Democalypse 2017 - The Election Thread

almost 14 years

And a party with 0.5 can get one and then represent the backwards party values rather than just the suburb that they're supposed to represent.

Germany has 5%, Bolivia has 3% which I'd vote for if there was a referendum. 

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Ryan wrote:

And a party with 0.5 can get one and then represent the backwards party values rather than just the suburb that they're supposed to represent.

Germany has 5%, Bolivia has 3% which I'd vote for if there was a referendum. 

On one hand, I think the MMP threshold should be lowered, but on the other hand, I'm aware that a lower threshold would have let Colin Craig into parliament last time around. Hmmm.
almost 14 years

Yeah that's the price you pay for democracy unfortuntely. But we have no idea how people would have voted if targets were more realistic, and also we might have more political parties. For instance Pirate parties are doing well in Europe but I doubt anyone would bother doing a serious push for one here. 

I know quite a few people that would have voted for TOP if they had a chance of getting in so they probably lost a few percent there, same with the Internet Party last election.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

...same with the Internet Party last election.

...and imagine what a fudgeing trainwreck that would have been.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Those parties under 5% would do a lot better too. Currently there would be a fair few people who don't bother voting for them fearing their vote would be wasted. 

Lowering the 5% would make for a parliament that is more representative of what people would vote. 

Starting XI
over 9 years

Tegal wrote:

Those parties under 5% would do a lot better too. Currently there would be a fair few people who don't bother voting for them fearing their vote would be wasted. 

Lowering the 5% would make for a parliament that is more representative of what people would vote. 

true and that's what the electoral commission recommended last year but the government rejected implementing any of their recommedations

I still prefer the STV system where you rank the candidates \ parties to your preference (like the Wellington mayoral election), that way the people who vote for the smaller parties won't have their votes wasted. But whatever we have any form of PR is better than the FPP system we did have

about 17 years

Tegal wrote:

Those parties under 5% would do a lot better too. Currently there would be a fair few people who don't bother voting for them fearing their vote would be wasted. 

Lowering the 5% would make for a parliament that is more representative of what people would vote. 

true and that's what the electoral commission recommended last year but the government rejected implementing any of their recommedations

I still prefer the STV system where you rank the candidates \ parties to your preference (like the Wellington mayoral election), that way the people who vote for the smaller parties won't have their votes wasted. But whatever we have any form of PR is better than the FPP system we did have

I don't think STV would improve representation in parliament. People voting for smaller parties would likely have a larger party as their 2nd or 3rd option, high likelihood being that those votes for smaller parties being discounted in the first round (if no party is yet to reach 50% of eligible votes) and then their follow up votes going to the bigger parties - resulting in similar results to the current electorate portion of MMP, all but one being held by the two major parties. I like STV and think it could be used for the electorate part of the MMP vote, but still think the party vote, with a much lower threshold, is the more important.
almost 14 years

Hard News wrote:

Ryan wrote:

...same with the Internet Party last election.

...and imagine what a fudgeing trainwreck that would have been.

Laila Harre is a competent politician, I didn't vote for them obviously (not many did) but I doubt it would have been the trainwreck that you think.

tradition and history
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Hard News wrote:

Ryan wrote:

...same with the Internet Party last election.

...and imagine what a fudgeing trainwreck that would have been.

Laila Harre is a competent politician, I didn't vote for them obviously (not many did) but I doubt it would have been the trainwreck that you think.

If she is anything like I remember her in the Te Atatu electorate, she would be a massive train wreck.

What does a competent politician  actually mean?

almost 14 years

What do you think it means? It's the same as being competent in any career.

 It means she's good at the job of being a politician.

about 13 years

Leggy wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Hard News wrote:

Ryan wrote:

...same with the Internet Party last election.

...and imagine what a fudgeing trainwreck that would have been.

Laila Harre is a competent politician, I didn't vote for them obviously (not many did) but I doubt it would have been the trainwreck that you think.

If she is anything like I remember her in the Te Atatu electorate, she would be a massive train wreck.

What does a competent politician  actually mean?

Able to hold a straight face while telling any or all of the following: Twist the facts. tell half the story, take quotes/facts out of context while not turning them to lies, but have not got the time to compile the full list.
about 17 years

Watch 'yes minister" for political insight.

about 13 years
about 13 years
about 9 years
Phoenix Academy
over 7 years

Special results in. Labour gains a seat: Angie Warren-Clark, Greens gain a seat, Gloriz Gaharaman, and National loses Nicola Willis and Maureen Pugh. Winston's hand strengthened.

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Does it really change his hand that much? Both sides still need him regardless of today's result so nothing really changes.

over 17 years

There is a slight change, in that a Lab/G/NZF coallition is a more stable option now - previously it would have  been a one seat majority I think, so a loss of one MP would destablilise the whole show.  Having 63 seats gives a bit of a buffer.

almost 16 years

rights here we go if my sauce is good...

about 15 years

foal30 wrote:

rights here we go if my sauce is good...

and what does your sauce say?
Chant Savant
over 17 years

So what happens if the Greens jump ship now?

tradition and history
over 17 years

At least I will get more for my $ when I come for a holiday.

Phoenix Academy
over 12 years

Worth a change in Government just to witness Mike Hoskings increasing anger over the result. His female sidekick barely spoke a word(safety sake?), as "mad Mike" pontificated loudly, demanding answers over the cabinet makeup, what about the Greens?, NZ First a fly spec, is this left wing nightmare really happening? Comedy gold...

over 13 years

Really looking forward to Judith Collins and Bennet fighting like feral cats for Bills job.

There will be blood

almost 14 years

The right decision for New Zealand was made,  I just hope Winston has mallowed in his old age (I know he hasn't).

Anyway we have a forward thinking government who can guide us through the tough times ahead. In fact with most of the world trying to ignore the inevitable  we may even profit.

tradition and history
over 17 years


The right decision for New Zealand was made,  I just hope Winston has mallowed in his old age (I know he hasn't).

Anyway we have a forward thinking government who can guide us through the tough times ahead. In fact with most of the world trying to ignore the inevitable  we may even profit.


The right decision.  Your opinion. The majority of voters would not agree.

Dollar down. Wait until the markets open tomorrow. Winston only does things for Winston.

I guess Deputy Prime Minister was what he wanted.

Will be interesting to see if the Gov. goes the full term.

almost 14 years

Leggy wrote:


The right decision for New Zealand was made,  I just hope Winston has mallowed in his old age (I know he hasn't).

Anyway we have a forward thinking government who can guide us through the tough times ahead. In fact with most of the world trying to ignore the inevitable  we may even profit.


The right decision.  Your opinion. The majority of voters would not agree.

Dollar down. Wait until the markets open tomorrow. Winston only does things for Winston.

I guess Deputy Prime Minister was what he wanted.

Will be interesting to see if the Gov. goes the full term.

The markets will always favour a short term return over the long term.

And you're wrong, most of New Zealand voted for the parties in coalition which is how they formed a government.

This is MMP and the left bloc was only a couple of seats down on the right.

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Leggy wrote:


The right decision for New Zealand was made,  I just hope Winston has mallowed in his old age (I know he hasn't).

Anyway we have a forward thinking government who can guide us through the tough times ahead. In fact with most of the world trying to ignore the inevitable  we may even profit.


The right decision.  Your opinion. The majority of voters would not agree.

Dollar down. Wait until the markets open tomorrow. Winston only does things for Winston.

I guess Deputy Prime Minister was what he wanted.

Will be interesting to see if the Gov. goes the full term.

The markets will always favour a short term return over the long term.

And you're wrong, most of New Zealand voted for the parties in coalition which is how they formed a government.

This is MMP and the left bloc was only a couple of seats down on the right.

I Party Voted for TOP, which by rights with 2% of the vote should have been entitled to 3 seats. 

Stupid Country. Stupid MMP

over 17 years

Leggy wrote:

The right decision.  Your opinion. The majority of voters would not agree.

The majority of voters voted for NZF, Greens, & Labour, so I guess they disagree with you too.

Winston only does things for Winston.

I guess Deputy Prime Minister was what he wanted.

Will be interesting to see if the Gov. goes the full term.

That I completely agree with.  Although I have no doubts National would have given him DPM aswell, so it was likely other considerations that sent him that way.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Leggy wrote:

The right decision.  Your opinion. The majority of voters would not agree.

Dollar down. Wait until the markets open tomorrow. Winston only does things for Winston.

I guess Deputy Prime Minister was what he wanted.

Will be interesting to see if the Gov. goes the full term.

The majority of voters voted for a party that are in this government. That's how it works.
Chant Savant
over 17 years

Gold Cards for Everyone!!!


almost 14 years

I can't wait until we start voting directly on issues and policies using crypto tokens.

almost 14 years

Global Game wrote:

This thread has so much potential for LOLs and I've only seen one - when I mistakenly read that smithy had joined NZFirst. 

What no one here seems to realise is that one summer last century Winnie was fishing on the Coromandel and ran into the ravishing young hippie called Jeannette. It was suns out guns out for Winnie and he also had a couple of organic trout. Jeanette thought that looked pretty good and she asked him back to her home in the hills to cook up a dish. Well, a bit of homegrown wacky baccy came out of Jeanette's tunnel house and one thing led to another. 

Fast Fwd to 2017 and I'm predicting Winnie will team up with his illegitimate lovechild (they both studied law didn't they) to hold the balance of power. The young and the old will vote Nats and Labour out because they are both sharke and offer little hope for the country. NZ will be celebrated in chucking out the existing political order. Macron, Trudeau, Merkel and Obama will all pay state visits. 

Seriously, there's actually enough policy common ground between these two parties to work together (child poverty, anti neo Lib economics). Not since Rod and Jeanette have we seen true Greens pragmatists. Is it time to grasp the nettle again with a surprise move in which they'd hold more power in alliance with Peters; and the remnants of Labour? 

Posted July 22.  Pre Ardern leadership and whilst Turei was still Greens co-leader. Predicted it (sort of): NZ First-Greens-Labour.

almost 10 years

Leggy wrote:


The right decision for New Zealand was made,  I just hope Winston has mallowed in his old age (I know he hasn't).

Anyway we have a forward thinking government who can guide us through the tough times ahead. In fact with most of the world trying to ignore the inevitable  we may even profit.


The right decision.  Your opinion. The majority of voters would not agree.

Dollar down. Wait until the markets open tomorrow. Winston only does things for Winston.

I guess Deputy Prime Minister was what he wanted.

Will be interesting to see if the Gov. goes the full term.

The dollar dropped because of uncertainty prior to any announcement which is exactly what the markets always do. The dollar will be just fine within a week of the announcement. The business community were just fine when the Last Labour coalition were in power they will be fine with this one. 

about 17 years

The interesting thing for me is the new prime minister has not been in Parliament long enough to be corrupted by the "Yes Minister" brigade nor got comfortable in the Ministerial "Gravy Train" so if she really wants to try and make a difference, here is her chance. Of course those with their noses experienced in the trough for so long, will try and drag her down with her nievity, but I wish her well. Poor Bill time to pack up the office. Perhaps he could move into cheaper rented accomodation.

As for Peters, time to sort your crap out and stop trying to be the center of attention. You are old and experienced enough to know better. Smart Gold cards is a great idea for starters.

about 17 years

New Prime Minister even made it into USA Today

tradition and history
over 17 years

patrick478 wrote:


The right decision.  Your opinion. The majority of voters would not agree.

Dollar down. Wait until the markets open tomorrow. Winston only does things for Winston.

I guess Deputy Prime Minister was what he wanted.

Will be interesting to see if the Gov. goes the full term.

The majority of voters voted for a party that are in this government. That's how it works.


The the Nats got 47% of the vote with 1.1 million and Winston got 8% of the vote with 186000.

A joke.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Leggy wrote:

patrick478 wrote:


The right decision.  Your opinion. The majority of voters would not agree.

Dollar down. Wait until the markets open tomorrow. Winston only does things for Winston.

I guess Deputy Prime Minister was what he wanted.

Will be interesting to see if the Gov. goes the full term.

The majority of voters voted for a party that are in this government. That's how it works.


The the Nats got 47% of the vote with 1.1 million and Winston got 8% of the vote with 186000.

A joke.

Winston isn't the government. He's part of a coalition. That's how this works.
over 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Leggy wrote:


The right decision for New Zealand was made,  I just hope Winston has mallowed in his old age (I know he hasn't).

Anyway we have a forward thinking government who can guide us through the tough times ahead. In fact with most of the world trying to ignore the inevitable  we may even profit.


The right decision.  Your opinion. The majority of voters would not agree.

Dollar down. Wait until the markets open tomorrow. Winston only does things for Winston.

I guess Deputy Prime Minister was what he wanted.

Will be interesting to see if the Gov. goes the full term.

The markets will always favour a short term return over the long term.

And you're wrong, most of New Zealand voted for the parties in coalition which is how they formed a government.

This is MMP and the left bloc was only a couple of seats down on the right.

This dude has as much grasp on politics as he does on football 

almost 14 years

Leggy wrote:

patrick478 wrote:


The right decision.  Your opinion. The majority of voters would not agree.

Dollar down. Wait until the markets open tomorrow. Winston only does things for Winston.

I guess Deputy Prime Minister was what he wanted.

Will be interesting to see if the Gov. goes the full term.

The majority of voters voted for a party that are in this government. That's how it works.


The the Nats got 47% of the vote with 1.1 million and Winston got 8% of the vote with 186000.

A joke.

The right bloc in Parliament got 44.9% (national got 44.5% not 47%) of the vote, the left bloc got 43.2% if you add TOP to the left bloc that goes up to 45.6% but obviously TOP didn't get into parliament.

Democalypse 2017 - The Election Thread

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