about 15 years

I had heard through the grapevine that the deal with ASB had ended without talk of renewal. How true that is, I don't know.

First Team Squad
over 14 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

I had heard through the grapevine that the deal with ASB had ended without talk of renewal. How true that is, I don't know.

True, all kits with ASB logos have been stated as not to be renewed. 

Football not doing well enough for ASB compared to Tennis. 

ASB have confirmed backing Auckland Tennis and festival of for another 3 years.

See Venus Williams on ASB You Tube video. What rocks your boat if you have the purse strings that or Brockie in an AWs shirt. 

over 11 years
Scottie Rd wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

I had heard through the grapevine that the deal with ASB had ended without talk of renewal. How true that is, I don't know.

True, all kits with ASB logos have been stated as not to be renewed. 

Football not doing well enough for ASB compared to Tennis. 

ASB have confirmed backing Auckland Tennis and festival of for another 3 years.

See Venus Williams on ASB You Tube video. What rocks your boat if you have the purse strings that or Brockie in an AWs shirt. 

Now we get to see what Andy Martin is made of.
First Team Squad
over 12 years
First Team Squad
over 14 years

Custom House (partners include BbTech and Western Union) would be a better fit for NZF as they are big in the Islands and America's.

Why would Barclays want to change to NZF when the owners already have Man City, Melbourne City, New York plus the Middle East teams.

Starting XI
over 12 years

Scottie Rd wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

I had heard through the grapevine that the deal with ASB had ended without talk of renewal. How true that is, I don't know.

True, all kits with ASB logos have been stated as not to be renewed. 

Football not doing well enough for ASB compared to Tennis. 

ASB have confirmed backing Auckland Tennis and festival of for another 3 years.

See Venus Williams on ASB You Tube video. What rocks your boat if you have the purse strings that or Brockie in an AWs shirt. 

First Team Squad
over 12 years

Martins old job + has a nice ring to it.


over 11 years

yellowsite wrote:



over 14 years

How exciting is it that there are now 5 teams on 12, 12, 12, 11 and 11 points in 2nd through 6th place? So much to play for.

about 17 years

Loving the league this year. Deserves to be on TV but the games are exciting, NZ Football is giving it good media coverage with match reports and previews regularly on now, and the competition is close. The addition of the Phoenix reserves has been great to boost the quality of the league, as has Auckland City's run at the Club World Cup. 

First Team Squad
over 12 years

New Zealand Football announced on Wednesday the appointment of Daniel Farrow to the position of Head of National Competitions.

Meanwhile, Robert Tarr will begin in the role of Competitions Administrator on March 23.

about 13 years

I will start here. The most successful team in the ASB is ACFC run by one club. They do it well and do not hide the pathway to ASB football and for locals it is from one club with entry for outsiders at every level. I believe based on ability, hence imports

The franchise system falls down at the volunteer level. Which I turn means paid people to set up and man game day.

Club structure gets bigger base of helpers. 


First Team Squad
over 12 years

Why do NZers want to watch football?

about 13 years

yellowsite wrote:

Why do NZers want to watch football?

To see 2 competitive teams play each other
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years

Surely the level of funding is a better indicator of success in this league. ACFC have by far the highest and are by far the best team. Others cannot even consider competing with them at their current levels.

Yes there are better ways to make the club / franchise structure efficient and sustainable, but at the end of the day, franchises need a sufficient level of funding to run the club off the field and be competitive on it. 

over 11 years

Tekkers wrote:

Surely the level of funding is a better indicator of success in this league. ACFC have by far the highest and are by far the best team. Others cannot even consider competing with them at their current levels.

Yes there are better ways to make the club / franchise structure efficient and sustainable, but at the end of the day, franchises need a sufficient level of funding to run the club off the field and be competitive on it. 

It's not all about money. ACFC have - and always have had as Central - a large number of volunteers working matchdays for no money. As is well known most - though not all - are drawn from the Auckland Croatian community, and without their efforts the club could scarcely continue to function on the present scale. This is quite a separate issue from who happens to be on the playing roster. However lately I've been hearing on the terraces dark mutterings concerning the aging demographic of this community, and about where the club is headed. Basically, the old boys are dying off and their kids are too busy or aren't bovvered...

over 17 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Tekkers wrote:

Surely the level of funding is a better indicator of success in this league. ACFC have by far the highest and are by far the best team. Others cannot even consider competing with them at their current levels.

Yes there are better ways to make the club / franchise structure efficient and sustainable, but at the end of the day, franchises need a sufficient level of funding to run the club off the field and be competitive on it. 

It's not all about money. ACFC have - and always have had as Central - a large number of volunteers working matchdays for no money. As is well known most - though not all - are drawn from the Auckland Croatian community, and without their efforts the club could scarcely continue to function on the present scale. This is quite a separate issue from who happens to be on the playing roster. However lately I've been hearing on the terraces dark mutterings concerning the aging demographic of this community, and about where the club is headed. Basically, the old boys are dying off and their kids are too busy or aren't bovvered...

That's true, but volunteers don't allow you to bring in foreign professional players does it?

Stage Punch
about 17 years

I think you're ignoring Blew's key point which is that nobody wants to volunteer for a "franchise". You volunteer for the club you used to play for as a kid, or your local club, but you don't volunteer to help what is essentially a (poorly-funded, loss-making) business venture.

ACFC overcome that hurdle by being Central in all but name.

TW overcame that hurdle in the early days by making a broad claim to be a representative team, with local clubs as members. That veneer began to crack pretty early, but hung together for a while. Then Miramar stepped in and saved TW from almost certain demise (and that should never be forgotten imho) and tried to "do a Central". 

Blew is right imho. You're more likely to get volunteer help for clubs. But the downside is you still needs sharkloads of money to play in a national league and that puts those local clubs at risk financially, which has a huge trickle down effect on ordinary social players and kids.

First Team Squad
over 12 years
about 13 years

james dean wrote:

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Tekkers wrote:

Surely the level of funding is a better indicator of success in this league. ACFC have by far the highest and are by far the best team. Others cannot even consider competing with them at their current levels.

Yes there are better ways to make the club / franchise structure efficient and sustainable, but at the end of the day, franchises need a sufficient level of funding to run the club off the field and be competitive on it. 

It's not all about money. ACFC have - and always have had as Central - a large number of volunteers working matchdays for no money. As is well known most - though not all - are drawn from the Auckland Croatian community, and without their efforts the club could scarcely continue to function on the present scale. This is quite a separate issue from who happens to be on the playing roster. However lately I've been hearing on the terraces dark mutterings concerning the aging demographic of this community, and about where the club is headed. Basically, the old boys are dying off and their kids are too busy or aren't bovvered...

That's true, but volunteers don't allow you to bring in foreign professional players does it?

Volunteers bring in the means to get the money, just a simple BBQ won't fund a franchise and look beyond the pokie money to the local companies who put their money forward for advertising which generally gives no return. 

The funding model is not perfect but it makes it happen for now. (return to the area collected is the key to % funding available)

almost 14 years

Of relevance to this discussion, from the Andy Martin Angst thread...

March 10, 2015 3:38pm


Signalling a shake up of InsertSponsorNameHere Premiership...

Mid-year, the creation and consultation around a refreshed blueprint for our national competitions structure is a vital piece of work as we aim to hit on the winning formula for our domestic game which will provide stable, sustainable products which appeal to everyone with an interest in this critical step of our pathway; from players and supporters through to sponsors and broadcasters.

over 11 years

Global Game wrote:

Of relevance to this discussion, from the Andy Martin Angst thread...

March 10, 2015 3:38pm


Signalling a shake up of InsertSponsorNameHere Premiership...

Mid-year, the creation and consultation around a refreshed blueprint for our national competitions structure is a vital piece of work as we aim to hit on the winning formula for our domestic game which will provide stable, sustainable products which appeal to everyone with an interest in this critical step of our pathway; from players and supporters through to sponsors and broadcasters.

Mid year? Yeah right. They'll all be too busy enjoying jollies at the Under-20 World Cup.

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years

Smithy wrote:

I think you're ignoring Blew's key point which is that nobody wants to volunteer for a "franchise". You volunteer for the club you used to play for as a kid, or your local club, but you don't volunteer to help what is essentially a (poorly-funded, loss-making) business venture.

ACFC overcome that hurdle by being Central in all but name.

TW overcame that hurdle in the early days by making a broad claim to be a representative team, with local clubs as members. That veneer began to crack pretty early, but hung together for a while. Then Miramar stepped in and saved TW from almost certain demise (and that should never be forgotten imho) and tried to "do a Central". 

Blew is right imho. You're more likely to get volunteer help for clubs. But the downside is you still needs sharkloads of money to play in a national league and that puts those local clubs at risk financially, which has a huge trickle down effect on ordinary social players and kids.

I agree that the franchise lacks a link to volunteers and support the way a club does. There is no doubt that the Central-ACFC and the TW-Miramar links benefit the structure of both the club and the franchise involved.

However, Blew.2 was referring to ACFC being the most successful team as a result. But the bottom line is that teams like Southern (who ran the franchise off $180,000 this season) and WaiBOP cannot compete on the field if the (trust) money they are receiving is less than 100k compared to ACFC's 780k. Regardless of their management structures in place.

If we really want to sort out the future of the league, we shouldn't be sorting out the frachise's structures, we should be sorting out the money problems that divide the league

about 13 years

Trust money is another issue. But basics are: The trust must return the money to the area it was collected in unless it is going to National body.   Look at Wgtn venues for any given local trust and National trust, now compare to Auckland and you will see why more money is available to ACFC and all others up there. 

Don't shoot me down but this is a real basic explanation.

 ACFC, Central Utd and NCR are the most supported volunteer wise I have been to after any game. Not that I have been every where.

about 13 years

Also a National body can not make request for money from a trust then give it to a third party.

almost 13 years

If all teams were effectively "owned" by NZF but run by local football people, could trust money then be centrally collected and distributed evenly to all teams because it would be staying within the national body, not going to a third party? Effectively each team would be an operating unit within NZF which is based in x town and plays football against other operating units of NZF. Like a franchise but all ultimately part of and accountable to the national body. Would probably create all sorts of new issues but would it solve the pokie money issue?

about 13 years

If all teams were effectively "owned" by NZF but run by local football people, could trust money then be centrally collected and distributed evenly to all teams because it would be staying within the national body, not going to a third party? Effectively each team would be an operating unit within NZF which is based in x town and plays football against other operating units of NZF. Like a franchise but all ultimately part of and accountable to the national body. Would probably create all sorts of new issues but would it solve the pokie money issue?

All players, coaches, gear and property, I believe, would have to employed and own by the national body with no control by the local group  

The more the national body pulls from pokies the less for local clubs and the spiral starts.

about 15 years

Blew.2 wrote:

If all teams were effectively "owned" by NZF but run by local football people, could trust money then be centrally collected and distributed evenly to all teams because it would be staying within the national body, not going to a third party? Effectively each team would be an operating unit within NZF which is based in x town and plays football against other operating units of NZF. Like a franchise but all ultimately part of and accountable to the national body. Would probably create all sorts of new issues but would it solve the pokie money issue?

All players, coaches, gear and property, I believe, would have to employed and own by the national body with no control by the local group  

The more the national body pulls from pokies the less for local clubs and the spiral starts.

Well the spiral cannot be any worse than it is now.
about 13 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

If all teams were effectively "owned" by NZF but run by local football people, could trust money then be centrally collected and distributed evenly to all teams because it would be staying within the national body, not going to a third party? Effectively each team would be an operating unit within NZF which is based in x town and plays football against other operating units of NZF. Like a franchise but all ultimately part of and accountable to the national body. Would probably create all sorts of new issues but would it solve the pokie money issue?

All players, coaches, gear and property, I believe, would have to employed and own by the national body with no control by the local group  

The more the national body pulls from pokies the less for local clubs and the spiral starts.

Well the spiral cannot be any worse than it is now.

 Do you want to take out junior football? 
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

If all teams were effectively "owned" by NZF but run by local football people, could trust money then be centrally collected and distributed evenly to all teams because it would be staying within the national body, not going to a third party? Effectively each team would be an operating unit within NZF which is based in x town and plays football against other operating units of NZF. Like a franchise but all ultimately part of and accountable to the national body. Would probably create all sorts of new issues but would it solve the pokie money issue?

All players, coaches, gear and property, I believe, would have to employed and own by the national body with no control by the local group  

The more the national body pulls from pokies the less for local clubs and the spiral starts.

Well the spiral cannot be any worse than it is now.

 Do you want to take out junior football? 

The total amount of money pulled wouldnt change, it would just be distrubuted more evenly.
Lets say there is 1.6 mil of pokie moneys obtained in the league.. each team would get 200K rather than ACFC getting 800k and some teams getting 60k.

While it may occur, this is an attempt to bring the bottom teams up, not bring the top down

about 13 years

Tekkers wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

If all teams were effectively "owned" by NZF but run by local football people, could trust money then be centrally collected and distributed evenly to all teams because it would be staying within the national body, not going to a third party? Effectively each team would be an operating unit within NZF which is based in x town and plays football against other operating units of NZF. Like a franchise but all ultimately part of and accountable to the national body. Would probably create all sorts of new issues but would it solve the pokie money issue?

All players, coaches, gear and property, I believe, would have to employed and own by the national body with no control by the local group  

The more the national body pulls from pokies the less for local clubs and the spiral starts.

Well the spiral cannot be any worse than it is now.

 Do you want to take out junior football? 

The total amount of money pulled wouldnt change, it would just be distrubuted more evenly.
Lets say there is 1.6 mil of pokie moneys obtained in the league.. each team would get 200K rather than ACFC getting 800k and some teams getting 60k.

While it may occur, this is an attempt to bring the bottom teams up, not bring the top down

The pool per region is an important factor to the community trusts
over 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

Also a National body can not make request for money from a trust then give it to a third party.

I don't think that is as big a deal as you make out.  I'm sure I've read that Auckland Rugby makes requests that are used for distributions to clubs

about 15 years

Blew.2 wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

If all teams were effectively "owned" by NZF but run by local football people, could trust money then be centrally collected and distributed evenly to all teams because it would be staying within the national body, not going to a third party? Effectively each team would be an operating unit within NZF which is based in x town and plays football against other operating units of NZF. Like a franchise but all ultimately part of and accountable to the national body. Would probably create all sorts of new issues but would it solve the pokie money issue?

All players, coaches, gear and property, I believe, would have to employed and own by the national body with no control by the local group  

The more the national body pulls from pokies the less for local clubs and the spiral starts.

Well the spiral cannot be any worse than it is now.

 Do you want to take out junior football? 

I was not saying it as a reference from where the money has come from. I was more referencing the state our league has gotten into.
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Daniel Farrow starts in two weeks. Guessing this could be the first thing on his desk. He worked at Auckland Cricket for six years. This gig will have some very different challenges to say the least. Would it be fair to say Football has one of the most fragmented development paths of all sports in NZ?

over 17 years

I know it's counter-intuitive in a way, but does anyone wonder if we lose crouds by playing in Summer?  I'm still not convinced that Summer football is a better watch

There's also just a lot more to do in the summer!

about 13 years

if you played winter what times/day would you block out to gain a croud

over 17 years

gees there's some major crap being talked here about NZF possibly allocating trust funding 

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Feverish wrote:

gees there's some major crap being talked here about NZF possibly allocating trust funding 

Makes heaps of sense. Would be a true franchise league then.

Pretty unlikely.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

james dean wrote:

I know it's counter-intuitive in a way, but does anyone wonder if we lose crouds by playing in Summer?  I'm still not convinced that Summer football is a better watch

There's also just a lot more to do in the summer!

Is a reasonable question considering none of the ASBP teams get more of a croud than (say) Olympic vs Wests last weekend.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Tekkers wrote:

If we really want to sort out the future of the league, we shouldn't be sorting out the frachise's structures, we should be sorting out the money problems that divide the league


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