Thoughts on FIFA 12

over 12 years
over 12 years
So its been out for a few days, just wondering what you guys think of FIFA 12, specifically the changes they have made with the defensive system? I think overall its an improvement though it takes a bit of getting used to, and I am conceding more goals against the computer. The pace of the game seems a bit more realistic and you can pull off the specials to beat the defender a bit easier, which has got to be good because one of my criticisms of recent iterations of the series is that the special moves look awesome but were not very effective.

Have not played anyone online yet, but will get around to that when feeling a bit more comfortable with the new controls.

Any thoughts?
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Can anyone convince me it's worth getting if you already own FIFA 11?
over 12 years
Well personally mate I would recommend it. But then again I didn't think much of FIFA 11, I considered it a real backward step after FIFA 10 which I thought was one of the best FIFAs ever. FIFA 11 took the scrapping for the ball too far and the use of the pressure feature got far too extreme. Just my opinion.

Having said that, if you are happy with FIFA 11 then maybe don't bother.
Starting XI
over 14 years
This could probably be in the existing fifa 12 thread.

I would recommend getting it if you have fifa 11 simply because fifa 11 was utter garbage imo. defense is really hard in terms of possession i think. im playing of world class and im not conceding too many goals but am really struggling for possession. will win a game 1-0 based on like 30% possession, so spend most of the time running after the ball and making last ditch tackles.

you can however change the defending. if you go into wireless control sttings and change the defending from 'tactical defending' to 'legacey defending' it reverts to the defending from fifa's of old. however i find that doing this also bring back a few of the annoying game play issues from past fifa's, noticeably fifa 11.

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
I got it today, will play a few games and try answer my own question for others.
I agree that FIFA 11 was underwhelming, started the first time I tried My Player as West Ham, passed the ball off and every time, no matter who the player was, they'd try beat their man with a 360 and lose the ball.
After that, you knew every time what a player would do, how to beat it, it was almost a rhythm game. 
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
FAR from impressed with the new system.
over 12 years
Hey GI, how long have you been playing it? I had my doubts about the tactical defending too but after playing for a while I started to get the hang of it a bit more. One thing I am liking about this version you tend to have more interesting games, more goals, not so much like in 11 where you had too many games that were the same in my opinion.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

Well I'd written my whinge in the other thread before hitting the wrong button and losing it all... :derp:

Have been playing it since launch, definitely not rushing to my conclusions here.
I started on professional but realised straight away I better do my time on semi pro to get the hang of things, and winning games 5-0 I thought I had.
So I put it on professional, thinking I was ready. Instead, I got the AI happy to stroke the ball aimlessly back and forth until I got sick of waiting for a chance and committed to a tackle.
That prompted the AI to read my mind, instantly beat me, and then pick out a perfect pass to the area I had just been, and then have my defenders bumble around like an English rugby player at 2am.
Suffice to say, I've mostly been playing NBA 2K12...
about 17 years
I am sh*t at it, although this may not be specifically FIFA 2012.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
After posting I thought maybe I was wrong and gave it a good bash last night.
Game freaking trolled me and beat me 2-1 after trailing 1-0 until the 82nd minute, with me managing to get a hang of the system, when suddenly Ryan f***ing Griffiths turned into Lionel Ronaldo Pele Maradona Messi and scored twice after beating between 6 to 8 players each time.
F*** this game with the power of a thousand C*cks.
almost 17 years
GI_Joe wrote:
Can anyone convince me it's worth getting if you already own FIFA 11?

It's heaps better than Fifa 11, alot more realistic even if you need a more delicate touch. Fifa 11? I've given mine to my nephews to play with on their Xbox360.

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