ASB Premiership: Changes Needed Next Season

over 11 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Trueblue wrote:

terminator_x wrote:

The current investigation by Internal Affairs and the SFO into pokie funding is a big threat to the ASB Prem, and all football clubs in general.

Probe launched into pokie grants 

The key line in the DIA's statement is "The wider community is disadvantaged if one group can gain preferential access to grant funding from gambling proceeds".

Regardless of which trusts are actually involved if this investigation goes the distance and results in any prosecutions or fines it is going to make all trusts look more seriously at how fairly they distribute funds. I think ASB Prem franchises, in particular, could be exposed to some push back from the wider community about whether they represent a good use of funds.

It's a shame Te Ururoa Flavell's recent bill wasn't really up to the task because the whole system needs an overhaul. As much as people will say "no way" I'd like to see more centralised distribution of funds i.e. NZF makes one application for funding for the ASB Prem and distributes it evenly to franchises, rather than franchises all doing their own thing. Much more transparency (and hopefully efficiency) that way.

I think there is some merit in your suggestion about NZF making one application for trust funding and trying to make the ASBP a more level playing field. However this would require NZF putting the ASBP top of their priorities, not near the bottom.

I also think some ASBP franchises don't put in as much effort as others into securing trust or sponsorship funding and so is it right that the more organized outfits have to subsidize the less organized? Shouldn't the franchises who are struggling try to aspire to what the successful franchises like ACFC have done, rather than take resources off ACFC?

I do think trust funding is going to be harder to get in future so isn't the answer for NZF to finally pull its fat gold-ringed finger out and raise and invest some serious money in its own national league. Football is the most successful and marketable sport in the world except for NZ and that is because of poor management at the top. We can have a successful ASBP and Phoenix together - NZF have a vertible goldmine in its Oceania route to the World Cup and Confederations cup, the national league shouldn't be playing in open fields in front of a handful of spectators with no TV coverage!

I too would like to see this 1 application. I think that would certainly provide a more level playing field. That being said, there was an argument that ACFC set the standard and others need to rise to meet it which holds true too.

When you talk about the money that Watak and ACFC get, that spread out would make a hell of a difference (and also see a few players leaving to get their paycheck elsewhere). I heard a good story yesterday that Adam Cowan does not play until he gets paid and that was at the heart of the matter with him going to HBU. Reportedly an envelope that had close to $1500 in cash that was being counted out in public. When you hear stories like that, we are paying average footballers pro rates which is just ludicrous, then you can see what is fundamentally wrong with the league.
There is no way that any player would deserve anything more than $150 a game and if they think they do, let them go test themselves overseas. That's how our game will survive. Stop funneling the money into the pocket of players that are not good enough and do not deserve it (and do not start anyone on this coaching jive)


$150 a game! get real JV. They don't get out of bed in the Northern League for that!

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Trueblue wrote:

We've got to do something about creating more interest in the ASBP because outside of ACFC, Canterbury and Hawke's Bay the games are being played in front of small crowds with little atmosphere.

You keep banging on about supporting local football Chopah and then admit you seldom watch the ASBP even though you have two top flight clubs in your home town. Unfortunately this is the norm. There are thousands of football players/supporters in Auckland and yet the league leaders at the moment (Waitakere) would be lucky to attract 200 to their home games unless its a derby game with ACFC. Apathy is making it hard going. 

I agree with you . I try to get to as many games as I can even though I have no involvement or tie with any club. I have to be honest in saying that the quality of football does not spin my wheels but its the best we have in NZ in terms of Live football and the way the Phoenix are playing at the moment, that's quite not as subjective as it would seem.

I think the main reasons for the lack of support is that the numbers in the NZ game (and I will admit to a bit of generalising in my opinion) tend to be a younger demographic for a start (look at involvement rates in children sports) and in terms of adults, most of them will most likely follow an EPL side so why would they want to watch this 'rubbish' compared to quality on TV. If we talk about events that make you get off the couch and out from behind the sky remote, ASB Premiership is not going to do it. Now you can't compare that with Rugby or Cricket because the best rugby is played here and generally, overseas cricket doesn't get a look in outside of Australia. The best football is not played here and better leagues are piped into our TV. Its not even a second consideration in terms of quality of football on display.

Admittedly, what would the game look like with a highlights package on TV where the only ones watching are 2 dogs, a stray cat and 10 guys...? In some respects its better not to have the highlights package because then our national league looks like it has as much supporters as a college rugby game (or less!)
You are right that NZF do need exposure but I also look at it from a cost to benefit ratio and currently, I don't think its there. Is investing a lump into a weekly highlights package going to put more people through the turnstiles? Unlikely. Chances are high it will be shown in a crap time slot and get stuff all viewers and will probably be an exercise of throwing away money.

I know what you mean, I try to bring new spectators to ACFC home games and the ones who turn up do enjoy it. But Kiwis are generally a dour apathetic bunch. The truth is many of the spectators at Kiwitea Street are Brits, other immigrants and the passionate stalwart Croatians.

When the usual bunch of ACFC supporters start singing you see Kiwis in the stand look at them with mouth-open surprise.

That's why I acknowledge what Yellow Fever has done in Wellington. It harks back to the pioneering Bloc 5 mob at the Kingz. That was the first time passionate NZ football supporters sang and chanted throughout a game.

Lets be honest, even big rugby games in NZ have no atmosphere. 

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

This thread is warming up nicely.

I agree with JV that too much is being paid for average players. ACFC has some imports on its books that don't deserve the money they're getting. Then again it has some who do.

If a player trains three or four nights a week and plays every weekend then I don't think $150 is much.

Wouldn't it be neat of the whole ASBP could go semi-pro with a host of players making decent money and young players having something to really aspire to. What a boost that would be for playing standards. But that would require NZF to take a real interest - oops. Has anyone checked Glyn's pulse recently?

A $1million a season NZF investment coupled with sponsorship money and O League prizemoney should make that viable, even without trust funds for the current 'amateur' status. Just cancel a few NZF international junkets and we're there, not to mention mounting decent Confederations Cup campaigns instead of inept penny pinching.

over 11 years

Trueblue wrote:

This thread is warming up nicely.

I agree with JV that too much is being paid for average players. ACFC has some imports on its books that don't deserve the money they're getting. Then again it has some who do.

If a player trains three or four nights a week and plays every weekend then I don't think $150 is much.

Wouldn't it be neat of the whole ASBP could go semi-pro with a host of players making decent money and young players having something to really aspire to. What a boost that would be for playing standards. But that would require NZF to take a real interest - oops. Has anyone checked Glyn's pulse recently?

A $1million a season NZF investment coupled with sponsorship money and O League prizemoney should make that viable, even without trust funds for the current 'amateur' status. Just cancel a few NZF international junkets and we're there, not to mention mounting decent Confederations Cup campaigns instead of inept penny pinching.


Cloud-cuckoo land Trueblue. You'll have to run for El President. Or start that Arab Spring.

about 15 years

Trueblue wrote:

This thread is warming up nicely.

I agree with JV that too much is being paid for average players. ACFC has some imports on its books that don't deserve the money they're getting. Then again it has some who do.

If a player trains three or four nights a week and plays every weekend then I don't think $150 is much.

Wouldn't it be neat of the whole ASBP could go semi-pro with a host of players making decent money and young players having something to really aspire to. What a boost that would be for playing standards. But that would require NZF to take a real interest - oops. Has anyone checked Glyn's pulse recently?

A $1million a season NZF investment coupled with sponsorship money and O League prizemoney should make that viable, even without trust funds for the current 'amateur' status. Just cancel a few NZF international junkets and we're there, not to mention mounting decent Confederations Cup campaigns instead of inept penny pinching.


If any club when sem-pro then very unlikely that they would get any funding from gaming funds

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

AllWhites82 wrote:

Trueblue wrote:

This thread is warming up nicely.

I agree with JV that too much is being paid for average players. ACFC has some imports on its books that don't deserve the money they're getting. Then again it has some who do.

If a player trains three or four nights a week and plays every weekend then I don't think $150 is much.

Wouldn't it be neat of the whole ASBP could go semi-pro with a host of players making decent money and young players having something to really aspire to. What a boost that would be for playing standards. But that would require NZF to take a real interest - oops. Has anyone checked Glyn's pulse recently?

A $1million a season NZF investment coupled with sponsorship money and O League prizemoney should make that viable, even without trust funds for the current 'amateur' status. Just cancel a few NZF international junkets and we're there, not to mention mounting decent Confederations Cup campaigns instead of inept penny pinching.


If any club when sem-pro then very unlikely that they would get any funding from gaming funds

That's why I suggested NZF has to find a big investor - like Owen Glenn - with deep pockets. I know it's wishful thinking given NZF's current muddled attitude but if NZF kept its hands out of the O League prizemoney till then that's $800,000 a season (provided a NZ club wins it) to start with. Couple that with sponsorship and a big investor and I believe a $2 million ASBP budget per season isn't beyond possibility. Divided amongst eight decent franchises that would be $250,000 per franchise to go with gate money and what they can raise individually. It would be necessary to apply tough standards to all the franchises so they pull their finger out.

I know leaving behind the so-called 'amateur' status would lose the pokie money but that's set to decline anyway. Surely there must be other revenue streams we can find for the world's most marketable sport. The O League prizemoney is a great start.

If Welnix are prepared to sink a million dollars a season into the Phoenix, surely we can find another such investor/consortium to sink a similar amount into a properly run and marketed semi-pro national league? After all The ASBP is the lifeblood of the game and the starting block for most NZ players into the professional ranks. Rojas, Siggy, Barbarouses, Brockie and now Fenton and Boyd all came through the ASBP. Imagine if there were eight franchises of ACFC standard - what a competition it would be. Now that could be televised.

NZ football has a great product - it just needs competent leadership and good marketing. And NZ football supporters need to get out and support their national league.

almost 14 years

Trueblue wrote:


NZ football has a great product - it just needs competent leadership and good marketing. And NZ football supporters need to get out and support their national league.

And I see NZF are advertising a slew of staff roles, including sponsorship & marketing. Has there been a purge?

over 17 years

Trueblue wrote:

NZ football has a great product - it just needs competent leadership and good marketing. And NZ football supporters need to get out and support their national league.

I really have to pull you up on this.  There is no product - that is the fundamental issue.  People can watch so much good football on TV now why would they watch ASBP?  There are a few decent players and games with the Auckland teams involved have some merit - but the rest of it really isn't worth 90 minutes of anyone's time unless you're a parent of one of those involved.

Also, the idea that ASBP is the "lifeblood" of the game is just rubbish.  The fact is people drift in and out of it all the time, it lasts for 14 weeks and if it wasn't for the Club World Cup and and odd decision by FIFA to include Oceania teams there would be zero people employed in it full time - it has no record of producing players that go onto play at a higher level.  It is what it is - an average, small time tournament followed by a few football tragics (which for my sins, includes me from time to time).

If NZF gave every franchise 250k all that would happen is the current players would get paid more.  How would that help anyone?
Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

james dean wrote:

Trueblue wrote:

NZ football has a great product - it just needs competent leadership and good marketing. And NZ football supporters need to get out and support their national league.

I really have to pull you up on this.  There is no product - that is the fundamental issue.  People can watch so much good football on TV now why would they watch ASBP?  There are a few decent players and games with the Auckland teams involved have some merit - but the rest of it really isn't worth 90 minutes of anyone's time unless you're a parent of one of those involved.

Also, the idea that ASBP is the "lifeblood" of the game is just rubbish.  The fact is people drift in and out of it all the time, it lasts for 14 weeks and if it wasn't for the Club World Cup and and odd decision by FIFA to include Oceania teams there would be zero people employed in it full time - it has no record of producing players that go onto play at a higher level.  It is what it is - an average, small time tournament followed by a few football tragics (which for my sins, includes me from time to time).

If NZF gave every franchise 250k all that would happen is the current players would get paid more.  How would that help anyone?

To quote - "it (ASBP) has no record of producing players that go on to play at a higher level" - Rojas, Barabarouses, Brockie, Fenton, Boyd, Luke Adams, Payne, Hogg - all got where they are now because they played NZ winter football for small clubs? They are all products of the ASBP, I know because I watched them play. Without the stepping stone in standard of the ASBP are you honestly saying these players would be where they are regardless?

To dismissively condemn the ASBP as not worth the bother of watching because it's not up to the standard of what's on TV from Europe just shows the depth of apathy NZ football has to battle against. Local football in any country can't be compared to top flight games from the world's elite clubs - but that's why it's local football and deserves your support, not grumbling indifference. Ffrom small seeds oak trees grow.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Trueblue wrote:


NZ football has a great product - it just needs competent leadership and good marketing. And NZ football supporters need to get out and support their national league.

And I see NZF are advertising a slew of staff roles, including sponsorship & marketing. Has there been a purge?

Or perhaps the current administration is driving employees away through its bumbling performance? Either way I hope those coming in know and love the game rather than just see it as a job.

Must try harder
over 17 years

And I see NZF are advertising a slew of staff roles, including sponsorship & marketing. Has there been a purge?


Or perhaps the current administration is driving employees away through its bumbling performance? Either way I hope those coming in know and love the game rather than just see it as a job.


I dont care if they eat babies ,as long as they're  better at their jobs than the current incompetents....
about 15 years

As long as Glyn Taylor gets the ass.

Must try harder
over 17 years

 DONE ...........!!  apparently....wishing Glynn all the best at his future endeavors....

about 17 years

Nelson Mail today reporting that ASB Premiership will definitely be expanded next year to a ten team league. I live in Nelson and don't think we deserve a team unless we want to carry the wooden spoon every season. NZ Under-20s were mentioned as being a possibility. 

about 15 years

Luis Garcia wrote:

Nelson Mail today reporting that ASB Premiership will definitely be expanded next year to a ten team league. I live in Nelson and don't think we deserve a team unless we want to carry the wooden spoon every season. NZ Under-20s were mentioned as being a possibility. 

Unsure about the NZ Unders 20's but if there was a book running put a lazy fiver on a team from South Auckland. 

over 17 years

Luis Garcia wrote:

Nelson Mail today reporting that ASB Premiership will definitely be expanded next year to a ten team league. I live in Nelson and don't think we deserve a team unless we want to carry the wooden spoon every season. NZ Under-20s were mentioned as being a possibility. 

This is a change of tune.
about 17 years

Nelson needs more time. The Falcons were in the running for the Southern Conference title midway through the ASB Youth League but now are destined for second to bottom. The young talent is there but adding a senior team will only take the top players away from that youth team making it even weaker. I'd rather these young players do well in the youth league then move out of the region to further their life skills, go study and go play ASB Premiership in a bigger centre.

The crowds will be good, the support will be okay but the quality of football is questionable unless we sign at least five decent imports.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Luis Garcia wrote:

Nelson needs more time. The Falcons were in the running for the Southern Conference title midway through the ASB Youth League but now are destined for second to bottom. The young talent is there but adding a senior team will only take the top players away from that youth team making it even weaker. I'd rather these young players do well in the youth league then move out of the region to further their life skills, go study and go play ASB Premiership in a bigger centre.

The crowds will be good, the support will be okay but the quality of football is questionable unless we sign at least five decent imports.

The facilities and local support seem good in Nelson, certainly better than mustered by Manawatu and Waikato. The question is whether the local football community and its backers would be prepared to put up the money to field a competitive ASBP team? if you did, which would obviously require bringing in some experienced players, then I'm sure you'd attract a lot of interest. I hope you can pout up a senior team because the ASBP definitely needs a boost.

South Auckland, based around the football supporting Fijian community, is a good bet. Rather than expand the ASBP to ten teams I'd rather the two worst performing franchises were cut in favour of two new teams. That way the O League prize money that is distributed around the ASBP sides isn't diluted further. If we could just stop NZF from grabbing their undeserved share of the prizemoney and instead plow that too into the ASBP then even better.

about 15 years

The facilities in Waikato are much better. It's just WFC don't want to pay for them so they go to a tinpot ground in the middle of blue fuck nowhere.

over 13 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

The facilities in Waikato are much better. It's just WFC don't want to pay for them so they go to a tinpot ground in the middle of blue fuck nowhere.

Haha! You have a way with words.
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Luis - I'm kinda with you.  But - if Nelson seek and acquire quality ASB experienced players each season we won't finish behind youngheart or otago and we'll be around in ten years.   A senior ASB team will also provide a development opportunity for young footballers Nelson currently can't provide.  It  might strip out the 19's a little, and that will put pressure on younger players and coaches to fill those spaces (Thinking a few tykes from FC nelson Nike Cup squad...)  But thats actually a good thing I reckon....

On my shopping list: Watson, Tade, Bertsch, Clapham, Eager!!

about 15 years

alireggae wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

The facilities in Waikato are much better. It's just WFC don't want to pay for them so they go to a tinpot ground in the middle of blue fuck nowhere.

Haha! You have a way with words.
Why thank you sir.
Not Elite enough
over 17 years

Isn't it because they CAN'T pay for anywhere better, rather than won't?

over 17 years

The facilities at Melville are good. Can't they play there?

Wouldn't cost much surely.

Phoenix Academy
about 14 years

Apparently there are 13 bids for 10 teams in the ASB preimership next year. Obviously the current 8 plus Nelson. Does anyone know where the other 4 are from?

almost 15 years

Apparently there are 13 bids for 10 teams in the ASB preimership next year. Obviously the current 8 plus Nelson. Does anyone know where the other 4 are from?

Wairarapa and South Auckland?
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Assume U20s is one. rumours of another wellington a while back. That, or North Shore.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

The Phoenix academy might be keen for one?

Phoenix Academy
about 14 years

What I am hearing now is possibly Wairarapa, Ole Academy, South Auckland and North Shore. North Shore surely could put together a reasonable bid.

Starting XI
about 14 years

Buffon II wrote:

The facilities at Melville are good. Can't they play there?

Wouldn't cost much surely.

Not a great viewpoint from a media point of view, it's a nice ground for sure but maybe Waikato think its too small or something, I'm sure there are legitimate reasons. Centennial is nice, I'm not sure what JV is referring to but I do remember the laughable times when we played at Waikato Stadium, kind of like Otago using Forsyth Barr.

First Team Squad
about 17 years

N-Bomb wrote:

Buffon II wrote:

The facilities at Melville are good. Can't they play there?

Wouldn't cost much surely.

Not a great viewpoint from a media point of view, it's a nice ground for sure but maybe Waikato think its too small or something, I'm sure there are legitimate reasons. Centennial is nice, I'm not sure what JV is referring to but I do remember the laughable times when we played at Waikato Stadium, kind of like Otago using Forsyth Barr.

Likewise from a media point of view, FBS is amazing. But it's not great for ASBP. From an atmosphere and credibility point of view, would prefer Caledonian but for athletics.
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years

otagofan wrote:

N-Bomb wrote:

Buffon II wrote:

The facilities at Melville are good. Can't they play there?

Wouldn't cost much surely.

Not a great viewpoint from a media point of view, it's a nice ground for sure but maybe Waikato think its too small or something, I'm sure there are legitimate reasons. Centennial is nice, I'm not sure what JV is referring to but I do remember the laughable times when we played at Waikato Stadium, kind of like Otago using Forsyth Barr.

Likewise from a media point of view, FBS is amazing. But it's not great for ASBP. From an atmosphere and credibility point of view, would prefer Caledonian but for athletics.

I miss the grass bank at the Cale

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

N-Bomb wrote:

Buffon II wrote:

The facilities at Melville are good. Can't they play there?

Wouldn't cost much surely.

Not a great viewpoint from a media point of view, it's a nice ground for sure but maybe Waikato think its too small or something, I'm sure there are legitimate reasons. Centennial is nice, I'm not sure what JV is referring to but I do remember the laughable times when we played at Waikato Stadium, kind of like Otago using Forsyth Barr.

What does the media have to do with ASBP?
Starting XI
over 17 years

u20s would be dire

who do you support? 

new zealand under 20s


my son plays for them

how many other supporters are there?

16, including the dads of the subs

where's your home ground?

new zealand park, new zealand street, new zealand

about 17 years

f.barisi wrote:

Luis - I'm kinda with you.  But - if Nelson seek and acquire quality ASB experienced players each season we won't finish behind youngheart or otago and we'll be around in ten years.   A senior ASB team will also provide a development opportunity for young footballers Nelson currently can't provide.  It  might strip out the 19's a little, and that will put pressure on younger players and coaches to fill those spaces (Thinking a few tykes from FC nelson Nike Cup squad...)  But thats actually a good thing I reckon....

On my shopping list: Watson, Tade, Bertsch, Clapham, Eager!!

True. Nelson does develop some good players but I don't know if it's because we don't have ASB Premiership that they go, I think it's because there is no university here so what is keeping a 20-25 year old in Nelson? If you're good enough then you'll play for Canterbury anyway eg what Mark Johnston, Tom Lancaster, Erik Panzer, Mike Bothwell, Gagame Feni, Paul Dirou, Jordan Swaney, Mike White had previously done. But how many people from outside of Nelson even know any of the guys I just mentioned?

In terms of school boy football at a national level, Nayland College and Nelson College are generally up there (except for the most recent tournament) and players are regularly making NZ age group teams - Jamie Doris, Coey Turipa, Alex Ridsdale, Cory Brown and Ross McPhie. 

But the only way we are going to be competitive is if a lot of the players I just mentioned stay here or come back. The youth team couldn't even hold onto Cory and Ross because they are in the NZ U17s - would they be better off playing ASB Premiership for a Nelson team? Probably.

Remember, if Nelson gets a senior team then Mark Johnston and Coey Turipa would both go out of the youth league and into the senior team.

I think if we could get Adam Smith back from the US, Erik Panzer back from the US, bring Mike White and Jamie Doris back, throw in a mixture of Solomon Island boys that played regularly here eg Henry Fa'arado, Gagame Feni, Michael Fifi, retain guys like Sam Ayers and Eddie Newman who are going off to play in the O-League for a Solomon Island team, throw in Billy Scott who went up to YoungHeart Manawatu, keep Jordan Swaney and the two U17 boys then yeah maybe we could beat Otago and Manawatu, but that's about it.

over 17 years

reg22 wrote:

where's your home ground?

new zealand park, new zealand street, new zealand

This tickled me.
Starting XI
over 17 years

Luis Garcia wrote:

f.barisi wrote:

Luis - I'm kinda with you.  But - if Nelson seek and acquire quality ASB experienced players each season we won't finish behind youngheart or otago and we'll be around in ten years.   A senior ASB team will also provide a development opportunity for young footballers Nelson currently can't provide.  It  might strip out the 19's a little, and that will put pressure on younger players and coaches to fill those spaces (Thinking a few tykes from FC nelson Nike Cup squad...)  But thats actually a good thing I reckon....

On my shopping list: Watson, Tade, Bertsch, Clapham, Eager!!

True. Nelson does develop some good players but I don't know if it's because we don't have ASB Premiership that they go, I think it's because there is no university here so what is keeping a 20-25 year old in Nelson? If you're good enough then you'll play for Canterbury anyway eg what Mark Johnston, Tom Lancaster, Erik Panzer, Mike Bothwell, Gagame Feni, Paul Dirou, Jordan Swaney, Mike White had previously done. But how many people from outside of Nelson even know any of the guys I just mentioned?

In terms of school boy football at a national level, Nayland College and Nelson College are generally up there (except for the most recent tournament) and players are regularly making NZ age group teams - Jamie Doris, Coey Turipa, Alex Ridsdale, Cory Brown and Ross McPhie. 

But the only way we are going to be competitive is if a lot of the players I just mentioned stay here or come back. The youth team couldn't even hold onto Cory and Ross because they are in the NZ U17s - would they be better off playing ASB Premiership for a Nelson team? Probably.

Remember, if Nelson gets a senior team then Mark Johnston and Coey Turipa would both go out of the youth league and into the senior team.

I think if we could get Adam Smith back from the US, Erik Panzer back from the US, bring Mike White and Jamie Doris back, throw in a mixture of Solomon Island boys that played regularly here eg Henry Fa'arado, Gagame Feni, Michael Fifi, retain guys like Sam Ayers and Eddie Newman who are going off to play in the O-League for a Solomon Island team, throw in Billy Scott who went up to YoungHeart Manawatu, keep Jordan Swaney and the two U17 boys then yeah maybe we could beat Otago and Manawatu, but that's about it.

you make some good points

teams like nelson and gisborne were able to be successful in the 70's and 80's because they got awesome imports in and weren't afraid to spend some cash on some of the best local players.

you'd probably have to go the same way

to be honest, for me, even your presence would freshen things up, but i'd rather you guys were good - there's too much rubbish in the league now
Starting XI
about 14 years

TopLeft07 wrote:

N-Bomb wrote:

Buffon II wrote:

The facilities at Melville are good. Can't they play there?

Wouldn't cost much surely.

Not a great viewpoint from a media point of view, it's a nice ground for sure but maybe Waikato think its too small or something, I'm sure there are legitimate reasons. Centennial is nice, I'm not sure what JV is referring to but I do remember the laughable times when we played at Waikato Stadium, kind of like Otago using Forsyth Barr.

What does the media have to do with ASBP?

I'm just talking grounds, and saying why perhaps Melville isn't used. Every ground needs somewhere where the play-by-play guy can sit and report on the game while having a good view, just a side-track.
over 17 years

How does Centennial have that though? The view from the clubrooms there is shit.

Starting XI
about 14 years

Buffon II wrote:

How does Centennial have that though? The view from the clubrooms there is shit.

Oh trust me I know, but at least you can see the whole field, its just when they score at the opposite end sometimes its hard to see the number. At Melville your vision is blocked pretty badly sometimes, it would be some blind reporting at times.

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