Fever Tech Team Outreach (Whine + Congratulate Nik Here)

Closed for new posts
Dinosaur Dave
almost 13 years

Thank you for creating so many straw men it was impossible to count. It makes it much easier to just not even bother addressing any of them. If you'd like to read what I actually wrote rather than just re-writing your own narrative to my post then go right ahead.

You want meaningful discussion and simply ignore what others write.

Honestly you want respect and give none. 

Your experience and background count for everything while others count for nothing. 

You are blameless while others are victim blamed.

You claim you just banter and yet others find it abusive and report you. 

You claim you make suggestions but only provide complaint, criticism and trolling.

Sadly you are fighting for justice where no injustice existed and the mods are banging their head against a brick wall.

*washes hands of the fourms for a good long while*

about 17 years

WOW & OMG Since PaulM's post - #708, Such large and in depth reading. Respect to everyone because this has been a major major discussion. We all have agreed, disagreed, felt hard done by and even earned some of the criticisms bestowed on us. I hold my hand up on occassions of being a right bell end. Passionate about what I say or support, but still a bell end. 

You have all contributed since #708 and it has made imho very interesting reading and gaining further insight to my fellow users on here. Good or bad agree or disagree, I love this country, I love this forum and I love that for the most part, we have the freedom to express those opinions. 

Thank you all and I do mean ALL for giving some of us a most interesting and detailed read. Now to fire up for the Phoenix!

over 13 years

So far I don't think we've had anything apart from "be better". How about instead of disagreeing with what's happen in the past, does anyone have some actual suggestions for what we could do better? What they would like to see on this forum? Any rule changes/expansion of rules they would like to see?

about 17 years

Matt, these are the rules on the La Grange live Webcam Train site I visit from time to time. It might offer some perspective without suggesting these could be adopted. I guess they could be amended to suit though:


  • Be polite and respectful • Use English, we need a single language to be able to understand each other. If you’re not fluent, please use a translator such as Google Translate: https://translate.google.com • Don’t post in ALL CAPS or use excessive emojis, letters or characters. • Don’t discuss politics, religion, race, sex, violence, disturbing details about train or vehicle accidents, or anything like that. We try to be mindful of any children who may be watching. • Don't use the terms "foamer" or "foaming" in your comments or your username. Many railfans find them derogatory and offensive. • The conversation here is trains, and please remember that it needs to come first. Off topic conversation such as music, sports, jokes, etc. is fine, but it must be kept in balance with on topic. • Please keep conversations of personal issues (medical, domestic, legal, etc.) out of the chat; take it to messaging or email. Remember, you are sharing information with hundreds of people, not just those directly involved in the chat. • Don’t ask to become a moderator. It’s earned. If we’re interested in your assistance, we will contact you. • Just be nice, it’s amazing what happens when we’re all nice to each other.

  • Inappropriate usernames • Profanity • Asking for subscriptions (subs) • Being intentionally disruptive, creating arguments or any other jerk-like behavior • Not following the moderators’ instructions 
  • Marquee
    over 13 years

    Lonegunmen wrote:

    Matt, these are the rules on the La Grange live Webcam Train site I visit from time to time. It might offer some perspective without suggesting these could be adopted. I guess they could be amended to suit though:


  • Be polite and respectful • Use English, we need a single language to be able to understand each other. If you’re not fluent, please use a translator such as Google Translate: https://translate.google.com • Don’t post in ALL CAPS or use excessive emojis, letters or characters. • Don’t discuss politics, religion, race, sex, violence, disturbing details about train or vehicle accidents, or anything like that. We try to be mindful of any children who may be watching. • Don't use the terms "foamer" or "foaming" in your comments or your username. Many railfans find them derogatory and offensive. • The conversation here is trains, and please remember that it needs to come first. Off topic conversation such as music, sports, jokes, etc. is fine, but it must be kept in balance with on topic. • Please keep conversations of personal issues (medical, domestic, legal, etc.) out of the chat; take it to messaging or email. Remember, you are sharing information with hundreds of people, not just those directly involved in the chat. • Don’t ask to become a moderator. It’s earned. If we’re interested in your assistance, we will contact you. • Just be nice, it’s amazing what happens when we’re all nice to each other.
  • Inappropriate usernames • Profanity • Asking for subscriptions (subs) • Being intentionally disruptive, creating arguments or any other jerk-like behavior • Not following the moderators’ instructions 
  • Thanks LG for your suggestions, think we have most of that covered. Maybe people just need to be reminded what the rules are every so often. https://www.yellowfever.co.nz/categories/general-announcements/topics/forum-rules-and-regulations

    about 17 years

    True, that suggests to me tht you guys have it pretty much right and us users, need to reflect on ourselves from time to time.

    Life and death
    over 17 years

    Frankly if Dave’s reaction to this discussion is to wash his hands of his participation then that is a very good decision. Contrast his reaction to that of Yakcall which is appreciated and obviously open to consideration of other points of view. That is all I ( and assume anyone else) wants. I have faith in the likes of Yakcall because of his response. He hasn’t said he agrees or disagrees with me but has indicated he is open to other points of view. 

    I honestly hope this very short exchange results in everyone understanding what is acceptable and what isn’t and there is some transparency and consistency in application of the rules. Should that occur and we don’t agree, then individuals can decide whether we stick around or not. At the moment it’s all over the place and we don’t know where we stand. I don’t think it’s too much to ask is it?

    Listen here Fudgeface
    over 14 years

    Frankly if Dave’s reaction to this discussion is to wash his hands of his participation then that is a very good decision. Contrast his reaction to that of Yakcall which is appreciated and obviously open to consideration of other points of view. That is all I ( and assume anyone else) wants. I have faith in the likes of Yakcall because of his response. He hasn’t said he agrees or disagrees with me but has indicated he is open to other points of view. 

    I honestly hope this very short exchange results in everyone understanding what is acceptable and what isn’t and there is some transparency and consistency in application of the rules. Should that occur and we don’t agree, then individuals can decide whether we stick around or not. At the moment it’s all over the place and we don’t know where we stand. I don’t think it’s too much to ask is it?

    You make me want to shut down the whole forums, which is a good effort single-handedly. Congratulations. 
    Appiah without the pace
    about 17 years

    2ndBest wrote:

    Given the modding whine thread hasn't had a post in 3.5 years, doesn't that indicate we probably do a pretty decent job? Might not be perfect and I'm sure we get it wrong occassionally. 

    We've probably only banned 5 people in the last few years. Out of a few thousand, that's a pretty low number. 

    Well, 2 of us shouldn't have been lol [I'm counting you here Ryan]

    Hmm well you pretty much admitted your behaviour wasnt up to standard despite being warning a number of time iirc. 

    "The previous ban was surrounding a to and from discussion with Ryan that turned quite juvenile and after my ban I actually pm ed him and suggested we recognise that and move on." 

    Life and death
    over 17 years

    Guys, take a second and look at this objectively, you’re actually being quite juvenile. If you’re not prepared to engage objectively, don’t bother. And Patrick, really?

    Head Sleuth
    over 17 years

    don’t bother.

    Very tempting. 

    Posts get missed, that’s what the report button is for. There is no way I have time to read everything on this forum at all times, I have even less time to babysit people. So yes, that means there is inconsistency in when a mod steps in. 

    Our preference is to try avoid hiding posts, and give a chance for people to be grown ups and get back on track, perhaps with a nudge or warning from a mod to help things. Banning is very rare. 

    You’ve been banned twice, and on both occasions it seems to me that it was justified. What you see as banter perhaps doesn’t always come across that way in an online forum. And you admitted the other time you were juvenile and messaged Ryan after the ban (so maybe the ban worked as a tool?)

    It’s a very tiresome, thankless task. We get criticised for not stepping in, and when we do we get given shark for doing that too. I’d really prefer not to do this at all, and I often take breaks from doing so. None of us owe you anything, but we try our best to provide a community that people enjoy - and we’ll never be able to please everybody. 

    2ndBest is correct in saying we receive way more criticism for not moderating enough. Whenever I hear about why somebody no longer frequents the forums, it’s because threads often go off topic and there is too much bickering that goes on between people. As such, whenever we have the time and see these things happening we embark on the thankless task of moderating the forum in the hope that the forum will be a place people like to visit. 

    Constructive feedback is good, and we do take it on board. But pages of you making the same point gets quite tiresome, hence some of the recent reactions. The initial criticism by another poster in the thread that kicked this campaign of yours off did get us to chat about what we do etc and get on the same page. 

    Life and death
    over 17 years

    This is not a campaign by me and as long as you have it in your head that it is, you are not going to be objective. This thread has gone on because I have been replying to the posts of moderators. The only, seemingly, reasonable reaction has come from Yakcall who has not been defensive nor been aggressive and emotive. If you don’t like me responding to your comments, stop making them, it’s over to you.

    Head Sleuth
    over 17 years

    All you got from that was that I used the word campaign? Then attached your own meaning to it. Great. 

    over 5 years

    Wait.... Did Napier Phoenix really track down someone on here and call them at work? That's seems pretty creepy. 

    First Team Squad
    almost 6 years

    Not sure where to post this, but this seems to be as logical as any.  

    Sometimes when I click to view the latest posts (i.e. it says 3 new posts), I click and it takes me to what appears to be the last page, but there aren't any posts? I then have to click on say 28/28 to actually read them.  What am I missing here?  It's not just Chrome it happens on, firefox too.  Is it a browser issue?


    over 13 years

    Its to do with hidden posts. You will notice it only happens on some threads and not others, so if happening it will be that. Believe it was getting looked at (or had been) but life now got in the way of Pat or Nik looking into fixing it

    over 13 years

    I think on the whole the mods, do a good job. 

    It's no doubt a thankless task, time consuming and frustrating. 

    Also some will be a lot better than others as is always the way in any walk of life or job

    I would disagree with the perception that some mods have that you not moderate enough. 

    May I suggest that those who disappear for the other reason just pack up and walk out the door and don't bother letting you know. 

    Those whom are telling you this are probably telling you what they think what you want to hear. They also likely know you personally and no doubt you have the odd whine over a beer at the pub

    Think it's important that you do try to be more neutral at times (i.e: just because you love Steven Taylor, doesn't mean you need to call remarks creepy, when national newspapers are reporting creepier stuff. We are not that holy or above them :)

    But what you do is appreciated 

    What would be useful is to actually know whom is currently a mod or not. I can guess but it is only a guess. If i see a comment from 2nd best for example and he says something dumb, I'm none the wiser at the moment if he is modding or just being a normal forum guy again.

    Napier with all due respect as you do post sensible stuff most of the time, dont overthink things too much, it's an Internet forum, about a football team and you really should not be tracking people down.

    Please never call me at work Tegal 

    Head Sleuth
    over 17 years

    Please never call me at work Tegal 

    I can still call you at home though, right? 

    Starting XI
    over 7 years

    Yakcall wrote:

    Its to do with hidden posts. You will notice it only happens on some threads and not others, so if happening it will be that. Believe it was getting looked at (or had been) but life now got in the way of Pat or Nik looking into fixing it

    Don't hide posts then, typical power abuse. Mods doing a terrible job. Too strict on these forums

    Appiah without the pace
    about 17 years

    I think on the whole the mods, do a good job. 

    It's no doubt a thankless task, time consuming and frustrating. 

    Also some will be a lot better than others as is always the way in any walk of life or job

    I would disagree with the perception that some mods have that you not moderate enough. 

    May I suggest that those who disappear for the other reason just pack up and walk out the door and don't bother letting you know. 

    Those whom are telling you this are probably telling you what they think what you want to hear. They also likely know you personally and no doubt you have the odd whine over a beer at the pub

    Think it's important that you do try to be more neutral at times (i.e: just because you love Steven Taylor, doesn't mean you need to call remarks creepy, when national newspapers are reporting creepier stuff. We are not that holy or above them :)

    But what you do is appreciated 

    What would be useful is to actually know whom is currently a mod or not. I can guess but it is only a guess. If i see a comment from 2nd best for example and he says something dumb, I'm none the wiser at the moment if he is modding or just being a normal forum guy again.

    Napier with all due respect as you do post sensible stuff most of the time, dont overthink things too much, it's an Internet forum, about a football team and you really should not be tracking people down.

    Please never call me at work Tegal 

    2 points.

    1) Those that are mods have 'moderator' below their user name. Surely it pretty easy to work out what are modding comments and what a general posts. 

    2) The creepy stuff wasn't talking about the articles, it was about people posting close up of her body parts, and you saying you wished she was in the zone for shirts off. Objectifying women is creepy.

    about 17 years

    Why the hell would you want to post close ups of your body parts on a football forum? go do that on NZD. Dale in these PC days, one should not discriminate about objectivity. Objectifying both MEN and Women is not good. ;) 

    Phoenix Academy
    about 6 years

    Good god some of you are ripping off your employers. 1000 word essays on the company dime! Must be in Government....

    Life and death
    over 17 years

    Good god some of you are ripping off your employers. 1000 word essays on the company dime! Must be in Government....

    I'm sure its all in our own time - shift work, annual leave, after work, before work etc. It looks like you've posted just after your afternoon tea break so shame on you.....
    Listen here Fudgeface
    over 14 years

    Okay I'm drawing a hard line in the sand now. This thread is for tech issues only from now on.

    about 17 years

    Oh and I am currently on Annual Leave. Fair call Patrick.

    about 17 years

    What was the gliche that caused the site down for the last 5 or so hours?

    One in a million
    over 17 years

    No reception in a gulley?

    Starting XI
    almost 17 years

    Thanks for getting it fixed!

    Head Sleuth
    over 17 years

    Lonegunmen wrote:

    What was the gliche that caused the site down for the last 5 or so hours?

    It was a signal fault in Petone 

    over 13 years

    I thought for a moment that the traffic on the site with our new signing had taken it down

    over 7 years

    Just a heads up, the email address you've got advertised when the websites down wasn't working either ?

    First Team Squad
    over 7 years

    Yakcall wrote:

    Its to do with hidden posts. You will notice it only happens on some threads and not others, so if happening it will be that. Believe it was getting looked at (or had been) but life now got in the way of Pat or Nik looking into fixing it

    Seems to happen quite a lot. Exactly how many posts get hidden? And why? 

    Am I able to find out how many of my posts have been hidden?

    First Team Squad
    over 7 years

    Would it be possible to please add a little code such that when people use the "Reply" button it top-ends the post with something like

    [quote=Replying to Yakcall]

    Or even better... 

    Replying to post #xxx

    Where #xxx Is the post number you are replying to.

    Just to give some sort of context to what people are talking about sometimes when a few posts have snuck in between what one is replying to.


    Woof Woof
    about 17 years

    ClubOranje wrote:

    Would it be possible to please add a little code such that when people use the "Reply" button it top-ends the post with something like

    [quote=Replying to Yakcall]

    Or even better... 

    Replying to post #xxx

    Where #xxx Is the post number you are replying to.

    Just to give some sort of context to what people are talking about sometimes when a few posts have snuck in between what one is replying to.


    If replying to a specific post, it's best to use the quote button. When using it you can also edit the original post to highlight the bit that you're responding to.

    First Team Squad
    over 7 years

    el grapadura wrote:

    ClubOranje wrote:

    Would it be possible to please add a little code such that when people use the "Reply" button it top-ends the post with something like

    [quote=Replying to Yakcall]

    Or even better... 

    Replying to post #xxx

    Where #xxx Is the post number you are replying to.

    Just to give some sort of context to what people are talking about sometimes when a few posts have snuck in between what one is replying to.


    If replying to a specific post, it's best to use the quote button. When using it you can also edit the original post to highlight the bit that you're responding to.

    I know. But I also know what I'm replying to already, I'd just like to sometimes know what others are responding to.

    But plenty of others don't use the quote button. 

    I can only guess at who might be the subject in #721 and not even sure of the context of #741

    Head Sleuth
    over 17 years

    ClubOranje wrote:

    Yakcall wrote:

    Its to do with hidden posts. You will notice it only happens on some threads and not others, so if happening it will be that. Believe it was getting looked at (or had been) but life now got in the way of Pat or Nik looking into fixing it

    Seems to happen quite a lot. Exactly how many posts get hidden? And why? 

    Am I able to find out how many of my posts have been hidden?

    Most of the time it’s just people double posting. Or spam. 

    I don’t recall ever seeing any of your posts hidden, so probably zero. 

    about 17 years

    Tegal wrote:

    ClubOranje wrote:

    Yakcall wrote:

    Its to do with hidden posts. You will notice it only happens on some threads and not others, so if happening it will be that. Believe it was getting looked at (or had been) but life now got in the way of Pat or Nik looking into fixing it

    Seems to happen quite a lot. Exactly how many posts get hidden? And why? 

    Am I able to find out how many of my posts have been hidden?

    Most of the time it’s just people double posting. Or spam. 

    I don’t recall ever seeing any of your posts hidden, so probably zero. 

    Give one to help make him feel part of the team ;) 

    Opinion Privileges revoked
    almost 15 years

    So does the Android app still exist? New phone and I can't find it on Google Play anymore (though it still works fine on my older tablet)

    Listen here Fudgeface
    over 14 years

    Doloras wrote:

    So does the Android app still exist? New phone and I can't find it on Google Play anymore (though it still works fine on my older tablet)

    No sorry, we retired the apps as the amount of work required to keep the apps running on updated iOS and Android devices was becoming too great, and neither Nik or I have the time anymore to maintain them. They'll work on older devices that have them downloaded but you can't download it onto new phones from the Play Store. Sorry!
    One in a million
    over 17 years

    patrick478 wrote:

    Doloras wrote:

    So does the Android app still exist? New phone and I can't find it on Google Play anymore (though it still works fine on my older tablet)

    No sorry, we retired the apps as the amount of work required to keep the apps running on updated iOS and Android devices was becoming too great, and neither Nik or I have the time anymore to maintain them. They'll work on older devices that have them downloaded but you can't download it onto new phones from the Play Store. Sorry!

    Oh wow, awesome that my old phone has its advantages. The app goes well.

    Closed for new posts

    Fever Tech Team Outreach (Whine + Congratulate Nik Here)