Must try harder
over 17 years
2ndBest wrote:

And just remember, by them coming on here they are creating more views and thus more advertising revenue for us. So they are indirectly supporting the Phoenix.

Now I feel dirty ...
about 15 years
terminator_x wrote:

Actually Ali, if you and FU BLU, in particular, were to "fuck off" the average IQ of contributors in this thread would rise about 50 pts and we'd get back to having a decent discussion. Just being honest.

And JD, there's a big difference between having a good "warts and all" discussion with a wide range of opinions from all sides and having to read the inarticulate ramblings of a couple of idiots who bring neither intelligence or wit to the conversation.

As you know I really enjoy a good debate but this thread has been rubbish for at least a couple of weeks now. When even those who claim to care about the ASB Prem can't be bothered, well, there you go.

I agree and I am also a large contributor to that. However when I do ask the questions, they never get answered and invariably recycled when the trolls re-appear. So I apologise for my part in it Term but when the fools wish to have a common sense discussion around it, then I'll probably stop sounding like a broken record.

And Bluemagic I'm a reformed alcoholic but then you would know that if you actually read the posts rather than just assume everyone is bigoted, racist and hates your ACFC/never cares about ASBP. You say I have blinkers on? You guys would be fantastic in a horse race.
Stage Punch
about 17 years
alireggae wrote:
james dean wrote:
Tegal wrote:

By the way, I support the ASBP and the Phoenix. While you support ACFC and constantly rubbish the Phoenix. 

So who supports more football in nz then? 

In my opinion if you're not a Phoenix or A league supporter then you have no place on this forum. Or at the very least you should be respectful, and just generally not be a c*nt

Nah much better having all sorts.  Far too many one note opinions on here, better to have it warts and all, but boring gloating like the above is pretty uncouth and sometimes hearing the view without the rose tinted glasses isn't a bad thing either to snap back into reality.

Agreed. This is a forum that has a whole section on NZ football and a sub section on the asbp. If you don't like my opinions on it the ban me. Perhaps part of the reason that the ACFC forum is so quiet these days is because 2nd best left and so there was no debate - everyone has roughly the same opinions. Perhaps if I and fu blu, blue magic and jerzy were to "fuck off and play in our own sandpit" then the asbp section of this forum would die. 

Sure, I don't support the Phoenix but I'm hardly rude... If I can't have a laugh about your lack of results at the moment then... Whatever! Come to kiwitea st on Sunday and I'll give you all a hug instead if it would make you feel better.

Written on an iPhone = pain in the arse and time consuming!


Everyone who isn't on purpose being a twat is welcome here.
Must try harder
over 17 years

Inadvertentlys fine , then ?

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Yes. If anyone of evidence of that FU BLU it's probably me. :)

I personify the phrase "not everyone's cup of tea".

over 13 years
terminator_x wrote:

Good post.

So Ali, what kind of reggae do you like?

I presume you only listen to New Zealand reggae and none of that Jamaican shit.

I'll use an example to answer:

I like Lion Rockers Hi-Fi out of Piha mainly because they play around 14.7% locally bought records and roughly 85.2% imports. However, of those record imported, 51% were imported into NZ by someone else then purchased 2nd hand within NZ and 17% made their way to NZ on their own steam and were lured into playing out at dances once they got here due to their quality. Also, of the imported records, 37% have been in NZ for 10 years or more and 53% for 5 years plus, thus reclassifying them as 'local' records.

Hope that helps.
over 13 years
terminator_x wrote:

Good post.

So Ali, what kind of reggae do you like?

I presume you only listen to New Zealand reggae and none of that Jamaican shit.

Seriously though, music is a little different from football in that it's not a competition with leagues etc. With football, people generally support one or two teams (from different leagues) but with music it's not like that. I can appreciate watching football without supporting a team.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Interesting that you say people can support one or two teams...

over 13 years
Tegal wrote:

Interesting that you say people can support one or two teams...

Why's that? I think you'll find most on here support 2 or more teams.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

And get ripped to shreds for doing so by a certain subsection. 

over 13 years
Tegal wrote:

And get ripped to shreds for doing so by a certain subsection. 

Ah. Well I'm fairly sure I've never suggested you can't support two or more teams. I myself, support two teams - one actively and one not so much. Not sure who you refer to but I'd say that they probably support more than one team also.

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