about 17 years
This is a good one, pity we don't have guns over here?

Man pleads guilty to shooting at cyclist


A former North Carolina firefighter pleaded guilty to assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill after shooting at a man riding a bicycle with his wife and 4-year-old son because he was concerned for the child's safety.

The Asheville Citizen-Times reports that 42-year-old Charles Alexander Diez was sentenced Thursday to 120 days in jail. Diez shot at cyclist Alan Ray Simons after stopping his car to confront Simons about the safety of riding his bike on a busy road with his child on the back.

Police say that when Simons turned to walk away, Diez fired at his bike helmet, narrowly missing his skull.

Diez served with the Asheville Fire Department for 17 years.

120 days for shooting at someone's head
ForteanTimes2009-11-25 09:20:07
Starting XI
about 15 years
That blows only getting 120 days in jail for attempted murder.  Sickos.  Did you hear about this one in Wellington?
about 17 years
Oceanic6 wrote:
That blows only getting 120 days in jail for attempted murder.  Sickos.  Did you hear about this one in Wellington?

No, but I've heard about it and seen it on youtube before and the kids responsible were arrested and done for it. Having gone paintballing before, I certainly not like to get hit when on my bike.

edit: the kids arrested were from the USA who did a similar thing to these knobs from wellington.
ForteanTimes2009-11-25 10:53:22
Starting XI
about 15 years
hopefully they got those knobs from Wellington. 
Did you see this on 60 minutes back in October?  it's 15 mins long but worth checking out.
over 17 years
Started cycling to work and feel absolutely filthy inside as a result.

Edit:  As an aside, would not be at all against some type of licensing thing come in for cylists.  The amount of near misses I've seen (not to mention numerous accidents I haven't seen) surely calls for it.  While it wouldn't stamp the problem out the less retards* on the road the better imo.

Just the other day I saw a girl who looked about twenty cycling on a two-laned road in the middle of the lane closest to the centre of the road.  The road in question, for those familiar with Christchurch, was Memorial Avenue - a very busy road.

*When I say retards I don't mean all cyclists.  I mean the arrogant, selfish douchebags amongst the population (which is probably about 30%, maybe just under).
loyalgunner2009-11-26 19:13:43
Starting XI
over 17 years
Why do some cyclists dress up like they are racing in the Tour de France?

They look like c**ts.
over 17 years
Starting XI
about 17 years
OOOh but these tight pants feel sooo good!!

First Team Squad
about 17 years
Bike pants = Padding for the nuts (a must have if you've got a racing seat) and way easier to cycle in.

Then if you were a t-shirt on top of that you look like a fool so you have to get a cycling top...
almost 16 years
Two things that would look good:
1.  A Phoenix cycling top
2.  Sarah Ulmer
about 17 years
loyalgunner wrote:
Started cycling to work and feel absolutely filthy inside as a result.

Edit:  As an aside, would not be at all against some type of licensing thing come in for cylists.  The amount of near misses I've seen (not to mention numerous accidents I haven't seen) surely calls for it.  While it wouldn't stamp the problem out the less retards* on the road the better imo.

Just the other day I saw a girl who looked about twenty cycling on a two-laned road in the middle of the lane closest to the centre of the road.  The road in question, for those familiar with Christchurch, was Memorial Avenue - a very busy road.

*When I say retards I don't mean all cyclists.  I mean the arrogant, selfish douchebags amongst the population (which is probably about 30%, maybe just under).
Good stuff on the cycle commuting, welcome to the club!

You have to realize that the whole transport set up is designed for cars and nothing else. This makes cycling in traffic challenging.
The great thing about cycling apart from it's health and environmental benefits is that it's cheap and can be used be everyone from 8 - 80years old. Licensing would put some off, when what we need to do is encourage more people to get on bikes.
 It would be a real shame to license bike users when every sensible bit of research suggests by encouraging more cyclists, you have less congestion, i.e. better movement of traffic  with the knock on effect of it being better for the economy as people get to work on time and freight is shifted faster. 
You also have the other benefits at cyclists are generally healthier and so cost the health services less money .(The sad thing though is the lack of cycling within the adult population; adults who don't cycle don't encourage their kids to bike which results in fat parents with fat kids. In 20 odd years you will not only have an aging population but also a fat aging population as well).
There are better ways to sort out the relationships between cars and bicycles than licensing. Firstly look at transport infrastructures to make cycling more attractive and make it safer. Traffic calming has revolutionized cities where it has been introduced as it encourages people to walk or cycle around their community,  this also gives parents the confidence to let their kids play on the streets again, without the fear of them getting run over. The result is a blossoming of local businesses such as small shops, cafes, pubs, etc as people are happy to walk/cycle to them rather than driving to the huge mega-centre on the edge of town, re-invigorating communities.
I'd also look at cycle skills training for adults and kids to build confidence, however as I've said it is often difficult cycling confidently when you have cars and trucks whizzing past you at 80+km in an environment not designed with cyclists in mind.
Physical barriers between bikes and cars have many champions in the world of cycling, although some of us don't mind being in traffic. If it gets people on bikes I'm for it though.
New Zealand is pretty far behind many when it comes to sorting out it's traffic issues. London for example will need to encourage more commuters to use bicycles before 2015 or it will grind to a halt. This is no exaggeration, traffic experts  believe the only way to stop this is increase the amount of people cycling, they intend to do everything they can to get people on bikes.
Lets try other methods first rather than a bike license,we need to get rid of the preception that to get on a bike yoyu have to wear lycra and shave your legs - be proud of your hairly legs I say! Also licensing has hardly eliminated bad driving, it just makes identifying some bad drivers easier.
ForteanTimes2009-11-28 14:14:57
over 17 years
They're all very good points.  Wouldn't mind seeing some of the above things (for want of a better word) in those pictures introduced to more parts of NZ.

With the licensing idea I kind of took the approach that if less complete clowns were biking on the road then the overall perspective on cyclists could change (for some at least) and a few more would be inclined to cycle.  I know with me that I was put off cycling after seeing numerous absolute idiots (and I maintain that I'm the only reasonable cyclist in Christchurch ).  I realise that effect would be quite small, though, and there would be literally nothing to stop any old person picking up a bike and riding round the city.

And lol at London.
almost 16 years
Just wondered if Alison Shanks retired and decided to go into making bikes she could call her line "Shank's Pony".

I'll get me coat.

about 17 years
loyalgunner wrote:
They're all very good points.  Wouldn't mind seeing some of the above things (for want of a better word) in those pictures introduced to more parts of NZ.

With the licensing idea I kind of took the approach that if less complete clowns were biking on the road then the overall perspective on cyclists could change (for some at least) and a few more would be inclined to cycle.  I know with me that I was put off cycling after seeing numerous absolute idiots (and I maintain that I'm the only reasonable cyclist in Christchurch ).  I realise that effect would be quite small, though, and there would be literally nothing to stop any old person picking up a bike and riding round the city.

And lol at London.

lol indeed at London

Get cycle skills training back in schools and the result will be less idiots.

 I know you are still feeling filthy and freakish from taking up cycle commuting, you may want to take it a step further, when I actually joined up with the local cycling advocacy group, I found people pretty normal, the women too, no hairy armpits to be seen anywhere.

If you are interested in what local cyclists are doing around Christchurch, check out the local cycling group Spokes. This is a well organized group trying to make your community a nicer place to live.

 I see also the amazing Phil Darnton is speaking Christchurch on the 30th, (see above spokes link), if you want to see what cycling can achieve in a city go and see him, very funny English bloke. I saw him at the recent national cycling conference. His basic goal is to turn the image of cycling away from the lycra brigade and just get normal people in normal clothes cycling for the good of their health and the good of the economy.

Also as a new commuter if you need tips on stuff try bike forums, has taught me a lot:
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
Mental cyclist!!
I was driving home around the Evans Bay towards Miramar yesterday.  At about Greta Pt, I saw ahead of me a cyclist (looked like a serious cyclist on a road bike & all his lycra gear) tailgating a bus!!  He would've been no further than 2m behind.  Both pulled onto Cobham Dr on the outside lane, cyclist still tailgating.  I have absolutely no sympathies for stupid cyclists who get injured or killed doing that kind of stunt.  Cyclists like that don't help their own cause.
about 17 years
TBF Roadies are skilled enough to be able to sit behind something really close, just look at any big cycle race, they can sit inches away from a back wheel of someone else.
Stupid behaviour though cuse it gives the rest of us a bad name. ForteanTimes2009-12-04 14:02:13
over 17 years
Wasn't impressed to see a cyclist who, while at a red light that several cars had stopped for, slowly pulled out, looked both ways and meandered through the red.  I wish a cop had grabbed and chucked him in the slammer.  Icy showers, bread and water, guards whomping your arse round the clock.  The only way out being suicide. (Had to incorporate that Chief Wiggum quote).
about 17 years
loyalgunner wrote:
Wasn't impressed to see a cyclist who, while at a red light that several cars had stopped for, slowly pulled out, looked both ways and meandered through the red.  I wish a cop had grabbed and chucked him in the slammer.  Icy showers, bread and water, guards whomping your arse round the clock.  The only way out being suicide. (Had to incorporate that Chief Wiggum quote).
Again something I don't do and have not run a red in over a decade. Some countries are looking at allowing cyclists to "run" through some stop intersections if empty. Rationale being that some lights don't get tripped by cyclists and momentum is everything, as it's often difficult to get going again after stopping quickly enough to safely get through an intersection.
ForteanTimes2009-12-04 15:12:20
Starting XI
about 15 years
Wongo wrote:
Mental cyclist!!
I was driving home around the Evans Bay towards Miramar yesterday.  At about Greta Pt, I saw ahead of me a cyclist (looked like a serious cyclist on a road bike & all his lycra gear) tailgating a bus!!  He would've been no further than 2m behind.  Both pulled onto Cobham Dr on the outside lane, cyclist still tailgating.  I have absolutely no sympathies for stupid cyclists who get injured or killed doing that kind of stunt.  Cyclists like that don't help their own cause.
What if it was someone you knew??  Would you still say that?
There are a lot of well behaved cyclists.  But people only notice the reckless ones not the ones not getting in peoples way.  And even when they aren't in the way they still get killed by cars!
about 17 years
Something to enhance the driving experience, distracted what syndrome?

this is priceless I actually thought it was April the first but no, they actually want to put these in the dash.

ForteanTimes2010-01-16 10:19:10
over 17 years
about 17 years
I can't see it being stopped, not with the combined power of the auto and computer industry.

EDIT: link for those to lazy to go back to page 5.
ForteanTimes2010-01-16 10:40:29
Starting XI
over 17 years
Don't prevent the future.Michael2010-01-16 10:44:09
almost 16 years
Future won't last too long if those things take off.
Might have to take up cycling again.
BTW took junior junior to the Karori Park mtn bike track at the back of the park - v. good starting track for complete beginners.  Once this is mastered may do the rimutaka incline or something like that.
Only trouble is I might have to get my old Specialzed M2 roadworthy again and spend some $ on that.
about 17 years
Michael wrote:
Don't prevent the future.

Hehe The Rise of the Michaels!

The only good thing to come of this is when they totally remove humans from controlling cars.
about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
Future won't last too long if those things take off.
Might have to take up cycling again.
BTW took junior junior to the Karori Park mtn bike track at the back of the park - v. good starting track for complete beginners.  Once this is mastered may do the rimutaka incline or something like that.
Only trouble is I might have to get my old Specialzed M2 roadworthy again and spend some $ on that.

Rimutaka is pretty straight forward.

That M2 is a great bike. Make it so No 1.
almost 16 years
I was dreading the day that my progeny got to the stage where they were able to ride a bike with enough ability that we would go off-road.

I got my M2 when I was student - started off with a Diamond Back and also got into duathalons in the winter to keep up fitness levels for summer racing. Saw the M2 and sold the DB and road bike and got a loan from the bank to buy the M2.

Absolutely love it (but kinda spoiled it by putting scott shocks on the front) - but only ended up doing maybe half a season of racing before I realised I should actually be studying rather than @rsing around in lycra.

It's OK at the moment for getting around on the road, but might need a bit to get it good for off-road (oh and it's back to the original rigid forks - real old fashioned non-suspension bike, but so responsive...wish the rider was).

Junior822010-01-16 17:59:34
about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
I was dreading the day that my progeny got to the stage where they were able to ride a bike with enough ability that we would go off-road.

I got my M2 when I was student - started off with a Diamond Back and also got into duathalons in the winter to keep up fitness levels for summer racing. Saw the M2 and sold the DB and road bike and got a loan from the bank to buy the M2.

Absolutely love it (but kinda spoiled it by putting scott shocks on the front) - but only ended up doing maybe half a season of racing before I realised I should actually be studying rather than @rsing around in lycra.

It's OK at the moment for getting around on the road, but might need a bit to get it good for off-road (oh and it's back to the original rigid forks - real old fashioned non-suspension bike, but so responsive...wish the rider was).

sounds lovely, pics please.
almost 16 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

sounds lovely, pics please.

Oh, erm,....Oh you mean of the bike!?

OK - tomorrow. reminds me I was going to take a pic of a compost heap as well for the worm farm thread.

Junior822010-01-16 20:24:22
about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
ForteanTimes wrote:

sounds lovely, pics please.

Oh, erm,....Oh you mean of the bike!?

OK - tomorrow. reminds me I was going to take a pic of a compost heap as well for the worm farm thread.

Yeah I'm still awaiting some pics from Capes.
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
As a motorist, I did a good deed for a cyclist, it was more common sense than anything else.  I was driving south along the Hutt Rd near Kaiwharawhara.  My intentions were to pull into a premises along the road.  The Hutt Rd has a cycle lane on the footpath which I needed to cross.  I passed a cyclist heading the same way near the entrance I needed to pull into.  I knew if I turned I would have cut him off & he'd hit me.  So, I signaled (as I always do) to turn left into the premises & waited until the cyclist had passed.  He saw me waiting for him to pass & waved his appreciation.
about 17 years
Wongo wrote:
As a motorist, I did a good deed for a cyclist, it was more common sense than anything else.  I was driving south along the Hutt Rd near Kaiwharawhara.  My intentions were to pull into a premises along the road.  The Hutt Rd has a cycle lane on the footpath which I needed to cross.  I passed a cyclist heading the same way near the entrance I needed to pull into.  I knew if I turned I would have cut him off & he'd hit me.  So, I signaled (as I always do) to turn left into the premises & waited until the cyclist had passed.  He saw me waiting for him to pass & waved his appreciation.

Nice one Wongo old chum!
almost 16 years
You see - everyone can get along!

"Motorists and cy-cer-lists live together in perfect harmony*,
side-by-side on my wide road, oh lord why can't we?"

*except for the rude ones
Junior822010-01-17 09:57:21
over 17 years
Butchering a Paul McCartney song = not cool.
about 17 years
Buffon II wrote:
Butchering a Paul McCartney song = not cool.

Unless it's We All Stand Together with the Frog Chorus.
almost 16 years
Buffon II wrote:
Butchering a Paul McCartney song = not cool.
I'd imagine butchers would say PM isn't cool either.
John was the better one anyway ("Imogen the people")
OK just for you FT:
The yellow sticker on the top bar is a bike rego for Beijing - had it over there in my last year because I was sick and tired of my local model ("Yongjiu" meaning forever - forever breaking down). 
In it's racing heyday it had Scott Xtrashocks on the front, some kevlar sided knobby tyres (forgotten what they were) and shimano peddles and shoes.  Used to like going for a ride up the port hills and go up behind roadies on the way to the hills (they hated the sound of knobby tyres on asphalt).
shocks had only been in a few years in NZ when the M2 came along, they served a purpose but did change the angle of the bike compared with the rigid forks.  Didn't like it but probably saved my joints when going downhill.
almost 16 years
Interesting read. 
Years ago when I was in Beijing it was quicker even then to ride my bike from the University district across town to the Embassy district then taking the bus/subway because of all the trafic congestion.
(only went a couple of times but - very off-putting rubbing shoulders with cosseted ex-pats).
Starting XI
about 15 years
Did you see this?
Kerry Prendergast piece in the Dom Post
almost 16 years
Thanks for the link.

Not a fan of these inter govt talk fests where all the do-gooders self-flagellate and out do each other to be the most self-righteous global citizen.

And was dismissive of Kerry's trip to the land of lego, but it does seem as if she has looked at various energy saving initiatives that could work in Wgtn so kudos to her for that.

Would like to see this "Copenhagen wheel" tackle the wgtn hills. Might induce me to try biking again but if I'm truthful I'd need the bike to have two extra wheels and be enclosed in a metal body with seating for a family of four.

And one of those motor thingies.

And a few cup holders would be nice as well.

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