Phoenix Academy
about 11 years
Poolfan wrote:

Nah wasn't Tai I was talking about but surely he is not at that level either. This guys an american lad who played for youngheart last year

What's his name?
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
Grant Robson. I echo Poolfan's thoughts!
Phoenix Academy
about 11 years
TopLeft07 wrote:
Grant Robson. I echo Poolfan's thoughts!
So we have signed a guy who played mainly yoof team last year,then quit the franchise, retried.. coached all winter and hasnt been playing in Matt Hastings and a guy who is an striker but didnt score a single goal for the worst team in the central league in Grant Robson.. Interesting
over 11 years
Backheel wrote:
TopLeft07 wrote:
Grant Robson. I echo Poolfan's thoughts!
So we have signed a guy who played mainly yoof team last year,then quit the franchise, retried.. coached all winter and hasnt been playing in Matt Hastings and a guy who is an striker but didnt score a single goal for the worst team in the central league in Grant Robson.. Interesting

Same lad who trialled for Otago United last season and was not picked?
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

This lad must be awful if he wasn't signed by OU

Life and death
about 17 years

Hastings would only be a squad player wouldn't he? Big ticker. I understand that one of the reasons for him not playing in NCR senior team is because he's had a major falling out with his Dad [who was coach] so bad in fact that dad didn't even attend his wedding. So if you're not playing CL with Rovers, there's nowhere else to play in the Bay at the top level.

From what I've seen HBU have done reasonably well in the past in recruiting from out of the area of players no one else seems to want or hasn't rated. I'm thinking Tinion, Hindmarsh types.

over 11 years

Big ticker but no footballing ability! didn't he coach their reserve team this year, which I would have thought he would have had to work with his Dad. 

HAHA This Grant Robson sound quality already!

almost 11 years

When you think Hawkes Bay United, you've gotta think moneyball. Not much of a player pool to choose from and not much budget. if you are looking at 20-25 senior players in your squad, surely these guys are good enough, as Napier Phoenix says even as squad players.


over 11 years

I can just see it getting to half way through the season and then players realise they are not going to be playing for the first team so they pull the pin, pick and choose when they want to play. it is hard in the bay, very few local players up to playing at national league level.

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

I agree hastings would be a squad player, and if true about his old man then fair enough to go coaching. But my point is he couldn't crack the 1st team for HBU last season, for what ever reasons that the coach didn't think he was good enough. then Hastings quit half way through. How if he hasn't played all winter has he improved to earn another 1st team spot?

almost 13 years

A source of mine from the Bay has given me a list of names that may interest you all up there as it seems HBU are the most secretive team when it comes to dishing out names!. He heard them from someone who heard them from someone! Here you go (I may be missing a few names, they are probably the players I've never heard of):

Bill Robertson, Aaron Jones, Richard Gillespie, Fergus Neil, Danny Wilson, Tom Biss, Harley Rodeka, Matt Hastings, Matt Gould

Then out of town - Ross Haviland, Sean Lovemore, David Mulligan, Sean Morris (who by the way I watched a lot this year...this lad can play!), Jack Hobson-Mcveigh.

There were others but I've forgot.

almost 11 years

completely agree watching from afar. tough gig in the regions to make things happen. Just ask Yougheart, Waikato and Otago.

almost 15 years

I had heard of JHM. Lovemore is not a surprise and he would have dragged along Haviland as both are together at Onehunga Sports. Haviland would *probably* have got a run at Watakere considering there is no one else but he would be a starter at HBU I suspect. Mulligan is a surprise and a good signing. Interested as to how the midfield will stack up with both Mully and Jack in there.

almost 13 years

Oh also forgot to throw in apparently Jack is injured for half the season. Not sure when he's due back

Life and death
about 17 years

Doesn't look too bad a squad. I thought Haviland was originally in the squad last year too [can't recall as i didn't see them play last season].

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Doesn't look too bad a squad. I thought Haviland was originally in the squad last year too [can't recall as i didn't see them play last season].

He played a few games, but i think he got injured. is Connor Tinnon in the squad? anyone know?
almost 13 years

Conor Tinnion and Steven Hindmarch haven't returned I believe. Also signed Tom Mosquera from Manawatu

Life and death
about 17 years

Not sure which one of the Western Suburbs boys it is, but he is back playing int he UK. Details are listed on the NZFC transfers page. Pity to lose those two.

almost 13 years

The Western Suburbs boy will be Sean Morris, an American midfielder, very good

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Glad to see Fergus Neil is back, Anyone know where hes been playing this winter? did he go overseas?

almost 11 years

Fergus Neil went to Aussie i think. Looks like that's most of the squad listed, looks very good especially If Mulligan rumours are true.

Haviland broke his leg, didn't play all season but has had a very good winter season

Starting XI
over 17 years


almost 13 years
reg22 wrote:


WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING!? Can play both I think, heard he was playing centre mid for his winter team too. JV might be able to confirm that, seems to know a bit about him?
Starting XI
over 17 years


caps lock stuck

Starting XI
over 15 years

Played his junior football at CB, RB but since he has moved into senior football he has played various midfield roles

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Is Josh Margetts back? anyone know?

almost 15 years

Tends to play more in the middle of the field as a box to box. Can be a bit loose with tackles but relatively composed on the ball.

over 11 years

Haviland best position at centre back!

Phoenix Academy
about 16 years

hi folks,

Jumping in a bit late here sorry, but re: people in the squad that 'aren't good enough' or 'worthwhile' ('watching_from_far' I see your comments earlier, but you're not the first past/former/aspiring coach to throw in your two cents nor will you be the last).

Surely we can all assume and accept with a large or even absolute degree of certainty that the reason people are in a squad is because they have been asked to be, not because they have decided that they are going to take the place of somebody else that in someone else's opinion should be there in front of them. The 'SBW situation' goes a long way to illustrating this - not that most people can see that. Joe Public would rather attack the most readily-accessible person (/biggest target) 

A player can't decide who he is playing for. They have to be allowed to by the person that makes the decisions.
Whether they're going to be a squad player and 'pull pin' or not, that's something the coach has to take into account and deal with as and when these type of things happen. If they're happy where they are - no matter what their 'role' - they will stay.

If anything, a 'dubious' selection should be commended for at least agreeing to make themself available - at the end of the day they're probably doing it for little personal gain and ultimately doing the coach a favour.

In HBU's case, based on the performances over the past few years and in particular last season, I would say Chris Greatholder well and truly knows what he's doing.

Completely understand that everyone on this forum is entitled to their opinion, and that's all I'm sharing here.

Not exactly 100% sure why I bothered, but hopefully it provides a bit of perspective to someone...

Starting XI
about 12 years
Masty wrote:

hi folks,

Jumping in a bit late here sorry, but re: people in the squad that 'aren't good enough' or 'worthwhile' ('watching_from_far' I see your comments earlier, but you're not the first past/former/aspiring coach to throw in your two cents nor will you be the last).

Surely we can all assume and accept with a large or even absolute degree of certainty that the reason people are in a squad is because they have been asked to be, not because they have decided that they are going to take the place of somebody else that in someone else's opinion should be there in front of them. The 'SBW situation' goes a long way to illustrating this - not that most people can see that. Joe Public would rather attack the most readily-accessible person (/biggest target) 

A player can't decide who he is playing for. They have to be allowed to by the person that makes the decisions.
Whether they're going to be a squad player and 'pull pin' or not, that's something the coach has to take into account and deal with as and when these type of things happen. If they're happy where they are - no matter what their 'role' - they will stay.

If anything, a 'dubious' selection should be commended for at least agreeing to make themself available - at the end of the day they're probably doing it for little personal gain and ultimately doing the coach a favour.

In HBU's case, based on the performances over the past few years and in particular last season, I would say Chris Greatholder well and truly knows what he's doing.

Completely understand that everyone on this forum is entitled to their opinion, and that's all I'm sharing here.

Not exactly 100% sure why I bothered, but hopefully it provides a bit of perspective to someone...

You know what Masty, I love you. Let's be friends.

almost 15 years
Masty wrote:

hi folks,

Jumping in a bit late here sorry, but re: people in the squad that 'aren't good enough' or 'worthwhile' ('watching_from_far' I see your comments earlier, but you're not the first past/former/aspiring coach to throw in your two cents nor will you be the last).

Surely we can all assume and accept with a large or even absolute degree of certainty that the reason people are in a squad is because they have been asked to be, not because they have decided that they are going to take the place of somebody else that in someone else's opinion should be there in front of them. The 'SBW situation' goes a long way to illustrating this - not that most people can see that. Joe Public would rather attack the most readily-accessible person (/biggest target) 

A player can't decide who he is playing for. They have to be allowed to by the person that makes the decisions.
Whether they're going to be a squad player and 'pull pin' or not, that's something the coach has to take into account and deal with as and when these type of things happen. If they're happy where they are - no matter what their 'role' - they will stay.

If anything, a 'dubious' selection should be commended for at least agreeing to make themself available - at the end of the day they're probably doing it for little personal gain and ultimately doing the coach a favour.

In HBU's case, based on the performances over the past few years and in particular last season, I would say Chris Greatholder well and truly knows what he's doing.

Completely understand that everyone on this forum is entitled to their opinion, and that's all I'm sharing here.

Not exactly 100% sure why I bothered, but hopefully it provides a bit of perspective to someone...

nothing wrong with that position sir
Life and death
about 17 years

Bill Robertson, David Mulligan,Tom Biss, Matt Bruin, Richard Gillespie, Matt Gould, Ross Haviland, Jack Hobson-McVeigh, Aaron Jones, Sean Lovemore, Sean Morris, Tomas Mosquera, Fergus Neil, Harley Rodeka, Danny Wilson, Grant Robertson.


almost 11 years

Great post Masty. Again, people have to realise that there aren't 20 players of top quality wanting to sign for HBU like there may be in the larger cities. Theres 6 or 7 local lads that are good national league players, they get 4 or 5 new players in a year and then ask the local players with not as much ability to join the squad and become better footballers. That makes up their squad. They are then coached and set up in a way that they can challenge the big boys. Organisational strength and actually getting the best out of their players is what they have been noted for over the last couple of years. I'm sure HBU, Otago and WaiBop (and YHM) would love the calibre of players that Auckland, Waitakere and Wellington have at their disposal rather than local league players, cast-offs or players that are happy to play for no/little money.
Who's to say that Keith Braithwaite isn't a better coach than RamonTribulietx or that Chris Greatholder isn't better than both of them? It's very hard to compare because all have different resources available so it's probably a pointless arguement, but just trying to say that it is nigh-on impossible to get quality squad players from 1-25 for most sides and therefore the squad players can become a big part of the make-up.

Starting XI
over 17 years

some good posts here

and looks like a decent squad too

another inhibiting factor is the lack of reserve games.  fringe players may not be so keen to commit themselves for little football.  this is easier to combat in the big cities due to player depth, but the smaller cities get exposed.

Blue Cod
over 14 years

I appreciate how difficult it is for the regional sides like HBU to attract talented players compared to the bigger metro sides like ACFC, TW and CU. Perhaps NZF should consider a ballot allocation like they do in the US? Not sure how it would work or if players would go along with it but there definitely needs to be a more level playing field to make the ASBP more competitive. If we just go on natural selection then the bigger franchises are always going to attract the majority of the best players.

Life and death
about 17 years
over 11 years

"It is understood the franchise and Peverley didn't see eye to eye on his contractual worth."  Love it.

over 11 years
Masty wrote:

hi folks,

Jumping in a bit late here sorry, but re: people in the squad that 'aren't good enough' or 'worthwhile' ('watching_from_far' I see your comments earlier, but you're not the first past/former/aspiring coach to throw in your two cents nor will you be the last).

Surely we can all assume and accept with a large or even absolute degree of certainty that the reason people are in a squad is because they have been asked to be, not because they have decided that they are going to take the place of somebody else that in someone else's opinion should be there in front of them. The 'SBW situation' goes a long way to illustrating this - not that most people can see that. Joe Public would rather attack the most readily-accessible person (/biggest target) 

A player can't decide who he is playing for. They have to be allowed to by the person that makes the decisions.
Whether they're going to be a squad player and 'pull pin' or not, that's something the coach has to take into account and deal with as and when these type of things happen. If they're happy where they are - no matter what their 'role' - they will stay.

If anything, a 'dubious' selection should be commended for at least agreeing to make themself available - at the end of the day they're probably doing it for little personal gain and ultimately doing the coach a favour.

In HBU's case, based on the performances over the past few years and in particular last season, I would say Chris Greatholder well and truly knows what he's doing.

Completely understand that everyone on this forum is entitled to their opinion, and that's all I'm sharing here.

Not exactly 100% sure why I bothered, but hopefully it provides a bit of perspective to someone...

haha my coaching aspirations are limited to my lads 14th grade side.
But fear comments Masty. Like I and others have stated its harder in small areas to get stronger squads. I feel I have reason to be sceptical with what happened last season around players leaving. I just feel that if players are needed to make up the numbers give a younger guy a go who will benefit more from being in that environment rather than someone who has probably reached their potential, which in this case my example was Hastings.
While I was sceptical initially like many others, I think Chris has done a brilliant job coach considering what he was left with to start off with and I'm in no way questioning whether he is right for the position.  
Anyway this squad looks his best yet.
almost 11 years

You've got a fair point about giving youth a chance, but both senior and youth sides work together at HBU so there were 5 academy players training each night with the senior side and there were plenty of inter squad games etc so enough time and opportunity for the coaches to work with the other players. Again, in respect to the lack of depth of talent in HB, there aren't exactly a mob of world-beating 17 year olds breaking through, so the good ones will definitely get a chance.

almost 11 years

Absoultely shocking article. All the good and positive information and the things that the club are trying to do and he focusses on untruths about Cole $ peverley. So many factual inaccuracies too, players names wrong, players names omitted.

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