, I could have written that match precis myself.

Auckland's style of play doesn't seem to work without Tade and Lea'alafa on the pitch. When their build-up is so slow and deliberate, they seldom get behind other teams. Which is fine when you have someone to do the Messi stuff, but otherwise not.

I had expected Auckland to win, if for no other reason than Wellington's disciplinary shortcomings.

Well done to Tom Jackson - and the snarly, feisty, wound-up Harris

Not such a good game from referee Conger. I would rank him behind Nick Waldron, John Rowberry and Chris Kerr on summer form.

Congrats to Matt Calcott and his team - you have finally arrived. The win should be all the sweeter for having been live on TV.

Not sure if thats a complement or not

Agree that ACFC have gotten a lot slower this year. Jessie Edge labours on the ball a lot and I thought that Sam Burfoot was better at recycling the ball quickly. There were also 2 imports not playing last night in Marco and Tavano because they had the maximum 8 in the match day squad. Thats just crazy

I am interested in Ivan because it seems obvious he is being groomed to replace Ramon which seems logical. Will Ivan play the same way and rely on the same amount of imports?

I think this has been the worse Auckland side in the last few years. To often, slow, ponderous and predictable. yes they have won the majority of games but that is down to, in most cases, the standard of the opposition. I do think the import situation is an issue. It seems they bring (import) players in and 'have' to play them come what may and just make up the numbers with a few kiwi's

Starting XI
over 12 years

2ndBest wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

JV, I could have written that match precis myself.

Auckland's style of play doesn't seem to work without Tade and Lea'alafa on the pitch. When their build-up is so slow and deliberate, they seldom get behind other teams. Which is fine when you have someone to do the Messi stuff, but otherwise not.

I had expected Auckland to win, if for no other reason than Wellington's disciplinary shortcomings.

Well done to Tom Jackson - and the snarly, feisty, wound-up Harris

Not such a good game from referee Conger. I would rank him behind Nick Waldron, John Rowberry and Chris Kerr on summer form.

Congrats to Matt Calcott and his team - you have finally arrived. The win should be all the sweeter for having been live on TV.

Not sure if thats a complement or not

Agree that ACFC have gotten a lot slower this year. Jessie Edge labours on the ball a lot and I thought that Sam Burfoot was better at recycling the ball quickly. There were also 2 imports not playing last night in Marco and Tavano because they had the maximum 8 in the match day squad. Thats just crazy

I am interested in Ivan because it seems obvious he is being groomed to replace Ramon which seems logical. Will Ivan play the same way and rely on the same amount of imports?

I don't know what anyone sees in Rivas. From the few games I've seen, he's looked dodgy as.

Maybe but less dodgy than spoonley this year

Phoenix Academy
over 10 years

After the match when Ben Harris was interviewed, he alluded to an earlier interview where he said he was gonna win the league, the golden boot, and then the O League. Is there a link to that interview somewhere?

over 11 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

JV, I could have written that match precis myself.

Auckland's style of play doesn't seem to work without Tade and Lea'alafa on the pitch. When their build-up is so slow and deliberate, they seldom get behind other teams. Which is fine when you have someone to do the Messi stuff, but otherwise not.

I had expected Auckland to win, if for no other reason than Wellington's disciplinary shortcomings.

Well done to Tom Jackson - and the snarly, feisty, wound-up Harris

Not such a good game from referee Conger. I would rank him behind Nick Waldron, John Rowberry and Chris Kerr on summer form.

Congrats to Matt Calcott and his team - you have finally arrived. The win should be all the sweeter for having been live on TV.

Not sure if thats a complement or not

Agree that ACFC have gotten a lot slower this year. Jessie Edge labours on the ball a lot and I thought that Sam Burfoot was better at recycling the ball quickly. There were also 2 imports not playing last night in Marco and Tavano because they had the maximum 8 in the match day squad. Thats just crazy

I am interested in Ivan because it seems obvious he is being groomed to replace Ramon which seems logical. Will Ivan play the same way and rely on the same amount of imports?

Doubt it v much. Expect Ivan will be his own man just as Ramon has been his. Should be interesting. Maybe ACFC will attempt to 'go Dutch' in style - if not with imports!

First Team Squad
over 17 years

I think Spoons got dropped after Japan mistakes and then Hawkes Bay howler

First Team Squad
over 17 years

While Rivas maynot have looked great he had sod all protection, playing Kim as a CB against TW was a mistake, not enough of a physical presence and not really a CB. Thought they'd have been better with Angel Berlanga in the middle and Darren White at fullback.

Talked to Matt Calcott post game and he said they targetted the set piece and particularly cornbers as a result of the CB make up.

Starting XI
about 17 years

PROAK wrote:

While Rivas maynot have looked great he had sod all protection, playing Kim as a CB against TW was a mistake, not enough of a physical presence and not really a CB. Thought they'd have been better with Angel Berlanga in the middle and Darren White at fullback.

Talked to Matt Calcott post game and he said they targetted the set piece and particularly cornbers as a result of the CB make up.

I would have taken out Edge and out in Berlanga, Kim was very good in the air for a smallish man

First Team Squad
over 9 years

PROAK wrote:

While Rivas maynot have looked great he had sod all protection, playing Kim as a CB against TW was a mistake, not enough of a physical presence and not really a CB. Thought they'd have been better with Angel Berlanga in the middle and Darren White at fullback.

Talked to Matt Calcott post game and he said they targetted the set piece and particularly cornbers as a result of the CB make up.

I spotted that midway through the first half. Calcott taking a slice of vintage Big Sam and it working - good management.

Phoenix Academy
almost 10 years

Yakcall wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

JV, I could have written that match precis myself.

Auckland's style of play doesn't seem to work without Tade and Lea'alafa on the pitch. When their build-up is so slow and deliberate, they seldom get behind other teams. Which is fine when you have someone to do the Messi stuff, but otherwise not.

I had expected Auckland to win, if for no other reason than Wellington's disciplinary shortcomings.

Well done to Tom Jackson - and the snarly, feisty, wound-up Harris

Not such a good game from referee Conger. I would rank him behind Nick Waldron, John Rowberry and Chris Kerr on summer form.

Congrats to Matt Calcott and his team - you have finally arrived. The win should be all the sweeter for having been live on TV.

Not sure if thats a complement or not

Agree that ACFC have gotten a lot slower this year. Jessie Edge labours on the ball a lot and I thought that Sam Burfoot was better at recycling the ball quickly. There were also 2 imports not playing last night in Marco and Tavano because they had the maximum 8 in the match day squad. Thats just crazy

I am interested in Ivan because it seems obvious he is being groomed to replace Ramon which seems logical. Will Ivan play the same way and rely on the same amount of imports?

Speaking of Sam Burfoot, that was the other highlight of the night. Him getting called out on twitter when his (guess soon to be ex) girlfriend started posting his cheating online during the game. Was funny to follow while watching Team Welly win.

Don't know about cheating but he can score a great goal!!!!!

that was in this weekends game. It was the winner and in the 88th minute

over 16 years

LiamJ wrote:

After the match when Ben Harris was interviewed, he alluded to an earlier interview where he said he was gonna win the league, the golden boot, and then the O League. Is there a link to that interview somewhere?

I remember it being on one of the NZ Football Weeklys about 6 weeks ago. Sorry don't have a link.

ASBP 2015/16 TV games | Thurs 10th Mar | GF: Auckland City v TeeDubs | 7:30pm | SS4

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