Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

Chris James not in the squad Sunday? 3 Sacred Heart and 1 Saint Kents player, making a quarter of the squad current school kids.

Rumours of players leaving and unhappiness, maybe showing in no wins since round 3?

almost 12 years

Sunseeker wrote:

Chris James not in the squad Sunday? 3 Sacred Heart and 1 Saint Kents player, making a quarter of the squad current school kids.

Rumours of players leaving and unhappiness, maybe showing in no wins since round 3?

No making of Hay when the sun shines.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Danny Hay nothing but a bully always has been always will be and his arse licking mate and sook  Zorro not far behind, shame with both being Kiwis big  egos both of them.

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

charger1 wrote:

Danny Hay nothing but a bully always has been always will be and his arse licking mate and sook  Zorro not far behind, shame with both being Kiwis big  egos both of them.

Big test for him as he deals with adults instead of kids, although is it keeps going the way it has, it will be a Sacred Heart 11 by February. Touted as a national senior Coach, yet making a mess of this assignment. used 29 players so far, most in the league and the team was winning until he took over properly after returning from world cup. have not won since. Watching them live they look like they would rather be on the beach and lots of chatter in the stands that he is alienating them and using his little Sacred side kick Kane to do some of his dirty work, and major influence on him. who knows what the truth is, but I for one won't be watching any more of them as they are looking rubbish.

over 7 years

Quite Interesting points you have made and something to think about... Although I'm interested to hear more of this Dirty work and influence from his sidekick you speak of?

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

Quite Interesting points you have made and something to think about... Although I'm interested to hear more of this Dirty work and influence from his sidekick you speak of?

Is that you Kane?

over 7 years

haha!!! I would like to think that he would be a lot more "Pro-Suburbs" than I am anti... so I think that rules me out :D. 
I was just genuinely interested to hear what was going on.

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

haha!!! I would like to think that he would be a lot more "Pro-Suburbs" than I am anti... so I think that rules me out :D. 
I was just genuinely interested to hear what was going on.

Sat behind  some people who knew some players and they seem to think he gets to make the tough calls to players around non selection, and shows a lot of negative footage to Danny of players he deems not doing good things. These guys seems to think he has far too much influence around the squad for a kid just out of school, and the players think not much of him. As I said, not fact , just what was being said in the stands and could not help myself but hear it!

over 7 years

Sunseeker... I went along to the game today, and after what you said spoke to a few people at halftime, but they told me pretty much the opposite, So interesting if it was players who weren't playing at that time maybe making comment? Strange with such contrast in opinions though. About Hay letting other people make decisions, I can't believe that for a second though... I think one thing everyone knows about him is that he seems like he is very much his own person regardless of what people think of him. I haven't seen Hay's teams play often enough to comment on him as a coach though.

First Team Squad
almost 16 years

Park looking pretty wet and the weather up here in Auckland is pretty gloomy.

Have they delayed kick off till 5pm? Even so if they end up needing the lights then expect a farce incoming.... BMK's lighting is terrible and will look twice as bad on TV.

Let's see.

First Team Squad
almost 16 years

Thought the yellow socks looked great.

over 13 years

Some parents not happy at cost at Eastern Suburbs Mothers are hitting out at what they call "extortionate" revenue gaining tactics from their kids' sports club.

Starting XI
over 17 years

quite a few questions can be raised from this situation

the club mentioned 'failure to return rate' to justify increased costs, but i assume these kits are purchased and therefore can be kept and therefore no return is necessary?

the club mentioned 4 years usage. not many kids would fit the same kit for 4 years

i assume these kits can be traded, like second hand boots?

what are the subs? what do subs cover?

charity sponsorship used to cover kit costs. has this dried up?

there must surely be a market for kids just wanting to turn up in their favorite team kit, put on a bib and have a kick around. should clubs also be providing this as well as the more serious team based stuff?

Phoenix Academy
almost 11 years

It's a racket just like school uniforms designed to make $ for a few people. Suburbs are just presuming that everyone in their area is loaded

over 17 years

Stuff Article wrote:
If it's a purchase that is only used for one year, then yes it is an expensive exercise. But the average player at our club is with us for four years, and the shirt will last that long unless the player grows out of it."

Anyone know any 12 year olds that fit the same kit they started in at 8!?  

Also, who the heck needs an away strip at junior level?  Just turn the strip inside out or put some bibs on for God's sake.  

As above, how can they cite failure to return as a reason to lift prices when presumably, at that price, the people are buying the shirts, not hiring them?

What kind of strips cost $70 when bought in bulk (I presume with ~900 juniors they are ordering at least 400 a year to account for new players and kids growing out of strips).  I am involved in a cricket club and small run orders for shirts (admittedly not football kit, but still pretty good quality) and it is nowhere near this price.

What happened to team kit?

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

Long history of this at Suburbs. Chairman Ruffel used to own the sports shop that you had to buy from. Always was way more expensive than rival clubs. Wealthy catchment area allows for it?

Phoenix Academy
almost 11 years

It's not just Suburbs doing it. Fencibles make you pay $270 for a senior sub and you get a Nike shirt for that and are then "expected" to buy shorts and socks from a preferred supplier for an additional $90. Where does all that money go? Straight to paying for average imports to play for a very average first team

Starting XI
over 12 years

I don't want to defend suburbs because at the end of the day it's their call and they do things differently to my club, but anyone who thinks cross-subsidization shouldn't happen in football needs to look at the very top!

The levies that clubs pay (in our case 1/3 of everyone's fee) of which half roughly goes to NZF - pretty much directly subsidizes costs for All Whites and Ferns programs (and the youth teams).

So I see in the article there are comparisons with Rugby in terms of cost - well simply put in Rugby the money flows down from the governing body to grassroots while in Football the money flows up from grassroots to the governing body - that's why the sport costs more to play!!

over 17 years

chopah wrote:

I don't want to defend suburbs because at the end of the day it's their call and they do things differently to my club, but anyone who thinks cross-subsidization shouldn't happen in football needs to look at the very top!

The levies that clubs pay (in our case 1/3 of everyone's fee) of which half roughly goes to NZF - pretty much directly subsidizes costs for All Whites and Ferns programs (and the youth teams).

So I see in the article there are comparisons with Rugby in terms of cost - well simply put in Rugby the money flows down from the governing body to grassroots while in Football the money flows up from grassroots to the governing body - that's why the sport costs more to play!!

Agreed, but subs haven't been brought up here - I know the challenges clubs have balancing budgets and paying Fed/NZF levies - this is around extortionate kit prices presumably on top of pretty high subs.

Phoenix Academy
almost 11 years

chopah wrote:

I don't want to defend suburbs because at the end of the day it's their call and they do things differently to my club, but anyone who thinks cross-subsidization shouldn't happen in football needs to look at the very top!

The levies that clubs pay (in our case 1/3 of everyone's fee) of which half roughly goes to NZF - pretty much directly subsidizes costs for All Whites and Ferns programs (and the youth teams).

So I see in the article there are comparisons with Rugby in terms of cost - well simply put in Rugby the money flows down from the governing body to grassroots while in Football the money flows up from grassroots to the governing body - that's why the sport costs more to play!!

Nobody's disputing the money has to come from somewhere. Suburbs do a lot of good things but to claim that a junior player will get 4 years out of a shirt is just idiocy. The expectation is that when you pay to play a sport, the fee will include a uniform, so clubs need to take that into account. Maybe paying 1 less first team mercenary $10k a year to win a competition that doesn't matter might help (and I know Ellerslie don't do that so not having a go at you)

over 17 years

sounds like the club needs a new chairman

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

Feverish wrote:

sounds like the club needs a new chairman

Has the same tenure as most African dictators, and apparently lives in Napier or Nelson too, so can't let his fiefdom go.

almost 14 years

Kiddies’ parents being extorted to pay eastern suburbs first team youngsters or coach’s salary?  PS presumably all these parents are members so they can vote the conflict of interest chairman out too. 

Starting XI
over 12 years

aitkenmike wrote:

chopah wrote:

I don't want to defend suburbs because at the end of the day it's their call and they do things differently to my club, but anyone who thinks cross-subsidization shouldn't happen in football needs to look at the very top!

The levies that clubs pay (in our case 1/3 of everyone's fee) of which half roughly goes to NZF - pretty much directly subsidizes costs for All Whites and Ferns programs (and the youth teams).

So I see in the article there are comparisons with Rugby in terms of cost - well simply put in Rugby the money flows down from the governing body to grassroots while in Football the money flows up from grassroots to the governing body - that's why the sport costs more to play!!

Agreed, but subs haven't been brought up here - I know the challenges clubs have balancing budgets and paying Fed/NZF levies - this is around extortionate kit prices presumably on top of pretty high subs.

subs were not brought up here by you guys but they were brought up in the article.

over 17 years

chopah wrote:

aitkenmike wrote:

chopah wrote:

I don't want to defend suburbs because at the end of the day it's their call and they do things differently to my club, but anyone who thinks cross-subsidization shouldn't happen in football needs to look at the very top!

The levies that clubs pay (in our case 1/3 of everyone's fee) of which half roughly goes to NZF - pretty much directly subsidizes costs for All Whites and Ferns programs (and the youth teams).

So I see in the article there are comparisons with Rugby in terms of cost - well simply put in Rugby the money flows down from the governing body to grassroots while in Football the money flows up from grassroots to the governing body - that's why the sport costs more to play!!

Agreed, but subs haven't been brought up here - I know the challenges clubs have balancing budgets and paying Fed/NZF levies - this is around extortionate kit prices presumably on top of pretty high subs.

subs were not brought up here by you guys but they were brought up in the article.

Sorry, only had a quick read of the article so missed it if it was in there.

over 17 years

the club would be paying $50 max for the whole kit from Asia

Phoenix Academy
almost 11 years

Feverish wrote:

the club would be paying $50 max for the whole kit from Asia

Problem is they're not. An under-resourced, well-connected supplier in Auckland is screwing clubs into deals they think they can't refuse. He's getting it for way under that price but making clubs pay stupid money so the first team gets "free" kit

over 17 years

happydays wrote:

Feverish wrote:

the club would be paying $50 max for the whole kit from Asia

Problem is they're not. An under-resourced, well-connected supplier in Auckland is screwing clubs into deals they think they can't refuse. He's getting it for way under that price but making clubs pay stupid money so the first team gets "free" kit

I'm sure they are capable of simple maths

Phoenix Academy
almost 11 years

Feverish wrote:

happydays wrote:

Feverish wrote:

the club would be paying $50 max for the whole kit from Asia

Problem is they're not. An under-resourced, well-connected supplier in Auckland is screwing clubs into deals they think they can't refuse. He's getting it for way under that price but making clubs pay stupid money so the first team gets "free" kit

I'm sure they are capable of simple maths

I'm sure they are too. It's one thing being able to add, it's another knowing you're being screwed

Starting XI
over 12 years

happydays wrote:

Feverish wrote:

the club would be paying $50 max for the whole kit from Asia

Problem is they're not. An under-resourced, well-connected supplier in Auckland is screwing clubs into deals they think they can't refuse. He's getting it for way under that price but making clubs pay stupid money so the first team gets "free" kit

you know Eastern Suburbs source their own kit - IE they import it.  It's not a middle man scenario here.

almost 10 years

How many clubs pay so called professional coaches full salaries and provide club vehicles.

Just Danny and his mates from Scared Heart

over 10 years

I have kids playing at another Auckland club and fees are $195 which includes getting a shirt but socks and shorts must be purchased separately.  Sounds like much of a muchness.  Agree that needing to buy 2 shirts seems unnecessary but kids could easily get 2-3 years out of a shirt I reckon.

Life and death
over 17 years

The club is in a very very affluent area and this type of money would be peanuts to most in the catchment. Parents can take their kids to other clubs if they aren't happy, this happens every year over issues much less petty than he cost of a kit. The proof of the pudding will be if the junior numbers at the club significantly drop - if they don't then no harm done. If they do - bad call by Suburbs. I read the argument from someone saying that kids want to play with their mates from school - welcome to the real world kids. Otherwise when you're older and these school mates are drinking cocktails in Parnell and you're drinking Do Bros in  the car park of the GI Hotel, you'll realise that life isn't fair after all.

almost 10 years

Suburbs signing with Ole Academy for Handy

So much for local, pathway and development

almost 14 years

braces wrote:

Suburbs signing with Ole Academy for Handy

So much for local, pathway and development

To what extent have they “signed with”? Any details or players announced? 

Last NZ Premiership season 4 Ole players went to ACFC and 1 to Canterbury.

Plus Ole had about 50% of TeamWellington Youth, coached by Ole staff. 

about 8 years

Why have Ole partnered with ESFC? 

Wests aren't getting National league licence and NYL  licence has gone back to team Wellington.

Declan moving to Auckland? 

All very intriguing.

Danny has been known to have spent significant time at Ole. 

over 10 years

Have a look on the Declan Edge forum its all covered  how he wanted to be Assistant Coach of Team Wellington but they told him No!  so he took his ball and kids elsewhere.

He has now got the hump with Auckland City so Easts are next cab off the rank and take your pick who after that.

Phoenix Academy
over 13 years

whatever wrote:

Have a look on the Declan Edge forum its all covered  how he wanted to be Assistant Coach of Team Wellington but they told him No!  so he took his ball and kids elsewhere.

He has now got the hump with Auckland City so Easts are next cab off the rank and take your pick who after that.

There seems to be a theme ... 

Starting XI
over 9 years

Midline wrote:

1- Why have Ole partnered with ESFC? 

2- Wests aren't getting National league licence and NYL  licence has gone back to team Wellington.

3- Declan moving to Auckland? 

4 - All very intriguing.

5- Danny has been known to have spent significant time at Ole. 

1 - have they? nothing official yet or is it just what Ole did with Auckland City last season?

2 - true Wests aren't getting a NL licence, never were. NYL licence going back to TW? never left them, they got Ole involved and Ole were their shirt sponsors and managed the team, so maybe they aren't doing it this season, still TW youth

3 - you know more than me, although would be surprised if Dave Wilson (Ole Owner) would let him go without a fight (unless he's moving there also)

4 - yes, but how much is BS and how much isn't?

5 - aspiring NZ coaches spend time at top NZ academy shock! unheard off.......

over 17 years

who are current ES coaches?

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