Starting XI
about 16 years

Joey Johns wrote:

looks good, can't expect much more with the amount of money we've got to deal with.

Exactly. I think he'll do reasonably well and make the most of this opportunity given to him.

Adshead and Fallon when they took over the All Whites 35 years ago only had coaching experience at a modest level (Adshead a little bit of low level coaching in England before six years in the WA State League in Oz & WA State rep team coach, a couple of years coaching Manurewa in our Northern League and Rothmans League 1976 - 79 before taking the AW's job aged 37; Fallon had six years as player-coach in our Rothmans League before appointed assistant in 1980 aged 31).

John Adshead always talked a good game but backed it up with results. Lets hope Hudson does the same... 

In some ways John Adshead was our Maurinho in terms of charisma and sense of humour - the only All Whites coach in my experience to project a lot of charisma to the public. A godsend in terms of PR for football in this country at the time.

over 17 years

Smithy wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

No I get that he has to, trust me but at least make some of it a little believable. For all the loads of hours of DVDs loaded on his computer that he has watched, I doubt he would be able to name anyone outside of Winston Reid...

I've been an endorser from the first time his name got dropped but just be straight. In one part he did say that it was the return to the WC that was appealing. Great. Awesome, now we know what you are about. Its great to have ambition and be ambitious and he certainly has that but never bullshit along the way cause then you just get labelled as a pork pie floater.


The assembled press corps are pretty weak too. 

"I've been following the All Whites since the World Cup."

There are a half dozen good potential follow up questions to that statement. None of them got asked.

"I'm excited about the players." Which ones, and why?

Good on Gourdie for trying to get a straight answer on the "who approached who" question. He wasn't successful but at least he tried.

Apparently he applied for the Phoenix job and that's where this started

over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Leggy wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

There is a bit of bullshit in there 

"I've been following the AWs since South Africa"  

"I've always been interested in the All Whites"

I've been following England in WC for 40 years--- has not helped.

However, he has to be given a chance to prove himself and bagging him now is just not çricket'

I agree in that sentiment but if you want to win people over, throw them a bone. As Smithy said which players is he impressed with? If he had at least pulled 4 or 5 names out, that might have helped. There is just nothing there to suggest he did the level of research that he bangs on about doing as he always does.

I hope he does really well and the proof is in the results and not on press conferences. A mate has just texted me and mentioned that he has certainly had a hell of a lot of media coaching. The problem is that the NZ public are very much used to that with every rugby game that gets telecast and the cliche bingo played.

If he'd said Marco, Winston, Chris Wood and Ryan Thomas would you be impressed?  Does make much difference really does it

To me the fact that there is a level of excitement today means there is some risk.  There will always be with any coach for NZ.  

over 17 years

Buffon II wrote:

Average appointment, average managerial CV. That's about it.

Below average national team, so we've done pretty well I'd say?

about 17 years

james dean wrote:

Buffon II wrote:

Average appointment, average managerial CV. That's about it.

Below average national team, so we've done pretty well I'd say?

LOL yeah a tough crowd in tonight.

I think it's good, a young manager not tied down with the politics of kiwi football, good appointment.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

All I can see here is a guy with ambition who says the right words, talks the right talk, has passed the appropriate tests, a father who people know, and has an exaggerated quote about him from Redknapp. I can't see any evidence of him being a good manager to take the All Whites to the next World Cup. I can't see evidence that he could be a good manager of anything. Maybe his talk and everything has substance and will shine through given the chance, but to be honest, I think this appointment is insanity.

Phoenix Academy
almost 11 years

So last week and last month it was anyone but Farina, Van Egmond, Ricki, etc. Now we've got someone who would appear to be a bit of a gamble but looks to have some good credentials and we're bagging him because his first interview wasn't amazing?

Let's at least give him a chance - as others have said I'm not sure that based on our football pedigree plus our limited budget that there were too many top class coaches faxing their CVs into Albany HQ.

over 14 years

Give the guy a break.  He's not even had a game yet and people on here are slamming him.  It is the best that NZ football could attract.  We certainly were not turning away high calibre applicants.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

happydays wrote:

So last week and last month it was anyone but Farina, Van Egmond, Ricki, etc. Now we've got someone who would appear to be a bit of a gamble but looks to have some good credentials and we're bagging him because his first interview wasn't amazing?

Let's at least give him a chance - as others have said I'm not sure that based on our football pedigree plus our limited budget that there were too many top class coaches faxing their CVs into Albany HQ.

Good credentials = coaching certificates and a quote from Harry Redknapp.

Starting XI
almost 12 years

We have to trust the people who hired him that he's the right guy. Those press conferences are in general useless.

I think it's good to have someone from outside the system to shake things up. I hope they really give him the opportunity and he has the guts and the talent to do so.

Maybe he turns into a 'reformator' like 50th Klinsmann

almost 17 years

He's not the messiah- he's a very naughty boy...

Starting XI
about 17 years

How about we give Hudson a chance? He got here 3/4 days ago!

What I'm hearing from him is he has commitment, focus, determination and ambition. He should be aware of the WOF plan and his key role  in that and he should be bringing the best of methods and techniques available to implement it. He said all the right its up to him to put it in place.

In a years time I'd like to see everyone on the same page in the wider AW playing group, some quality meaningful fixtures (with meaningful results) already under their belts and a real sense of unified purpose starting to come through them, and the other NZ mens teams, particularly the NZ U-20 team, who will have just completed their WC campaign here in NZ.

Good luck Anthony Hudson ....COYAW's!!

almost 17 years

Next task- make sure we can get him 11 players to play Uzbekistan

over 11 years

martinb wrote:

Next task- make sure we can get him 11 players to play Uzbekistan

Clapham, Butler & Christie have already sent him their personal DVD's.

about 14 years
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
So I'm assuming those bagging the appointment would have preferred Van Egmond or Farina?... I sure as hell wouldn't.
almost 15 years

Wanted someone young with new ideas. Get someone new with new ideas. Moan about appointment. 

Give the poor bloke a chance. He is not over Jetlag yet, let alone had a training session

First Team Squad
over 11 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

Wanted someone young with new ideas. Get someone new with new ideas. Moan about appointment. 

Give the poor bloke a chance. He is not over Jetlag yet, let alone had a training session


If this guy can deliver like he talks then we are in for a few interesting years. I think we should just wait and give the guy a fair shot. He is a huge breath of fresh air from most mumbling inarticulate sports people. Welcome to NZ Mr Hudson.....we don't do articulate or positive or confident.

I was interested in the TV3 interview when he was asked what team he supported. he said he was a huge supporter of Marcelo Beilsa so would be following Olympic Marseille.

I have never been big on the coaching cult thing but here in France and especially in Marseille Beilsa is seen as a god. Last year OM were a rabble, they bombed out in the CL and were lucky to make 6th in Ligue 1. This season under Beilsa they have been a revelation. With almost zero recruitment and without their French stars like Valbuena and Mandanda OM have been staggeringly good in preseason. I have watched four of their preseason games and he has transformed the same players. They thrashed Bayer Leverkusen 4-1 and also beat Benfica and Verona amongst other results.

If Hudson can succesfully transfer some of Beilsa's techniques to the AW's then we can look forward to some interesting times. Hudson is not however Beilsa.....time will tell if he can deliver.

about 15 years

I'd like to point out that I have been very much in favour of Hudson since his name first popped up. I think its a fantastic appointment and I really want this guy to be the one that takes us on this magnificent 'journey' (see what I did there) because this is the kinda of appointment that signifies a new regime and a departure from the last 20-30 odd years. We have gone against what NZF usually do (and its usually English educated coaches). It's exciting to see a young coach given a chance to put in a progressive game plan right through out the mens game. By the same token I also don't want to be fed bullshit. To the angst monsters that say its a crap appointment, this was his chance to at least show that he has something about him and shut those folk up. Instead, it was just soundbite retreads. If you look at Ernie, you get no bullshit. His press stuff, even from day one, have been spot on and more than a few people have noticed that vs when Ricki was running house. Cause Ernie had done his homework.

Taking the devils advocate position of those that are absolutely against the appointment, is that in his press conference he said a few things. Its a presser and its a game of cliche bingo but when you bang on about loads of hours of DVD on your computer, having followed the team since WC2010, the exciting talent coming through, how hard working and well prepared/researched you are then at least throw some stuff out there which proves at least gives those cliches a little bit if substance. Otherwise why trot them out? Why say bullshit for the sake of saying bullshit cause any coach can do that. It just makes you come across like a twat (or as Smithy said, a knob). How to win friends and influence people - make a good first impression. Had he thrown in some snippets showing his knowledge of our team to match up with the cliches being trotted out then at least we can go 'well he back up what he says at least'. Its hard to take anything away from that other than 'well media coached'. JD had he thrown out those simple to know names you mentioned, well.... he could not even do that, so why would you put any stock in other things he has said? It just fuels those that are against the appointment. 

The other interesting thing I did read is that Emblen will pick the first squad which again flies in the face of what he has said. He should have a fair idea of whom would largely be there anyway and open the door up to folk whom may have been on the outer under Ricki etc.

It sounds like angst but its more 'You have to knock em out of the park from Day One' and I felt he did not do that.

over 12 years

Anyone else seeing this?

about 13 years

I am stoked with the appointment and am glad he was chosen.

However in his interviews since he is very intent on playing a particular style of game and im not sure you can really do that with such a limited pool of top players. He says he is keen to play a high pressing game, can our current crop of players (central midfield in particular) actually play that style? I have my reservations..

I much prefer that to the Ricki style going forward, but I think managers need to be quite flexible with the squad they have.

Moar stars
over 12 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

I'd like to point out that I have been very much in favour of Hudson since his name first popped up. I think its a fantastic appointment and I really want this guy to be the one that takes us on this magnificent 'journey' (see what I did there) because this is the kinda of appointment that signifies a new regime and a departure from the last 20-30 odd years. We have gone against what NZF usually do (and its usually English educated coaches). It's exciting to see a young coach given a chance to put in a progressive game plan right through out the mens game. By the same token I also don't want to be fed bullshit. To the angst monsters that say its a crap appointment, this was his chance to at least show that he has something about him and shut those folk up. Instead, it was just soundbite retreads. If you look at Ernie, you get no bullshit. His press stuff, even from day one, have been spot on and more than a few people have noticed that vs when Ricki was running house. Cause Ernie had done his homework.

Taking the devils advocate position of those that are absolutely against the appointment, is that in his press conference he said a few things. Its a presser and its a game of cliche bingo but when you bang on about loads of hours of DVD on your computer, having followed the team since WC2010, the exciting talent coming through, how hard working and well prepared/researched you are then at least throw some stuff out there which proves at least gives those cliches a little bit if substance. Otherwise why trot them out? Why say bullshit for the sake of saying bullshit cause any coach can do that. It just makes you come across like a twat (or as Smithy said, a knob). How to win friends and influence people - make a good first impression. Had he thrown in some snippets showing his knowledge of our team to match up with the cliches being trotted out then at least we can go 'well he back up what he says at least'. Its hard to take anything away from that other than 'well media coached'. JD had he thrown out those simple to know names you mentioned, well.... he could not even do that, so why would you put any stock in other things he has said? It just fuels those that are against the appointment. 

The other interesting thing I did read is that Emblen will pick the first squad which again flies in the face of what he has said. He should have a fair idea of whom would largely be there anyway and open the door up to folk whom may have been on the outer under Ricki etc.

It sounds like angst but its more 'You have to knock em out of the park from Day One' and I felt he did not do that.

over 17 years

Buffon II wrote:

Average appointment, average managerial CV. That's about it.

Hudson out

Starting XI
about 14 years

Come on at least let Hudders field a team before we put him out to pasture.

and 1 other
about 17 years

I think people are being far too harsh on that press conference. I think it'd be rather silly to start pointing out individual players, even our top players, because he may find down the track that for whatever reason he doesn't actually want that player in the team. Plus he can only answer the questions put to him and I can't recall any of the press there asking for specific names (which would've been a valid question).

He says he's been a fan of New Zealand football since 2010, and even if that is a bit of a suck up, there could be some truth in that. How many of us watched the 2014 FIFA World Cup and thought teams like Costa Rica or Algeria or some other minor nation did well? You could say you were a fan of many things those countries did and I'm sure any ambitious coach would love to take over a team with plenty of potential and a relatively easy qualification route to the world cup.

Hudson commented briefly on the political side of the Bahrain Football Association, and how much pressure there is on coaches in that area. I can understand why he wanted out, even if the money here was much less. 

It does make sense for Emblen to pick the first squad. How much can Hudson really be expected to know of every footballer in New Zealand in the space of a month? It may be a case of bringing in our regulars and then him judging for himself whether he invites them back the next time. I'm certainly fine with giving him some time to ease in to the role.

I'm definitely in the camp of thinking this is a breath of fresh air and a good choice for coach. Emblen is still there as assistant so all of those people who are saying this is a bad appointment, I do have to wonder, who did your really prefer to be in the job? An ASB Premiership coach? Some has-been A-League coach? Everyone is bagging his lack of a CV, but how strong are the resumes of any of the other candidates? I think Hudson and Emblen were the two best candidates and we've got them as a team together, which is perfect.

Now lets wait and see how the results go and how the squad looks AFTER the next friendly.

and 4 others
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
Jeez, the angst! I'm not particularly fussed either way about the appointment, but I'm not gonna crucify the fella before the ink on his contract has even dried. He's young, he's qualified and he's ambitious, which says to me that making a decent fist of the AWs job will be good for his CV and his long term career prospects. New Zealand aren't in a position to lure "top class" coaches, that simple. All the people criticising Hudson's appointment should take a deep breath and remember who (apparently) the other short listed candidates were! Is Hudson really a worse option than Farina or Van Egmond? Really? Give the bloke a chance to settle in and then judge him on his results.
almost 14 years

Yeah He's going to try bloody hard as its make or break for him really. Four years in the football wilderness of NZ is not going to get you the next rung up the ladder unless you over achieve. 

Better someone who is ambitious than the next best option the take it or leave it Emblem.

Early retirement
over 17 years

JonoNewton wrote:

Come on at least let Hudders field a team before we put him out to pasture.

That deserves more love Jeff.

Starting XI
about 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

I'd like to point out that I have been very much in favour of Hudson since his name first popped up. I think its a fantastic appointment and I really want this guy to be the one that takes us on this magnificent 'journey' (see what I did there) because this is the kinda of appointment that signifies a new regime and a departure from the last 20-30 odd years. We have gone against what NZF usually do (and its usually English educated coaches). It's exciting to see a young coach given a chance to put in a progressive game plan right through out the mens game. By the same token I also don't want to be fed bullshit. .......


It sounds like angst but its more 'You have to knock em out of the park from Day One' and I felt he did not do that.

Really JV

He has to win you over on his ability to do  interviews as well ?

Lets see his results, that is all that really counts.

almost 16 years

RedGed wrote:

How about we give Hudson a chance? He got here 3/4 days ago!

All we are saying, is give Hud a chance

"So Anthony, what do you think of New Zealand?"

Starting XI
about 16 years

Public reaction:

What do you make of Anthony Hudson's appointment as the new All Whites coach?
It's a great call. He's a top coach and will have the team firing.
327 votes, 44.9%
I'm not convinced. Time will tell, I guess.
226 votes, 31.0%
I miss Ricki Herbert. NZ Football should have kept him on.
26 votes, 3.6%
The All Whites have a new coach?
150 votes, 20.6%
Total 729 votes
over 17 years

So 20.6% rugby supporters then

Must try harder
over 17 years

26 votes ! How big is Christies whanau ?

First Team Squad
over 12 years

What did we learn from that BigPete?

almost 16 years

Worthington takes a cheap shot at Ricki.


Must try harder
over 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

Worthington takes a cheap shot at Ricki.



about 17 years

Is it just me or are there more posts saying "Stop the angst, give him a chance" than posts of actual angst and pessimism?

I can only recall Leggy having a proper a go, and he's a dick to everyone.

tradition and history
about 17 years

Oska wrote:

Is it just me or are there more posts saying "Stop the angst, give him a chance" than posts of actual angst and pessimism?

I can only recall Leggy having a proper a go, and he's a dick to everyone.

Dicks have been known to be useful.

First Team Squad
over 17 years

Hudson is on Newstalk ZB/ Radio Sport at 7.

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