Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
So whats the word on these players not wanting to travel?? Any snippets of actually information out there
Stage Punch
about 17 years
turner wrote:
 "neither Bruce nor I is hiding behind a username.
so your real name is "smithy" ??????

Yup.  And if you click on it you will find my full name, date of birth, and email address.

Smithy2009-11-07 20:06:39
almost 17 years
turner wrote:
wats going on at waikato
rumour is some senior players are refusing to travel to chch
apparently training sessions are on a melville/wanderers level -unbelievably boring
watch this waikato space 
Turner, I also am aware of a wee issue bubbling under the radar at waikato.
But in fairness to Che and the Waikato team, I won't comment on  anything until after their game tomorrow.
But I can't let your comment above pass. I can't speak for Wanderers, but would like to remind you the sessions at Melville were of sufficient calibre for them to win the northern premier league title.
almost 15 years
In truth
Fair do's to Melville they won the play off but came 2nd in the league  -you did what the competition demands but its a bit like Man Utd winning the Prem and then having to go in to a play off  -its a bit Disneyland but thats the system but I can't help thinking the old Bruce would have been fighting a lot harder against the problems of the game instead of becoming part of the system.
I'd suggest the players did it - maybe they did it despite the sessions  - i'm sure you must talk to the players at different times so despite your protestations you will know the quality of the coaching  but of course its really Willo thats the power behind the club so its difficult for you.
just saying it as it is
almost 15 years
"Yup.  And if you click on it you will find my full name, date of birth, and email address."
I don,t need to look at those details Smithy you categorize yourself with your comments!!
Played a little bit maybe local league tried a bit of refereeing and maybe coaching probably a womens team and went into administration and now think you,re an expert!!

almost 15 years
oh so Smithy isn't your real name!! well then why not put your real name!!
Early retirement
over 17 years
Did you even read what he posted ?

Click on his name and you have his full name.  It includes Smith you will be surprised to know.
Stage Punch
about 17 years
turner wrote:
"Yup.  And if you click on it you will find my full name, date of birth, and email address."
I don,t need to look at those details Smithy you categorize yourself with your comments!!
Played a little bit maybe local league tried a bit of refereeing and maybe coaching probably a womens team and went into administration and now think you,re an expert!!

Hey now, let's not get personal.

I have NEVER tried refereeing.
Early retirement
over 17 years
almost 17 years
Turner, you suggest Steve Williams is the power behind the club --  but also think his coaching is rubbish? Hmmm.
Kind of hard to reconcile, don't youi think, even for someone who is not a Melville member?
Still, that incongruity has helped clarify who you are though. :)
Bruce Holloway2009-11-07 23:49:50
almost 15 years
Bruce did i not tell you a couple of weeks ago there would be problems under Gay Bunce?? hmmm i think i did. I also mentioned that Matthews wouldnt be the only one leaving early in the season! I think your starting to agree with me that this might be the case! It was a mickey mouse decision to employ him in the first place and now look how things are going! I hope you son isnt disrespecting your man Bunce down their Bruce because that might become quite akward for you when you have your opinions?! Easy maths for you Bruce..Waikato + Bunce = Shambles. 
almost 15 years
"Turner, you suggest Steve Williams is the power behind the club --  but also think his coaching is rubbish? Hmmm. "
I'm disappointed in your reply Bruce - you never really answered the real basis of the post.
I never used the word rubbish!!!  i said boring but again you know that !! Willo controls the club with his money,his length of service and his connections and who can blame him.
Make no mistake you're the one thats turned the club round but be careful you don,t become a different person you,ve still got to "tilt at windmills "occasionally!! 
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
I am surprised that this thread has changed to a slag Bruce Holloway, Steve Williams and in general Melville slight. Melville did win the final as was outlined in the fixtures at the start of this years Nrthern League, no they didnt win the league as Lynn Avon did, however Melville did win the Premiership. Both Bruce and Steve were instrumental in this victory on and off the field - i thought this was set up to question Waikato FC - why dont we get back to that and work out what is the reasson players arent going to Chch today as i dont think neither Bruce nor Steve have any input into you?
almost 15 years
Who's slagging off Bruce or Steve ??its a discussion 
almost 15 years
Bruce, reports coming out of Waikato this morning is that Steve Hollaway has had a falling out with your man Bunce and failed to show up at the airport for the flight?!!!
So far Bunce has lost Wylie Hogg Strom Pearce - all pre season, now Matthews and Hollaway during the season....any takers on who next he will have a falling out with? 

This club could create a movie with all its happenings over the past and current seasons!!
about 16 years
turner and Hear it Here - thanks for hijacking the thread with generous lashings of stupid 
almost 15 years
''thanks for hijacking the thread with generous lashings of stupid'' ???

Mate is a Waikato discussion thread and ive only ever spoken about Waikato business on it. You may also find that my information may be correct. Hollaway and Wilkonson have walked out!!
about 16 years
2 - 0 loss to canterbury. canterbury played with ten men for the majority of the match. Hollaway and Wilkinson didnt travel. Bunce has got major problems already. Was a very strange decision to appoint him with no experience. And all he has done was recruit a bunch of average players and fall out with a number of players.
about 16 years
turner and Hear it Here - you chaps might want to read the forum terms and conditions (see below). Hard News et al - time for the banstick!

thefever wrote:
4. sl*gging players off. The forums are not a place for sl*gging players, fans, or officials off. It is ok to express an informed view on why a particular player did or did not play well. It is not ok to start a thread along the lines of "so and so is crap". People who start such threads, or continue to comment along those lines, will be banned. If you see any posts that are offensive use the "report" button.

5. Thread domination. Do not try to bully someone into submission or disparage every comment they make, simply because their views may differ from your own. Write a coherent reply setting out your views and then let others have their say.

Starting XI
over 17 years
2-0 to the mighty Dragons, when really they should have been slain. 10 men for all of the 2nd half and 2 minutes of the 1st. Average game. Waikato hit the post early on when a poorly taken free kick caught the Dragons defence sleeping, apart from that neither keeper had much to do. Both teams lacked imagination. Dragons looked to be getting on top toward the end of the 1st half until Dirou was sent off for 2nd yellow. Really surprised that Waikato didn't take advantage of their 1 man advantage in the 2nd half. They should have stretched us all over the park. We had 3 30 year olds in Collins, Pitman and Rowe out there and they looked comfortable because Waikato couldn't maintain possession. Really let us off the hook, then Jordan Swaney scored a wonder goal from 25 yards out of nothing to spark the game up with 15 to go. With 10 left the Dragons scored from a deserved and well taken penalty (Clapham, who was fouled in the box). Cheeky chip over the keeper who had already dived summed up Waikato's day.  Waikato had player sent in added time (Gwyther). Really Waikato should have run us out of legs on a warm sunny day in the Garden City. Seemed to lack any idea really. And that away strip is simply disgusting.
And Ronald Oknow is my real name.
Ronaldoknow2009-11-09 10:22:33
over 17 years
Bruce, the game is finished so I now look forward to your comments.............
almost 17 years
Hello. a few things to put the record straight...
Steven Holloway told Che Bunce on Friday morning he wasn't available to go to Christchurch to sit on the bench. He was prepared to go if the team needed him to start. But after a good win last week, apparently they didn't.
Steven had made his summer intentions relatively clear when he signalled he was moving to the beach at the end of winter. But Bunce had also spent several weeks convincing him to sign for Waikato. Steven eventually agreed to do so - but more as doing a Melville team mate a favour, i think, than having any real desire to play for Waikato.
Steve sat on the bench last week, and when it became evident Che was only eyeing him as a bench player once again, for the trip to Christchurch, it all became a bit pointless. It was better to say something before getting up at 5.30am, shelling out $40 in petrol and $20 in parking at the airport, and spending all day on the road, when there were lads at Waikato who would leap at the chance to be part of the matchday squad.
Selecting a team is the coach's perogative, and Bunce is entitled to call it how he sees it in selecting his team.
Fundamentally Steven didn't accept the notion that he was a bench player, given the overall composition of the Waikato squad, as wasn't prepared to give up the time and money to endure the experience.
But i think that only reflects the larger fact that he wasn't really enjoying the overall Waikato experience, (and is unlikely to play any further part this summer).
That's not necessarily a reflection anything is wrong at Waikato - where the coach is employed to pick the team -- but is a reflection of where Steven is at after playing six seasons straight of sumer and winter; he's just not that fussed when there is nothing in it for him and he is not playing with his mates.
All teams need bench players. But some players fit the bill, others don't. Having said that, a coach can't have a player dictating to him, though the good man managers usually sort this stuff out face to face.
Steven said he doesn't wish to comment on this matter, doesn't think a fuss should be made over it  - and would rather i didn't as well.
But I think a degree of openness is required when so many people are inquiring.
Nobody has done anything wrong. The parties have just done what they think is right for themsevles.
Other players may also have withdrawn from Waikato, but I can't confirm this.
I am a Waikato FC season ticket holder.
almost 15 years

Bruce thanks for that,

However youve just done a Che Bunce....tried to cover up some truth by presenting a happy ending story!! Sure Steven may not like the travel but their are more reports coming out of the waikato camp that suggest this case is similar to the Matthews incident!

Also rumours in the kiwitea st clubrooms yesterday is that Waikato are again chasing Paul Marshall to take over at Christmas after he turned the job down before Bunce took over. Alan Jones was also mentioned by someone but cant see him wanting to take over nor Marshall in this case! However watch this space i say...

C'mon City!!!
Starting XI
over 17 years
Bruce you've highlighted one of the problems associated with a summer league. waikato is not the only frqanchise to suffer from player disinterest once the winter season finishes. We are difinitely not seeing the best players throughout the league and the standard of play suffers as a consequence. Something that the NZF review will cover no doubt when they get around to publishing their findings. Not sure they have the wherewithall to sort it, the NZFC doesn't even really feature on their own website.
As fo Che he may well be in the gun already given the reported comments after the game yesterday that the defence were to blame, particularly for the first goal. It was a marvellous strike deserving of a match winner, nothing to do with poor defence. The biggest problem Waikato had was there two best chances fell to Bunce (who had a very good game I might add), they lacked a killer instinct up front and creativity in the mid-field.
almost 17 years
Yes, we are caught in a bind. The summer league, by itself, lacks critical mass, with just 14 round robin matches. Far too few for serious players.
But we can't afford any more, because we don't have the supporter base to pay for it.
And it is hard for any coach to keep bench, or even non-bench players happy, when they are not part of a lucrative reward system, and past the point of beign eager young pups.
Incidentally the Waikato Times reported Bunce as saying Waikato were all over Canterbury.
Stage Punch
about 17 years
Think much the same was said in the Canty thread...
over 17 years
Hear it Here wrote:

Bruce thanks for that,

However youve just done a Che Bunce....tried to cover up some truth by presenting a happy ending story!! Sure Steven may not like the travel but their are more reports coming out of the waikato camp that suggest this case is similar to the Matthews incident!

Also rumours in the kiwitea st clubrooms yesterday is that Waikato are again chasing Paul Marshall to take over at Christmas after he turned the job down before Bunce took over. Alan Jones was also mentioned by someone but cant see him wanting to take over nor Marshall in this case! However watch this space i say...

C'mon City!!!

For a City supporter I find it intriguing that all of your 14 posts are to a Waikato/Hawkes bay thread - and most bagging Che Bunce and Waikato.

What is your agenda and what exact point are you trying to make other than sound like a complete belligerent fool?

If you look back at this thread from the beginning its clear this was going to be a difficult year, Bunce was appointed late and from what I hear Bunce is doing the best as he can with the resources available - the last thing he really needs is players that aren't fully supportive of the team and it sounds like Steven would rather be at the beach.

PS: You do realise Che Bunce played four games for Auckland City? Although I suspect you probably aren't a City supporter, just a sh*t stirrer.
almost 15 years
Dear Pronz,

Yes i am aware that Bunce played for us which also fuels my discussions and after speaking to players about him, he seemed a man who loved to blame everyone else in any circumstance on and off field! this seems to have taken place in the waikato too after loosing to of the vital players the team carried ie Mathews and Hollaway.

Also Pronz thank you for noting i have typed 14 times and if you have read what i have said those 14 times then you should understand that i originaly was infurated by Bunces article in the paper defaming an ec City player Joel Mathews and then to witness Bruce Hollaway come on here and say Joel Mathews has a brusied ego when both Bruce and Bunce really know what happend down there. I also mentioned that others would leave soon after, took a couple of weeks but now Northen Leagues GOLDEN BOOT and Waikato's all time TOP SCORER Steven Hollaway has left.
This infuriates me because we are loosing top players from this league and many from this Franchise...Wylie Hogg Pearce Strom Mathews Hollaway Mayne and maybe more. I like to see good football when i watch teams play City!! yes i am a city supporter!! but even Bruce is sensing their is problems down there so their must be.

So Pronz you can stick up for your franchise i have no problem with that...but sometimes what you read maybe true even if you dont particully like it! my bet is Wilkinson next to go...

C'mon City!!!
almost 17 years
Mathews was never defamed.
The Waikato Times reported:
"A disagreement between the two started about Mathews' fitness, then escalated to a point where it was decided it would be mutually beneficial for Mathews to leave the club."
You may disagree with that assessment, or its accuracy as a report (qualified by the rider that that was the position the paper UNDERSTOOD it to be), but it is hardly defamatory.
"i originaly was infurated by Bunces article in the paper defaming an ec City player Joel Mathews and then to witness Bruce Hollaway come on here and say Joel Mathews has a brusied ego"
What I actually said on October 29  was: "one of the under-rated aspects of coaching is the man management of nursing the bruised egos" after observing the various permutations at left and right back for Waikato.
If you are infuriated by that, you probably owe it to yourself to get some good medication and stay away from forums where you risk getting all het up.
Hope this helps. Remember, we're here to help, Hear it Here.
almost 15 years
I love you probably tell you next time i see you too!!
First Team Squad
over 17 years
We all love Bruce, it's not just you. If NZ football had 10 more Bruce Holloways then the sport would be a whole lot better off.
(A few more Jeremy Ruanes would be nice too, only with better music taste.)
almost 17 years
Hear It, it's funny how we jump to conclusions, isn't it?
Until you said you loved me, I'd automatically made the assumption you were a bloke, when i had no valid reason to do so.
Our relationship will have to remain platonic however.
Early retirement
over 17 years
almost 15 years

Maybe we do need more Bruce Hollaways...he does have some valid opionions and but at times some i like to challenge hence why i had a go at him on here. but for The Jam to say we need more Jeremy Ruanes well thats not a good idea but thats another story i dont wanna get into!

I think my time is up on here but ive enjoyed every minute of it Brucey Boy!! Maybe il be back if you infuriate me even more! :)

I hope waikato will be competitve next time we play them, but i cant see it happening, infact i wonder if you will be able to put out a team with the amount of players leaving! However if Micheal McGwyther can somehow score a goal and 'The Fridge' Beard at the back stops giving away penalties and Mikial Munday comes comes after Sunday can use that left foot of his to some use you never know what might happen!

Goodluck but i still believe the franchise is shambolic!!

C'mon City!!!!!

Stage Punch
about 17 years
More Jeremy Ruanes would be good but needs a lot less Liverpool and a little bit more proper (mens) football.
*waits for hail of abuse
almost 17 years
Steven Holloway has advised he has officially cut his ties with Waikato FC for the season.
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
Steven Holloway has advised he has officially cut his ties with Waikato FC for the season.

That is bad news! Even more so that Gwyther will be suspended after his sending off! Steven surely would have got his chance in that game? AND one less Waikato player in the team!

Is it true that more players have also 'cut their ties' - Wilkinson? Dowling?

Are the Hamilton based players from the NZ U17's being approached by Waikato; Carr, Gibbons, Estevez, Thomas, Built (unless he is going to Northampton still)???
MrWaikato2009-11-11 10:28:02
almost 17 years
I did ask Che at the season launch if there was a spot for Matt Gibbons in the squad. I was very impressed with Gibbons over winter, but Che said something along the lines that he was already fully allocated.
I don't think Steven was too fussed about "getting his chance". He was prepared to play if needed, but if they don't need him, that's good too.
It wouldn't surprise me if sam had left, he was travelling with Steve.
almost 15 years
Greetings all.
After several conversations with Steven over the last 2 months I have taken on the role of life coach for Bruce Jnr, as well as Samuel Wilkinson, Mikey Mayne and Stewart Watenao.
Following the Chris Moorman life principles, as laid out in his best-seller "BOOOOOMMMM: The Moorman Story" the aforementioned lads have come to realise the greater truth re NZ football.  It was a truth that I myself realised at the age of 23, with a Northern Premier title and some National League experience behind me I choose the higher ground ... a life with potential and possibility.
Thankfully the Valley Road lads have also seen this future, and together we will move forward into the light.  No grumpy or fanta faces allowed.  Ringo at our house.
I'd like to wish Buncey and all the Waikato lads all the best for the season, and look forward to catching up with all of you at the All Whites game this weekend.
Yours in football,
Gizzy Hardcore

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