about 17 years


I'm always impressed by the camarderie of cyclists and I've met a few folk who have helped me out in the past with advice or offers to help fix a puncture, etc. So I always try to pass on this goodwill.

Anyhow bumped into this bloke yesterday when I was cycling home, kitted out on a quality road bike, but with a slighty bigger pack than usual. As I look like a tourer with my commuter set up, panniers and the like, he asked me where I was headed and I said just up the road to Puk Bay. Anyway we chugged along and got talking/yelling due to the wind.

Turns out he was cycling from Christchurch to Whanganui! Averaging around 184km a day he'd left Welly earlier.

At around 08:30 he was hoping to get to Bulls at around 11:00. With the wind blowing a northerly over 30km, I said he'd be very lucky to get to Levin, (I actually reckoned more likely Otaki as I've done this a few times but I didn't want to dishearten him).

Anyhow he's planning on designing a NZ cycling website/data base that features cyclists from all over NZ  contributing to it and grabbed my mob number, he also said he'd update me on his progress.

I took him through Puk Bay as the road is tricky, and told him about the shitty roads through Kapiti and the horrors of the Foxton Straight when it's windy as he'd never cycled through Wellington, Kapiti and Manawatu before.

Made Otaki by 11:30. (I was right). Finally got to Whanganui at 17:15, which is not great but in that wind it would have been shitty all the way to Sanson.

Re: Foxton Straight

"Jesus mate. Pushing along at 22-25km was terrible" - lol

He's preparing for the Nationals and for a youngster, (he's still at uni), these long slogs mentally really put you in the right place.

He was amazed at what we Welly cyclists put up with when it gets windy. To me it was a slightly worse than average day for cycling but nothing special, he just couldn't get how bad it was.

over 17 years

did he stop at red lights?

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Did he do the whole trip in the middle of the road?

about 17 years

law abiding considerate cyclist here....but it is risky business even on nice Sunday ride around Kapiti Coast..

Did an epic ride in my late teens in the late 70s complete with yellow panniers  from Auckland to Whitianga(13 Hours incl a beer at Coroglen pub) and then over the 309 to Coromandel after resting up in Whitianga for few days.  Fond memories.  Wouldnt chance it nowadays tho.

Starting XI
about 17 years
Boro4eva wrote:

law abiding considerate cyclist here....but it is risky business even on nice Sunday ride around Kapiti Coast..

Did an epic ride in my late teens in the late 70s complete with yellow panniers  from Auckland to Whitianga(13 Hours incl a beer at Coroglen pub) and then over the 309 to Coromandel after resting up in Whitianga for few days.  Fond memories.  Wouldnt chance it nowadays tho.

Yellow Paniers..... Amazing forethought
A friend is getting ready for the K2, not sure if they go over the 309, possibly. Must have been metal then surely
about 17 years

I once biked from Upper Hutt to Havelock North via the kapiti coast & the gorge in my 20's. Stopped at Samson for the night. There was such a strong wind through the gorge that I was overtaking cars.

almost 16 years

I once biked up Chaytor Street, then the roads up Wright's Hill.

Sod that for a game of soldiers.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Mad cycling story #2356729


On Thursday a car overtook me before promptly turning left off the Karori high street..and then stopped right in front of me rather than going into the side street. I was so speechless after slamming on the brakes that I couldn't even mutter WTF?!?!

about 17 years

And they wonder why Cyclists abuse them. Glad you didn't get hurt. 

over 17 years
HH wrote:

Mad cycling story #2356729


On Thursday a car overtook me before promptly turning left off the Karori high street..and then stopped right in front of me rather than going into the side street. I was so speechless after slamming on the brakes that I couldn't even mutter WTF?!?!

How about this.
A lady trying to turn into a driveway.Woops not the entrance to the driveway she's turning into a curb.So what she did is started driving up the road on the wrong side straight towards me coming down a steep hill going full pelt.
The good thing was it was a two lane road with a bike lane.So she was able to pass me and turn into the driveway behind me.
I did manage to stop and watch as she drove past me waving her hands about with a horrified look on her face.
about 17 years
SurgeQld wrote:
ForteanTimes wrote:
SurgeQld wrote:

Cheers for the feedback guys; have been keeping an eye on T-me and the prices for the most part seem pretty optimistic... budget is limited (under $500 all up, preferably a little less) and I'm not gonna ride around Taupo any time soon... just keen for SWMBO and i to get of our arses a bit over summer, and also for me it will be good exercise after the rest of my whukt lung is removed - which'll hopefully be soon :-)

Now I know your budget I'll have a look on TM too. How tall are you?

174cm - apparently I left a couple in Oz... how the hell does that happen? I'm not (quite) THAT old yet!

This looks quite nice for $100. Could be up to 12 years old this bike. Looks in good nick though. 






Stage Punch
about 17 years

Anyone here on Strava?

over 14 years
Smithy wrote:

Anyone here on Strava?

No, just herbal supplements...
about 17 years
Smithy wrote:

Anyone here on Strava?

I was but didn't have anyone to party up with and then I discovered DayZ
Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Dhb long sleeved windslam arrived today from Wiggle...snug for Autumn :-)

a.k.a AJ13
over 14 years
Sanday wrote:
HH wrote:

Mad cycling story #2356729


On Thursday a car overtook me before promptly turning left off the Karori high street..and then stopped right in front of me rather than going into the side street. I was so speechless after slamming on the brakes that I couldn't even mutter WTF?!?!

How about this.
A lady trying to turn into a driveway.Woops not the entrance to the driveway she's turning into a curb.So what she did is started driving up the road on the wrong side straight towards me coming down a steep hill going full pelt.
The good thing was it was a two lane road with a bike lane.So she was able to pass me and turn into the driveway behind me.
I did manage to stop and watch as she drove past me waving her hands about with a horrified look on her face.
This is why I will never take up road cycling.
3rd XI
over 14 years

just got a new bike. mountain bike . any good tracks in kapiti

Stage Punch
about 17 years
HH wrote:

Dhb long sleeved windslam arrived today from Wiggle...snug for Autumn :-)


I find Wiggle's delivery times horrific. Am still waiting for two orders which were processed on 17 and 18 January respectively. 
Early retirement
over 17 years

Was it here someone posted a link to a place that did custom cycle kits?  I tried to find it looking back in the thread so now I wonder if it was somewhere else.

Early retirement
over 17 years

South to North.  Well, that could go wrong with the prevailing winds.

Back on the work commute this week.  Yesterday's headwind almost killed me.


Stage Punch
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

Was it here someone posted a link to a place that did custom cycle kits?  I tried to find it looking back in the thread so now I wonder if it was somewhere else.


There's a crowd in Petone who do one offs for about a hundy. Seem really good.
over 17 years

Due to the tube strikes in London over the last few days, there has been a massive increase of cyclists around the city.  The amount of law-breaking that has been going on (running red lights, cycling on already crowded pavements, etc) has been astounding.

about 13 years
Frankie Mac wrote:

Due to the tube strikes in London over the last few days, there has been a massive increase of cyclists around the city.  The amount of law-breaking that has been going on (running red lights, cycling on already crowded pavements, etc) has been astounding.

Std Wgtn day from those who want respect. And most have a car license?
Stage Punch
about 17 years
Blew.2 wrote:
Frankie Mac wrote:

Due to the tube strikes in London over the last few days, there has been a massive increase of cyclists around the city.  The amount of law-breaking that has been going on (running red lights, cycling on already crowded pavements, etc) has been astounding.

Std Wgtn day from those who want respect. And most have a car license?
What a load of cobblers. Cyclists in Wellington are generally good in my opinion. So are drivers. There are assholes in both camps that give their respective camp a bad rep.

There are lots of good reasons to try to improve the lot of cycling though. Apart from reducing traffic and parking congestion and being better for the environment there are loads of flow on economic benefits resulting from fewer serious injuries and greater overall health.

It shouldn't be a competition between road users. It should be a group effort to make things better for both teams.
almost 15 years

Is that you Celia?

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years
Smithy wrote:
HH wrote:

Dhb long sleeved windslam arrived today from Wiggle...snug for Autumn :-)


I find Wiggle's delivery times horrific. Am still waiting for two orders which were processed on 17 and 18 January respectively. 


My windslam did take nearly 2's only been a week in the past.


Edit: Just a thought..could kiwi customs be doing some surruptitious searching...?

over 16 years

I'm all for cyclists rights and what-not BUT of you wanna play with the big boys (cars) you gotta follow the big boys rules (road code). Yes, I am talking to you, the twat who rode his bike through a red light and just about nailed two pedestrians today.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Rest assured they fuck cyclists off more than other users.

over 16 years

Red lights or pedestrians?

about 17 years
I <3 Nix wrote:

Red lights or pedestrians?

Nice trolling

He means we fellow cyclists don't like red light jumpers or footpath riders either.

The thing is and it's possibly due to the fact that cycling mellows our soul somewhat is that we don't feel the need to go on and on about the odd cyclist breaking the road rules.

Just as we don't clog up the "things that piss you off" thread or create a "car drivers" thread to moan about the gadzillion times car drivers, (or big boys whatever that means),  break road rules.  We'd never get anything done in life if we did.

I've not gone through a red light or ridden on a non-shared path either for years, but obviously nobody who drives a car is interested in my courteous and law-abiding approach to cycling. 

The usual culprits on bikes who ride without lights, jump reds and cycle on paths are usually young males who have their own counter parts in the driving world doing equally stupid and usually more dangerous activities in cars that not uncommonly leads to them get splattered all over the road, usually with a few mates messed up for good measure.

I just can't fathom why so many kiwi's are so f*cked in the head when it comes to cyclists and the completely unnecessary vitriol  they heap on them.

They go on about a relatively harmless twat on a bike but meekly accept the carnage car drivers create on the roads.

Boggles my mind and don't get me started on riding two abreast...
Stage Punch
about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
I <3 Nix wrote:

Red lights or pedestrians?

Nice trolling

He means we fellow cyclists don't like red light jumpers or footpath riders either.

The thing is and it's possibly due to the fact that cycling mellows our soul somewhat is that we don't feel the need to go on and on about the odd cyclist breaking the road rules.

Just as we don't clog up the "things that piss you off" thread or create a "car drivers" thread to moan about the gadzillion times car drivers, (or big boys whatever that means),  break road rules.  We'd never get anything done in life if we did.

I've not gone through a red light or ridden on a non-shared path either for years, but obviously nobody who drives a car is interested in my courteous and law-abiding approach to cycling. 

The usual culprits on bikes who ride without lights, jump reds and cycle on paths are usually young males who have their own counter parts in the driving world doing equally stupid and usually more dangerous activities in cars that not uncommonly leads to them get splattered all over the road, usually with a few mates messed up for good measure.

I just can't fathom why so many kiwi's are so f*cked in the head when it comes to cyclists and the completely unnecessary vitriol  they heap on them.

They go on about a relatively harmless twat on a bike but meekly accept the carnage car drivers create on the roads.

Boggles my mind and don't get me started on riding two abreast...

Well, I think we have a winner here.

I almost got nailed by a jaywalker yesterday on the way home. So no group is innocent.
over 16 years

I am unsure as to whether you believe I am one of those "f*cked in the head" who is "heaping vitriol" but I would be equally pissed off and ranty if a car/bus/motorbike/whatever just about ran me over.

(the two pedestrians I talked about were me and my friend, and we were following the rules)

about 17 years
I <3 Nix wrote:

I am unsure as to whether you believe I am one of those "f*cked in the head" who is "heaping vitriol" but I would be equally pissed off and ranty if a car/bus/motorbike/whatever just about ran me over.

(the two pedestrians I talked about were me and my friend, and we were following the rules)

Unfortunately you probably are. I find that most Kiwi's are extremely tolerant of sh*tty driving from others, people not indicating,  cutting up, jumping reds, pinching a car park, or the one that gets Vickmeist's goat sitting right up her arse on the SH.

Ok people will have rant when in the car but it's soon forgotten as everyone is so desensitized to shitty driving and accepting that car culture is unchangeable and therefore acceptable no matter how crappy the impact of it on towns, environment, health, cost.

For example coming into Pukeura Bay at rush hour you get those idiot drivers who go come off the SH and go around the cemetery side slip road to try and muscle in further up the SH. It's rude, selfish,  causes everyone to slow down or stop increasing delays and frustration. You're average driver will curse them for being dicks but that's it.

Compare that to a couple of cyclists riding abreast causing a driver to slow down to pass, adding what 10 seconds to a journey and you are guaranteed to have someone come on here likening the cyclists to  corspe-buggering Satanists - even though their "crime" would have had less of an impact the above car drivers.

I've said before you'd think people would actually like cyclists. Less cars, less waiting at petrol stations, less queuing, less wear and tear but it's because cyclists are perceived as a different culture  it's considered acceptable to have a moan at everything we do.

 Christ I get abuse hurled at me like you for "following the rules", i.e. doing nothing wrong  at least once a week and I've cut down the amount of commutes I do these days.

What would have been helpful, would be to think to yourself "that cyclist was a dick, there are lots of people who are dicks, not just cyclists and therefore I don't need to write a marginalizing post that only reinforces a skewed negative perception of a bunch of mostly harmless individuals".
almost 15 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
I <3 Nix wrote:

I am unsure as to whether you believe I am one of those "f*cked in the head" who is "heaping vitriol" but I would be equally pissed off and ranty if a car/bus/motorbike/whatever just about ran me over.

(the two pedestrians I talked about were me and my friend, and we were following the rules)

Unfortunately you probably are. I find that most Kiwi's are extremely tolerant of sh*tty driving from others, people not indicating,  cutting up, jumping reds, pinching a car park, or the one that gets Vickmeist's goat sitting right up her arse on the SH.

Ok people will have rant when in the car but it's soon forgotten as everyone is so desensitized to shitty driving and accepting that car culture is unchangeable and therefore acceptable no matter how crappy the impact of it on towns, environment, health, cost.

For example coming into Pukeura Bay at rush hour you get those idiot drivers who go come off the SH and go around the cemetery side slip road to try and muscle in further up the SH. It's rude, selfish,  causes everyone to slow down or stop increasing delays and frustration. You're average driver will curse them for being dicks but that's it.

Compare that to a couple of cyclists riding abreast causing a driver to slow down to pass, adding what 10 seconds to a journey and you are guaranteed to have someone come on here likening the cyclists to  corspe-buggering Satanists - even though their "crime" would have had less of an impact the above car drivers.

I've said before you'd think people would actually like cyclists. Less cars, less waiting at petrol stations, less queuing, less wear and tear but it's because cyclists are perceived as a different culture  it's considered acceptable to have a moan at everything we do.

 Christ I get abuse hurled at me like you for "following the rules", i.e. doing nothing wrong  at least once a week and I've cut down the amount of commutes I do these days.

What would have been helpful, would be to think to yourself "that cyclist was a dick, there are lots of people who are dicks, not just cyclists and therefore I don't need to write a marginalizing post that only reinforces a skewed negative perception of a bunch of mostly harmless individuals".

Yeah but they wearm lycra!

Seriously though I get what you are saying and agree 100%. So what if I have to wait 10 seconds for it to be safe to pass a cyclist. 
over 16 years

My post was directly aimed by the use of "yes, I'm talking to you", directly at the guy who just about ran me down.

But I really appreciate you saying that I am f*cked in the head.  You, Sir, can GGF.

about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

Unfortunately you probably are. I find that most Kiwi's are extremely tolerant of sh*tty driving from others, people not indicating,  cutting up, jumping reds, pinching a car park, or the one that gets Vickmeist's goat sitting right up her arse on the SH.

You've clearly never seen me walking down the road/sitting on a bus, swearing at almost every car that goes past me for one reason or another. People must think I have a severe mental illness.
over 16 years
wilso wrote:
ForteanTimes wrote:

Unfortunately you probably are. I find that most Kiwi's are extremely tolerant of sh*tty driving from others, people not indicating,  cutting up, jumping reds, pinching a car park, or the one that gets Vickmeist's goat sitting right up her arse on the SH.

You've clearly never seen me walking down the road/sitting on a bus, swearing at almost every car that goes past me for one reason or another. People must think I have a severe mental illness.

I wish I could "like" this post

about 17 years
I <3 Nix wrote:

My post was directly aimed by the use of "yes, I'm talking to you", directly at the guy who just about ran me down.

But I really appreciate you saying that I am f*cked in the head.  You, Sir, can GGF.

Hey it's a nationwide issue, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. The herd is sick collectively not the individual.

This is a good book if you find your chimp overreacting to internet posts.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Trace you did come into the cyclists thread to rant about cyclists. You can't be too surprised that the cyclists didn't like it, even if you were just talking about one cyclists in particular.

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