Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
terminator_x wrote:
I might have mis-heard but I think they just said on the news that 7 of the aftershocks so far have been bigger than the Christchurch quake.
Depth and distance are factors that need to be considered if they're to compare.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Just saw on TV3 there was one in China too. 25 dead. But can't find it anywhere else.
This is unreal.
about 17 years
Buffon II wrote:
timmymadden wrote:
To be honest, suggesting this game will be played is like suggesting Chch should host it's 7 RWC games. Except the quake in Japan was MUCH bigger and Japan v AW is a nothing match. 99.9% sure it wont happen.

Tokyo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chch though when it comes to EQ proof buildings.

about 17 years
TopLeft07 wrote:
terminator_x wrote:
I might have mis-heard but I think they just said on the news that 7 of the aftershocks so far have been bigger than the Christchurch quake.
Depth and distance are factors that need to be considered if they're to compare.

I heard them say it's 1000 times more powerful than chch
over 13 years
Luis Garcia wrote:
TopLeft07 wrote:
terminator_x wrote:
I might have mis-heard but I think they just said on the news that 7 of the aftershocks so far have been bigger than the Christchurch quake.
Depth and distance are factors that need to be considered if they're to compare.

I heard them say it's 1000 times more powerful than chch

On the Richters scale, but that doesn't give a great indication of surface movement. The PGA gives an idea of force on ground.

PGA   Mag   Depth   Fatalities         Earthquake
2.2g   6.3     5km      166*                2011 Christchurch earthquake
1.7g   6.7    19km     57                   1994 California earthquake
1.26g 7.1    10km      0                    2010 Canterbury earthquake
0.8g   6.8    16km     6,434               1995 Kobe earthquake
0.51g 6.4                612                  2005 Zarand earthquake
0.5g   7.0    13km     92,000             2010 Haiti earthquake
over 13 years
Luis Garcia wrote:
Buffon II wrote:
timmymadden wrote:
To be honest, suggesting this game will be played is like suggesting Chch should host it's 7 RWC games. Except the quake in Japan was MUCH bigger and Japan v AW is a nothing match. 99.9% sure it wont happen.

Tokyo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chch though when it comes to EQ proof buildings.


The earthquake wasn't centered near Tokyo, it was over 400km away.
Starting XI
about 17 years
We're expecting a 30 foot wave here in Hawaii at about 3am (2am NZT). Currently lying on my bed on the second floor of our dorms, about 500 metres inland. we'll get told whether to evacuate at 1am.

If I lived anywhere near that close to the shore I'd have gone to the highest land possible by now CL. I guess you have faith in the info you are getting on the ground there mate? Be safe and good luck.
RedGed2011-03-12 00:52:55
over 17 years
RedGed wrote:
Junior82 wrote:
Hope Sanday, detoxin and anyone else over there are OK.

Sh*t I didn't know you guys were there in Japan.All the best.Be safe.

Don't panic.I am not in Japan.In Ontario.No chance of a tsunami here.Have experienced a small earthquake last year.
Starting XI
about 16 years
Buffon II wrote:
timmymadden wrote:
To be honest, suggesting this game will be played is like suggesting Chch should host it's 7 RWC games. Except the quake in Japan was MUCH bigger and Japan v AW is a nothing match. 99.9% sure it wont happen.

Tokyo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chch though when it comes to EQ proof buildings.
It's more the risk of big after shocks I was thinking.
over 17 years
japan buildings = top notch
havent really seen any pictures of collapsed buildings despite the earthquake being apparently 8000 times stronger than chch
although it sounds like the nature of the quakes was very different - japan's was at sea and deeper, so this whole 'pga' type thing linds2 spoke about explains it somewhat. You still cant argue with japan's contruction quality though. Remember kobe? The downed buildings in that quake were horrific, quite the difference now
out of it to see those videos of the quake itself - it went on for ever!
paulm2011-03-12 10:55:13
over 17 years
And i wonder if this system kicked in as the quake struck...
Starting XI
about 16 years
I think most of the building damage is housing rather than offices. The tsunami will be to blame for much of it rather than the quake which was 125km off the coast. 8.8 though is f**ken horrific if 7.1 and 6.3 are anything to go by. I've read if we had a magnitude 8 earthquake in the Southern Alps it would be felt as far away as Sydney, I'll have to find that link...

Found it. Didn't really take long to find it actually
timmymadden2011-03-12 11:24:16
over 17 years
timmymadden wrote:
I've read if we had a magnitude 8 earthquake in the Southern Alps it would be felt as far away as Sydney, I'll have to find that link...

Found it. Didn't really take long to find it actually
they should make that into a movie, get this director
paulm2011-03-12 12:06:20
Starting XI
about 17 years
Interesting discussion going on globally in recent days re: "Super Moon" phenomenon, in relation to increased global earthquake and volcanic activity, as the moon's orbit approaches the closest its been to the earth in 18 years, on 19th March.

Sounds like this maybe the phenomenon Ken Ring has been referring to.

Though lots of speculation, many scientists rubbishing the theories.
One link re Christchurch quakes shows graphing of moon phases to quakes and total energy released.

Another theory re: increased solar activity (after relatively quiet period) influencing earthquakes too

even more "out there", including explanation of Ken Ring's theory....

First Team Squad
over 17 years
paulm wrote:
And i wonder if this system kicked in as the quake struck...

Yes, on local NHK stations there was what sounded like someone pressing a door bell twice and a box with a cross where it was from, and estimated strength for each district on their own scale e.g, 4, or 5 out of nine, with colours for strength,
It was good looking at the local stuff as there were more pictures on the ground.
Starting XI
almost 15 years
RedGed wrote:
Interesting discussion going on globally in recent days re: "Super Moon" phenomenon, in relation to increased global earthquake and volcanic activity, as the moon's orbit approaches the closest its been to the earth in 18 years, on 19th March.

Sounds like this maybe the phenomenon Ken Ring has been referring to.

Though lots of speculation, many scientists rubbishing the theories.
One link re Christchurch quakes shows graphing of moon phases to quakes and total energy released.

Another theory re: increased solar activity (after relatively quiet period) influencing earthquakes too

even more "out there", including explanation of Ken Ring's theory....

Via Science Media Centre:

Dr Alex Densmore, Department of Geography and Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience, Durham University, said:

"There's absolutely nothing whatsoever to the 'supermoon' theory. There are about 150 earthquakes per year that are large enough to cause significant damage - that is, with a magnitude greater than 6.0. This means that there is on average about one every other day, irrespective of where the moon is. In other words, there is always an earthquake that can be attributed to an external cause (like a close approach of the moon), no matter when or where that cause occurs."

John S Whalley, Geoscience Programme Manager, University of Portsmouth, said:

"There is no established correlation between variations in the orbit of the moon and either the number or magnitude of earthquakes. It is all too easy, with hindsight, to link major earthquakes to variations in all sort of parameters. The real test is to look at the vast numbers of earthquakes of all magnitudes that occur on a daily basis worldwide.?

Starting XI
almost 15 years
Luis Garcia wrote:
TopLeft07 wrote:
terminator_x wrote:
I might have mis-heard but I think they just said on the news that 7 of the aftershocks so far have been bigger than the Christchurch quake.
Depth and distance are factors that need to be considered if they're to compare.

I heard them say it's 1000 times more powerful than chch

BBC said 8000 times stronger.

List of recent earthquakes (gives you an idea of the amount of aftershocks!):
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
TopLeft07 wrote:
terminator_x wrote:
I might have mis-heard but I think they just said on the news that 7 of the aftershocks so far have been bigger than the Christchurch quake.
Depth and distance are factors that need to be considered if they're to compare.


The quake could be 100s of km deep & not do any damage.
Starting XI
almost 15 years
Tonga got hit with a 6.1 ken ring predicted a mag 6 one today.CboZ2011-03-12 16:48:10
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
Luis Garcia wrote:
TopLeft07 wrote:
terminator_x wrote:
I might have mis-heard but I think they just said on the news that 7 of the aftershocks so far have been bigger than the Christchurch quake.
Depth and distance are factors that need to be considered if they're to compare.

I heard them say it's 1000 times more powerful than chch
Each aftershock is 1000 times stronger? or the original quake?
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
CboZ wrote:
Tonga got hit with a 6.1 ken ring predicted a mag 6 one today.

What was Ken's exact prediction? Show us the prediction in text.
almost 16 years
Explosion reported at one of the nuclear power stations.
over 17 years
timmymadden wrote:

Buffon II wrote:
timmymadden wrote:
To be honest, suggesting this game will be played is like suggesting Chch should host it's 7 RWC games. Except the quake in Japan was MUCH bigger and Japan v AW is a nothing match. 99.9% sure it wont happen.

Tokyo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chch though when it comes to EQ proof buildings.
It's more the risk of big after shocks I was thinking.

Fair point, but the Japs are pretty sussed when it comes to Earthquakes. They're probably better equipped than any other country to deal with them.

Tsunami's however
Starting XI
about 16 years
Junior82 wrote:
Explosion reported at one of the nuclear power stations.

Hopefully, nothing to serious...
Starting XI
about 16 years
Buffon II wrote:
timmymadden wrote:

Buffon II wrote:
timmymadden wrote:
To be honest, suggesting this game will be played is like suggesting Chch should host it's 7 RWC games. Except the quake in Japan was MUCH bigger and Japan v AW is a nothing match. 99.9% sure it wont happen.

Tokyo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chch though when it comes to EQ proof buildings.
It's more the risk of big after shocks I was thinking.

Fair point, but the Japs are pretty sussed when it comes to Earthquakes. They're probably better equipped than any other country to deal with them.

Tsunami's however
Apparently they have measures in place to deal with tsunami's. Barriars and funnels to channel the water away. Sadly it wasn't enough to cope with Friday's one.
Starting XI
about 16 years
Just as a side interest, Shichigahama, in the Miyagi preficture, where I stayed as an 18 year old holds international festivals on a regular basis. In may they were ment to hold a NZ festival. Website
Starting XI
about 16 years
Found this interesting, Chinese embassey is saying that the 9 internationals that died in the Christchurch Earthquake, their families deserve a bigger pay out because they were only children thus having more of an impact on a Chinese family.. Not a fan.. 22:04:48
Starting XI
about 17 years
This is my cousin- our whanau was worried as that he was beached as bro,

Tegal Fan Club Member #3
over 17 years
Today si the day for the making or breaking of Ken f**kstic
Starting XI
about 16 years
Ken Ring should bury his head in a large hole. Instead he is hiding at his daughters house.
almost 16 years
I think Ken's predictions have been out of kilter as Pluto is no longer a planet (and has in fact been re-classified as an annoying canine that is the pet of a talking mouse!).

Having taken this into account I estimate that ChCh will suffer a big earthquake tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

or later in the week.

Next month isn't looking too flash either.

Junior822011-03-20 20:37:56
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Junior82 wrote:
I think Ken's predictions have been out of kilter as Pluto is no longer a planet (and has in fact been re-classified as an annoying canine that is the pet of a talking mouse!).

Having taken this into account I estimate that ChCh will suffer a big earthquake tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

or later in the week.

Next month isn't looking too flash either.

I predict that Wellington will have huge earthquake in the next 1000 years. Beat that Ken "Psychic Psycho" Ring.
almost 16 years
5.1 in Aranui

already Ring fanatics are claiming proof
next date is 18 April

the earthquakes plus Brownlee + parker = enough sh*t
already< id="WebWizRTE" ="" style="border: 1px solid rgb(165, 172, 178);" onload="initialiseWebWizRTE();" width="490" height="250"></>
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Is it sad that I now learn about breaking news through this forum... I think so.patrick4782011-03-20 22:29:18
Starting XI
about 16 years
If I didn't feel it here then it shouldn't count. He predicted a 'Major earthquake which would most likely cause significant damage and/or loss of life"timmymadden2011-03-20 22:22:58
Woof Woof
about 17 years
foal30 wrote:
5.1 in Aranuialready Ring fanatics are claiming proofnext date is 18

Thought the prediction was for a bigger one than the one on 22 February?

Haven't there already been a few aftershocks of 5 or so in the past few weeks?
over 17 years
No. That was biggest aftershock since 22 Feb.
Starting XI
about 16 years
It was still f**k all in the scheme of things
Woof Woof
about 17 years
Thought this is an interesting look at how the media have been covering the situation in Japan.

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