Southern Football (incl Southern United) (Part 1)

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Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
NatPevin wrote:
Yeovil wrote:
lucretia wrote:
Roy Keane wrote:
Back Up Keeper ??

Or are they still to name the No1 keeper? Rather than a backup? The eyes may be on experience at the back and still looking for it..

Pete Evans surely

Troll mentioned the Spirit FC keeper - I read he is a South American called Rodriguez and is pretty good....maybe he is in the frame.
From what I've seen Evans is better and has a truckload of experience.
almost 13 years
Think it looks like a strong but young defence, like Prattley and Zac Rathbone has impressed me hes been with Varsity in SPL awhile and heard hes done a few years in Nat. Youth League think both Auck under Brian Turner and Otago??

Don't quite understand why they specify young ones in the squad can't help but think they would get more out of playing Youth League then more then likely being bench warmers.

Are there any pre season friendlies would like to watch if anyone knows of any?
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
over 13 years
pre season games in Brisbane
Interesting idea - season starts in 2-3 weeks, and OU isnt flush with cash, so how could they afford such a luxury friendly warm up?
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
pre season games in Brisbane
pre season games in Brisbane Alex
about 13 years
about 13 years
Think there might be a game on this saturday, not sure who and when thou. Does anybody know???????
about 13 years
I have heard nothing at all...bit of a worry the lads haven't played a single game yet! Gonna drive down from PN to Welly for the first game though..hope Otago get in at least one warm up before then!!
Phoenix Academy
over 13 years
We are playing against the Youth squad at 11am on Saturday, I think probably at Forrester. We have training tonight though so probably find out more then.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Who is we? You in the otago squad redrum?
Phoenix Academy
over 13 years
I not in initial squad but training at moment and hopefully make the final cut named next week
First Team Squad
over 15 years
about 13 years
REDRUM wrote:
I not in initial squad but training at moment and hopefully make the final cut named next week

Good luck with that - you certainly seem incredibly dedicated given your stated location is the United States...hope you get a travel allowance.NatPevin2011-10-13 11:58:24
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
I know preciously who REDRUM is. Thoughts on first game against Wellington away? There not a bad wee outfit actually
about 13 years
From last season they have Imray in goal (who I think is damn good). Whalen at the back and Patrick in the middle are both getting on in years; pace and movement up front could trouble Whalen I reckon. Eager and Barbarouses are skillful and dangerous in the middle though - but our midfield lads are young and fit so they will be able to compete I'm sure. Sadly they have our own Paddy Fleming - he might end up being their best player.

I've never seen the u-20 lads they have except on the TV. They look good to me but not outstanding - the most dangerous one looks like Lucas, but he might not be able to play - I read on the Team Wellington forum there is an issue with his transfer from Waitak. The big lab Galbraith will obviously be a problem at set piece time. Matt Joy will have to stand on his feet. I see they have recently signed an Aussie striker as well and he looks to have some good experience.

All in all we need to defend like hell and run our butts off in the middle of the park. What else is new! Then we have to hope poacher Hancock can bag a few. What's our new Canadian striker like by the way?

But we can win it for sure and easily get a point I reckon so long as we are organised - I'm going down there so will be able to post an unbiased Southern match report.
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
Don't think much of our new striker Donnie from what I've seen. Not overly quick, just above average first touch and an ok passer. Will struggle holding the ball up against big defenders. Will be interesting to find out how he goes on. Apparently he's got a hamstring problem at the moment anyway.

I believe Fleming will be lucky to get much gametime in the middle for Team Wellington from there outfit they have there. OU are lacking a stong big striker at the moment and some wingers with serious pace and technical ability. Youngest OU team I have ever seen.
about 15 years
Don't think much of our new striker Donnie from what I've seen. Not overly quick, just above average first touch and an ok passer. Will struggle holding the ball up against big defenders. Will be interesting to find out how he goes on. Apparently he's got a hamstring problem at the moment anyway.

I believe Fleming will be lucky to get much gametime in the middle for Team Wellington from there outfit they have there. OU are lacking a stong big striker at the moment and some wingers with serious pace and technical ability. Youngest OU team I have ever seen.
I believe that young Fleming will get plenty of match time, that lad can play abit and seems to be able to score from almost anywhere in the attacking half an not too bad from a dead ball.  
almost 16 years
AllWhites82 wrote:
Don't think much of our new striker Donnie from what I've seen. Not overly quick, just above average first touch and an ok passer. Will struggle holding the ball up against big defenders. Will be interesting to find out how he goes on. Apparently he's got a hamstring problem at the moment anyway.

I believe Fleming will be lucky to get much gametime in the middle for Team Wellington from there outfit they have there. OU are lacking a stong big striker at the moment and some wingers with serious pace and technical ability. Youngest OU team I have ever seen.
I believe that young Fleming will get plenty of match time, that lad can play abit and seems to be able to score from almost anywhere in the attacking half an not too bad from a dead ball.  
Doesnt he play out wide?He will score at least 3 from the dead ball this year
First Team Squad
over 15 years
fleming will be lucky to make the game day squad in wgtn
First Team Squad
over 15 years
a very overrated player in dunedin footballing circleshorseshead212011-10-14 13:31:22
about 13 years
I think they could start with:

Duncan Schaeffers Whalen Branch
Fleming Eager Barbarouses White
Lucas Holmes

Bench: Basalaj (A) Patrick Cain Gulley (A) Galbraith

They don't seem to have much cover at the back in my opinion.
about 13 years
horseshead21 wrote:

a very overrated player in dunedin footballing circles

That may be so, but he's walked right into the Wellington squad and has been given the number 9! I know it's not as prevalent as it used to be, but coaches still generally reserve the first 11 shirt numbers for the guys they are going to play a fair bit.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
about 13 years
horseshead21 wrote:

rubbish logic nat

OK, but what sort of argument is that? Explain why and then put up your TW starting 11 and bench then!
about 13 years
I mean Calcott even left the number 11 shirt vacant because he knew he was going to sign the guy Holmes...Calcott is one of those old fashioned guys in that respect.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
you mates with calcott? Id have fleming on the bench Id start Patrick ahead of him
about 13 years
I don't have to be mates with Calcott to know how he coaches...So you would have the same lineup as me except exchange Fleming and Wiremu Patrick??? Gee you sure gave that some thought.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
I would have cain over fleming also... I can't be arsed naming the side just saying fleming shouln't be starting in that team
about 13 years
Fair enough if that's what you think..I wasn't saying he should start just that he would in my opinion...I think Patrick will be on the bench because they will want to start with high energy players like him and Eager, White and George. Has Fleming every played wing back? The more I look at Wellington the more I wonder where the defensive cover is.

And what's our starting lineup going to be? I have no clue really because its been more than a year since I've been in Dunners and have no idea about the new lads.
almost 16 years
horseshead21 wrote:
a very overrated player in dunedin footballing circles
Its been a while since you were in Dunedin tho Horsie..Go have a watch and if you still think so i will believe you
First Team Squad
over 15 years
alrigth will do fair point, he will probably score a brace and have a blinder now
about 13 years
OU line up for welly
Pratley Mepham Lockheart Conner
Roddecka Cunningham Day Ryder
Boommer Hancock
Bench Dunn Grovan Stephans(a) and young keeper (a)
about 13 years
roslynfc wrote:
OU line up for welly

Pratley Mepham Lockheart Conner

Roddecka�Cunningham Day Ryder

Boommer Hancock


Bench Dunn Grovan Stephans(a) and young keeper (a)

Mate can that be right? Prattley LB Connor RB for sure but Lockheart (who has the goods I agree) hasn't even been picked yet and Mepham at CB?? Surely it will be Joy and the Fitzpatrick lad from Miramar who I'm told is a big strong fast unit. Actually I like the idea of Prattley at LM/LW...we've all seen him outstanding in that maybe Rathbone or Ferguson at LB but I've never seen either of them. And you are forgetting Overton in midfield...him over Day any day...scuse the pun. I'm told Day has kicked on well this year though.

And Govan on the bench? He hasn't been picked yet either - although I think he will be. Do you have some inside info?

It's an incredibly young squad but I'm behind that philosophy all the way.NatPevin2011-10-14 21:42:11
about 13 years
REDRUM wrote:
We are playing against the Youth squad at 11am on Saturday, I think probably at Forrester. We have training tonight though so probably find out more then.

Did we win?

And did they name the other 5?
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
roslynfc what are you smoking?

Starting line up will be:

Evans or Flaws
Connor Joy Fitzpatrick Prattley
Roddeka Cunningham Overton Ryder
Hancock Govan/Canadian?

Bench still undecided?

OU played OU Youth Team and beat them 6-0...apparently OU looked quite sharp all round the park...mind you they were playing a youth team
about 13 years
Mate watched the game this morning, very one sided but you would expect that against the youth team
They started with
J.Stevens L.Lockheart M.Joy T.Conner
H.Rodeka S.Mepham M.Day S.Ryder
J.Govan A.Hancock
Few players late getting there, but also played over the course of the game were Pratley,Os (southlandGK), Dan (uni GK),Fitzpatrick,Rathbone and think 1 or 2 more. Cunningham injured Overton(Boomer) sick Flaws (work) did not play
Think the score was 5 or 6 nil to seniors.
Fitzpatrick looks ok but not 100% sure about him, one has to wonder why he was not picked up by Wellington?? or even Manawatu?? but will be sure he will be in the squard for this weekend.
about 13 years
Has Evans signed or was he there to make up numbers??? Thought it was odd seeing him there
about 13 years
Thanks for the updates. Cunningham injured? Bugger - is it serious enough to keep him out of the Team Wellington game? I didn't realise the academy player Stevens was a full-back I thought he played up front. Is he any good? Fitzpatrick has surely gone down to go to uni - you would think Calcott would have considered him because he must know him from Miramar Rangers.
about 13 years
Found this on the Central League thread:

Toffeeman66 wrote:
Toffeeman66 wrote:
TopLeft07 wrote:
The tall centre back could be Chris Conway? has played for mar reserves for some time. he's 23 btw

Yeah I know Conway and it's good to see him playing again because he wasn't playing at the start of the year. But there's another kid who's quite a bit younger; someone said he was in the initial NZ-20 squad but got injured. I don't know who he is and I know that age group quite well. I think he must be from outside of Wellington. I saw him play once and he really stood out to me; reminded me of a young Ben Sigmund - needs a bit of work technically but big and fast and tough.

I'm able to answer my own question now because I asked someone at the club. They do have a 19 yr old centre back called Jude Fitzpatrick who came from Auckland at the start of the year but has been injured.

So perhaps he simply didn't get picked up because he's been injured. Having said that though Wellington did bring in Nick Branch the u-20 captain and that kid looks pretty damn good.
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
Apparently Prattley and Fitzpatrick didn't start because they were late so Stevens and Lockheart started. Stevens is a class act for a young boy, I reckon he will be playing quite a lot this season for OU. I am still not sure on Fitzpatrick yet, seems solid enough though. Cunninghams injury isn't too bad...ankle from what I have heard. Mepham is a good replacement off the bench for OU.

Who played well for OU roslynfc?
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