about 15 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

As an add on to this, Waitakere are equally as successful domestically. They don't get ragged on because they are not in here talking smack. While the atmosphere is not as 'football' as Kiwitea, I feel a lot more comfortable there. There is probably a valid lesson in there about how you conduct yourself.

You guys are welcome to take the first step in making the change and you might find that people will reciprocate (again its not all fans)


As Trueblue tried to put across - you're talking about the actions of ONE INDIVIDUAL!!!!

Read through the post history. You'll find a few ACFC hard core ruining it for everyone. Rich, Phil (happyted), blue magic.. Do you want me to go on? It's not just one individual but then I did expect this response *sigh*
Early retirement
over 17 years

 uncloz put in some solid effort as well.

over 11 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

As an add on to this, Waitakere are equally as successful domestically. They don't get ragged on because they are not in here talking smack. While the atmosphere is not as 'football' as Kiwitea, I feel a lot more comfortable there. There is probably a valid lesson in there about how you conduct yourself.

You guys are welcome to take the first step in making the change and you might find that people will reciprocate (again its not all fans)


As Trueblue tried to put across - you're talking about the actions of ONE INDIVIDUAL!!!!

Read through the post history. You'll find a few ACFC hard core ruining it for everyone. Rich, Phil (happyted), blue magic.. Do you want me to go on? It's not just one individual but then I did expect this response *sigh*


Okay, THREE individuals.

over 13 years

Sanday wrote:

 Is it a minority of ACFC fans who don't like the Phoenix?

I haven't been out to Kiwitea for quite a while so have no personal experience.

Yes - I'd say so.
about 15 years

You are completely missing the point Jerzy...

over 17 years

 Aren't Trueblue and blue magic one and the same.Or am i mistaken?

Early retirement
over 17 years

 Yes they are.  It's not a fact that is hidden, just a forgotten password I think.

over 13 years

Who is the mysterious Blue Magic? I started frequenting here post BM days... I believe I have been accused of being him though! Ha

about 15 years

I would say its the minority of ACFC fans but the large majority of that minority have Internet access and stoke it

over 11 years

Sanday wrote:

 Aren't Trueblue and blue magic one and the same.Or am i mistaken?


True. And he's now a born again Nix supporter. Never misses a game.

PS And I'll be at Paramatta Stadium nxt Sunday - and I won't be there supporting WSW

over 17 years

 These guys really must have hated the Kingz and the Knights being right on their doorstep.

over 13 years

Baiter wrote:

Sanday wrote:

 Is it a minority of ACFC fans who don't like the Phoenix?

I haven't been out to Kiwitea for quite a while so have no personal experience.

Last time I went there more chants against the Phoenix than in support of City.  That was a couple of years ago now.

Now that's just a total untruth - I can think of maybe one. I can think of heaps of pro city. A few anti waitak

Really just banter - surely the YF have some banter put downs to other teams.

I wish more ASBP team fans would sing.
over 11 years

Sanday wrote:

 These guys really must have hated the Kingz and the Knights being right on their doorstep.


For fuck's sake - the ACFC 248 service crew were core members of Bloc 5. As well as being ACFC supporters. Where does all this shit come from?

over 17 years

Sanday wrote:

 These guys really must have hated the Kingz and the Knights being right on their doorstep.

over 17 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Sanday wrote:

 These guys really must have hated the Kingz and the Knights being right on their doorstep.


For fuck's sake - the ACFC 248 service crew were core members of Bloc 5. As well as being ACFC supporters. Where does all this shit come from?

So what is their problem with the Phoenix.What is the difference?
over 11 years

Sanday wrote:

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Sanday wrote:

 These guys really must have hated the Kingz and the Knights being right on their doorstep.


For fuck's sake - the ACFC 248 service crew were core members of Bloc 5. As well as being ACFC supporters. Where does all this shit come from?

So what is their problem with the Phoenix.What is the difference?


Read Jeff Vader mate, it's all getting too tedious.

over 17 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Sanday wrote:

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Sanday wrote:

 These guys really must have hated the Kingz and the Knights being right on their doorstep.


For fuck's sake - the ACFC 248 service crew were core members of Bloc 5. As well as being ACFC supporters. Where does all this shit come from?

So what is their problem with the Phoenix.What is the difference?

Read Jeff Vader mate, it's all getting too tedious.

OK thanks. Anyone else have an answer.I am genuinely interested.
Early retirement
over 17 years

It's a very valid question Jerzy. 

Some of these guys are mates of mine and I still don't understand how they went from Bloc 5 to 'the A-League is death to New Zealand football'.  Still admire Richard and Mike for the passion and for making Bloc 5 work and establishing an 'active fan' culture in the NZ game but I can't see how that is equated to the position now.

Phil at least has the excuse that he didn't arrive here until after the Auckland sides in Aus(I believe).


Not Elite enough
over 17 years

I don't doubt the atmosphere at Kiwitea Street is good. I've been a few times and it's like being at the Bernabeu in comparison to Fred Taylor. I also don't doubt that the vast majority of people who rock up to watch ACFC are decent football fans, just like the vast majority of Nix fans are.

The problem is that anyone who has never been to Kiwitea Street, and whose only contact with ACFC has been what's being read on various forums, will get a hugely negative view of what ACFC supporters are like. After I made a flippant remark, I've had a sarcastic, condescending pop taken at me this week by an ACFC fan, who knows nothing about me or my situation. If I hadn't ever been to Kiwitea Street, do you think I would hve got a favourable impression after that? No, I would have decided that all ACFC fans are arrogant, patronising twats and avoided the place like the plague.

THAT is the image that some ACFC supporters are putting across. Sadly, in terms of this forum in particular, that kind of attitude seems to be far more prevalent than anything else. No-one is saying all ACFC fans are like that, but the impression given is that the vocal majority are, or were! Those are the type of people who are alienating potential "casual" fans from ACFC.

about 15 years

If you ACFC supporters really are offended by it, set about changing the impression that's been created. The history of these threads show that we are not the ones that started it but I suspect if you tried a little, you might change a few peoples minds. That would show your attitude far more than getting your backs up.

And there endth the lesson.

over 11 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

If you ACFC supporters really are offended by it, set about changing the impression that's been created. The history of these threads show that we are not the ones that started it but I suspect if you tried a little, you might change a few peoples minds. That would show your attitude far more than getting your backs up.

And there endth the lesson.


I reiterate: you're talking about a tiny but gobby minority.

over 11 years

Hard News wrote:

It's a very valid question Jerzy. 

Some of these guys are mates of mine and I still don't understand how they went from Bloc 5 to 'the A-League is death to New Zealand football'.  Still admire Richard and Mike for the passion and for making Bloc 5 work and establishing an 'active fan' culture in the NZ game but I can't see how that is equated to the position now.

Phil at least has the excuse that he didn't arrive here until after the Auckland sides in Aus(I believe).



I can only think of 'how' as this: imagine if the Nix went under , e.g. Morgan pulls the plug/the FFA decide to make the A-League all Aussie. How devastated would Yellowfever be? And then, as if to rub salt in, another club was reinstated in their place - but not in Wellington, in some distant Kiwi location. 6 years of fanatical support denied an outlet. So it was with Bloc 5. All that singing and cheering and passion in Auckland no more... So where to go? What to do? Hey, let's replicate the scenario with the local top dog,( who were more than welcoming). Sadly, only a few - very few - of the old Bloc 5 wanted to come onboard. Meanwhile, in that distant location the new (and to the old established Bloc 5-ites, upstarts) are making hay (no pun intended) with handouts denied their old club. In fact they've even got the nerve to be succeeding on the field as well, albeit with mostly non-NZ ers.

And so the resentments grow - if you're that way inclined. And hasn't that scenario been replicated world-wide, more or less?

over 17 years

 Sorry if i upset you earlier Jerzy.Thanks for your answer.

over 11 years

Sanday wrote:

 Sorry if i upset you earlier Jerzy.Thanks for your answer.



about 15 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Hard News wrote:

It's a very valid question Jerzy. 

Some of these guys are mates of mine and I still don't understand how they went from Bloc 5 to 'the A-League is death to New Zealand football'.  Still admire Richard and Mike for the passion and for making Bloc 5 work and establishing an 'active fan' culture in the NZ game but I can't see how that is equated to the position now.

Phil at least has the excuse that he didn't arrive here until after the Auckland sides in Aus(I believe).



I can only think of 'how' as this: imagine if the Nix went under , e.g. Morgan pulls the plug/the FFA decide to make the A-League all Aussie. How devastated would Yellowfever be? And then, as if to rub salt in, another club was reinstated in their place - but not in Wellington, in some distant Kiwi location. 6 years of fanatical support denied an outlet. So it was with Bloc 5. All that singing and cheering and passion in Auckland no more... So where to go? What to do? Hey, let's replicate the scenario with the local top dog,( who were more than welcoming). Sadly, only a few - very few - of the old Bloc 5 wanted to come onboard. Meanwhile, in that distant location the new (and to the old established Bloc 5-ites, upstarts) are making hay (no pun intended) with handouts denied their old club. In fact they've even got the nerve to be succeeding on the field as well, albeit with mostly non-NZ ers.

And so the resentments grow - if you're that way inclined. And hasn't that scenario been replicated world-wide, more or less?

You've only just enforced my point about being not welcoming. Thank you.
Early retirement
over 17 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:
Meanwhile, in that distant location the new (and to the old established Bloc 5-ites, upstarts) are making hay (no pun intended) with handouts denied their old club.

Except most of it is based on myth.  The Phoenix have operated with similar numbers of kiwi players as the Kingz did since the start despite the rose-tinted memories perpetuated by some,  The Phoenix have had no 'handouts' other than owners who were willing to spend money and make the right decisions (not making Anthony Lee CEO, not appointing John Adshead, not appoint Kevin Fallon).

It's the perpetuation of these sort of myths that created the knitting circle in the first place and now support the ill-informed views of the likes of Telfer.

There is a perception that the Phoenix are rivals for CIty despite the fact that they play in a different competition, in a different nation and under different constraints.  It's as valid as treating Manchester City as one of your biggest rivals. 
over 11 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Hard News wrote:

It's a very valid question Jerzy. 

Some of these guys are mates of mine and I still don't understand how they went from Bloc 5 to 'the A-League is death to New Zealand football'.  Still admire Richard and Mike for the passion and for making Bloc 5 work and establishing an 'active fan' culture in the NZ game but I can't see how that is equated to the position now.

Phil at least has the excuse that he didn't arrive here until after the Auckland sides in Aus(I believe).



I can only think of 'how' as this: imagine if the Nix went under , e.g. Morgan pulls the plug/the FFA decide to make the A-League all Aussie. How devastated would Yellowfever be? And then, as if to rub salt in, another club was reinstated in their place - but not in Wellington, in some distant Kiwi location. 6 years of fanatical support denied an outlet. So it was with Bloc 5. All that singing and cheering and passion in Auckland no more... So where to go? What to do? Hey, let's replicate the scenario with the local top dog,( who were more than welcoming). Sadly, only a few - very few - of the old Bloc 5 wanted to come onboard. Meanwhile, in that distant location the new (and to the old established Bloc 5-ites, upstarts) are making hay (no pun intended) with handouts denied their old club. In fact they've even got the nerve to be succeeding on the field as well, albeit with mostly non-NZ ers.

And so the resentments grow - if you're that way inclined. And hasn't that scenario been replicated world-wide, more or less?

You've only just enforced my point about being not welcoming. Thank you.


Jesus wept! I'm off for a cold one. Or three. See you at Paramatta Stadium JV. Yeah, right.

Not Elite enough
over 17 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

If you ACFC supporters really are offended by it, set about changing the impression that's been created. The history of these threads show that we are not the ones that started it but I suspect if you tried a little, you might change a few peoples minds. That would show your attitude far more than getting your backs up.

And there endth the lesson.


I reiterate: you're talking about a tiny but gobby minority.

Which may well be the case. Unfortunately, the tiny, gobby minority make the most noise so are therefore the ones who create the impression.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Jag wrote:

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

If you ACFC supporters really are offended by it, set about changing the impression that's been created. The history of these threads show that we are not the ones that started it but I suspect if you tried a little, you might change a few peoples minds. That would show your attitude far more than getting your backs up.

And there endth the lesson.


I reiterate: you're talking about a tiny but gobby minority.

Which may well be the case. Unfortunately, the tiny, gobby minority make the most noise so are therefore the ones who create the impression.

Give us a break. A certain unrestrained former Bloc 5 individual does not represent the ACFC supporters, most of whom are a great bunch of football fans. Might I hazard to suggest that even Yellow Fever - gasp, horror, shock - has the occasional oddball, eccentric, angry one. Judging by this forum it's almost a badge of honour.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Hard News wrote:

It's a very valid question Jerzy. 

Some of these guys are mates of mine and I still don't understand how they went from Bloc 5 to 'the A-League is death to New Zealand football'.  Still admire Richard and Mike for the passion and for making Bloc 5 work and establishing an 'active fan' culture in the NZ game but I can't see how that is equated to the position now.

Phil at least has the excuse that he didn't arrive here until after the Auckland sides in Aus(I believe).



I can only think of 'how' as this: imagine if the Nix went under , e.g. Morgan pulls the plug/the FFA decide to make the A-League all Aussie. How devastated would Yellowfever be? And then, as if to rub salt in, another club was reinstated in their place - but not in Wellington, in some distant Kiwi location. 6 years of fanatical support denied an outlet. So it was with Bloc 5. All that singing and cheering and passion in Auckland no more... So where to go? What to do? Hey, let's replicate the scenario with the local top dog,( who were more than welcoming). Sadly, only a few - very few - of the old Bloc 5 wanted to come onboard. Meanwhile, in that distant location the new (and to the old established Bloc 5-ites, upstarts) are making hay (no pun intended) with handouts denied their old club. In fact they've even got the nerve to be succeeding on the field as well, albeit with mostly non-NZ ers.

And so the resentments grow - if you're that way inclined. And hasn't that scenario been replicated world-wide, more or less?

You've only just enforced my point about being not welcoming. Thank you.

Me thinks you wallow in resentment too much JV for your own good. Oh well, what would football be without the moaners?

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

As an add on to this, Waitakere are equally as successful domestically. They don't get ragged on because they are not in here talking smack. While the atmosphere is not as 'football' as Kiwitea, I feel a lot more comfortable there. There is probably a valid lesson in there about how you conduct yourself.

You guys are welcome to take the first step in making the change and you might find that people will reciprocate (again its not all fans)


As Trueblue tried to put across - you're talking about the actions of ONE INDIVIDUAL!!!!

Read through the post history. You'll find a few ACFC hard core ruining it for everyone. Rich, Phil (happyted), blue magic.. Do you want me to go on? It's not just one individual but then I did expect this response *sigh*


Okay, THREE individuals.

Good grief! I've been a damned sight more reasonable than you have on most of my posts JV. You really must get a grip.

I've taken a lot of people to watch games at Kiwitea Street and they always comment how friendly the fans are. I think if you have a burning sense of feeling unwelcome JV I suggest you look hard in the mirror for the answer. One reason you probably feel more comfortable at Fed Taylor Park is there's usually only a few spectators and little atmosphere.

Not Elite enough
over 17 years

Trueblue wrote:

Give us a break. A certain unrestrained former Bloc 5 individual does not represent the ACFC supporters, most of whom are a great bunch of football fans. Might I hazard to suggest that even Yellow Fever - gasp, horror, shock - has the occasional oddball, eccentric, angry one. Judging by this forum it's almost a badge of honour.

If you read back through what I've written, I've conceded that it's a minority and I've stated that I'm sure the majority of ACFC fans are just that, ACFC fans. That's not in question. It's the volume of that minority that has caused any ill feeling etc. Unfortunately the loudest voices are the ones which get heard, and that's what creates impressions and that is what you don't seem to realise.

The YF Forum has a lot of active posters, which dilutes the effect of the minority somewhat. If there's only a handful of ACFC posters and 2 or 3 of them are "militant" the effect is multiplied

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Jag wrote:

Trueblue wrote:

Give us a break. A certain unrestrained former Bloc 5 individual does not represent the ACFC supporters, most of whom are a great bunch of football fans. Might I hazard to suggest that even Yellow Fever - gasp, horror, shock - has the occasional oddball, eccentric, angry one. Judging by this forum it's almost a badge of honour.

If you read back through what I've written, I've conceded that it's a minority and I've stated that I'm sure the majority of ACFC fans are just that, ACFC fans. That's not in question. It's the volume of that minority that has caused any ill feeling etc. Unfortunately the loudest voices are the ones which get heard, and that's what creates impressions and that is what you don't seem to realise.

The YF Forum has a lot of active posters, which dilutes the effect of the minority somewhat. If there's only a handful of ACFC posters and 2 or 3 of them are "militant" the effect is multiplied

What you're saying is if any ACFC fan dares challenge the pervasive anti-City paranoia on this forum and simply points out that Kiwitea Street is in fact a great place to watch football with passionate fans then they're somehow "militants". What rubbish!

Early retirement
over 17 years

There is no anti-city paranoia.  Most people couldn't care less about City domestically and when you're playing outside NZ support them wholeheartedly.

There is certainly some pro-City paranoia.

Not Elite enough
over 17 years

That isn't actually what I said. At no time have I disputed the fact, or argued that Kiwitea Street isn't a good place to watch football. In fact I stated that it was far better in terms of atmosphere than Fred Taylor Park is. I have not said anything negative at all about ACFC fans and how they conduct themselves at games. I don't recall ever criticising an ACFC fan for saying that Kiwitea Street is a great place to watch football. I have, admittedly, criticised an ACFC fan for presenting himself as an arrogant, condescending fool for taking uninformed pot shots at people who have the temerity not to be interested in their football team, but I suppose that must be the challenging "anti-City paranoia" you're talking about, so that's acceptable. Apparently.

So, if you had actually read what I've written, which you clearly haven't, you would've known that. Given what I've written and the fact that I haven't once levelled any criticism at your club, and then reading your somewhat blinkered responses, I think it's blatantly obvious where the paranoia is.

Anyway, I've wasted enough of my time in here. Enjoy your weekend, lads.

about 15 years

As I said before, there endth the lesson.

about 15 years

I'll follow up behind News. I'm not in favour of city while this attitude continues. Change it, and I guarantee others will do the same.

I also encourage you to keep posting because surely if we are wrong, it'll become clear over a number of posts, right?

over 12 years

Do you guys get airpoints for every post or is it a case of too much time on your hands Trueblue and JV?  

Hard News, as JV will no longer be posting ''there endth the lesson" and Trueblue's in LA here's a good opportunity to close this thread down as it's gone from amusing to childish to now embarrassing.

After thought: If everything ACFC is so bl**dy marvelous why do they spend all their time on the Fever forum and none on their own?

Starting XI
over 17 years

gordy bennett - fireman

over 13 years

As has been suggested before come and say hello in the club house. People are generally much more reasonable in person than on forums. My name's Ali and you'll see me in the stand singing.

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