about 17 years

paulm wrote:

People who ride bikes hate drivers who don't.

People who don't ride bikes hate cyclists.

Surprise surprise. Everyone's just in it for themselves.


Are you fudgeing real?

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years


new bmx circuit in ian galloway coming on nicely. Will have to borrow the 9 yr old's rig to look the part.

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Dear Cyclists and Skateboarders,

They are called "footpaths". There is a hint in the first half of their name that should give away what they are actually for!!!



about 15 years

C-Diddy wrote:

Dear Cyclists,

They are called roads. There are ours not yours



almost 16 years

Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony,

side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord* why can't we?




* real name Ella Yelich-O'Connor

about 17 years

Something most of us know already. Bike helmet laws do not cut down injury. What they do is reduce the number of cyclists are people don't like wearing them.

Only good for hanging things like mirrors or lights from.

almost 14 years

They don't prevent the big injuries but I'm pretty sure my helmet has saved me from smaller ones, glass I've for one.

about 17 years

Ryan wrote:

They don't prevent the big injuries but I'm pretty sure my helmet has saved me from smaller ones, glass I've for one.

Yeah I slipped over once walking down the street and banged my head, I really wish there had been a law that made pedestrians wear helmets.

 Also people who are in car crashes they could probably wear foam and plastic helmets too as I reckon they might help in a car crash.

Don't get me started on torsion injuries caused by helmets. 

This is what the research is saying that helmets don't actually make any difference in preventing injury. What helmet laws do is piss people off so they don't ride bikes and that increases health risks.

Stage Punch
about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

Something most of us know already. Bike helmet laws do not cut down injury. What they do is reduce the number of cyclists are people don't like wearing them.

Only good for hanging things like mirrors or lights from.


What a load of shark. Bike helmet laws might not reduce injury rates, but actual helmets certainly do.

I see your Daily Telegraph story and raise you actual academic research:

I've been in two crashes in organised road cycling events and both times have whacked my helmeted head solidly against the tarmac. In the absence of my helmet, my head would have ended up like my knees/hips/shoulders/elbow/palms: all f*cked up.

However, there are socioeconomic issues that drive down participation rates where helmets are mandatory (additional cost makes it harder for poor folks to participate). That's a thing we should solve.

almost 14 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

Ryan wrote:

They don't prevent the big injuries but I'm pretty sure my helmet has saved me from smaller ones, glass I've for one.

Yeah I slipped over once walking down the street and banged my head, I really wish there had been a law that made pedestrians wear helmets.

 Also people who are in car crashes they could probably wear foam and plastic helmets too as I reckon they might help in a car crash.

Don't get me started on torsion injuries caused by helmets. 

This is what the research is saying that helmets don't actually make any difference in preventing injury. What helmet laws do is piss people off so they don't ride bikes and that increases health risks.

Because I walk as fast as I cycle and other pedestrians are made out of metal and can smash into me at 50+ kmph.

Do you think before you post?

I'll tell you one thing, I've only had a couple small falls off my bike that my helmet saved me, probably saved me from a split scalp and the equivalent of a heavy nights drinking in dead braincells but I'm pretty sure my helmet saved me some serious trouble on the snowboard so I for one am glad that I wear it.

It might be that helmets prevent the small injuries, but the big injuries - like being hit by a truck on the open road are just too big for a helmet to be effective.

Car's have plenty of safety devices such as seat belts and air bags. If bikes had similar convenient safety features then you wouldn't need a helmet. But that, of course, is not possible.

I've read the studies that helmets cause more injuries, they say that because the helmet is bigger than your head that creates a bigger target to hit the road with - as if with the force of an impact big enough to cause an injury your head would magically travel a few centimetres less, or that drivers treat cyclists with helmets differently than cyclists without, which is just moronic. How on earth do you study that?

almost 16 years

Just don't cycle.

Then there wouldn't be any of this "I hate cyclists" angst (except hipster and greenie ones).

First Team Squad
over 10 years

So, this thread is about this fantastic sport? anyone here is competing?

I'm doing some racing in the local amateur calendar, training 4/5 times a week. 

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Aza wrote:

So, this thread is about this fantastic sport? anyone here is competing?

I'm doing some racing in the local amateur calendar, training 4/5 times a week. 


I'm a total pussy on the bike. I've signed up for the Round Brunner (again) and the Grape Ride (first time) next year. But as of today I haven't even started training.

Anyone doing Taupo?

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Today I was driving down Taranaki St, and there was a cyclist to the left of me. The road was quite narrow so I gave way to him and he waved to thank me further down the road when it was safe to pass him. Good stuff. #BetterCyclistStories

almost 14 years

I live near makara peak and work from home mostly so I just hit the local trails. I know Phoenix give a little support is going to the save the nix campaign but this is pretty cool:

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Aza wrote:

So, this thread is about this fantastic sport? anyone here is competing?

I'm doing some racing in the local amateur calendar, training 4/5 times a week. 

For some like me it just balances out our cake eating competitions 

about 17 years

Smithy wrote:

ForteanTimes wrote:

Something most of us know already. Bike helmet laws do not cut down injury. What they do is reduce the number of cyclists are people don't like wearing them.

Only good for hanging things like mirrors or lights from.


What a load of shark. Bike helmet laws might not reduce injury rates, but actual helmets certainly do.

I see your Daily Telegraph story and raise you actual academic research:

I've been in two crashes in organised road cycling events and both times have whacked my helmeted head solidly against the tarmac. In the absence of my helmet, my head would have ended up like my knees/hips/shoulders/elbow/palms: all f*cked up.

However, there are socioeconomic issues that drive down participation rates where helmets are mandatory (additional cost makes it harder for poor folks to participate). That's a thing we should solve.

fudge off too! I went from a firm believer in helmets to a non-believer, meh-user and have been part of many helmet debates and seen countless research. I mean countless debates.

At the end of the day you have to weigh up the injury toll which is prevented by helmets, (very small), compared to helmet laws which reduce people cycling. And I can spam a few research articles too mate.

If you actually look at it with an open mind rather than having a fixed stance you'll see what I saw.


about 17 years

Ryan wrote:

ForteanTimes wrote:

Ryan wrote:

They don't prevent the big injuries but I'm pretty sure my helmet has saved me from smaller ones, glass I've for one.

Yeah I slipped over once walking down the street and banged my head, I really wish there had been a law that made pedestrians wear helmets.

 Also people who are in car crashes they could probably wear foam and plastic helmets too as I reckon they might help in a car crash.

Don't get me started on torsion injuries caused by helmets. 

This is what the research is saying that helmets don't actually make any difference in preventing injury. What helmet laws do is piss people off so they don't ride bikes and that increases health risks.

Because I walk as fast as I cycle and other pedestrians are made out of metal and can smash into me at 50+ kmph.

Do you think before you post?

I'll tell you one thing, I've only had a couple small falls off my bike that my helmet saved me, probably saved me from a split scalp and the equivalent of a heavy nights drinking in dead braincells but I'm pretty sure my helmet saved me some serious trouble on the snowboard so I for one am glad that I wear it.

It might be that helmets prevent the small injuries, but the big injuries - like being hit by a truck on the open road are just too big for a helmet to be effective.

Car's have plenty of safety devices such as seat belts and air bags. If bikes had similar convenient safety features then you wouldn't need a helmet. But that, of course, is not possible.

I've read the studies that helmets cause more injuries, they say that because the helmet is bigger than your head that creates a bigger target to hit the road with - as if with the force of an impact big enough to cause an injury your head would magically travel a few centimetres less, or that drivers treat cyclists with helmets differently than cyclists without, which is just moronic. How on earth do you study that?

why are you hitting your head so much? I've done lots of MTBing (I'm not very good have scars none on my head),  road cycling, commuting, cycle-training, and I've never hit my head. I'm still I reckon approved to do cycle skills training. Even on black ice/piles of wet leaves it's hard to hit your head. 

What are you doing?

Serious question as it's bloody hard to hit your head when falling off your bike. Really hard.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

Smithy wrote:

ForteanTimes wrote:

Something most of us know already. Bike helmet laws do not cut down injury. What they do is reduce the number of cyclists are people don't like wearing them.

Only good for hanging things like mirrors or lights from.


What a load of shark. Bike helmet laws might not reduce injury rates, but actual helmets certainly do.

I see your Daily Telegraph story and raise you actual academic research:

I've been in two crashes in organised road cycling events and both times have whacked my helmeted head solidly against the tarmac. In the absence of my helmet, my head would have ended up like my knees/hips/shoulders/elbow/palms: all f*cked up.

However, there are socioeconomic issues that drive down participation rates where helmets are mandatory (additional cost makes it harder for poor folks to participate). That's a thing we should solve.

fudge off too! I went from a firm believer in helmets to a non-believer, meh-user and have been part of many helmet debates and seen countless research. I mean countless debates.

At the end of the day you have to weigh up the injury toll which is prevented by helmets, (very small), compared to helmet laws which reduce people cycling. And I can spam a few research articles too mate.

If you actually look at it with an open mind rather than having a fixed stance you'll see what I saw.



Well chap if you had started there I probably would have agreed with you.

The "if you're on a bike you must wear a helmet" law is a pretty blunt instrument.

I wouldn't ride in traffic without one, but I regularly ride in the park and around the place without one.

about 17 years

Not been there for awhile but dip in.

almost 14 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

Ryan wrote:

ForteanTimes wrote:

Ryan wrote:

They don't prevent the big injuries but I'm pretty sure my helmet has saved me from smaller ones, glass I've for one.

Yeah I slipped over once walking down the street and banged my head, I really wish there had been a law that made pedestrians wear helmets.

 Also people who are in car crashes they could probably wear foam and plastic helmets too as I reckon they might help in a car crash.

Don't get me started on torsion injuries caused by helmets. 

This is what the research is saying that helmets don't actually make any difference in preventing injury. What helmet laws do is piss people off so they don't ride bikes and that increases health risks.

Because I walk as fast as I cycle and other pedestrians are made out of metal and can smash into me at 50+ kmph.

Do you think before you post?

I'll tell you one thing, I've only had a couple small falls off my bike that my helmet saved me, probably saved me from a split scalp and the equivalent of a heavy nights drinking in dead braincells but I'm pretty sure my helmet saved me some serious trouble on the snowboard so I for one am glad that I wear it.

It might be that helmets prevent the small injuries, but the big injuries - like being hit by a truck on the open road are just too big for a helmet to be effective.

Car's have plenty of safety devices such as seat belts and air bags. If bikes had similar convenient safety features then you wouldn't need a helmet. But that, of course, is not possible.

I've read the studies that helmets cause more injuries, they say that because the helmet is bigger than your head that creates a bigger target to hit the road with - as if with the force of an impact big enough to cause an injury your head would magically travel a few centimetres less, or that drivers treat cyclists with helmets differently than cyclists without, which is just moronic. How on earth do you study that?

why are you hitting your head so much? I've done lots of MTBing (I'm not very good have scars none on my head),  road cycling, commuting, cycle-training, and I've never hit my head. I'm still I reckon approved to do cycle skills training. Even on black ice/piles of wet leaves it's hard to hit your head. 

What are you doing?

Serious question as it's bloody hard to hit your head when falling off your bike. Really hard.

Well this is a couple of small falls from 30 years of doing things that require a helmet off an on. Had a few nasty ones on my dirt bike as a teenager once I didn't see a temporary fence until I smashed into it, another time I had an off while trying to jump a dried river bank and fell into some boulders... Ah the stupidity of youth.

A counter argument is an accident where I didn't have a helmet, and a helmet would have done nothing to help me. I rolled a 4x4 on the family farm, that was an occasion that I was very lucky and a helmet would have done fudge all, I crashed into a fence (bit of a pattern here) and one of the fence wires stopped the bike from breaking my neck.

On a push bike the biggest issue I had was when a car pulled out in front of me on Kelburn Parade without looking, it was pissing down and I had the old calliper brakes, slammed them on but couldn't stop and went over the boot. Another was a couple of months ago in Makara Peak where I wasn't committed enough coming down a steep bit and had an off. Nothing major.

The worst one I had was a couple of years ago when snowboarding when someone crashed into me, I had two big dents on my helmet from that, one was in the front where it smashed into a rock, the other on the back where the blade of either mine or the person that hit me's snowboard dug in. That would have been nasty.

I'm by no means a dare devil in fact most would find me extremely cautious, most of these events are interspersed by years of accident free cruising, but I'm glad that I had a helmet all the same.

over 17 years

Bike helmets make people look like giant penises.

almost 14 years

Most on here are dicks anyway.

Early retirement
over 17 years

I may be too old to use it by the time they finally get it done but this looks sexy as.

almost 16 years

Ryan wrote:

ForteanTimes wrote:

Ryan wrote:

ForteanTimes wrote:

Ryan wrote:

They don't prevent the big injuries but I'm pretty sure my helmet has saved me from smaller ones, glass I've for one.

Yeah I slipped over once walking down the street and banged my head, I really wish there had been a law that made pedestrians wear helmets.

 Also people who are in car crashes they could probably wear foam and plastic helmets too as I reckon they might help in a car crash.

Don't get me started on torsion injuries caused by helmets. 

This is what the research is saying that helmets don't actually make any difference in preventing injury. What helmet laws do is piss people off so they don't ride bikes and that increases health risks.

Because I walk as fast as I cycle and other pedestrians are made out of metal and can smash into me at 50+ kmph.

Do you think before you post?

I'll tell you one thing, I've only had a couple small falls off my bike that my helmet saved me, probably saved me from a split scalp and the equivalent of a heavy nights drinking in dead braincells but I'm pretty sure my helmet saved me some serious trouble on the snowboard so I for one am glad that I wear it.

It might be that helmets prevent the small injuries, but the big injuries - like being hit by a truck on the open road are just too big for a helmet to be effective.

Car's have plenty of safety devices such as seat belts and air bags. If bikes had similar convenient safety features then you wouldn't need a helmet. But that, of course, is not possible.

I've read the studies that helmets cause more injuries, they say that because the helmet is bigger than your head that creates a bigger target to hit the road with - as if with the force of an impact big enough to cause an injury your head would magically travel a few centimetres less, or that drivers treat cyclists with helmets differently than cyclists without, which is just moronic. How on earth do you study that?

why are you hitting your head so much? I've done lots of MTBing (I'm not very good have scars none on my head),  road cycling, commuting, cycle-training, and I've never hit my head. I'm still I reckon approved to do cycle skills training. Even on black ice/piles of wet leaves it's hard to hit your head. 

What are you doing?

Serious question as it's bloody hard to hit your head when falling off your bike. Really hard.

Well this is a couple of small falls from 30 years of doing things that require a helmet off an on. Had a few nasty ones on my dirt bike as a teenager once I didn't see a temporary fence until I smashed into it, another time I had an off while trying to jump a dried river bank and fell into some boulders... Ah the stupidity of youth.

A counter argument is an accident where I didn't have a helmet, and a helmet would have done nothing to help me. I rolled a 4x4 on the family farm, that was an occasion that I was very lucky and a helmet would have done fudge all, I crashed into a fence (bit of a pattern here) and one of the fence wires stopped the bike from breaking my neck.

On a push bike the biggest issue I had was when a car pulled out in front of me on Kelburn Parade without looking, it was pissing down and I had the old calliper brakes, slammed them on but couldn't stop and went over the boot. Another was a couple of months ago in Makara Peak where I wasn't committed enough coming down a steep bit and had an off. Nothing major.

The worst one I had was a couple of years ago when snowboarding when someone crashed into me, I had two big dents on my helmet from that, one was in the front where it smashed into a rock, the other on the back where the blade of either mine or the person that hit me's snowboard dug in. That would have been nasty.

I'm by no means a dare devil in fact most would find me extremely cautious, most of these events are interspersed by years of accident free cruising, but I'm glad that I had a helmet all the same.

Years ago I came off my bike somewhere up in a forestry track in Nelson.  Patched up at Nelson Base hospital and then later some time in Blenheim as infection set in.

Pretty sure my bike helmet saved some serious damage.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Hard News wrote:

I may be too old to use it by the time they finally get it done but this looks sexy as.

Shared cycle/pedestrian makes me nervous though.

over 17 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

At the end of the day you have to weigh up the injury toll which is prevented by helmets, (very small), compared to helmet laws which reduce people cycling. And I can spam a few research articles too mate.

just out of interest, why would helmet laws prevent people cycling?

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

hlmphil wrote:

Hard News wrote:

I may be too old to use it by the time they finally get it done but this looks sexy as.

Shared cycle/pedestrian makes me nervous though.

Can't imagine foot traffic being huge. Am pleasantly  surprised they chose this option

Early retirement
over 17 years

A surprising amount of foot traffic, particularly early morning I have found them running North as I've been on the bike coming south.

Hit a lad on a bike on Tory St. after the WeeNix game on Sunday.  He came out of the car park at Football Central across the road from my right.  Lucky for him I caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye so I veered left and braked which meant he hit the side of my car instead of going under the wheels.  I suspect I was behind a van so he missed me.

His bike was messed up and I guess he was sore but I think he was okay.  Helmet stopped head contact on the road.

A lesson on looking instead of making assumptions about traffic.

over 11 years

Hard News wrote:

I may be too old to use it by the time they finally get it done but this looks sexy as.

Needs a wind-break. Or bike flotation fit-ons.

almost 14 years

Hard News wrote:

A surprising amount of foot traffic, particularly early morning I have found them running North as I've been on the bike coming south.

Hit a lad on a bike on Tory St. after the WeeNix game on Sunday.  He came out of the car park at Football Central across the road from my right.  Lucky for him I caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye so I veered left and braked which meant he hit the side of my car instead of going under the wheels.  I suspect I was behind a van so he missed me.

His bike was messed up and I guess he was sore but I think he was okay.  Helmet stopped head contact on the road.

A lesson on looking instead of making assumptions about traffic.

At least he had Bike Barn, the shop of the perpetual sale, just there for a service.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Hard News wrote:

A surprising amount of foot traffic, particularly early morning I have found them running North as I've been on the bike coming south.

Hit a lad on a bike on Tory St. after the WeeNix game on Sunday.  He came out of the car park at Football Central across the road from my right.  Lucky for him I caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye so I veered left and braked which meant he hit the side of my car instead of going under the wheels.  I suspect I was behind a van so he missed me.

His bike was messed up and I guess he was sore but I think he was okay.  Helmet stopped head contact on the road.

A lesson on looking instead of making assumptions about traffic.

At least he had Bike Barn, the shop of the perpetual sale, just there for a service.


The Briscoes of cycling!

over 17 years

Frankie Mac wrote:

ForteanTimes wrote:

At the end of the day you have to weigh up the injury toll which is prevented by helmets, (very small), compared to helmet laws which reduce people cycling. And I can spam a few research articles too mate.

just out of interest, why would helmet laws prevent people cycling?

no one interested in explaining this? Only reasons I can think of are the cost (and I imagine helmets are about $20 so not a valid reason) or messing up someone's hair (granted, this is a valid reason).

Budgie lover
about 17 years

Based on my experience all cyclists should wear gloves. I have fallen off my bike 2 times fudgeing up my elbows and knees, etc but especially my hands. I have occasionally banged my head as well (with helmet on). 

The thing that has stopped me contributing to society has been when my hands have been fudgeed up so i can't work.

Therefore, to make sure that the entire economy still functions, I think that all cyclists must be mandated to wear gloves. Like that lady who went around all the schools in the 90's mandating that everyone wears helmets. I mean, based on my own 2 incidents, it makes sense for the entire population of cyclists is compelled to wear gloves. 

ipso facto, We would be more efficient with a greater productivity as a nation if cyclists wore gloves.


almost 16 years

Gloves got a hard work out from me - went through several pairs when I used to mountain bike a lot.  Inevitably the hands go out when you come off the bike.

I discovered later that the best way of not falling off a bike was to not get on one in the first place.

almost 16 years

Dumb double posting bug.

I might one day get a new set of gears for my old Stumpjumper M2 frame.  The old components are pretty worn out and knacked.  Any idea how much this might cost?  

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Junior82 wrote:

Dumb double posting bug.

I might one day get a new set of gears for my old Stumpjumper M2 frame.  The old components are pretty worn out and knacked.  Any idea how much this might cost?  

Not a bug. You clicked the button twice.

Bloody cyclists always blaming  someone else.

almost 16 years
almost 16 years
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

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