about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

More Stuff than DP, but it's all Fairfax isn't it?

also there wasn't a "Things that make you LOL" thread.

Money should have been spent on enforcing the flu-jab surely?

almost 13 years

What $11m could buy the government


More than 60,000 children in poverty

Hmmm, not sure where Stuff are buying their poor kids from but that seems incredibly cheap to me. Maybe they're low quality poor kids - y'know, the ones whose fingers are all messed up so they can't work sewing machines, or the asthmatics who can't go down the coal mines.

almost 16 years
Starting XI
almost 17 years

Pull out poster in the doom today.

Particularly loving the Rodriguez wtf look in the spikey.

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

hlmphil wrote:

Pull out poster in the doom today.

Particularly loving the Rodriguez wtf look in the spikey.

i asked the dairy owner if i could take one out of one of the dominions on the shelf, he told me to go for it so i did, hope the person that buys that dominion is not a football fan.

First Team Squad
over 12 years
Starting XI
over 9 years

got a copy of this, what's with the Liverpool 97 suit bullshark? why not have a traditional team photo? 

and the cut and paste job of the players  on the other side is pretty horrible

Starting XI
about 16 years

hlmphil wrote:

Pull out poster in the doom today.

Particularly loving the Rodriguez wtf look in the spikey.

I wonder if it will it be in the Sunday Star Times as it was last season for those of us outside Wellington?

Early retirement
over 17 years
Early retirement
over 17 years
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

you would think that they'd screen the letters for ignorant bs before publishing them. Guess they don't get very many, so they figure beggars can't be choosers. 

almost 13 years

Nah they publish this crap because it generates more letters to the editor. It's the old-fashioned equivalent of clickbait

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

yeah silly me for considering a newspaper would consider themselves to have an ethical obligation to not publish hateful rubbish. These media outlets have no standards. 

Early retirement
over 17 years

They used to but, fudge ethics and dignity.  Let's have more Henry and Hoskings clones.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Not just anti-football and stoopid - also pretty borderline homophobia. Very poor call to publish.

over 13 years

I'm not not normally one to complain outside of Twitter and these forums, but this one is pretty bad. I've written a please explain why they published it and link in those articles about this persons other views.

This is a person who shouldn't be given a public forum!

over 13 years

So I contacted the Doom Post about this letter and this is their response, apparently ok because football is a girlie sport and that's the joke.

about 17 years

So they don't think its homophobic but seem totally ok with it being sexist.

over 13 years

Bullion wrote:

So they don't think its homophobic but seem totally ok with it being sexist.

Bingo, just what I thought too. Have written back to them again and will post if get another reply.

about 17 years

Yakcall wrote:

Bullion wrote:

So they don't think its homophobic but seem totally ok with it being sexist.

Bingo, just what I thought too. Have written back to them again and will post if get another reply.

Look, they could easily reply with 'the pot calling the kettle black', YF aren't perfect in this regard.

over 13 years

Bullion wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Bullion wrote:

So they don't think its homophobic but seem totally ok with it being sexist.

Bingo, just what I thought too. Have written back to them again and will post if get another reply.

Look, they could easily reply with 'the pot calling the kettle black', YF aren't perfect in this regard.

Sure, no one is but the difference as I see it is compared to our forums or at the pubs compared to a public forum like the paper. They would have had letters to choose from yet chose to go with this one.

about 17 years

Yakcall wrote:

Bullion wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Bullion wrote:

So they don't think its homophobic but seem totally ok with it being sexist.

Bingo, just what I thought too. Have written back to them again and will post if get another reply.

Look, they could easily reply with 'the pot calling the kettle black', YF aren't perfect in this regard.

Sure, no one is but the difference as I see it is compared to our forums or at the pubs compared to a public forum like the paper. They would have had letters to choose from yet chose to go with this one.

When YF chant, 'she fell over', it is just about as public. There is also a choice that people make to participate in that chant.

almost 16 years

Bullion wrote:

So they don't think its homophobic but seem totally ok with it being sexist.

Have they started employing Andy Gray or Richard Keys as editor now?

Starting XI
about 16 years

Yakcall wrote:

Bullion wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Bullion wrote:

So they don't think its homophobic but seem totally ok with it being sexist.

Bingo, just what I thought too. Have written back to them again and will post if get another reply.

Look, they could easily reply with 'the pot calling the kettle black', YF aren't perfect in this regard.

Sure, no one is but the difference as I see it is compared to our forums or at the pubs compared to a public forum like the paper. They would have had letters to choose from yet chose to go with this one.

Have you considered sending the Dom Post a short response to Craig Lindsay and his pink balls possibly referencing something like "a red cross on the ball or a first aid kit inside the ball might be more appropriate for rugby in light of the recent publicity about the 34 players whose tournament has been ended due to injury in the Rugby World Cup so far."

Or maybe:

"Those of us who are fans of football would say that the sport's supremely attractive no matter what colour the ball."


"As a football fan, I would say it's not the colour of your balls, it's how creatively they're used, in sport, as in life....and this is where soccer trumps the other football codes for me." 

over 13 years

I'd love to get a letter back to them but somehow I don't think they will publish one from me now. (But will continue to from someone convicted of hate speech)

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

now now...Craig Lindsay is a very common name in Upper Hutt. 

The better Barnes
almost 13 years

Yakcall wrote:

I'd love to get a letter back to them but somehow I don't think they will publish one from me now. (But will continue to from someone convicted of hate speech)

Do a Shawshank Redemption and write one a week until they publish it
Early retirement
over 17 years

Tegal wrote:

now now...Craig Lindsay is a very common name in Upper Hutt. 

No according to white pages it's not.

over 16 years

Bullion wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Bullion wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Bullion wrote:

So they don't think its homophobic but seem totally ok with it being sexist.

Bingo, just what I thought too. Have written back to them again and will post if get another reply.

Look, they could easily reply with 'the pot calling the kettle black', YF aren't perfect in this regard.

Sure, no one is but the difference as I see it is compared to our forums or at the pubs compared to a public forum like the paper. They would have had letters to choose from yet chose to go with this one.

When YF chant, 'she fell over', it is just about as public. There is also a choice that people make to participate in that chant.

I always replace 'she' with 'cheat' in that chant

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

I [quote=Bullion wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Bullion wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Bullion wrote:

So they don't think its homophobic but seem totally ok with it being sexist.


Bingo, just what I thought too. Have written back to them again and will post if get another reply.

Look, they could easily reply with 'the pot calling the kettle black', YF aren't perfect in this regard.

Sure, no one is but the difference as I see it is compared to our forums or at the pubs compared to a public forum like the paper. They would have had letters to choose from yet chose to go with this one.

When YF chant, 'she fell over', it is just about as public. There is also a choice that people make to participate in that chant.

I always replace 'she' with 'cheat' in that chant

I just don't join in. But I like the idea of using cheat a lot.
Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years

patrick478 wrote:

I [quote=Bullion wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Bullion wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Bullion wrote:

So they don't think its homophobic but seem totally ok with it being sexist.


Bingo, just what I thought too. Have written back to them again and will post if get another reply.

Look, they could easily reply with 'the pot calling the kettle black', YF aren't perfect in this regard.

Sure, no one is but the difference as I see it is compared to our forums or at the pubs compared to a public forum like the paper. They would have had letters to choose from yet chose to go with this one.

When YF chant, 'she fell over', it is just about as public. There is also a choice that people make to participate in that chant.

I always replace 'she' with 'cheat' in that chant

I just don't join in. But I like the idea of using cheat a lot.

Maybe make that a thing.  Its a great idea

Early retirement
over 17 years

If anypone asks, it's sSheep fell over.  We say sheep.  It's not sexist, it's ironic.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Bullion wrote:

So they don't think its homophobic but seem totally ok with it being sexist.

their response is unbelievable. Total shark.
almost 16 years

OK so there has been lots of media coverage in the last couple of days - mostly goodish from the NZ side .

But it does get on my Hampton when the revisionists like to change history to suit their arguments.

First up Tony Smith: 

"The Wellington public's indifference may have been understandable in the early years when the footballing fare was route-one stodge. Yet, ironically, attendances were bigger back then, with the stadium sold out for their first playoffs appearance."

I've been to all the home games for almost 8 years and I really don't think we played route one stodge for the most part.  This is just an anti Ricki mantra that has grown legs.


"But the Phoenix have been disappointing in one critical department: player development.

How many young New Zealand players have come through the ranks? McGlinchey, Glen Moss and Ben Sigmund were established All Whites before they joined the Phoenix.

Two of the most talented Kiwis, Kosta Barbarouses and Marco Rojas, had to leave the Phoenix to further their careers. It must be galling for Nix fans to see Barbarouses, a Wellington boy, win A-League titles with Brisbane and the Melbourne Victory.

Look at the current Phoenix first team. Louis Fenton and Thomas Doyle are the only Kiwis the Phoenix can claim to have developed."

So how long has the Academy been in existence then Smithy (bad Smithy that is)? Marco didn't have to leave the club to further his career.  He left cos his dad said so and so he could play CAM.  For a club without recourse to a youth squad for most of its life its done bloody well to get what local talent it has through to professional football (you pillock).

Next Hamish Bidwell (who I have enjoyed reading much more so than the boy last season - Sam Werthers or Wuthering Heights):

"The financial position of previous licence holder Terry Serepisos often made the club news for non-football reasons, while performances on the pitch left a bit to be desired."

Err - I think it only made the news when he was unable to pay the bills and then this was dragged out for a few months.  Four years under Terry/Ricki, last two seasons we reached the play offs and were one game away from the grand final.  Have not done better since.

I think we have played a more attractive style of football under Ernie but so far we have been just as successful as under Ricki.   

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

it's also a myth that our attendances have dropped. Yet this line keeps getting churned out like its fact. 

Aside from season one novelty our crouds have been very consistent (while rugby etc have dropped off dramatically). 

First Team Squad
almost 12 years

Tegal wrote:

it's also a myth that our attendances have dropped. Yet this line keeps getting churned out like its fact. 

Aside from season one novelty our crouds have been very consistent (while rugby etc have dropped off dramatically). 


But pointing out the facts...including the massive drop off of rugby crouds would not suit the DoomPost narrative.

For some reason the Nix and the DoomPost have always had a frosty relationship. I stopped buying the DP in disgust during the end of the Seripisos era.....they turned it into a witch hunt. Mostly they are just negative but many many times they have been directly hostile. Which is weird when you consider that its a local paper and the Nix are a local team. My theory is that the sports editorial section of the paper are all rugby heads and they consider the Nix as a viable rival to their precious rugby. Either that or they are F**k wits...or maybe both.

The tragedy in all this is the media form an important part of how the potential ticket buying public percieve the team. Why would people come to watch a team when all the read is negative stories?. The only time the media got in behind the Nix was during the Ifill inspired run to the finals years ago. There was loads of good stories and it generated a great buzz about the club.....and loads of people bought tickets

The Nix provide the media with plenty of copy over December and January period when its quiet for eggball. The irony is that no Nix means they will have to work harder to fill their summer pages.

over 17 years

austin10 wrote:

Tegal wrote:

it's also a myth that our attendances have dropped. Yet this line keeps getting churned out like its fact. 

Aside from season one novelty our crouds have been very consistent (while rugby etc have dropped off dramatically). 


But pointing out the facts...including the massive drop off of rugby crouds would not suit the DoomPost narrative.

For some reason the Nix and the DoomPost have always had a frosty relationship. I stopped buying the DP in disgust during the end of the Seripisos era.....they turned it into a witch hunt. Mostly they are just negative but many many times they have been directly hostile. Which is weird when you consider that its a local paper and the Nix are a local team. My theory is that the sports editorial section of the paper are all rugby heads and they consider the Nix as a viable rival to their precious rugby. Either that or they are F**k wits...or maybe both.

The tragedy in all this is the media form an important part of how the potential ticket buying public percieve the team. Why would people come to watch a team when all the read is negative stories?. The only time the media got in behind the Nix was during the Ifill inspired run to the finals years ago. There was loads of good stories and it generated a great buzz about the club.....and loads of people bought tickets

The Nix provide the media with plenty of copy over December and January period when its quiet for eggball. The irony is that no Nix means they will have to work harder to fill their summer pages.

This is the issue that I have always had - it was never a "witch hunt" with Seripisos, it was the reporting of legitimate news that many on here took exception to. Terry had put himself up to be shot at (not literally) by becoming the Trump character on the NZ Apprentice, at a time that his business empire was being shown to be built on sand, and was crumbling all around him. That impacted a lot of legitimate businesses who were losing (and eventually lost) money from their dealings with Terry. That was news.

If the exact same situation was happening at that time with the owner of the Warriors, or the owner of the Wellington Hurricanes (I know it is a franchise) then no one on here would be stamping their feet about how they are being picked on, and how unfair it is.

With regards to the relationship between the Phoenix and the Dom Post, that has been an issue for a long time. I have no idea why there were issues in the first place (although I have always seen it as a case of the DP being non complimentary and the Phoenix organisation being overly sensitive) but the longer that it has gone on, the more it damaged the Phoenix. The club needed a beneficial relationship way more than the Dom Post did. If the Nix don't exist, there will be plenty of stories about another Kardashian fudgeing a basketball player to fill their pages.

almost 13 years

Tegal wrote:

it's also a myth that our attendances have dropped. Yet this line keeps getting churned out like its fact. 

Aside from season one novelty our crouds have been very consistent (while rugby etc have dropped off dramatically). 

In fact, our average attendance has actually increased each year over the past 3 seasons:

2012-13 - 6,877

2013-14 - 8,186

2014-15 - 8,689

almost 16 years
over 13 years

Yeah we normally bag them, but there has been some good articles coming from them and this Stuff Nation send them your pictures is good too

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